/* global API_METHODS openURL download URLS tabManager */ 'use strict'; (() => { const installCodeCache = {}; const clearInstallCode = url => delete installCodeCache[url]; const isContentTypeText = type => /^text\/(css|plain)(;.*?)?$/i.test(type); // in Firefox we have to use a content script to read file:// const fileLoader = !chrome.app && ( async tabId => (await browser.tabs.executeScript(tabId, {file: '/content/install-hook-usercss.js'}))[0]); const urlLoader = async (tabId, url) => ( url.startsWith('file:') || tabManager.get(tabId, isContentTypeText.name) || isContentTypeText((await fetch(url, {method: 'HEAD'})).headers.get('content-type')) ) && download(url); API_METHODS.getUsercssInstallCode = url => { // when the installer tab is reloaded after the cache is expired, this will throw intentionally const {code, timer} = installCodeCache[url]; clearInstallCode(url); clearTimeout(timer); return code; }; // Faster installation on known distribution sites to avoid flicker of css text chrome.webRequest.onBeforeSendHeaders.addListener(({tabId, url}) => { openInstallerPage(tabId, url, {}); // Silently suppressing navigation like it never happened return {redirectUrl: 'javascript:void 0'}; // eslint-disable-line no-script-url }, { urls: [ URLS.usoArchiveRaw + 'usercss/*.user.css', '*://greasyfork.org/scripts/*/code/*.user.css', '*://sleazyfork.org/scripts/*/code/*.user.css', ], types: ['main_frame'], }, ['blocking']); // Remember Content-Type to avoid re-fetching of the headers in urlLoader as it can be very slow chrome.webRequest.onHeadersReceived.addListener(({tabId, responseHeaders}) => { const h = responseHeaders.find(h => h.name.toLowerCase() === 'content-type'); tabManager.set(tabId, isContentTypeText.name, h && isContentTypeText(h.value) || undefined); }, { urls: '%css,%css?*,%styl,%styl?*'.replace(/%/g, '*://*/*.user.').split(','), types: ['main_frame'], }, ['responseHeaders']); tabManager.onUpdate(async ({tabId, url, oldUrl = ''}) => { if (url.includes('.user.') && /^(https?|file|ftps?):/.test(url) && /\.user\.(css|styl)$/.test(url.split(/[#?]/, 1)[0]) && !oldUrl.startsWith(URLS.installUsercss)) { const inTab = url.startsWith('file:') && Boolean(fileLoader); const code = await (inTab ? fileLoader : urlLoader)(tabId, url); if (/==userstyle==/i.test(code)) { openInstallerPage(tabId, url, {code, inTab}); } } }); function openInstallerPage(tabId, url, {code, inTab} = {}) { const newUrl = `${URLS.installUsercss}?updateUrl=${encodeURIComponent(url)}`; if (inTab) { browser.tabs.get(tabId).then(tab => openURL({ url: `${newUrl}&tabId=${tabId}`, active: tab.active, index: tab.index + 1, openerTabId: tabId, currentWindow: null, })); } else { const timer = setTimeout(clearInstallCode, 10e3, url); installCodeCache[url] = {code, timer}; chrome.tabs.update(tabId, {url: newUrl}); } } })();