/* global installed */ 'use strict'; const filtersSelector = { hide: '', unhide: '', numShown: 0, numTotal: 0, }; HTMLSelectElement.prototype.adjustWidth = function () { const parent = this.parentNode; const singleSelect = this.cloneNode(false); singleSelect.style.width = ''; singleSelect.appendChild(this.selectedOptions[0].cloneNode(true)); parent.replaceChild(singleSelect, this); if (this.style.width !== singleSelect.offsetWidth + 'px') { this.style.width = singleSelect.offsetWidth + 'px'; } parent.replaceChild(this, singleSelect); }; onDOMready().then(onBackgroundReady).then(() => { $('#search').oninput = searchStyles; $$('select[id$=".invert"]').forEach(el => { const slave = $('#' + el.id.replace('.invert', '')); const slaveData = slave.dataset; const valueMap = new Map([ [false, slaveData.filter], [true, slaveData.filterHide], ]); // enable slave control when user switches the value el.oninput = () => { if (!slave.checked) { // oninput occurs before onchange setTimeout(() => { if (!slave.checked) { slave.checked = true; slave.dispatchEvent(new Event('change', {bubbles: true})); } }); } }; // swap slave control's filtering rules el.onchange = event => { const value = el.value === 'true'; const filter = valueMap.get(value); if (slaveData.filter === filter) { return; } slaveData.filter = filter; slaveData.filterHide = valueMap.get(!value); debounce(filterOnChange, 0, event); // avoid triggering MutationObserver during page load if (document.readyState === 'complete') { el.adjustWidth(); } }; el.onchange({target: el}); }); $$('[data-filter]').forEach(el => { el.onchange = filterOnChange; if (el.closest('.hidden')) { el.checked = false; } }); filterOnChange({forceRefilter: true}); }); function filterOnChange({target: el, forceRefilter}) { const getValue = el => (el.type === 'checkbox' ? el.checked : el.value.trim()); if (!forceRefilter) { const value = getValue(el); if (value === el.lastValue) { return; } el.lastValue = value; } const enabledFilters = $$('#header [data-filter]').filter(el => getValue(el)); const buildFilter = hide => (hide ? '' : '.entry.hidden') + [...enabledFilters.map(el => el.dataset[hide ? 'filterHide' : 'filter'] .split(/,\s*/) .map(s => (hide ? '.entry:not(.hidden)' : '') + s) .join(',')) ].join(hide ? ',' : ''); Object.assign(filtersSelector, { hide: buildFilter(true), unhide: buildFilter(false), }); if (installed) { reapplyFilter(); } } function filterAndAppend({entry, container}) { if (!container) { container = [entry]; // reverse the visibility, otherwise reapplyFilter will see no need to work if (!filtersSelector.hide || !entry.matches(filtersSelector.hide)) { entry.classList.add('hidden'); } } else if ($('#search').value.trim()) { searchStyles({immediately: true, container}); } reapplyFilter(container); } function reapplyFilter(container = installed) { // A: show let toHide = []; let toUnhide = []; if (filtersSelector.hide) { filterContainer({hide: false}); } else { toUnhide = container; } // showStyles() is building the page and no filters are active if (toUnhide instanceof DocumentFragment) { installed.appendChild(toUnhide); return; } else if (toUnhide.length && $('#search').value.trim()) { searchStyles({immediately: true, container: toUnhide}); filterContainer({hide: false}); } // filtering needed or a single-element job from handleUpdate() const entries = installed.children; const numEntries = entries.length; let numVisible = numEntries - $$('.entry.hidden').length; for (const entry of toUnhide.children || toUnhide) { const next = findInsertionPoint(entry); if (entry.nextElementSibling !== next) { installed.insertBefore(entry, next); } if (entry.classList.contains('hidden')) { entry.classList.remove('hidden'); numVisible++; } } // B: hide if (filtersSelector.hide) { filterContainer({hide: true}); } if (!toHide.length) { showFiltersStats(); return; } for (const entry of toHide) { entry.classList.add('hidden'); } // showStyles() is building the page with filters active so we need to: // 1. add all hidden entries to the end // 2. add the visible entries before the first hidden entry if (container instanceof DocumentFragment) { for (const entry of toHide) { installed.appendChild(entry); } installed.insertBefore(container, $('.entry.hidden')); showFiltersStats(); return; } // normal filtering of the page or a single-element job from handleUpdate() // we need to keep the visible entries together at the start // first pass only moves one hidden entry in hidden groups with odd number of items shuffle(false); setTimeout(shuffle, 0, true); // single-element job from handleEvent(): add the last wraith if (toHide.length === 1 && toHide[0].parentElement !== installed) { installed.appendChild(toHide[0]); } showFiltersStats(); return; /***************************************/ function filterContainer({hide}) { const selector = filtersSelector[hide ? 'hide' : 'unhide']; if (container.filter) { if (hide) { // already filtered in previous invocation return; } for (const el of container) { (el.matches(selector) ? toUnhide : toHide).push(el); } return; } else if (hide) { toHide = $$(selector, container); } else { toUnhide = $$(selector, container); } } function shuffle(fullPass) { if (fullPass && !document.body.classList.contains('update-in-progress')) { $('#check-all-updates').disabled = !$('.updatable:not(.can-update)'); } // 1. skip the visible group on top let firstHidden = $('#installed > .hidden'); let entry = firstHidden; let i = [...entries].indexOf(entry); let horizon = entries[numVisible]; const skipGroup = state => { const start = i; const first = entry; while (entry && entry.classList.contains('hidden') === state) { entry = entry.nextElementSibling; i++; } return {first, start, len: i - start}; }; let prevGroup = i ? {first: entries[0], start: 0, len: i} : skipGroup(true); // eslint-disable-next-line no-unmodified-loop-condition while (entry) { // 2a. find the next hidden group's start and end // 2b. find the next visible group's start and end const isHidden = entry.classList.contains('hidden'); const group = skipGroup(isHidden); const hidden = isHidden ? group : prevGroup; const visible = isHidden ? prevGroup : group; // 3. move the shortest group; repeat 2-3 if (hidden.len < visible.len && (fullPass || hidden.len % 2)) { // 3a. move hidden under the horizon for (let j = 0; j < (fullPass ? hidden.len : 1); j++) { const entry = entries[hidden.start]; installed.insertBefore(entry, horizon); horizon = entry; i--; } prevGroup = isHidden ? skipGroup(false) : group; firstHidden = entry; } else if (isHidden || !fullPass) { prevGroup = group; } else { // 3b. move visible above the horizon for (let j = 0; j < visible.len; j++) { const entry = entries[visible.start + j]; installed.insertBefore(entry, firstHidden); } prevGroup = { first: firstHidden, start: hidden.start + visible.len, len: hidden.len + skipGroup(true).len, }; } } } function findInsertionPoint(entry) { const nameLLC = entry.styleNameLowerCase; let a = 0; let b = Math.min(numEntries, numVisible) - 1; if (b < 0) { return entries[numVisible]; } if (entries[0].styleNameLowerCase > nameLLC) { return entries[0]; } if (entries[b].styleNameLowerCase <= nameLLC) { return entries[numVisible]; } // bisect while (a < b - 1) { const c = (a + b) / 2 | 0; if (nameLLC < entries[c].styleNameLowerCase) { b = c; } else { a = c; } } if (entries[a].styleNameLowerCase > nameLLC) { return entries[a]; } while (a <= b && entries[a].styleNameLowerCase < nameLLC) { a++; } return entries[entries[a].styleNameLowerCase <= nameLLC ? a + 1 : a]; } } function showFiltersStats({immediately} = {}) { if (!immediately) { debounce(showFiltersStats, 100, {immediately: true}); return; } $('#filters').classList.toggle('active', filtersSelector.hide !== ''); const numTotal = BG.cachedStyles.list.length; const numHidden = installed.getElementsByClassName('entry hidden').length; const numShown = Math.min(numTotal - numHidden, installed.children.length); if (filtersSelector.numShown !== numShown || filtersSelector.numTotal !== numTotal) { filtersSelector.numShown = numShown; filtersSelector.numTotal = numTotal; $('#filters-stats').textContent = t('filteredStyles', [numShown, numTotal]); } } function searchStyles({immediately, container}) { const searchElement = $('#search'); const query = searchElement.value.toLocaleLowerCase(); const queryPrev = searchElement.lastValue || ''; if (query === queryPrev && !immediately && !container) { return; } if (!immediately) { debounce(searchStyles, 150, {immediately: true}); return; } searchElement.lastValue = query; const searchInVisible = queryPrev && query.includes(queryPrev); const entries = container && container.children || container || (searchInVisible ? $$('.entry:not(.hidden)') : installed.children); let needsRefilter = false; for (const entry of entries) { let isMatching = !query; if (!isMatching) { const style = BG.cachedStyles.byId.get(entry.styleId) || {}; isMatching = Boolean(style && ( isMatchingText(style.name) || style.url && isMatchingText(style.url) || isMatchingStyle(style))); } if (entry.classList.contains('not-matching') !== !isMatching) { entry.classList.toggle('not-matching', !isMatching); needsRefilter = true; } } if (needsRefilter && !container) { filterOnChange({forceRefilter: true}); } return; function isMatchingStyle(style) { for (const section of style.sections) { for (const prop in section) { const value = section[prop]; switch (typeof value) { case 'string': if (isMatchingText(value)) { return true; } break; case 'object': for (const str of value) { if (isMatchingText(str)) { return true; } } break; } } } } function isMatchingText(text) { return text.toLocaleLowerCase().indexOf(query) >= 0; } }