function getDatabase(ready, error) { var dbOpenRequest ="stylish", 2); dbOpenRequest.onsuccess = function(e) { ready(; }; dbOpenRequest.onerror = function(event) { console.log(; if (error) { error(event); } }; dbOpenRequest.onupgradeneeded = function(event) { if (event.oldVersion == 0) { var os ="styles", {keyPath: 'id', autoIncrement: true}); webSqlStorage.migrate(); } } }; // Let manage/popup/edit reuse background page variables // Note, only "var"-declared variables are visible from another extension page var cachedStyles = ((bg) => bg && bg.cachedStyles || { bg, list: null, noCode: null, byId: new Map(), filters: new Map(), mutex: { inProgress: false, onDone: [], }, })(chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage()); // in case Chrome haven't yet loaded the bg page and displays our page like edit/manage function getStylesSafe(options) { return new Promise(resolve => { if ( { getStyles(options, resolve); return; } chrome.runtime.sendMessage(Object.assign({method: 'getStyles'}, options), styles => { if (!styles) { resolve(getStylesSafe(options)); } else { cachedStyles = chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage().cachedStyles; resolve(styles); } }); }); } function getStyles(options, callback) { if (cachedStyles.list) { callback(filterStyles(options)); return; } if (cachedStyles.mutex.inProgress) { cachedStyles.mutex.onDone.push({options, callback}); return; } cachedStyles.mutex.inProgress = true; const t0 = getDatabase(db => { const tx = db.transaction(['styles'], 'readonly'); const os = tx.objectStore('styles'); os.getAll().onsuccess = event => { cachedStyles.list = || []; cachedStyles.noCode = []; cachedStyles.byId.clear(); for (let style of cachedStyles.list) { const noCode = getStyleWithNoCode(style); cachedStyles.noCode.push(noCode); cachedStyles.byId.set(, {style, noCode}); } //console.log('%s getStyles %s, invoking cached callbacks: %o', ( - t0).toFixed(1), JSON.stringify(options), => JSON.stringify(e.options))) try{ callback(filterStyles(options)); } catch(e){ // no error in console, it works } cachedStyles.mutex.inProgress = false; for (let {options, callback} of cachedStyles.mutex.onDone) { callback(filterStyles(options)); } cachedStyles.mutex.onDone = []; }; }, null); } function getStyleWithNoCode(style) { const stripped = Object.assign({}, style, {sections: []}); for (let section of style.sections) { stripped.sections.push(Object.assign({}, section, {code: null})); } return stripped; } function invalidateCache(andNotify, {added, updated, deletedId} = {}) { // prevent double-add on echoed invalidation const cached = added && cachedStyles.byId.get(; if (cached) { return; } if (andNotify) { chrome.runtime.sendMessage({method: 'invalidateCache', added, updated, deletedId}); } if (!cachedStyles.list) { return; } if (updated) { const cached = cachedStyles.byId.get(; if (cached) { Object.assign(, updated); Object.assign(cached.noCode, getStyleWithNoCode(updated)); //console.log('cache: updated', updated); } cachedStyles.filters.clear(); return; } if (added) { const noCode = getStyleWithNoCode(added); cachedStyles.list.push(added); cachedStyles.noCode.push(noCode); cachedStyles.byId.set(, {style: added, noCode}); //console.log('cache: added', added); cachedStyles.filters.clear(); return; } if (deletedId != undefined) { const deletedStyle = (cachedStyles.byId.get(deletedId) || {}).style; if (deletedStyle) { const cachedIndex = cachedStyles.list.indexOf(deletedStyle); cachedStyles.list.splice(cachedIndex, 1); cachedStyles.noCode.splice(cachedIndex, 1); cachedStyles.byId.delete(deletedId); //console.log('cache: deleted', deletedStyle); cachedStyles.filters.clear(); return; } } cachedStyles.list = null; cachedStyles.noCode = null; //console.log('cache cleared'); cachedStyles.filters.clear(); } function filterStyles(options = {}) { const t0 = const enabled = fixBoolean(options.enabled); const url = 'url' in options ? options.url : null; const id = 'id' in options ? Number( : null; const matchUrl = 'matchUrl' in options ? options.matchUrl : null; const code = 'code' in options ? options.code : true; const asHash = 'asHash' in options ? options.asHash : false; if (enabled == null && url == null && id == null && matchUrl == null && asHash != true) { //console.log('%c%s filterStyles SKIPPED LOOP %s', 'color:gray', ( - t0).toFixed(1), JSON.stringify(options)) return code ? cachedStyles.list : cachedStyles.noCode; } // add \t after url to prevent collisions (not sure it can actually happen though) const cacheKey = '' + enabled + url + '\t' + id + matchUrl + '\t' + code + asHash; const cached = cachedStyles.filters.get(cacheKey); if (cached) { //console.log('%c%s filterStyles REUSED RESPONSE %s', 'color:gray', ( - t0).toFixed(1), JSON.stringify(options)) return asHash ? Object.assign({disableAll: prefs.get('disableAll', false)}, cached) : cached; } const styles = id == null ? (code ? cachedStyles.list : cachedStyles.noCode) : [(cachedStyles.byId.get(id) || {})[code ? 'style' : 'noCode']]; const filtered = asHash ? {} : []; if (!styles) { // may happen when users [accidentally] reopen an old URL // of edit.html with a non-existent style id parameter return filtered; } for (let i = 0, style; (style = styles[i]); i++) { if ((enabled == null || style.enabled == enabled) && (url == null || style.url == url) && (id == null || == id)) { const sections = (asHash || matchUrl != null) && getApplicableSections(style, matchUrl); if (asHash) { if (sections.length) { filtered[] = sections; } } else if (matchUrl == null || sections.length) { filtered.push(style); } } } //console.log('%s filterStyles %s', ( - t0).toFixed(1), JSON.stringify(options)) cachedStyles.filters.set(cacheKey, filtered); return asHash ? Object.assign({disableAll: prefs.get('disableAll', false)}, filtered) : filtered; } function saveStyle(style, {notify = true} = {}) { return new Promise(resolve => { getDatabase(db => { const tx = db.transaction(['styles'], 'readwrite'); const os = tx.objectStore('styles'); const reason = style.reason; delete style.method; delete style.reason; // Update if ( { = Number(; os.get( = eventGet => { const oldStyle = Object.assign({},; const codeIsUpdated = 'sections' in style && !styleSectionsEqual(style, oldStyle); style = Object.assign(oldStyle, style); addMissingStyleTargets(style); os.put(style).onsuccess = eventPut => { = ||; invalidateCache(notify, {updated: style}); if (notify) { notifyAllTabs({method: 'styleUpdated', style, codeIsUpdated, reason}); } resolve(style); }; }; return; } // Create delete; style = Object.assign({ // Set optional things if they're undefined enabled: true, updateUrl: null, md5Url: null, url: null, originalMd5: null, }, style); addMissingStyleTargets(style); os.add(style).onsuccess = event => { // Give it the ID that was generated =; invalidateCache(true, {added: style}); notifyAllTabs({method: 'styleAdded', style, reason}); resolve(style); }; }); }); } function addMissingStyleTargets(style) { style.sections = (style.sections || []).map(section => Object.assign({ urls: [], urlPrefixes: [], domains: [], regexps: [], }, section) ); } function enableStyle(id, enabled) { return saveStyle({id, enabled}); } function deleteStyle(id) { return new Promise(resolve => getDatabase(db => { const tx = db.transaction(['styles'], 'readwrite'); const os = tx.objectStore('styles'); os.delete(Number(id)).onsuccess = event => { invalidateCache(true, {deletedId: id}); notifyAllTabs({method: 'styleDeleted', id}); resolve(id); }; })); } function reportError() { for (i in arguments) { if ("message" in arguments[i]) { //alert(arguments[i].message); console.log(arguments[i].message); } } } function fixBoolean(b) { if (typeof b != "undefined") { return b != "false"; } return null; } function getDomains(url) { if (url.indexOf("file:") == 0) { return []; } var d = /.*?:\/*([^\/:]+)/.exec(url)[1]; var domains = [d]; while (d.indexOf(".") != -1) { d = d.substring(d.indexOf(".") + 1); domains.push(d); } return domains; } function getType(o) { if (typeof o == "undefined" || typeof o == "string") { return typeof o; } if (o instanceof Array) { return "array"; } throw "Not supported - " + o; } const namespacePattern = /^\s*(@namespace[^;]+;\s*)+$/; function getApplicableSections(style, url) { var sections = style.sections.filter(function(section) { return sectionAppliesToUrl(section, url); }); // ignore if it's just namespaces if (sections.length == 1 && namespacePattern.test(sections[0].code)) { return []; } return sections; } function sectionAppliesToUrl(section, url) { // only http, https, file, and chrome-extension allowed if (url.indexOf("http") != 0 && url.indexOf("file") != 0 && url.indexOf("chrome-extension") != 0 && url.indexOf("ftp") != 0) { return false; } // other extensions can't be styled if (url.indexOf("chrome-extension") == 0 && url.indexOf(chrome.extension.getURL("")) != 0) { return false; } if (section.urls.length == 0 && == 0 && section.urlPrefixes.length == 0 && section.regexps.length == 0) { //console.log( + " is global"); return true; } if (section.urls.indexOf(url) != -1) { //console.log( + " applies to " + url + " due to URL rules"); return true; } if (section.urlPrefixes.some(function(prefix) { return url.indexOf(prefix) == 0; })) { //console.log( + " applies to " + url + " due to URL prefix rules"); return true; } if ( > 0 && getDomains(url).some(function(domain) { return != -1; })) { //console.log( + " applies due to " + url + " due to domain rules"); return true; } if (section.regexps.some(function(regexp) { // we want to match the full url, so add ^ and $ if not already present if (regexp[0] != "^") { regexp = "^" + regexp; } if (regexp[regexp.length - 1] != "$") { regexp += "$"; } var re = runTryCatch(function() { return new RegExp(regexp) }); if (re) { return (re).test(url); } else { console.log( + "'s regexp '" + regexp + "' is not valid"); } })) { //console.log( + " applies to " + url + " due to regexp rules"); return true; } //console.log( + " does not apply due to " + url); return false; } function isCheckbox(el) { return el.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "input" && "checkbox" == el.type.toLowerCase(); } // js engine can't optimize the entire function if it contains try-catch // so we should keep it isolated from normal code in a minimal wrapper function runTryCatch(func) { try { return func() } catch(e) {} } // Accepts an array of pref names (values are fetched via prefs.get) // and establishes a two-way connection between the document elements and the actual prefs function setupLivePrefs(IDs) { var localIDs = {}; IDs.forEach(function(id) { localIDs[id] = true; updateElement(id).addEventListener("change", function() { prefs.set(, isCheckbox(this) ? this.checked : this.value); }); }); chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function(request) { if (request.prefName in localIDs) { updateElement(request.prefName); } }); function updateElement(id) { var el = document.getElementById(id); el[isCheckbox(el) ? "checked" : "value"] = prefs.get(id); el.dispatchEvent(new Event("change", {bubbles: true, cancelable: true})); return el; } } var prefs = chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage().prefs || new function Prefs() { var me = this; var defaults = { "openEditInWindow": false, // new editor opens in a own browser window "windowPosition": {}, // detached window position "show-badge": true, // display text on popup menu icon "disableAll": false, // boss key "popup.breadcrumbs": true, // display "New style" links as URL breadcrumbs "popup.breadcrumbs.usePath": false, // use URL path for "this URL" "popup.enabledFirst": true, // display enabled styles before disabled styles "popup.stylesFirst": true, // display enabled styles before disabled styles "manage.onlyEnabled": false, // display only enabled styles "manage.onlyEdited": false, // display only styles created locally "editor.options": {}, // CodeMirror.defaults.* "editor.lineWrapping": true, // word wrap "editor.smartIndent": true, // "smart" indent "editor.indentWithTabs": false, // smart indent with tabs "editor.tabSize": 4, // tab width, in spaces "editor.keyMap": navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Windows") > 0 ? "sublime" : "default", "editor.theme": "default", // CSS theme "editor.beautify": { // CSS beautifier selector_separator_newline: true, newline_before_open_brace: false, newline_after_open_brace: true, newline_between_properties: true, newline_before_close_brace: true, newline_between_rules: false, end_with_newline: false }, "editor.lintDelay": 500, // lint gutter marker update delay, ms "editor.lintReportDelay": 4500, // lint report update delay, ms "badgeDisabled": "#8B0000", // badge background color when disabled "badgeNormal": "#006666", // badge background color "popupWidth": 240, // popup width in pixels "updateInterval": 0 // user-style automatic update interval, hour }; var values = deepCopy(defaults); var syncTimeout; // see broadcast() function below Object.defineProperty(this, "readOnlyValues", {value: {}}); Prefs.prototype.get = function(key, defaultValue) { if (key in values) { return values[key]; } if (defaultValue !== undefined) { return defaultValue; } if (key in defaults) { return defaults[key]; } console.warn("No default preference for '%s'", key); }; Prefs.prototype.getAll = function(key) { return deepCopy(values); }; Prefs.prototype.set = function(key, value, options) { var oldValue = deepCopy(values[key]); values[key] = value; defineReadonlyProperty(this.readOnlyValues, key, value); if ((!options || !options.noBroadcast) && !equal(value, oldValue)) { me.broadcast(key, value, options); } }; Prefs.prototype.remove = function(key) { me.set(key, undefined) }; Prefs.prototype.broadcast = function(key, value, options) { var message = {method: "prefChanged", prefName: key, value: value}; notifyAllTabs(message); chrome.runtime.sendMessage(message); if (key == "disableAll") { notifyAllTabs({method: "styleDisableAll", disableAll: value}); } if (!options || !options.noSync) { clearTimeout(syncTimeout); syncTimeout = setTimeout(function() { getSync().set({"settings": values}); }, 0); } }; Object.keys(defaults).forEach(function(key) { me.set(key, defaults[key], {noBroadcast: true}); }); getSync().get("settings", function(result) { var synced = result.settings; for (var key in defaults) { if (synced && (key in synced)) { me.set(key, synced[key], {noSync: true}); } else { var value = tryMigrating(key); if (value !== undefined) { me.set(key, value); } } } // make sure right click context menu is in the right state when prefs are loaded chrome.contextMenus.update("disableAll", {checked: prefs.get("disableAll")}); chrome.contextMenus.update("show-badge", {checked: prefs.get("show-badge")}); });, area) { if (area == "sync" && "settings" in changes) { var synced = changes.settings.newValue; if (synced) { for (key in defaults) { if (key in synced) { me.set(key, synced[key], {noSync: true}); } } } else { // user manually deleted our settings, we'll recreate them getSync().set({"settings": values}); } } }); function tryMigrating(key) { if (!(key in localStorage)) { return undefined; } var value = localStorage[key]; delete localStorage[key]; localStorage["DEPRECATED: " + key] = value; switch (typeof defaults[key]) { case "boolean": return value.toLowerCase() === "true"; case "number": return Number(value); case "object": try { return JSON.parse(value); } catch(e) { console.log("Cannot migrate from localStorage %s = '%s': %o", key, value, e); return undefined; } } return value; } }; function getCodeMirrorThemes(callback) { chrome.runtime.getPackageDirectoryEntry(function(rootDir) { rootDir.getDirectory("codemirror/theme", {create: false}, function(themeDir) { themeDir.createReader().readEntries(function(entries) { var themes = [chrome.i18n.getMessage("defaultTheme")]; entries .filter(function(entry) { return entry.isFile }) .sort(function(a, b) { return < ? -1 : 1 }) .forEach(function(entry) { themes.push(\.css$/, "")); }); if (callback) { callback(themes); } }); }); }); } function sessionStorageHash(name) { var hash = { value: {}, set: function(k, v) { this.value[k] = v; this.updateStorage(); }, unset: function(k) { delete this.value[k]; this.updateStorage(); }, updateStorage: function() { sessionStorage[] = JSON.stringify(this.value); } }; try { hash.value = JSON.parse(sessionStorage[name]); } catch(e) {} Object.defineProperty(hash, "name", {value: name}); return hash; } function deepCopy(obj) { if (!obj || typeof obj != "object") { return obj; } else { var emptyCopy = Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(obj)); return deepMerge(emptyCopy, obj); } } function deepMerge(target, obj1 /* plus any number of object arguments */) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var obj = arguments[i]; for (var k in obj) { // hasOwnProperty checking is not needed for our non-OOP stuff var value = obj[k]; if (!value || typeof value != "object") { target[k] = value; } else if (k in target) { deepMerge(target[k], value); } else { target[k] = deepCopy(value); } } } return target; } function equal(a, b) { if (!a || !b || typeof a != "object" || typeof b != "object") { return a === b; } if (Object.keys(a).length != Object.keys(b).length) { return false; } for (var k in a) { if (a[k] !== b[k]) { return false; } } return true; } function defineReadonlyProperty(obj, key, value) { var copy = deepCopy(value); // In ES6, freezing a literal is OK (it returns the same value), but in previous versions it's an exception. if (typeof copy == "object") { Object.freeze(copy); } Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {value: copy, configurable: true}) } // Polyfill for Firefox < 53 function getSync() { if ("sync" in { return; } crappyStorage = {}; return { get: function(key, callback) { callback(crappyStorage[key] || {}); }, set: function(source, callback) { for (var property in source) { if (source.hasOwnProperty(property)) { crappyStorage[property] = source[property]; } } callback(); } } } function styleSectionsEqual(styleA, styleB) { if (!styleA.sections || !styleB.sections) { return undefined; } if (styleA.sections.length != styleB.sections.length) { return false; } const properties = ['code', 'urlPrefixes', 'urls', 'domains', 'regexps']; return styleA.sections.every(sectionA => styleB.sections.some(sectionB => properties.every(property => sectionEquals(sectionA, sectionB, property)) ) ); function sectionEquals(a, b, property) { const aProp = a[property], typeA = getType(aProp); const bProp = b[property], typeB = getType(bProp); if (typeA != typeB) { // consider empty arrays equivalent to lack of property return ((typeA == 'undefined' || (typeA == 'array' && aProp.length == 0)) && (typeB == 'undefined' || (typeB == 'array' && bProp.length == 0))); } if (typeA == 'undefined') { return true; } if (typeA == 'array') { return aProp.length == bProp.length && aProp.every(item => bProp.includes(item)); } if (typeA == 'string') { return aProp == bProp; } } }