/* globals configureCommands, openURL */ const RX_SUPPORTED_URLS = new RegExp( `^(file|https?|ftps?):|^${OWN_ORIGIN}`); let installed; getActiveTabRealURL().then(url => { const isUrlSupported = RX_SUPPORTED_URLS.test(url); Promise.all([ isUrlSupported ? getStylesSafe({matchUrl: url}) : null, onDOMready().then(() => initPopup(isUrlSupported ? url : '')), ]) .then(([styles]) => styles && showStyles(styles)); }); chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener((msg, sender, sendResponse) => { if (msg.method == 'updatePopup') { switch (msg.reason) { case 'styleAdded': case 'styleUpdated': handleUpdate(msg.style); break; case 'styleDeleted': handleDelete(msg.id); break; } } }); function initPopup(url) { installed = $('#installed'); // popup width document.body.style.width = Math.max(200, Math.min(800, Number(localStorage.popupWidth) || 246)) + 'px'; // action buttons $('#disableAll').onchange = () => installed.classList.toggle('disabled', prefs.get('disableAll')); setupLivePrefs(['disableAll']); $('#find-styles-link').onclick = openURLandHide; $('#popup-manage-button').href = 'manage.html'; $('#popup-manage-button').onclick = openURLandHide; $('#popup-options-button').onclick = () => chrome.runtime.openOptionsPage(); $('#popup-shortcuts-button').onclick = configureCommands.open; // styles first? if (!prefs.get('popup.stylesFirst')) { document.body.insertBefore( $('body > .actions'), installed); } // find styles link $('#find-styles a').href = 'https://userstyles.org/styles/browse/all/' + encodeURIComponent(url.startsWith('file:') ? 'file:' : url); if (!url) { document.body.classList.add('blocked'); return; } // Write new style links const writeStyle = $('#write-style'); const matchTargets = document.createElement('span'); matchTargets.id = 'match'; // For this URL const urlLink = template.writeStyle.cloneNode(true); Object.assign(urlLink, { href: 'edit.html?url-prefix=' + encodeURIComponent(url), title: `url-prefix("${url}")`, textContent: prefs.get('popup.breadcrumbs.usePath') ? new URL(url).pathname.slice(1) : t('writeStyleForURL').replace(/ /g, '\u00a0'), // this URL onclick: openLinkInTabOrWindow, }); if (prefs.get('popup.breadcrumbs')) { urlLink.onmouseenter = urlLink.onfocus = () => urlLink.parentNode.classList.add('url()'); urlLink.onmouseleave = urlLink.onblur = () => urlLink.parentNode.classList.remove('url()'); } matchTargets.appendChild(urlLink); // For domain const domains = getDomains(url); for (let domain of domains) { // Don't include TLD if (domains.length > 1 && !domain.includes('.')) { continue; } const domainLink = template.writeStyle.cloneNode(true); Object.assign(domainLink, { href: 'edit.html?domain=' + encodeURIComponent(domain), textContent: domain, title: `domain("${domain}")`, onclick: openLinkInTabOrWindow, }); domainLink.setAttribute('subdomain', domain.substring(0, domain.indexOf('.'))); matchTargets.appendChild(domainLink); } if (prefs.get('popup.breadcrumbs')) { matchTargets.classList.add('breadcrumbs'); matchTargets.appendChild(matchTargets.removeChild(matchTargets.firstElementChild)); } writeStyle.appendChild(matchTargets); } function showStyles(styles) { if (!styles.length) { installed.innerHTML = template.noStyles.outerHTML; } else { const enabledFirst = prefs.get('popup.enabledFirst'); styles.sort((a, b) => enabledFirst && a.enabled !== b.enabled ? !(a.enabled < b.enabled) ? -1 : 1 : a.name.localeCompare(b.name)); const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); for (let style of styles) { fragment.appendChild(createStyleElement(style)); } installed.appendChild(fragment); } // force Chrome to resize the popup document.body.style.height = '10px'; document.documentElement.style.height = '10px'; } function createStyleElement(style) { // reuse event listener function references const listeners = createStyleElement.listeners = createStyleElement.listeners || { checkboxClick() { enableStyle(getClickedStyleId(event), this.checked) .then(handleUpdate); }, styleNameClick(event) { this.checkbox.click(); event.preventDefault(); }, toggleClick(event) { enableStyle(getClickedStyleId(event), this.matches('.enable')) .then(handleUpdate); }, deleteClick(event) { confirmDelete(event).then(() => { // update view with 'No styles installed for this site' message if (!installed.children.length) { showStyles([]); } }); } }; const entry = template.style.cloneNode(true); entry.setAttribute('style-id', style.id); Object.assign(entry, { styleId: style.id, className: entry.className + ' ' + (style.enabled ? 'enabled' : 'disabled'), onmousedown: openEditorOnMiddleclick, onauxclick: openEditorOnMiddleclick, }); const checkbox = $('.checker', entry); Object.assign(checkbox, { id: 'style-' + style.id, checked: style.enabled, onclick: listeners.checkboxClick, }); const editLink = $('.style-edit-link', entry); Object.assign(editLink, { href: editLink.getAttribute('href') + style.id, onclick: openLinkInTabOrWindow, }); const styleName = $('.style-name', entry); Object.assign(styleName, { htmlFor: 'style-' + style.id, onclick: listeners.styleNameClick, }); styleName.checkbox = checkbox; styleName.appendChild(document.createTextNode(style.name)); $('.enable', entry).onclick = listeners.toggleClick; $('.disable', entry).onclick = listeners.toggleClick; $('.delete', entry).onclick = listeners.deleteClick; return entry; } function getClickedStyleId(event) { return (getClickedStyleElement(event) || {}).styleId; } function getClickedStyleElement(event) { return event.target.closest('.entry'); } function openLinkInTabOrWindow(event) { if (!prefs.get('openEditInWindow', false)) { openURLandHide(event); return; } event.preventDefault(); chrome.windows.create( Object.assign({ url: event.target.href }, prefs.get('windowPosition', {})) ); close(); } function openEditorOnMiddleclick(event) { if (event.button != 1) { return; } // open an editor on middleclick if (event.target.matches('.entry, .style-name, .style-edit-link')) { $('.style-edit-link', this).click(); event.preventDefault(); return; } // prevent the popup being opened in a background tab // when an irrelevant link was accidentally clicked if (event.target.closest('a')) { event.preventDefault(); return; } } function openURLandHide(event) { event.preventDefault(); openURL({url: event.target.href}) .then(close); } function handleUpdate(style) { const styleElement = $(`[style-id="${style.id}"]`, installed); if (styleElement) { installed.replaceChild(createStyleElement(style), styleElement); } else { getActiveTabRealURL().then(url => { if (getApplicableSections(style, url).length) { // a new style for the current url is installed $('#unavailable').style.display = 'none'; installed.appendChild(createStyleElement(style)); } }); } } function handleDelete(id) { var styleElement = $(`[style-id="${id}"]`, installed); if (styleElement) { installed.removeChild(styleElement); } } function $(selector, base = document) { if (selector.startsWith('#') && /^#[^,\s]+$/.test(selector)) { return document.getElementById(selector.slice(1)); } else { return base.querySelector(selector); } }