'use strict'; if (!/^Win\d+/.test(navigator.platform)) { document.documentElement.classList.add('non-windows'); } // polyfill for old browsers to enable [...results] and for-of for (const type of [NodeList, NamedNodeMap, HTMLCollection, HTMLAllCollection]) { if (!type.prototype[Symbol.iterator]) { type.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = Array.prototype[Symbol.iterator]; } } $.remove = (selector, base = document) => { const el = selector && typeof selector === 'string' ? $(selector, base) : selector; if (el) { el.remove(); } }; $$.remove = (selector, base = document) => { for (const el of base.querySelectorAll(selector)) { el.remove(); } }; { // display a full text tooltip on buttons with ellipsis overflow and no inherent title const addTooltipsToEllipsized = () => { for (const btn of document.getElementsByTagName('button')) { if (btn.title && !btn.titleIsForEllipsis) { continue; } const width = btn.offsetWidth; if (!width || btn.preresizeClientWidth === width) { continue; } btn.preresizeClientWidth = width; if (btn.scrollWidth > width) { const text = btn.textContent; btn.title = text.includes('\u00AD') ? text.replace(/\u00AD/g, '') : text; btn.titleIsForEllipsis = true; } else if (btn.title) { btn.title = ''; } } }; // enqueue after DOMContentLoaded/load events setTimeout(addTooltipsToEllipsized, 500); // throttle on continuous resizing let timer; window.addEventListener('resize', () => { clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(addTooltipsToEllipsized, 100); }); } onDOMready().then(() => { $.remove('#firefox-transitions-bug-suppressor'); initCollapsibles(); focusAccessibility(); }); if (!chrome.app && chrome.windows) { // add favicon in Firefox setTimeout(() => { if (!window.prefs) { return; } const iconset = ['', 'light/'][prefs.get('iconset')] || ''; for (const size of [38, 32, 19, 16]) { document.head.appendChild($create('link', { rel: 'icon', href: `/images/icon/${iconset}${size}.png`, sizes: size + 'x' + size, })); } }); } // set language for CSS :lang and [FF-only] hyphenation document.documentElement.setAttribute('lang', chrome.i18n.getUILanguage()); function onDOMready() { if (document.readyState !== 'loading') { return Promise.resolve(); } return new Promise(resolve => { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function _() { document.removeEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', _); resolve(); }); }); } function scrollElementIntoView(element, {invalidMarginRatio = 0} = {}) { // align to the top/bottom of the visible area if wasn't visible if (!element.parentNode) return; const {top, height} = element.getBoundingClientRect(); const {top: parentTop, bottom: parentBottom} = element.parentNode.getBoundingClientRect(); const windowHeight = window.innerHeight; if (top < Math.max(parentTop, windowHeight * invalidMarginRatio) || top > Math.min(parentBottom, windowHeight) - height - windowHeight * invalidMarginRatio) { window.scrollBy(0, top - windowHeight / 2 + height); } } function animateElement( element, { className = 'highlight', removeExtraClasses = [], onComplete, } = {}) { return element && new Promise(resolve => { element.addEventListener('animationend', function _() { element.removeEventListener('animationend', _); element.classList.remove( className, // In Firefox, `resolve()` might be called one frame later. // This is helpful to clean-up on the same frame ...removeExtraClasses ); // TODO: investigate why animation restarts for 'display' modification in .then() if (typeof onComplete === 'function') { onComplete.call(element); } resolve(); }); element.classList.add(className); }); } function enforceInputRange(element) { const min = Number(element.min); const max = Number(element.max); const doNotify = () => element.dispatchEvent(new Event('change', {bubbles: true})); const onChange = ({type}) => { if (type === 'input' && element.checkValidity()) { doNotify(); } else if (type === 'change' && !element.checkValidity()) { element.value = Math.max(min, Math.min(max, Number(element.value))); doNotify(); } }; element.addEventListener('change', onChange); element.addEventListener('input', onChange); } function $(selector, base = document) { // we have ids with . like #manage.onlyEnabled which looks like #id.class // so since getElementById is superfast we'll try it anyway const byId = selector.startsWith('#') && document.getElementById(selector.slice(1)); return byId || base.querySelector(selector); } function $$(selector, base = document) { return [...base.querySelectorAll(selector)]; } function $create(selector = 'div', properties, children) { /* $create('tag#id.class.class', ?[children]) $create('tag#id.class.class', ?textContentOrChildNode) $create('tag#id.class.class', {properties}, ?[children]) $create('tag#id.class.class', {properties}, ?textContentOrChildNode) tag is 'div' by default, #id and .class are optional $create([children]) $create({propertiesAndOptions}) $create({propertiesAndOptions}, ?[children]) tag: string, default 'div' appendChild: element/string or an array of elements/strings dataset: object any DOM property: assigned as is tag may include namespace like 'ns:tag' */ let ns, tag, opt; if (typeof selector === 'string') { if (Array.isArray(properties) || properties instanceof Node || typeof properties !== 'object') { opt = {}; children = properties; } else { opt = properties || {}; children = children || opt.appendChild; } const idStart = (selector.indexOf('#') + 1 || selector.length + 1) - 1; const classStart = (selector.indexOf('.') + 1 || selector.length + 1) - 1; const id = selector.slice(idStart + 1, classStart); if (id) { opt.id = id; } const cls = selector.slice(classStart + 1); if (cls) { opt[selector.includes(':') ? 'class' : 'className'] = cls.includes('.') ? cls.replace(/\./g, ' ') : cls; } tag = selector.slice(0, Math.min(idStart, classStart)); } else if (Array.isArray(selector)) { tag = 'div'; opt = {}; children = selector; } else { opt = selector; tag = opt.tag; delete opt.tag; children = opt.appendChild || properties; delete opt.appendChild; } if (tag && tag.includes(':')) { ([ns, tag] = tag.split(':')); } const element = ns ? document.createElementNS(ns === 'SVG' || ns === 'svg' ? 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' : ns, tag) : tag === 'fragment' ? document.createDocumentFragment() : document.createElement(tag || 'div'); for (const child of Array.isArray(children) ? children : [children]) { if (child) { element.appendChild(child instanceof Node ? child : document.createTextNode(child)); } } if (opt.dataset) { Object.assign(element.dataset, opt.dataset); delete opt.dataset; } if (opt.attributes) { for (const attr in opt.attributes) { element.setAttribute(attr, opt.attributes[attr]); } delete opt.attributes; } if (ns) { for (const attr in opt) { const i = attr.indexOf(':') + 1; const attrNS = i && `http://www.w3.org/1999/${attr.slice(0, i - 1)}`; element.setAttributeNS(attrNS || null, attr, opt[attr]); } } else { Object.assign(element, opt); } return element; } function $createLink(href = '', content) { const opt = { tag: 'a', target: '_blank', rel: 'noopener' }; if (typeof href === 'object') { Object.assign(opt, href); } else { opt.href = href; } opt.appendChild = opt.appendChild || content; return $create(opt); } // makes
with [data-pref] save/restore their state function initCollapsibles({bindClickOn = 'h2'} = {}) { const prefMap = {}; const elements = $$('details[data-pref]'); if (!elements.length) { return; } for (const el of elements) { const key = el.dataset.pref; prefMap[key] = el; el.open = prefs.get(key); (bindClickOn && $(bindClickOn, el) || el).addEventListener('click', onClick); } prefs.subscribe(Object.keys(prefMap), (key, value) => { const el = prefMap[key]; if (el.open !== value) { el.open = value; } }); function onClick(event) { if (event.target.closest('.intercepts-click')) { event.preventDefault(); } else { setTimeout(saveState, 0, event.target.closest('details')); } } function saveState(el) { prefs.set(el.dataset.pref, el.open); } } function focusAccessibility() { // Makes the focus outline appear on keyboard tabbing, but not on mouse clicks. // Since we don't want full layout recalc, we modify only the closest focusable element, // which we try to find in DOM for this many parentElement jumps: const focusables = focusAccessibility.ELEMENTS = ['a', 'button', 'input', 'textarea', 'label', 'select', 'summary']; const GIVE_UP_DEPTH = 4; addEventListener('mousedown', suppressOutlineOnClick, {passive: true}); addEventListener('keydown', keepOutlineOnTab, {passive: true}); function suppressOutlineOnClick({target}) { for (let el = target, i = 0; el && i++ < GIVE_UP_DEPTH; el = el.parentElement) { if (focusables.includes(el.localName)) { if (el.dataset.focusedViaClick === undefined) { el.dataset.focusedViaClick = ''; focusAccessibility.lastFocusedViaClick = true; } return; } } } function keepOutlineOnTab(event) { if (event.which === 9) { focusAccessibility.lastFocusedViaClick = false; setTimeout(keepOutlineOnTab, 0, true); return; } else if (event !== true) { return; } let el = document.activeElement; if (!el || !focusables.includes(el.localName)) { return; } if (el.dataset.focusedViaClick !== undefined) { delete el.dataset.focusedViaClick; } el = el.closest('[data-focused-via-click]'); if (el) { delete el.dataset.focusedViaClick; } } } /** * Switches to the next/previous keyboard-focusable element * @param {HTMLElement} rootElement * @param {Number} step - for exmaple 1 or -1 */ function moveFocus(rootElement, step) { const elements = [...rootElement.getElementsByTagName('*')]; const activeIndex = Math.max(0, elements.indexOf(document.activeElement)); const num = elements.length; for (let i = 1; i < num; i++) { const elementIndex = (activeIndex + i * step + num) % num; // we don't use positive tabindex so we stop at any valid value const el = elements[elementIndex]; if (!el.disabled && el.tabIndex >= 0) { el.focus(); return; } } }