/* global API_METHODS usercss saveStyle getStyles chromeLocal cachedStyles */ 'use strict'; (() => { API_METHODS.saveUsercss = save; API_METHODS.saveUsercssUnsafe = style => save(style, true); API_METHODS.buildUsercss = build; API_METHODS.installUsercss = install; API_METHODS.parseUsercss = parse; API_METHODS.findUsercss = find; const TEMP_CODE_PREFIX = 'tempUsercssCode'; const TEMP_CODE_CLEANUP_DELAY = 60e3; let tempCodeLastWriteDate = 0; if (FIREFOX) { // the temp code is created on direct installation of usercss URLs in FF // and can be left behind in case the install page didn't open in time before // the extension was updated/reloaded/disabled or the browser was closed setTimeout(function poll() { if (Date.now() - tempCodeLastWriteDate < TEMP_CODE_CLEANUP_DELAY) { setTimeout(poll, TEMP_CODE_CLEANUP_DELAY); return; } chrome.storage.local.get(null, storage => { const leftovers = []; for (const key in storage) { if (key.startsWith(TEMP_CODE_PREFIX)) { leftovers.push(key); } } if (leftovers.length) { chrome.storage.local.remove(leftovers); } }); }, TEMP_CODE_CLEANUP_DELAY); } function buildMeta(style) { if (style.usercssData) { return Promise.resolve(style); } try { const {sourceCode} = style; // allow sourceCode to be normalized delete style.sourceCode; return Promise.resolve(Object.assign(usercss.buildMeta(sourceCode), style)); } catch (e) { return Promise.reject(e); } } function assignVars(style) { if (style.reason === 'config' && style.id) { return style; } const dup = find(style); if (dup) { style.id = dup.id; if (style.reason !== 'config') { // preserve style.vars during update usercss.assignVars(style, dup); } } return style; } // Parse the source and find the duplication function build({sourceCode, checkDup = false}) { return buildMeta({sourceCode}) .then(usercss.buildCode) .then(style => ({ style, dup: checkDup && find(style), })); } // Parse the source, apply customizations, report fatal/syntax errors function parse(style, allowErrors = false) { // restore if stripped by getStyleWithNoCode if (typeof style.sourceCode !== 'string') { style.sourceCode = cachedStyles.byId.get(style.id).sourceCode; } return buildMeta(style) .then(assignVars) .then(style => usercss.buildCode(style, allowErrors)); } function save(style, allowErrors = false) { return parse(style, allowErrors) .then(result => allowErrors ? saveStyle(result.style).then(style => ({style, errors: result.errors})) : saveStyle(result)); } /** * @param {Style|{name:string, namespace:string}} styleOrData * @returns {Style} */ function find(styleOrData) { if (styleOrData.id) return cachedStyles.byId.get(styleOrData.id); const {name, namespace} = styleOrData.usercssData || styleOrData; for (const dup of cachedStyles.list) { const data = dup.usercssData; if (!data) continue; if (data.name === name && data.namespace === namespace) { return dup; } } } function install({url, direct, downloaded, tab}, sender) { tab = tab !== undefined ? tab : sender.tab; url = url || tab.url; if (direct && !downloaded) { prefetchCodeForInstallation(tab.id, url); } return openURL({ url: '/install-usercss.html' + '?updateUrl=' + encodeURIComponent(url) + '&tabId=' + tab.id + (direct ? '&direct=yes' : ''), index: tab.index + 1, openerTabId: tab.id, currentWindow: null, }); } function prefetchCodeForInstallation(tabId, url) { const key = TEMP_CODE_PREFIX + tabId; tempCodeLastWriteDate = Date.now(); Promise.all([ download(url), chromeLocal.setValue(key, {loading: true}), ]).then(([code]) => { chromeLocal.setValue(key, code); setTimeout(() => chromeLocal.remove(key), TEMP_CODE_CLEANUP_DELAY); }); } })();