/* global messageBox makeLink */ 'use strict'; function configDialog(style) { const varsHash = deepCopy(style.usercssData.vars) || {}; const varNames = Object.keys(varsHash); const vars = varNames.map(name => varsHash[name]); const elements = []; const colorpicker = window.colorpicker(); buildConfigForm(); renderValues(); return messageBox({ title: `${style.name} v${style.usercssData.version}`, className: 'config-dialog', contents: [ $element({ className: 'config-heading', appendChild: style.usercssData.supportURL && makeLink({ className: 'external-support', href: style.usercssData.supportURL, textContent: t('externalFeedback') }) }), $element({ className: 'config-body', appendChild: elements }) ], buttons: [ t('confirmSave'), { textContent: t('confirmDefault'), onclick: useDefault }, t('confirmCancel') ] }).then(({button, esc}) => { if (button !== 1) { colorpicker.hide(); } if (button > 0 || esc || !vars.length || !vars.some(va => va.dirty)) { return; } style.reason = 'config'; const styleVars = style.usercssData.vars; const bgStyle = BG.cachedStyles.byId.get(style.id); const bgVars = bgStyle && (bgStyle.usercssData || {}).vars || {}; const invalid = []; let numValid = 0; for (const va of vars) { const bgva = bgVars[va.name]; let error; if (!bgva) { error = 'deleted'; delete styleVars[va.name]; } else if (bgva.type !== va.type) { error = ['type ', '*' + va.type, ' != ', '*' + bgva.type]; } else if ((va.type === 'select' || va.type === 'dropdown') && va.value !== null && va.value !== undefined && bgva.options.every(o => o.name !== va.value)) { error = `'${va.value}' not in the updated '${va.type}' list`; } else if (!va.dirty) { continue; } else { styleVars[va.name].value = va.value; numValid++; continue; } invalid.push(['*' + va.name, ': ', ...error].map(e => e[0] === '*' && $element({tag: 'b', textContent: e.slice(1)}) || e)); if (bgva) { styleVars[va.name].value = deepCopy(bgva); } } if (invalid.length) { messageBox.alert([ $element({textContent: t('usercssConfigIncomplete'), style: 'max-width: 34em'}), $element({ tag: 'ol', style: 'text-align: left', appendChild: invalid.map(msg => $element({tag: 'li', appendChild: msg})), }), ]); } return numValid && BG.usercssHelper.save(style); }); function buildConfigForm() { for (const va of vars) { let appendChild; switch (va.type) { case 'color': appendChild = [$element({ className: 'cm-colorview', appendChild: va.inputColor = $element({ va, className: 'color-swatch', onclick: showColorpicker, }) })]; break; case 'checkbox': va.input = $element({tag: 'input', type: 'checkbox'}); va.input.onchange = () => { va.dirty = true; va.value = String(Number(va.input.checked)); }; appendChild = [ $element({tag: 'span', className: 'onoffswitch', appendChild: [ va.input, $element({tag: 'span'}) ]}) ]; break; case 'select': case 'dropdown': case 'image': // TODO: a image picker input? va.input = $element({ tag: 'select', appendChild: va.options.map(o => $element({ tag: 'option', value: o.name, textContent: o.label })) }); va.input.onchange = () => { va.dirty = true; va.value = va.input.value; }; appendChild = [va.input]; break; default: va.input = $element({tag: 'input', type: 'text'}); va.input.oninput = () => { va.dirty = true; va.value = va.input.value; }; appendChild = [va.input]; break; } elements.push($element({ tag: 'label', className: `config-${va.type}`, appendChild: [ $element({tag: 'span', appendChild: va.label}), ...appendChild, ], })); } } function renderValues() { for (const va of vars) { const useDefault = va.value === null || va.value === undefined; const value = useDefault ? va.default : va.value; if (va.type === 'color') { va.inputColor.style.backgroundColor = value; if (colorpicker.options.va === va) { colorpicker.setColor(value); } } else if (va.type === 'checkbox') { va.input.checked = Number(value); } else { va.input.value = value; } } } function useDefault() { for (const va of vars) { const hasValue = va.value !== null && va.value !== undefined; va.dirty = hasValue && va.value !== va.default; va.value = null; } renderValues(); } function showColorpicker() { window.removeEventListener('keydown', messageBox.listeners.key, true); const box = $('#message-box-contents'); colorpicker.show({ va: this.va, color: this.va.value || this.va.default, top: this.getBoundingClientRect().bottom - 5, left: box.getBoundingClientRect().left - 360, hideDelay: 1e6, guessBrightness: box, callback: onColorChanged, }); } function onColorChanged(newColor) { if (newColor) { this.va.dirty = true; this.va.value = newColor; this.va.inputColor.style.backgroundColor = newColor; } debounce(restoreEscInDialog); } function restoreEscInDialog() { if (!$('.colorpicker-popup') && messageBox.element) { window.addEventListener('keydown', messageBox.listeners.key, true); } } }