/* globals getStyles, saveStyle, prefs */ 'use strict'; var update = { fetch: (resource, callback) => { let req = new XMLHttpRequest(); let [url, data] = resource.split('?'); req.open('POST', url, true); req.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); req.onload = () => callback(req.responseText); req.onerror = req.ontimeout = () => callback(); req.send(data); }, md5Check: (style, callback, skipped) => { let req = new XMLHttpRequest(); req.open('GET', style.md5Url, true); req.onload = () => { let md5 = req.responseText; if (md5 && md5 !== style.originalMd5) { callback(style); } else { skipped(`"${style.name}" style is up-to-date`); } }; req.onerror = req.ontimeout = () => skipped('Error validating MD5 checksum'); req.send(); }, list: (callback) => { getStyles({}, (styles) => callback(styles.filter(style => style.updateUrl))); }, perform: (observe = function () {}) => { // from install.js function arraysAreEqual (a, b) { // treat empty array and undefined as equivalent if (typeof a === 'undefined') { return (typeof b === 'undefined') || (b.length === 0); } if (typeof b === 'undefined') { return (typeof a === 'undefined') || (a.length === 0); } if (a.length !== b.length) { return false; } return a.every(function (entry) { return b.indexOf(entry) !== -1; }); } // from install.js function sectionsAreEqual(a, b) { if (a.code !== b.code) { return false; } return ['urls', 'urlPrefixes', 'domains', 'regexps'].every(function (attribute) { return arraysAreEqual(a[attribute], b[attribute]); }); } update.list(styles => { observe('count', styles.length); styles.forEach(style => update.md5Check(style, style => update.fetch(style.updateUrl, response => { if (response) { let json = JSON.parse(response); if (json.sections.length === style.sections.length) { if (json.sections.every((section) => { return style.sections.some(installedSection => sectionsAreEqual(section, installedSection)); })) { return observe('single-skipped', '2'); // everything is the same } json.method = 'saveStyle'; json.id = style.id; saveStyle(json).then(style => { observe('single-updated', style.name); }); } else { return observe('single-skipped', '3'); // style sections mismatch } } }), () => observe('single-skipped', '1'))); }); } }; // automatically update all user-styles if "updateInterval" pref is set window.setTimeout(function () { let id; function run () { update.perform(/*(cmd, value) => console.log(cmd, value)*/); reset(); } function reset () { window.clearTimeout(id); let interval = prefs.get('updateInterval'); // if interval === 0 => automatic update is disabled if (interval) { /* console.log('next update', interval); */ id = window.setTimeout(run, interval * 60 * 60 * 1000); } } if (prefs.get('updateInterval')) { run(); } chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(request => { // when user has changed the predefined time interval in the settings page if (request.method === 'prefChanged' && request.prefName === 'updateInterval') { reset(); } // when user just manually checked for updates if (request.method === 'resetInterval') { reset(); } }); }, 10000);