/* global CodeMirror parserlib loadScript global CSSLint initLint linterConfig updateLintReport renderLintReport updateLinter global mozParser createSourceEditor global closeCurrentTab regExpTester messageBox global initColorpicker global initCollapsibles global setupCodeMirror global beautify global initWithSectionStyle addSections removeSection getSectionsHashes */ 'use strict'; let styleId = null; // only the actually dirty items here let dirty = {}; // array of all CodeMirror instances const editors = []; let saveSizeOnClose; // use browser history back when 'back to manage' is clicked let useHistoryBack; // direct & reverse mapping of @-moz-document keywords and internal property names const propertyToCss = {urls: 'url', urlPrefixes: 'url-prefix', domains: 'domain', regexps: 'regexp'}; const CssToProperty = {'url': 'urls', 'url-prefix': 'urlPrefixes', 'domain': 'domains', 'regexp': 'regexps'}; let editor; preinit(); window.onbeforeunload = beforeUnload; chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(onRuntimeMessage); Promise.all([ initStyleData().then(style => { styleId = style.id; sessionStorage.justEditedStyleId = styleId; // we set "usercss" class on <html> when <body> is empty // so there'll be no flickering of the elements that depend on it if (isUsercss(style)) { document.documentElement.classList.add('usercss'); } // strip URL parameters when invoked for a non-existent id if (!styleId) { history.replaceState({}, document.title, location.pathname); } return style; }), onDOMready(), onBackgroundReady(), ]) .then(([style]) => Promise.all([ style, initColorpicker(), initCollapsibles(), initHooksCommon(), ])) .then(([style]) => { const usercss = isUsercss(style); $('#heading').textContent = t(styleId ? 'editStyleHeading' : 'addStyleTitle'); $('#name').placeholder = t(usercss ? 'usercssEditorNamePlaceholder' : 'styleMissingName'); $('#name').title = usercss ? t('usercssReplaceTemplateName') : ''; $('#lint').addEventListener('scroll', hideLintHeaderOnScroll, {passive: true}); if (usercss) { editor = createSourceEditor(style); } else { initWithSectionStyle({style}); document.addEventListener('wheel', scrollEntirePageOnCtrlShift); } }); function preinit() { // make querySelectorAll enumeration code readable ['forEach', 'some', 'indexOf', 'map'].forEach(method => { NodeList.prototype[method] = Array.prototype[method]; }); // eslint-disable-next-line no-extend-native Object.defineProperties(Array.prototype, { last: { get() { return this[this.length - 1]; }, }, rotate: { value: function (amount) { // negative amount == rotate left const r = this.slice(-amount, this.length); Array.prototype.push.apply(r, this.slice(0, this.length - r.length)); return r; }, }, }); // preload the theme so that CodeMirror can calculate its metrics in DOMContentLoaded->setupLivePrefs() document.head.appendChild( $create('link#cm-theme', { rel: 'stylesheet', href: prefs.get('editor.theme') === 'default' ? '' : 'vendor/codemirror/theme/' + prefs.get('editor.theme') + '.css' })); // forcefully break long labels in aligned options to prevent the entire block layout from breaking onDOMready().then(() => new Promise(requestAnimationFrame)).then(() => { const maxWidth2ndChild = $$('#options .aligned > :nth-child(2)') .sort((a, b) => b.offsetWidth - a.offsetWidth)[0].offsetWidth; const widthFor1stChild = $('#options').offsetWidth - maxWidth2ndChild; if (widthFor1stChild > 50) { for (const el of $$('#options .aligned > :nth-child(1)')) { if (el.offsetWidth > widthFor1stChild) { el.style.cssText = 'word-break: break-all; hyphens: auto;'; } } } else { const width = $('#options').clientWidth; document.head.appendChild($create('style', ` #options .aligned > nth-child(1) { max-width: 70px; } #options .aligned > nth-child(2) { max-width: ${width - 70}px; } `)); } }); if (chrome.windows) { queryTabs({currentWindow: true}).then(tabs => { const windowId = tabs[0].windowId; if (prefs.get('openEditInWindow')) { if ( /true/.test(sessionStorage.saveSizeOnClose) && 'left' in prefs.get('windowPosition', {}) && !isWindowMaximized() ) { // window was reopened via Ctrl-Shift-T etc. chrome.windows.update(windowId, prefs.get('windowPosition')); } if (tabs.length === 1 && window.history.length === 1) { chrome.windows.getAll(windows => { if (windows.length > 1) { sessionStorageHash('saveSizeOnClose').set(windowId, true); saveSizeOnClose = true; } }); } else { saveSizeOnClose = sessionStorageHash('saveSizeOnClose').value[windowId]; } } }); } getOwnTab().then(tab => { const ownTabId = tab.id; useHistoryBack = sessionStorageHash('manageStylesHistory').value[ownTabId] === location.href; if (!chrome.windows) { return; } // When an edit page gets attached or detached, remember its state // so we can do the same to the next one to open. chrome.tabs.onAttached.addListener((tabId, info) => { if (tabId !== ownTabId) { return; } if (info.newPosition !== 0) { prefs.set('openEditInWindow', false); return; } chrome.windows.get(info.newWindowId, {populate: true}, win => { // If there's only one tab in this window, it's been dragged to new window const openEditInWindow = win.tabs.length === 1; if (openEditInWindow && FIREFOX) { // FF-only because Chrome retardedly resets the size during dragging chrome.windows.update(info.newWindowId, prefs.get('windowPosition')); } prefs.set('openEditInWindow', openEditInWindow); }); }); }); } function onRuntimeMessage(request) { switch (request.method) { case 'styleUpdated': if (styleId && styleId === request.style.id && request.reason !== 'editSave' && request.reason !== 'config') { // code-less style from notifyAllTabs if ((request.style.sections[0] || {}).code === null) { request.style = BG.cachedStyles.byId.get(request.style.id); } if (isUsercss(request.style)) { editor.replaceStyle(request.style, request.codeIsUpdated); } else { initWithSectionStyle(request); } } break; case 'styleDeleted': if (styleId === request.id || editor && editor.getStyle().id === request.id) { window.onbeforeunload = () => {}; closeCurrentTab(); break; } break; case 'prefChanged': if ('editor.smartIndent' in request.prefs) { CodeMirror.setOption('smartIndent', request.prefs['editor.smartIndent']); } break; case 'editDeleteText': document.execCommand('delete'); break; } } function beforeUnload() { if (saveSizeOnClose) { rememberWindowSize(); } document.activeElement.blur(); if (isClean()) { return; } updateLintReportIfEnabled(null, 0); // neither confirm() nor custom messages work in modern browsers but just in case return t('styleChangesNotSaved'); function isClean() { if (editor) { return !editor.isDirty(); } else { return isCleanGlobal(); } } } function isUsercss(style) { return ( style.usercssData || !style.id && prefs.get('newStyleAsUsercss') ); } function initStyleData() { // TODO: remove .replace(/^\?/, '') when minimum_chrome_version >= 52 (https://crbug.com/601425) const params = new URLSearchParams(location.search.replace(/^\?/, '')); const id = params.get('id'); const createEmptyStyle = () => ({ id: null, name: '', enabled: true, sections: [ Object.assign({code: ''}, ...Object.keys(CssToProperty) .map(name => ({ [CssToProperty[name]]: params.get(name) && [params.get(name)] || [] })) ) ], }); return !id ? Promise.resolve(createEmptyStyle()) : getStylesSafe({id}).then(([style]) => style || createEmptyStyle()); } function initHooks() { if (initHooks.alreadyDone) { return; } initHooks.alreadyDone = true; $$('#header .style-contributor').forEach(node => { node.addEventListener('change', onChange); node.addEventListener('input', onChange); }); $('#toggle-style-help').addEventListener('click', showToggleStyleHelp); $('#to-mozilla').addEventListener('click', showMozillaFormat, false); $('#to-mozilla-help').addEventListener('click', showToMozillaHelp, false); $('#from-mozilla').addEventListener('click', fromMozillaFormat); $('#save-button').addEventListener('click', save, false); $('#sections-help').addEventListener('click', showSectionHelp, false); initLint(); if (!FIREFOX) { $$([ 'input:not([type])', 'input[type="text"]', 'input[type="search"]', 'input[type="number"]', ].join(',')) .forEach(e => e.addEventListener('mousedown', toggleContextMenuDelete)); } } // common for usercss and classic function initHooksCommon() { $('#cancel-button').addEventListener('click', goBackToManage); $('#beautify').addEventListener('click', beautify); prefs.subscribe(['editor.keyMap'], showKeyInSaveButtonTooltip); showKeyInSaveButtonTooltip(); window.addEventListener('resize', () => debounce(rememberWindowSize, 100)); function goBackToManage(event) { if (useHistoryBack) { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); history.back(); } } function showKeyInSaveButtonTooltip(prefName, value) { $('#save-button').title = findKeyForCommand('save', value); } function findKeyForCommand(command, mapName = CodeMirror.defaults.keyMap) { const map = CodeMirror.keyMap[mapName]; let key = Object.keys(map).find(k => map[k] === command); if (key) { return key; } for (const ft of Array.isArray(map.fallthrough) ? map.fallthrough : [map.fallthrough]) { key = ft && findKeyForCommand(command, ft); if (key) { return key; } } return ''; } } function onChange(event) { const node = event.target; if ('savedValue' in node) { const currentValue = node.type === 'checkbox' ? node.checked : node.value; setCleanItem(node, node.savedValue === currentValue); } else { // the manually added section's applies-to is dirty only when the value is non-empty setCleanItem(node, node.localName !== 'input' || !node.value.trim()); // only valid when actually saved delete node.savedValue; } updateTitle(); } // Set .dirty on stylesheet contributors that have changed function setDirtyClass(node, isDirty) { node.classList.toggle('dirty', isDirty); } function setCleanItem(node, isClean) { if (!node.id) { node.id = Date.now().toString(32).substr(-6); } if (isClean) { delete dirty[node.id]; // code sections have .CodeMirror property if (node.CodeMirror) { node.savedValue = node.CodeMirror.changeGeneration(); } else { node.savedValue = node.type === 'checkbox' ? node.checked : node.value; } } else { dirty[node.id] = true; } setDirtyClass(node, !isClean); } function isCleanGlobal() { const clean = Object.keys(dirty).length === 0; setDirtyClass(document.body, !clean); // let saveBtn = $('#save-button') // if (clean){ // //saveBtn.removeAttribute('disabled'); // }else{ // //saveBtn.setAttribute('disabled', true); // } return clean; } function setCleanGlobal() { $$('#header, #sections > div').forEach(setCleanSection); // forget the dirty applies-to ids from a deleted section after the style was saved dirty = {}; } function setCleanSection(section) { $$('.style-contributor', section).forEach(node => setCleanItem(node, true)); // #header section has no codemirror const cm = section.CodeMirror; if (cm) { section.savedValue = cm.changeGeneration(); updateTitle(); } } function toggleStyle() { $('#enabled').checked = !$('#enabled').checked; save(); } function save() { updateLintReportIfEnabled(null, 0); if (!validate()) { return; } saveStyleSafe({ id: styleId, name: $('#name').value.trim(), enabled: $('#enabled').checked, reason: 'editSave', sections: getSectionsHashes() }) .then(style => { styleId = style.id; sessionStorage.justEditedStyleId = styleId; setCleanGlobal(); // Go from new style URL to edit style URL if (location.href.indexOf('id=') === -1) { history.replaceState({}, document.title, 'edit.html?id=' + style.id); $('#heading').textContent = t('editStyleHeading'); } updateTitle(); }); } function validate() { const name = $('#name').value.trim(); if (!name) { $('#name').focus(); messageBox.alert(t('styleMissingName')); return false; } if ($$('.applies-to-list li:not(.applies-to-everything)') .some(li => { const type = $('[name=applies-type]', li).value; const value = $('[name=applies-value]', li); const rx = value.value.trim(); if (type === 'regexp' && rx && !tryRegExp(rx)) { value.focus(); value.select(); return true; } })) { messageBox.alert(t('styleBadRegexp')); return false; } return true; } function updateTitle() { const DIRTY_TITLE = '* $'; const name = $('#name').savedValue; const clean = isCleanGlobal(); const title = styleId === null ? t('addStyleTitle') : t('editStyleTitle', [name]); document.title = clean ? title : DIRTY_TITLE.replace('$', title); } function updateLintReportIfEnabled(...args) { if (CodeMirror.defaults.lint) { updateLintReport(...args); } } function showMozillaFormat() { const popup = showCodeMirrorPopup(t('styleToMozillaFormatTitle'), '', {readOnly: true}); popup.codebox.setValue(toMozillaFormat()); popup.codebox.execCommand('selectAll'); } function toMozillaFormat() { return mozParser.format({sections: getSectionsHashes()}); } function fromMozillaFormat() { const popup = showCodeMirrorPopup(t('styleFromMozillaFormatPrompt'), $create([ $create('button', { name: 'import-append', textContent: t('importAppendLabel'), title: 'Ctrl-Enter:\n' + t('importAppendTooltip'), onclick: doImport, }), $create('button', { name: 'import-replace', textContent: t('importReplaceLabel'), title: 'Ctrl-Shift-Enter:\n' + t('importReplaceTooltip'), onclick: () => doImport({replaceOldStyle: true}), }), ])); const contents = $('.contents', popup); contents.insertBefore(popup.codebox.display.wrapper, contents.firstElementChild); popup.codebox.focus(); popup.codebox.on('changes', cm => { popup.classList.toggle('ready', !cm.isBlank()); cm.markClean(); }); // overwrite default extraKeys as those are inapplicable in popup context popup.codebox.options.extraKeys = { 'Ctrl-Enter': doImport, 'Shift-Ctrl-Enter': () => doImport({replaceOldStyle: true}), }; function doImport({replaceOldStyle = false}) { lockPageUI(true); new Promise(setTimeout) .then(() => mozParser.parse(popup.codebox.getValue().trim())) .then(sections => { removeOldSections(replaceOldStyle); return addSections(sections, div => setCleanItem(div, false)); }) .then(sectionDivs => { sectionDivs.forEach(div => updateLintReportIfEnabled(div.CodeMirror, 1)); $('.dismiss', popup).onclick(); }) .catch(showError) .then(() => lockPageUI(false)); } function removeOldSections(removeAll) { let toRemove; if (removeAll) { toRemove = editors.slice().reverse(); } else if (editors.last.isBlank() && $('.applies-to-everything', editors.last.getSection())) { toRemove = [editors.last]; } else { return; } toRemove.forEach(cm => removeSection({target: cm.getSection()})); } function lockPageUI(locked) { document.documentElement.style.pointerEvents = locked ? 'none' : ''; popup.classList.toggle('ready', locked ? false : !popup.codebox.isBlank()); popup.codebox.options.readOnly = locked; popup.codebox.display.wrapper.style.opacity = locked ? '.5' : ''; } function showError(errors) { showHelp(t('styleFromMozillaFormatError'), $create('pre', Array.isArray(errors) ? errors.join('\n') : errors)); } } function showSectionHelp() { showHelp(t('styleSectionsTitle'), t('sectionHelp')); } function showAppliesToHelp() { showHelp(t('appliesLabel'), t('appliesHelp')); } function showToMozillaHelp() { showHelp(t('styleMozillaFormatHeading'), t('styleToMozillaFormatHelp')); } function showToggleStyleHelp() { showHelp(t('helpAlt'), t('styleEnabledToggleHint')); } function showHelp(title = '', body) { const div = $('#help-popup'); div.className = ''; const contents = $('.contents', div); contents.textContent = ''; if (body) { contents.appendChild(typeof body === 'string' ? tHTML(body) : body); } $('.title', div).textContent = title; if (getComputedStyle(div).display === 'none') { window.addEventListener('keydown', closeHelp, true); // avoid chaining on multiple showHelp() calls $('.dismiss', div).onclick = closeHelp; } // reset any inline styles div.style = 'display: block'; return div; function closeHelp(event) { const canClose = !event || event.type === 'click' || ( event.which === 27 && !event.altKey && !event.ctrlKey && !event.shiftKey && !event.metaKey && !$('.CodeMirror-hints, #message-box') && ( !document.activeElement || document.activeElement.matches(':not(input), .can-close-on-esc') ) ); if (!canClose) { return; } if (event && div.codebox && !div.codebox.options.readOnly && !div.codebox.isClean()) { messageBox.confirm(t('confirmDiscardChanges')).then(ok => ok && closeHelp()); return; } div.style.display = ''; contents.textContent = ''; clearTimeout(contents.timer); window.removeEventListener('keydown', closeHelp, true); window.dispatchEvent(new Event('closeHelp')); (editors.lastActive || editors[0]).focus(); } } function showCodeMirrorPopup(title, html, options) { const popup = showHelp(title, html); popup.classList.add('big'); const cm = popup.codebox = CodeMirror($('.contents', popup), Object.assign({ mode: 'css', lineNumbers: true, lineWrapping: true, foldGutter: true, gutters: ['CodeMirror-linenumbers', 'CodeMirror-foldgutter', 'CodeMirror-lint-markers'], matchBrackets: true, lint: linterConfig.getForCodeMirror(), styleActiveLine: true, theme: prefs.get('editor.theme'), keyMap: prefs.get('editor.keyMap') }, options)); cm.focus(); cm.on('focus', () => cm.rerouteHotkeys(false)); cm.on('blur', () => cm.rerouteHotkeys(true)); return popup; } function setGlobalProgress(done, total) { const progressElement = $('#global-progress') || total && document.body.appendChild($create('#global-progress')); if (total) { const progress = (done / Math.max(done, total) * 100).toFixed(1); progressElement.style.borderLeftWidth = progress + 'vw'; setTimeout(() => { progressElement.title = progress + '%'; }); } else { $.remove(progressElement); } } function scrollEntirePageOnCtrlShift(event) { // make Shift-Ctrl-Wheel scroll entire page even when mouse is over a code editor if (event.shiftKey && event.ctrlKey && !event.altKey && !event.metaKey) { // Chrome scrolls horizontally when Shift is pressed but on some PCs this might be different window.scrollBy(0, event.deltaX || event.deltaY); event.preventDefault(); } } function hideLintHeaderOnScroll() { // workaround part2 for the <details> not showing its toggle icon: hide <summary> on scroll const newOpacity = this.scrollTop === 0 ? '' : '0'; const style = this.firstElementChild.style; if (style.opacity !== newOpacity) { style.opacity = newOpacity; } } function rememberWindowSize() { if ( document.visibilityState === 'visible' && prefs.get('openEditInWindow') && !isWindowMaximized() ) { prefs.set('windowPosition', { left: window.screenX, top: window.screenY, width: window.outerWidth, height: window.outerHeight, }); } } function isWindowMaximized() { return ( window.screenX <= 0 && window.screenY <= 0 && window.outerWidth >= screen.availWidth && window.outerHeight >= screen.availHeight && window.screenX > -10 && window.screenY > -10 && window.outerWidth < screen.availWidth + 10 && window.outerHeight < screen.availHeight + 10 ); } function toggleContextMenuDelete(event) { if (chrome.contextMenus && event.button === 2 && prefs.get('editor.contextDelete')) { chrome.contextMenus.update('editor.contextDelete', { enabled: Boolean( this.selectionStart !== this.selectionEnd || this.somethingSelected && this.somethingSelected() ), }, ignoreChromeError); } }