/* global $ $create messageBoxProxy */// dom.js /* global CodeMirror */ /* global MozSectionFinder */ /* global colorMimicry */ /* global editor */ /* global msg */ /* global prefs */ /* global t */// localization.js /* global tryCatch */// toolbox.js 'use strict'; /* exported MozSectionWidget */ function MozSectionWidget(cm, finder = MozSectionFinder(cm)) { let TPL, EVENTS, CLICK_ROUTE; const KEY = 'MozSectionWidget'; const C_CONTAINER = '.applies-to'; const C_LABEL = 'label'; const C_LIST = '.applies-to-list'; const C_ITEM = '.applies-to-item'; const C_TYPE = '.applies-type'; const C_VALUE = '.applies-value'; /** @returns {MarkedFunc} */ const getFuncFor = el => el.closest(C_ITEM)[KEY]; /** @returns {MarkedFunc[]} */ const getFuncsFor = el => el.closest(C_LIST)[KEY]; /** @returns {MozSection} */ const getSectionFor = el => el.closest(C_CONTAINER)[KEY]; const {cmpPos} = CodeMirror; let enabled = false; let funcHeight = 0; /** @type {HTMLStyleElement} */ let actualStyle; return { toggle(enable) { if (Boolean(enable) !== enabled) { (enable ? init : destroy)(); } }, }; function init() { enabled = true; TPL = { container: $create('div' + C_CONTAINER, [ $create(C_LABEL, t('appliesLabel')), $create('ul' + C_LIST), ]), listItem: t.template.appliesTo.cloneNode(true), appliesToEverything: $create('li.applies-to-everything', t('appliesToEverything')), }; $(C_VALUE, TPL.listItem).after( $create('button.test-regexp', t('styleRegexpTestButton'))); CLICK_ROUTE = { '.test-regexp': showRegExpTester, /** * @param {HTMLElement} elItem * @param {MarkedFunc} func */ '.remove-applies-to'(elItem, func) { const funcs = getFuncsFor(elItem); if (funcs.length < 2) { messageBoxProxy.show({ contents: t('appliesRemoveError'), buttons: [t('confirmClose')], }); return; } const i = funcs.indexOf(func); const next = funcs[i + 1]; const from = i ? funcs[i - 1].item.find(1) : func.item.find(-1); const to = next ? next.item.find(-1) : func.item.find(1); cm.replaceRange(i && next ? ', ' : '', from, to); }, /** * @param {HTMLElement} elItem * @param {MarkedFunc} func */ '.add-applies-to'(elItem, func) { const pos = func.item.find(1); cm.replaceRange(`, ${func.typeText}("")`, pos, pos); }, }; EVENTS = { onchange({target: el}) { EVENTS.oninput({target: el.closest(C_TYPE) || el}); }, oninput({target: el}) { const part = el.matches(C_VALUE) && 'value' || el.matches(C_TYPE) && 'type'; if (!part) return; const func = getFuncFor(el); const pos = func[part].find(); if (part === 'type' && el.value !== func.typeText) { func.typeText = func.item[KEY].dataset.type = el.value; } if (part === 'value' && func === getFuncsFor(el)[0]) { const sec = getSectionFor(el); sec.tocEntry.target = el.value; if (!sec.tocEntry.label) editor.updateToc([sec]); } cm.replaceRange(toDoubleslash(el.value), pos.from, pos.to, finder.IGNORE_ORIGIN); }, onclick(event) { const {target} = event; for (const selector in CLICK_ROUTE) { const routed = target.closest(selector); if (routed) { const elItem = routed.closest(C_ITEM); CLICK_ROUTE[selector](elItem, elItem[KEY], event); return; } } }, }; actualStyle = $create('style'); cm.on('optionChange', onCmOption); msg.onExtension(onRuntimeMessage); if (finder.sections.length) { update(finder.sections, []); } finder.on(update); requestAnimationFrame(updateWidgetStyle); } function destroy() { enabled = false; cm.off('optionChange', onCmOption); msg.off(onRuntimeMessage); actualStyle.remove(); actualStyle = null; cm.operation(() => finder.sections.forEach(killWidget)); finder.off(update); } function onCmOption(cm, option) { if (option === 'theme') { updateWidgetStyle(); } } function onRuntimeMessage(msg) { if (msg.reason === 'editPreview' && !$(`#stylus-${msg.style.id}`)) { // no style element with this id means the style doesn't apply to the editor URL return; } if (msg.style || msg.styles || msg.prefs && 'disableAll' in msg.prefs || msg.method === 'styleDeleted') { requestAnimationFrame(updateWidgetStyle); } } function updateWidgetStyle() { funcHeight = 0; if (prefs.get('editor.theme') !== 'default' && !tryCatch(() => $('#cm-theme').sheet.cssRules)) { requestAnimationFrame(updateWidgetStyle); return; } const MIN_LUMA = .05; const MIN_LUMA_DIFF = .4; const color = { wrapper: colorMimicry(cm.display.wrapper), gutter: colorMimicry(cm.display.gutters, { bg: 'backgroundColor', border: 'borderRightColor', }), line: colorMimicry('.CodeMirror-linenumber', null, cm.display.lineDiv), comment: colorMimicry('span.cm-comment', null, cm.display.lineDiv), }; const hasBorder = color.gutter.style.borderRightWidth !== '0px' && !/transparent|\b0\)/g.test(color.gutter.style.borderRightColor); const diff = { wrapper: Math.abs(color.gutter.bgLuma - color.wrapper.foreLuma), border: hasBorder ? Math.abs(color.gutter.bgLuma - color.gutter.borderLuma) : 0, line: Math.abs(color.gutter.bgLuma - color.line.foreLuma), }; const preferLine = diff.line > diff.wrapper || diff.line > MIN_LUMA_DIFF; const fore = preferLine ? color.line.fore : color.wrapper.fore; const border = fore.replace(/[\d.]+(?=\))/, MIN_LUMA_DIFF / 2); const borderStyleForced = `1px ${hasBorder ? color.gutter.style.borderRightStyle : 'solid'} ${border}`; actualStyle.textContent = ` ${C_CONTAINER} { background-color: ${color.gutter.bg}; border-top: ${borderStyleForced}; border-bottom: ${borderStyleForced}; } ${C_CONTAINER} ${C_LABEL} { color: ${fore}; } ${C_CONTAINER} input, ${C_CONTAINER} button:not(.fake), ${C_CONTAINER} select { background: rgba(255, 255, 255, ${ Math.max(MIN_LUMA, Math.pow(Math.max(0, color.gutter.bgLuma - MIN_LUMA * 2), 2)).toFixed(2) }); border: ${borderStyleForced}; transition: none; color: ${fore}; } ${C_CONTAINER} .svg-icon.select-arrow { fill: ${fore}; transition: none; } `; document.documentElement.appendChild(actualStyle); } /** * @param {MozSection[]} added * @param {MozSection[]} removed * @param {number} cutAt */ function update(added, removed, cutAt = finder.sections.indexOf(added[0])) { const isDelayed = added.isDelayed && (cm.startOperation(), true); const toDelay = []; const t0 = performance.now(); let {viewFrom, viewTo} = cm.display; for (const sec of added) { const i = removed.findIndex(isReusableWidget, sec); const old = removed[i]; if (isDelayed || old || sec.end.line >= viewFrom && sec.start.line < viewTo) { renderWidget(sec, old); viewTo -= (sec.funcs.length || 1) * 1.25; if (old) removed[i] = null; if (performance.now() - t0 > 50) { toDelay.push(...added.slice(added.indexOf(sec) + 1)); break; } } else { toDelay.push(sec); } } // renumber for (let i = Math.max(0, cutAt), {sections} = finder, sec; (sec = sections[i++]);) { if (!toDelay.includes(sec)) { const data = $(C_LABEL, sec.widget.node).dataset; if (data.index !== `${i}`) data.index = `${i}`; } } if (toDelay.length) { toDelay.isDelayed = true; setTimeout(update, 0, toDelay, removed); } else { removed.forEach(killWidget); } if (isDelayed) cm.endOperation(); } /** @this {MozSection} */ function isReusableWidget(r) { return r && r.widget && r.widget.line.parent && r.start && !cmpPos(r.start, this.start); } function renderWidget(sec, old) { let widget = old && old.widget; const height = Math.round(funcHeight * (sec.funcs.length || 1)) || undefined; const node = renderContainer(sec, widget); if (widget) { widget.node = node; if (height && height !== widget.height) { widget.height = height; widget.changed(); } } else { widget = cm.addLineWidget(sec.start.line, node, { coverGutter: true, noHScroll: true, above: true, height, }); } if (!funcHeight) { funcHeight = node.offsetHeight / (sec.funcs.length || 1); } setProp(sec, 'widget', widget); return widget; } /** * @param {MozSection} sec * @param {LineWidget} oldWidget * @returns {Node} */ function renderContainer(sec, oldWidget) { const container = oldWidget ? oldWidget.node : TPL.container.cloneNode(true); const elList = $(C_LIST, container); const {funcs} = sec; const oldItems = elList[KEY] || false; const items = funcs.map((f, i) => renderFunc(f, oldItems[i])); let slot = elList.firstChild; for (const {item} of items) { const el = item[KEY]; if (el !== slot) { elList.insertBefore(el, slot); if (slot) slot.remove(); slot = el; } slot = slot.nextSibling; } for (let i = funcs.length; oldItems && i < oldItems.length; i++) { killFunc(oldItems[i]); if (slot) { const el = slot.nextSibling; slot.remove(); slot = el; } } if (!funcs.length && (!oldItems || oldItems.length)) { TPL.appliesToEverything.cloneNode(true); } setProp(sec, 'widgetFuncs', items); elList[KEY] = items; container[KEY] = sec; container.classList.toggle('error', !sec.funcs.length); return Object.assign(container, EVENTS); } /** * @param {MozSectionFunc} func * @param {MarkedFunc} old * @returns {MarkedFunc} */ function renderFunc(func, old = {}) { const { type, value, isQuoted = false, start, start: {line}, typeEnd = {line, ch: start.ch + type.length}, valuePos = {line, ch: typeEnd.ch + 1 + Boolean(isQuoted)}, valueEnd = {line, ch: valuePos.ch + value.length}, end = {line, ch: valueEnd.ch + Boolean(isQuoted) + 1}, } = func; const el = (old.item || {})[KEY] || TPL.listItem.cloneNode(true); /** @namespace MarkedFunc */ const res = el[KEY] = { typeText: type, item: markFuncPart(start, end, old.item, el), type: markFuncPart(start, typeEnd, old.type, $(C_TYPE, el), type, toLowerCase), value: markFuncPart(valuePos, valueEnd, old.value, $(C_VALUE, el), value, fromDoubleslash), }; if (el.dataset.type !== type) { el.dataset.type = type; } return res; } /** * @param {CodeMirror.Pos} start * @param {CodeMirror.Pos} end * @param {TextMarker} marker * @param {HTMLElement} el * @param {string} [text] * @param {function} [textTransform] * @returns {TextMarker} */ function markFuncPart(start, end, marker, el, text, textTransform) { if (marker) { const pos = marker.find(); if (!pos || cmpPos(pos.from, start) || cmpPos(pos.to, end) || text != null && text !== cm.getRange(start, end)) { marker.clear(); marker = null; } } if (!marker) { marker = cm.markText(start, end, { clearWhenEmpty: false, inclusiveLeft: true, inclusiveRight: true, [KEY]: el, }); } if (text != null) { text = textTransform(text); if (el.value !== text) el.value = text; } return marker; } /** @type {MozSection} sec */ function killWidget(sec) { const w = sec && sec.widget; if (w) { w.clear(); w.node[KEY].widgetFuncs.forEach(killFunc); } } /** @type {MarkedFunc} f */ function killFunc(f) { f.item.clear(); f.type.clear(); f.value.clear(); } async function showRegExpTester(el) { /* global regexpTester */ await require(['/edit/regexp-tester']); const reFuncs = getFuncsFor(el).filter(f => f.typeText === 'regexp'); regexpTester.toggle(true); regexpTester.update(reFuncs.map(f => fromDoubleslash(f.value[KEY].value))); } function fromDoubleslash(s) { return /([^\\]|^)\\([^\\]|$)/.test(s) ? s : s.replace(/\\\\/g, '\\'); } function toDoubleslash(s) { return fromDoubleslash(s).replace(/\\/g, '\\\\'); } function toLowerCase(s) { return s.toLowerCase(); } /** Adds a non-enumerable property so it won't be seen by deepEqual */ function setProp(obj, name, value) { return Object.defineProperty(obj, name, {value, configurable: true}); } }