/* global addAPI */// common.js /* global chromeLocal */// storage-util.js /* global cloneError */// worker-util.js /* global deepCopy */// toolbox.js /* global prefs */ 'use strict'; /* Initialize a database. There are some problems using IndexedDB in Firefox: https://www.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/74wttb/note_to_firefox_webextension_developers_who_use/ Some of them are fixed in FF59: https://www.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/7ijuaq/firefox_59_webextensions_can_use_indexeddb_when/ */ /* exported db */ const db = (() => { let exec = async (...args) => ( exec = await tryUsingIndexedDB().catch(useChromeStorage) )(...args); const DB = 'stylish'; const FALLBACK = 'dbInChromeStorage'; const ID_AS_KEY = {[DB]: true}; const getStoreName = dbName => dbName === DB ? 'styles' : 'data'; const cache = {}; const proxies = {}; const proxyHandler = { get: ({dbName}, cmd) => (...args) => (dbName === DB ? exec : cachedExec)(dbName, cmd, ...args), }; /** * @param {string} dbName * @return {IDBObjectStore | {putMany: function(items:?[]):Promise}} */ const getProxy = dbName => proxies[dbName] || ( (proxies[dbName] = new Proxy({dbName}, proxyHandler)) ); addAPI(/** @namespace API */ { drafts: getProxy('drafts'), /** Storage for big items that may exceed 8kB limit of chrome.storage.sync. * To make an item syncable register it with uuidIndex.addCustomId. */ prefsDb: getProxy(prefs.STORAGE_KEY), }); return { styles: getProxy(DB), }; async function cachedExec(dbName, cmd, a, b) { const hub = cache[dbName] || (cache[dbName] = {}); const res = cmd === 'get' && a in hub ? hub[a] : await exec(...arguments); if (cmd === 'get') { hub[a] = deepCopy(res); } else if (cmd === 'put') { hub[ID_AS_KEY[dbName] ? a.id : b] = deepCopy(a); } else if (cmd === 'delete') { delete hub[a]; } return res; } async function tryUsingIndexedDB() { // we use chrome.storage.local fallback if IndexedDB doesn't save data, // which, once detected on the first run, is remembered in chrome.storage.local // note that accessing indexedDB may throw, https://github.com/openstyles/stylus/issues/615 if (typeof indexedDB === 'undefined') { throw new Error('indexedDB is undefined'); } switch (await chromeLocal.getValue(FALLBACK)) { case true: throw null; case false: break; default: await testDB(); } chromeLocal.setValue(FALLBACK, false); return dbExecIndexedDB; } async function testDB() { const id = `${performance.now()}.${Math.random()}.${Date.now()}`; await dbExecIndexedDB(DB, 'put', {id}); const e = await dbExecIndexedDB(DB, 'get', id); await dbExecIndexedDB(DB, 'delete', e.id); // throws if `e` or id is null } async function useChromeStorage(err) { chromeLocal.setValue(FALLBACK, true); if (err) { chromeLocal.setValue(FALLBACK + 'Reason', cloneError(err)); console.warn('Failed to access indexedDB. Switched to storage API.', err); } await require(['/background/db-chrome-storage']); /* global createChromeStorageDB */ const BASES = {}; return (dbName, method, ...args) => ( BASES[dbName] || ( BASES[dbName] = createChromeStorageDB(dbName !== DB && `${dbName}-`) ) )[method](...args); } async function dbExecIndexedDB(dbName, method, ...args) { const mode = method.startsWith('get') ? 'readonly' : 'readwrite'; const storeName = getStoreName(dbName); const store = (await open(dbName)).transaction([storeName], mode).objectStore(storeName); const fn = method === 'putMany' ? putMany : storeRequest; return fn(store, method, ...args); } function storeRequest(store, method, ...args) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { /** @type {IDBRequest} */ const request = store[method](...args); request.onsuccess = () => resolve(request.result); request.onerror = reject; }); } function putMany(store, _method, items) { return Promise.all(items.map(item => storeRequest(store, 'put', item))); } function open(name) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const request = indexedDB.open(name, 2); request.onsuccess = () => resolve(request.result); request.onerror = reject; request.onupgradeneeded = create; }); } function create(event) { /** @type IDBDatabase */ const idb = event.target.result; const sn = getStoreName(idb.name); if (!idb.objectStoreNames.contains(sn)) { idb.createObjectStore(sn, ID_AS_KEY[idb.name] ? { keyPath: 'id', autoIncrement: true, } : undefined); } } })();