/* global semverCompare makeLink */ 'use strict'; let pendingResource; function install(style) { const request = Object.assign(style, { method: 'saveUsercss', reason: 'update', updateUrl: location.href }); return runtimeSend(request) .then(result => { $$('.warning') .forEach(el => el.remove()); $('button.install').textContent = 'Installed'; $('button.install').disabled = true; $('button.install').classList.add('installed'); window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('installed', {detail: result})); }) .catch(err => { alert(chrome.i18n.getMessage('styleInstallFailed', String(err))); }); } function runtimeSend(request) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { chrome.runtime.sendMessage(request, result => { if (result.status === 'error') { reject(result.error); } else { resolve(result); } }); }); } function getAppliesTo(style) { function *_gen() { for (const section of style.sections) { for (const type of ['urls', 'urlPrefixes', 'domains', 'regexps']) { if (section[type]) { yield *section[type]; } } } } const result = [..._gen()]; if (!result.length) { result.push(chrome.i18n.getMessage('appliesToEverything')); } return result; } function initInstallPage({style, dup}, sourceLoader) { return pendingResource.then(() => { const data = style.usercssData; const dupData = dup && dup.usercssData; const versionTest = dup && semverCompare(data.version, dupData.version); document.body.textContent = ''; document.body.appendChild(buildPage()); if (versionTest < 0) { $('.actions').parentNode.insertBefore( $element({className: 'warning', textContent: t('versionInvalidOlder')}), $('.actions') ); } $('.code').textContent = style.sourceCode; $('button.install').onclick = () => { if (dup) { if (confirm(chrome.i18n.getMessage('styleInstallOverwrite', [ data.name, dupData.version, data.version ]))) { install(style); } } else if (confirm(chrome.i18n.getMessage('styleInstall', [data.name]))) { install(style); } }; if (location.protocol === 'file:') { initLiveReload(sourceLoader); } function buildPage() { return $element({className: 'container', appendChild: [ $element({className: 'header', appendChild: [ $element({className: 'actions', appendChild: [ $element({tag: 'button', className: 'install', textContent: installButtonLabel()}) ]}), $element({tag: 'h1', appendChild: [ data.name, $element({tag: 'small', className: 'meta-version', textContent: data.version}) ]}), $element({tag: 'p', textContent: data.description}), data.author && $element({tag: 'h3', textContent: t('author')}), data.author, data.license && $element({tag: 'h3', textContent: t('license')}), data.license, $element({tag: 'h3', textContent: t('appliesLabel')}), $element({tag: 'ul', appendChild: getAppliesTo(style).map( pattern => $element({tag: 'li', textContent: pattern}) )}), externalLink(), ]}), $element({className: 'main', appendChild: [ $element({className: 'code'}) ]}) ]}); } function externalLink() { const urls = []; if (data.homepageURL) { urls.push([data.homepageURL, t('externalHomepage')]); } if (data.supportURL) { urls.push([data.supportURL, t('externalSupport')]); } if (urls.length) { return $element({appendChild: [ $element({tag: 'h3', textContent: t('externalLink')}), $element({tag: 'ul', appendChild: urls.map(args => $element({tag: 'li', appendChild: makeLink(...args)}) )}) ]}); } } function installButtonLabel() { return t(!dup ? 'installButton' : versionTest > 0 ? 'installButtonUpdate' : 'installButtonReinstall'); } }); } function initLiveReload(sourceLoader) { let installed; const watcher = sourceLoader.watch(source => { $('.code').textContent = source; return runtimeSend({ method: 'saveUsercss', id: installed.id, sourceCode: source }).then(() => { $$('.main .warning').forEach(e => e.remove()); }).catch(err => { const oldWarning = $('.main .warning'); const warning = buildWarning(err); if (oldWarning) { oldWarning.replaceWith(warning); } else { $('.main').insertBefore(warning, $('.main').childNodes[0]); } }); }); window.addEventListener('installed', ({detail: {style}}) => { installed = style; if ($('.live-reload-checkbox').checked) { watcher.start(); } }); $('.actions').appendChild($element({tag: 'label', className: 'live-reload', appendChild: [ $element({tag: 'input', type: 'checkbox', className: 'live-reload-checkbox'}), $element({tag: 'span', textContent: t('liveReloadLabel')}) ]})); $('.live-reload-checkbox').onchange = e => { if (!installed) { return; } if (e.target.checked) { watcher.start(); } else { watcher.stop(); } }; } function buildWarning(err) { return $element({className: 'warning', appendChild: [ t('parseUsercssError'), $element({tag: 'pre', textContent: String(err)}) ]}); } function initErrorPage(err, source) { return pendingResource.then(() => { document.body.textContent = ''; [ buildWarning(err), $element({className: 'code'}) ].forEach(e => document.body.appendChild(e)); $('.code').textContent = source; }); } function createSourceLoader() { let source; function fetchText(url) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // you can't use fetch in Chrome under 'file:' protocol const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open('GET', url); xhr.addEventListener('load', () => resolve(xhr.responseText)); xhr.addEventListener('error', () => reject(xhr)); xhr.send(); }); } function load() { return fetchText(location.href) .then(_source => { source = _source; return source; }); } function watch(cb) { let timer; const DELAY = 1000; function start() { if (timer) { return; } timer = setTimeout(check, DELAY); } function stop() { clearTimeout(timer); timer = null; } function check() { fetchText(location.href) .then(_source => { if (source !== _source) { source = _source; return cb(source); } }) .catch(console.log) .then(() => { timer = setTimeout(check, DELAY); }); } return {start, stop}; } return {load, watch, source: () => source}; } function initUsercssInstall() { pendingResource = runtimeSend({ method: 'injectContent', files: [ '/js/dom.js', '/js/localization.js', '/js/usercss.js', '/vendor/node-semver/semver.js', '/content/install-user-css.css' ] }); const sourceLoader = createSourceLoader(); sourceLoader.load() .then(() => runtimeSend({ method: 'filterUsercss', sourceCode: sourceLoader.source(), checkDup: true }) ) .then(result => initInstallPage(result, sourceLoader)) .catch(err => initErrorPage(err, sourceLoader.source())); } function isUsercss() { if (!/text\/(css|plain)/.test(document.contentType)) { return false; } if (!/==userstyle==/i.test(document.body.textContent)) { return false; } return true; } if (isUsercss()) { initUsercssInstall(); }