/* global API msg */// msg.js 'use strict'; // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-expressions /^\/styles\/(\d+)(\/([^/]*))?([?#].*)?$/.test(location.pathname) && (() => { const styleId = RegExp.$1; const pageEventId = `${performance.now()}${Math.random()}`; window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(chrome.runtime.id + '-install')); window.addEventListener(chrome.runtime.id + '-install', orphanCheck, true); document.addEventListener('stylishInstallChrome', onClick); document.addEventListener('stylishUpdateChrome', onClick); msg.on(onMessage); let currentMd5; const md5Url = getMeta('stylish-md5-url') || `https://update.userstyles.org/${styleId}.md5`; Promise.all([ API.styles.find({md5Url}), getResource(md5Url), onDOMready(), ]).then(checkUpdatability); document.documentElement.appendChild( Object.assign(document.createElement('script'), { textContent: `(${inPageContext})('${pageEventId}')`, })); function onMessage(msg) { switch (msg.method) { case 'ping': // orphaned content script check return true; case 'openSettings': openSettings(); return true; } } /* since we are using "stylish-code-chrome" meta key on all browsers and US.o does not provide "advanced settings" on this url if browser is not Chrome, we need to fix this URL using "stylish-update-url" meta key */ function getStyleURL() { const textUrl = getMeta('stylish-update-url') || ''; const jsonUrl = getMeta('stylish-code-chrome') || textUrl.replace(/styles\/(\d+)\/[^?]*/, 'styles/chrome/$1.json'); const paramsMissing = !jsonUrl.includes('?') && textUrl.includes('?'); return jsonUrl + (paramsMissing ? textUrl.replace(/^[^?]+/, '') : ''); } function checkUpdatability([installedStyle, md5]) { // TODO: remove the following statement when USO is fixed document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(pageEventId, { detail: installedStyle && installedStyle.updateUrl, })); currentMd5 = md5; if (!installedStyle) { sendEvent({type: 'styleCanBeInstalledChrome'}); return; } const isCustomizable = /\?/.test(installedStyle.updateUrl); const md5Url = getMeta('stylish-md5-url'); if (md5Url && installedStyle.md5Url && installedStyle.originalMd5) { reportUpdatable(isCustomizable || md5 !== installedStyle.originalMd5); } else { getStyleJson().then(json => { reportUpdatable( isCustomizable || !json || !styleSectionsEqual(json, installedStyle)); }); } function prepareInstallButton() { return new Promise(resolve => { const observer = new MutationObserver(check); observer.observe(document.documentElement, { childList: true, subtree: true, }); check(); function check() { if (document.querySelector('#install_style_button')) { resolve(); observer.disconnect(); } } }); } function reportUpdatable(isUpdatable) { prepareInstallButton().then(() => { sendEvent({ type: isUpdatable ? 'styleCanBeUpdatedChrome' : 'styleAlreadyInstalledChrome', detail: { updateUrl: installedStyle.updateUrl, }, }); }); } } function sendEvent(event) { sendEvent.lastEvent = event; let {type, detail = null} = event; if (typeof cloneInto !== 'undefined') { // Firefox requires explicit cloning, however USO can't process our messages anyway // because USO tries to use a global "event" variable deprecated in Firefox detail = cloneInto({detail}, document); /* global cloneInto */ } else { detail = {detail}; } onDOMready().then(() => { document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(type, detail)); }); } function onClick(event) { if (onClick.processing || !orphanCheck()) { return; } onClick.processing = true; doInstall() .then(() => { if (!event.type.includes('Update')) { // FIXME: sometimes the button is broken i.e. the button sends // 'install' instead of 'update' event while the style is already // install. // This triggers an incorrect install count but we don't really care. return getResource(getMeta('stylish-install-ping-url-chrome')); } }) .catch(console.error) .then(done); function done() { setTimeout(() => { onClick.processing = false; }); } } function doInstall() { let oldStyle; return API.styles.find({ md5Url: getMeta('stylish-md5-url') || location.href, }) .then(_oldStyle => { oldStyle = _oldStyle; return oldStyle ? oldStyle.name : getResource(getMeta('stylish-description')); }) .then(name => { const props = {}; if (oldStyle) { props.id = oldStyle.id; } return saveStyleCode(oldStyle ? 'styleUpdate' : 'styleInstall', name, props); }); } async function saveStyleCode(message, name, addProps = {}) { const isNew = message === 'styleInstall'; const needsConfirmation = isNew || !saveStyleCode.confirmed; if (needsConfirmation && !confirm(chrome.i18n.getMessage(message, [name]))) { return Promise.reject(); } saveStyleCode.confirmed = true; enableUpdateButton(false); const json = await getStyleJson(); if (!json) { prompt(chrome.i18n.getMessage('styleInstallFailed', ''), 'https://github.com/openstyles/stylus/issues/195'); return; } // Update originalMd5 since USO changed it (2018-11-11) to NOT match the current md5 const style = await API.styles.install(Object.assign(json, addProps, {originalMd5: currentMd5})); if (!isNew && style.updateUrl.includes('?')) { enableUpdateButton(true); } else { sendEvent({type: 'styleInstalledChrome'}); } function enableUpdateButton(state) { const important = s => s.replace(/;/g, '!important;'); const button = document.getElementById('update_style_button'); if (button) { button.style.cssText = state ? '' : important('pointer-events: none; opacity: .35;'); const icon = button.querySelector('img[src*=".svg"]'); if (icon) { icon.style.cssText = state ? '' : important('transition: transform 5s; transform: rotate(0);'); if (state) { setTimeout(() => (icon.style.cssText += important('transform: rotate(10turn);'))); } } } } } function getMeta(name) { const e = document.querySelector(`link[rel="${name}"]`); return e ? e.getAttribute('href') : null; } async function getResource(url, opts) { try { return url.startsWith('#') ? document.getElementById(url.slice(1)).textContent : await API.download(url, opts); } catch (error) { alert('Error\n' + error.message); return Promise.reject(error); } } // USO providing md5Url as "https://update.update.userstyles.org/#####.md5" // instead of "https://update.userstyles.org/#####.md5" async function getStyleJson() { try { const style = await getResource(getStyleURL(), {responseType: 'json'}); const codeElement = document.getElementById('stylish-code'); if (!style || !Array.isArray(style.sections) || style.sections.length || codeElement && !codeElement.textContent.trim()) { return style; } const code = await getResource(getMeta('stylish-update-url')); style.sections = (await API.worker.parseMozFormat({code})).sections; if (style.md5Url) style.md5Url = style.md5Url.replace('update.update', 'update'); return style; } catch (e) {} } /** * The sections are checked in successive order because it matters when many sections * match the same URL and they have rules with the same CSS specificity * @param {Object} a - first style object * @param {Object} b - second style object * @returns {?boolean} */ function styleSectionsEqual({sections: a}, {sections: b}) { const targets = ['urls', 'urlPrefixes', 'domains', 'regexps']; return a && b && a.length === b.length && a.every(sameSection); function sameSection(secA, i) { return equalOrEmpty(secA.code, b[i].code, 'string', (a, b) => a === b) && targets.every(target => equalOrEmpty(secA[target], b[i][target], 'array', arrayMirrors)); } function equalOrEmpty(a, b, type, comparator) { const typeA = type === 'array' ? Array.isArray(a) : typeof a === type; const typeB = type === 'array' ? Array.isArray(b) : typeof b === type; return typeA && typeB && comparator(a, b) || (a == null || typeA && !a.length) && (b == null || typeB && !b.length); } function arrayMirrors(a, b) { return a.length === b.length && a.every(el => b.includes(el)) && b.every(el => a.includes(el)); } } function onDOMready() { return document.readyState !== 'loading' ? Promise.resolve() : new Promise(resolve => window.addEventListener('load', resolve, {once: true})); } function openSettings(countdown = 10e3) { const button = document.querySelector('.customize_button'); if (button) { button.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click', {bubbles: true})); setTimeout(function pollArea(countdown = 2000) { const area = document.getElementById('advancedsettings_area'); if (area || countdown < 0) { (area || button).scrollIntoView({behavior: 'smooth', block: area ? 'end' : 'center'}); } else { setTimeout(pollArea, 100, countdown - 100); } }, 500); } else if (countdown > 0) { setTimeout(openSettings, 100, countdown - 100); } } function orphanCheck() { try { if (chrome.i18n.getUILanguage()) { return true; } } catch (e) {} // In Chrome content script is orphaned on an extension update/reload // so we need to detach event listeners window.removeEventListener(chrome.runtime.id + '-install', orphanCheck, true); document.removeEventListener('stylishInstallChrome', onClick); document.removeEventListener('stylishUpdateChrome', onClick); try { msg.off(onMessage); } catch (e) {} } })(); function inPageContext(eventId) { document.currentScript.remove(); window.isInstalled = true; const origMethods = { json: Response.prototype.json, byId: document.getElementById, }; let vars; // USO bug workaround: prevent errors in console after install and busy cursor document.getElementById = id => origMethods.byId.call(document, id) || (/^(stylish-code|stylish-installed-style-installed-\w+|post-install-ad|style-install-unknown)$/.test(id) ? Object.assign(document.createElement('p'), {className: 'afterdownload-ad'}) : null); // USO bug workaround: use the actual image data in customized settings document.addEventListener(eventId, ({detail}) => { vars = /\?/.test(detail) && new URL(detail).searchParams; if (!vars) Response.prototype.json = origMethods.json; }, {once: true}); Response.prototype.json = async function () { const json = await origMethods.json.apply(this, arguments); if (vars && json && Array.isArray(json.style_settings)) { Response.prototype.json = origMethods.json; const images = new Map(); for (const ss of json.style_settings) { const value = vars.get('ik-' + ss.install_key); if (value && ss.setting_type === 'image' && ss.style_setting_options) { let isListed; for (const opt of ss.style_setting_options) { isListed |= opt.default = (opt.value === value); } images.set(ss.install_key, {url: value, isListed}); } } if (images.size) { new MutationObserver((_, observer) => { if (document.getElementById('style-settings')) { observer.disconnect(); for (const [name, {url, isListed}] of images) { const elRadio = document.querySelector(`input[name="ik-${name}"][value="user-url"]`); const elUrl = elRadio && document.getElementById(elRadio.id.replace('url-choice', 'user-url')); if (elUrl) { elRadio.checked = !isListed; elUrl.value = url; } } } }).observe(document, {childList: true, subtree: true}); } } return json; }; }