chrome.extension.onMessage.addListener(function(request, sender, sendResponse) { switch (request.method) { case "getStyles": getStyles(request, function(r) { sendResponse(r); if (request.updateBadge) { var t = getBadgeText(r); console.log("Tab " + + " (" + + ") badge text set to '" + t + "'."); chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText({text: t, tabId:}); } else { console.log("Tab " + + " (" + + ") doesn't get badge text."); } }); return true; case "getStyleApplies": sendResponse(getApplicableSections(, request.url)); return true; case "saveStyle": saveStyle(request, sendResponse); return true; case "styleChanged": cachedStyles = null; break; } }); function getStyles(options, callback) { var enabled = fixBoolean(options.enabled); var url = "url" in options ? options.url : null; var id = "id" in options ? : null; var matchUrl = "matchUrl" in options ? options.matchUrl : null; var callCallback = function() { callback(cachedStyles.filter(function(style) { if (enabled != null && fixBoolean(style.enabled) != enabled) { return false; } if (url != null && style.url != url) { return false; } if (id != null && != id) { return false; } if (matchUrl != null && getApplicableSections(style, matchUrl) == 0) { return false; } return true; })); } if (cachedStyles) { callCallback(); return; } getDatabase(function(db) { db.readTransaction(function (t) { var where = ""; var params = []; t.executeSql('SELECT DISTINCT s.*, section_id, se.code, metaName, sm.value metaValue FROM styles s LEFT JOIN sections se ON se.style_id = LEFT JOIN section_meta sm ON sm.section_id = WHERE 1' + where + ' ORDER BY,,', params, function (t, r) { cachedStyles = []; var currentStyle = null; var currentSection = null; for (var i = 0; i < r.rows.length; i++) { var values = r.rows.item(i); var metaName = null; switch (values.metaName) { case null: break; case "url": metaName = "urls"; break; case "url-prefix": metaName = "urlPrefixes"; break; case "domain": var metaName = "domains"; break; case "regexps": var metaName = "regexps"; break; default: var metaName = values.metaName + "s"; } var metaValue = values.metaValue; if (currentStyle == null || != { currentStyle = {id:, url: values.url, updateUrl: values.updateUrl, md5Url: values.md5Url, name:, enabled: values.enabled, sections: []}; cachedStyles.push(currentStyle); } if (currentSection == null || != values.section_id) { currentSection = {id: values.section_id, code: values.code}; currentStyle.sections.push(currentSection); } if (metaName && metaValue) { if (currentSection[metaName]) { currentSection[metaName].push(metaValue); } else { currentSection[metaName] = [metaValue]; } } } callCallback(); }, reportError); }, reportError); }, reportError); } function fixBoolean(b) { if (typeof b != "undefined") { return b != "false"; } return null; } const namespacePattern = /^\s*@namespace\s+([a-zA-Z]+\s+)?url\(\"?http:\/\/\/1999\/xhtml\"?\);?\s*$/; function getApplicableSections(style, url) { var sections = style.sections.filter(function(section) { return sectionAppliesToUrl(section, url); }); // ignore if it's just a namespace if (sections.length == 1 && namespacePattern.test(sections[0].code)) { return []; } return sections; } function sectionAppliesToUrl(section, url) { // only http and https allowed if (url.indexOf("http") != 0) { return false; } if (!section.urls && ! && !section.urlPrefixes && !section.regexps) { console.log( + " is global"); return true; } if (section.urls && section.urls.indexOf(url) != -1) { console.log( + " applies to " + url + " due to URL rules"); return true; } if (section.urlPrefixes && section.urlPrefixes.some(function(prefix) { return url.indexOf(prefix) == 0; })) { console.log( + " applies to " + url + " due to URL prefix rules"); return true; } if ( && getDomains(url).some(function(domain) { return != -1; })) { console.log( + " applies due to " + url + " due to domain rules"); return true; } if (section.regexps && section.regexps.some(function(regexp) { // we want to match the full url, so add ^ and $ if not already present if (regexp[0] != "^") { regexp = "^" + regexp; } if (regexp[regexp.length - 1] != "$") { regexp += "$"; } try { var re = new RegExp(regexp); } catch (ex) { console.log( + "'s regexp '" + regexp + "' is not valid"); return false; } return (re).test(url); })) { console.log( + " applies to " + url + " due to regexp rules"); return true; } console.log( + " does not apply due to " + url); return false; } var cachedStyles = null; function saveStyle(o, callback) { getDatabase(function(db) { db.transaction(function(t) { if ( { // update whatever's been passed if ("name" in o) { t.executeSql('UPDATE styles SET name = ? WHERE id = ?;', [,]); } if ("enabled" in o) { t.executeSql('UPDATE styles SET enabled = ? WHERE id = ?;', [o.enabled,]); } if ("url" in o) { t.executeSql('UPDATE styles SET url = ? WHERE id = ?;', [o.url,]); } if ("updateUrl" in o) { t.executeSql('UPDATE styles SET updateUrl = ? WHERE id = ?;', [o.updateUrl,]); } if ("md5Url" in o) { t.executeSql('UPDATE styles SET md5Url = ? WHERE id = ?;', [o.md5Url,]); } } else { // create a new record // set optional things to null if they're undefined ["updateUrl", "md5Url", "url"].filter(function(att) { return !(att in o); }).forEach(function(att) { o[att] = null; }); t.executeSql('INSERT INTO styles (name, enabled, url, updateUrl, md5Url) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?);', [, true, o.url, o.updateUrl, o.md5Url]); } if ("sections" in o) { if ( { // clear existing records t.executeSql('DELETE FROM section_meta WHERE section_id IN (SELECT id FROM sections WHERE style_id = ?);', []); t.executeSql('DELETE FROM sections WHERE style_id = ?;', []); } o.sections.forEach(function(section) { if ( { t.executeSql('INSERT INTO sections (style_id, code) VALUES (?, ?);', [, section.code]); } else { t.executeSql('INSERT INTO sections (style_id, code) SELECT id, ? FROM styles ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1;', [section.code]); } if (section.urls) { section.urls.forEach(function(u) { t.executeSql("INSERT INTO section_meta (section_id, name, value) SELECT id, 'url', ? FROM sections ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1;", [u]); }); } if (section.urlPrefixes) { section.urlPrefixes.forEach(function(u) { t.executeSql("INSERT INTO section_meta (section_id, name, value) SELECT id, 'url-prefix', ? FROM sections ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1;", [u]); }); } if ( { { t.executeSql("INSERT INTO section_meta (section_id, name, value) SELECT id, 'domain', ? FROM sections ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1;", [u]); }); } if (section.regexps) { section.regexps.forEach(function(u) { t.executeSql("INSERT INTO section_meta (section_id, name, value) SELECT id, 'regexp', ? FROM sections ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1;", [u]); }); } }); } }, reportError, function() {saveFromJSONComplete(, callback)}); }, reportError); } function saveFromJSONComplete(id, callback) { cachedStyles = null; if (id) { getStyles({method: "getStyles", id: id}, function(styles) { saveFromJSONStyleReloaded("styleUpdated", styles[0], callback); }); return; } // we need to load the id for new ones getDatabase(function(db) { db.readTransaction(function (t) { t.executeSql('SELECT id FROM styles ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1', [], function(t, r) { var id = r.rows.item(0).id; getStyles({method: "getStyles", id: id}, function(styles) { saveFromJSONStyleReloaded("styleAdded", styles[0], callback); }); }, reportError) }, reportError) }); } function saveFromJSONStyleReloaded(updateType, style, callback) { notifyAllTabs({name:updateType, style: style}); if (callback) { callback(style); } } function getDomains(url) { var d = /.*?:\/*([^\/]+)/.exec(url)[1]; var domains = [d]; while (d.indexOf(".") != -1) { d = d.substring(d.indexOf(".") + 1); domains.push(d); } return domains; }