/* global installed onDOMready $create debounce $ scrollElementIntoView animateElement */ 'use strict'; onDOMready().then(() => { let prevText, focusedLink, focusedEntry; let prevTime = performance.now(); let focusedName = ''; const input = $create('textarea', { spellcheck: false, attributes: {tabindex: -1}, oninput: incrementalSearch, }); replaceInlineStyle({ position: 'absolute', color: 'transparent', border: '1px solid hsla(180, 100%, 100%, .5)', top: '-1000px', overflow: 'hidden', resize: 'none', 'background-color': 'hsla(180, 100%, 100%, .2)', 'pointer-events': 'none', }); document.body.appendChild(input); window.addEventListener('keydown', maybeRefocus, true); function incrementalSearch({key}, immediately) { if (!immediately) { debounce(incrementalSearch, 100, {}, true); return; } const direction = key === 'ArrowUp' ? -1 : key === 'ArrowDown' ? 1 : 0; const text = input.value.toLocaleLowerCase(); if (!text.trim() || !direction && (text === prevText || focusedName.startsWith(text))) { prevText = text; return; } let textAtPos = 1e6; let rotated; const entries = [...installed.children]; const focusedIndex = entries.indexOf(focusedEntry); if (focusedIndex > 0) { if (direction > 0) { rotated = entries.slice(focusedIndex + 1).concat(entries.slice(0, focusedIndex + 1)); } else if (direction < 0) { rotated = entries.slice(0, focusedIndex).reverse().concat(entries.slice(focusedIndex).reverse()); } } let found; for (const entry of rotated || entries) { const name = entry.styleNameLowerCase; const pos = name.indexOf(text); if (pos === 0) { found = entry; break; } else if (pos > 0 && (pos < textAtPos || direction)) { found = entry; textAtPos = pos; if (direction) { break; } } } if (found && found !== focusedEntry) { focusedEntry = found; focusedLink = $('.style-name-link', found); focusedName = found.styleNameLowerCase; scrollElementIntoView(found, {invalidMarginRatio: .25}); animateElement(found, {className: 'highlight-quick'}); resizeTo(focusedLink); return true; } } function maybeRefocus(event) { if (event.altKey || event.metaKey || $('#message-box')) { return; } const inTextInput = $.isTextLikeInput(event.target); const {key, code, ctrlKey: ctrl} = event; // `code` is independent of the current keyboard language if ((code === 'KeyF' && ctrl && !event.shiftKey) || (code === 'Slash' || key === '/') && !ctrl && !inTextInput) { // focus search field on "/" or Ctrl-F key event.preventDefault(); $('#search').focus(); return; } if (ctrl || inTextInput) { return; } const time = performance.now(); if (key.length === 1) { input.focus(); if (time - prevTime > 1000) { input.value = ''; } prevTime = time; } else if (key === 'Enter' && focusedLink) { focusedLink.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click', {bubbles: true})); } else if ((key === 'ArrowUp' || key === 'ArrowDown') && !event.shiftKey && time - prevTime < 5000 && incrementalSearch(event, true)) { prevTime = time; } else if (event.target === input) { (focusedLink || document.body).focus(); input.value = ''; } } function resizeTo(el) { const bounds = el.getBoundingClientRect(); const base = document.scrollingElement; replaceInlineStyle({ left: bounds.left - 2 + base.scrollLeft + 'px', top: bounds.top - 1 + base.scrollTop + 'px', width: bounds.width + 4 + 'px', height: bounds.height + 2 + 'px', }); } function replaceInlineStyle(css) { for (const prop in css) { input.style.setProperty(prop, css[prop], 'important'); } } });