/* global messageBox global exclusions */ 'use strict'; const popupExclusions = (() => { // return matches on url ending to prevent duplicates in the exclusion list // e.g. http://test.com and http://test.com/* are equivalent // this function would return ['', '/*'] function exclusionExists(array, value) { const match = []; ['', '*', '/', '/*'].forEach(ending => { if (array.includes(value + ending)) { match.push(ending); } }); return match; } /* Modal in Popup.html */ function processURL(url) { const results = []; const protocol = url.match(/\w+:\/\//); // remove ending '/', protocol, hash & search strings const parts = url.replace(/\/$/, '').replace(/(\w+:\/\/|[#?].*$)/g, '').split('/'); const domain = parts[0].split('.'); /* Domain: a.b.com Domain: b.com Prefix: https://a.b.com Prefix: https://a.b.com/current Prefix: https://a.b.com/current/page */ while (parts.length > 1) { results.push([t('excludedPrefix'), protocol + parts.join('/')]); parts.pop(); } while (domain.length > 1) { results.push([t('excludedDomain'), domain.join('.')]); domain.shift(); } return results.reverse(); } function shortenURL(text) { const len = text.length; let prefix = '\u2026'; // account for URL that end with a '/' let index = (text.endsWith('/') ? text.substring(0, len - 1) : text).lastIndexOf('/'); if (index < 0 || len - index < 2) { index = 0; prefix = ''; } return prefix + text.substring(index, len); } function createOption(option) { // ["Domain/Prefix", "{url}"] return $create('option', { value: option[1], title: option[1], textContent: `${option[0]}: ${shortenURL(option[1])}` }); } function getMultiOptions({select, selectedOnly} = {}) { return [...select.children].reduce((acc, opt) => { if (selectedOnly && opt.selected || !selectedOnly) { acc.push(opt.value); } return acc; }, []); } function updatePopupContent(url) { const options = processURL(url); const renderBin = document.createDocumentFragment(); options.map(option => renderBin.appendChild(createOption(option))); $('#popup-exclusions').textContent = ''; $('#popup-exclusions').appendChild(renderBin); } function getIframeURLs(style) { getActiveTab().then(tab => { if (tab && tab.status === 'complete') { chrome.webNavigation.getAllFrames({ tabId: tab.id }, frames => { const urls = frames.reduce((acc, frame) => [...acc, ...processURL(frame.url)], []); updateSelections(style, urls); }); } }); } function selectExclusions(exclusions) { const select = $('#exclude select'); const excludes = Object.keys(exclusions || {}); [...select.children].forEach(option => { if (exclusionExists(excludes, option.value).length) { option.selected = true; } }); } function updateSelections(style, newOptions = []) { const wrap = $('#exclude'); const select = $('select', wrap); if (newOptions.length) { const currentOptions = [...select.children].map(opt => opt.value); newOptions.forEach(opt => { if (!currentOptions.includes(opt[1])) { select.appendChild(createOption(opt)); // newOptions may have duplicates (e.g. multiple iframes from same source) currentOptions.push(opt[1]); } }); select.size = select.children.length; // hide select, then calculate & adjust height select.style.height = '0'; document.body.style.height = `${select.scrollHeight + wrap.offsetHeight}px`; select.style.height = ''; } selectExclusions(style.exclusions); } function isExcluded(matchUrl, exclusions = {}) { const values = Object.values(exclusions); return values.length && values.some(exclude => tryRegExp(exclude).test(matchUrl)); } function openPopupDialog(entry, tabURL) { const style = entry.styleMeta; updateSelections(style, updatePopupContent(tabURL)); getIframeURLs(style); const box = $('#exclude'); box.dataset.display = true; box.style.cssText = ''; $('strong', box).textContent = style.name; $('[data-cmd="ok"]', box).focus(); $('[data-cmd="ok"]', box).onclick = () => confirm(true); $('[data-cmd="cancel"]', box).onclick = () => confirm(false); window.onkeydown = event => { const keyCode = event.keyCode || event.which; if (!event.shiftKey && !event.ctrlKey && !event.altKey && !event.metaKey && (keyCode === 13 || keyCode === 27)) { event.preventDefault(); confirm(keyCode === 13); } }; function confirm(ok) { window.onkeydown = null; animateElement(box, { className: 'lights-on', onComplete: () => (box.dataset.display = false), }); document.body.style.height = ''; if (ok) { handlePopupSave(style); entry.styleMeta = style; entry.classList.toggle('excluded', isExcluded(tabURL, style.exclusions)); } notifyAllTabs({method: 'exclusionsUpdated', style, id: entry.styleId}); } return Promise.resolve(); } function handlePopupSave(style) { if (typeof style.exclusions === 'undefined') { style.exclusions = {}; } const current = Object.keys(style.exclusions); const select = $('#popup-exclusions', messageBox.element); const all = getMultiOptions({select}); const selected = getMultiOptions({select, selectedOnly: true}); // Add exclusions selected.forEach(value => { let exists = exclusionExists(current, value); if (!exists.length) { style.exclusions[value] = exclusions.createRegExp(value); exists = ['']; } exists.forEach(ending => { const index = all.indexOf(value + ending); if (index > -1) { all.splice(index, 1); } }); }); // Remove exclusions (unselected in popup modal) all.forEach(value => { exclusionExists(current, value).forEach(ending => { delete style.exclusions[value + ending]; }); }); exclusions.save({ id: style.id, exclusionList: style.exclusions }); } return {openPopupDialog, selectExclusions, isExcluded}; })();