/* global createWorkerApi */// worker-util.js 'use strict'; (() => { let sugarss = false; /** @namespace EditorWorker */ createWorkerApi({ async csslint(code, config) { require(['/js/csslint/parserlib', '/js/csslint/csslint']); /* global CSSLint */ return CSSLint .verify(code, config).messages .map(m => Object.assign(m, {rule: {id: m.rule.id}})); }, getCssPropsValues() { require(['/js/csslint/parserlib']); /* global parserlib */ const { css: {Colors, GlobalKeywords, Properties}, util: {describeProp}, } = parserlib; const namedColors = Object.keys(Colors); const rxNonWord = /(?:<.+?>|[^-\w<(]+\d*)+/g; const res = {}; // moving vendor-prefixed props to the end const cmp = (a, b) => a[0] === '-' && b[0] !== '-' ? 1 : a < b ? -1 : a > b; for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(Properties)) { if (typeof v === 'string') { let last = ''; const uniq = []; // strip definitions of function arguments const desc = describeProp(v).replace(/([-\w]+)\(.*?\)/g, 'z-$1'); const descNoColors = desc.replace(//g, ''); // add a prefix to functions to group them at the end const words = descNoColors.split(rxNonWord).sort(cmp); for (let w of words) { if (w.startsWith('z-')) w = w.slice(2) + '('; if (w !== last) uniq.push(last = w); } if (desc !== descNoColors) uniq.push(...namedColors); if (uniq.length) res[k] = uniq; } } return {own: res, global: GlobalKeywords}; }, getRules(linter) { return ruleRetriever[linter](); // eslint-disable-line no-use-before-define }, metalint(code) { require(['/js/meta-parser']); /* global metaParser */ const result = metaParser.lint(code); // extract needed info result.errors = result.errors.map(err => ({ code: err.code, args: err.args, message: err.message, index: err.index, })); return result; }, async stylelint(opts) { require(['/vendor/stylelint-bundle/stylelint-bundle.min']); /* global stylelint */ // Stylus-lang allows a trailing ";" but sugarss doesn't, so we monkeypatch it stylelint.SugarSSParser.prototype.checkSemicolon = tt => { while (tt.length && tt[tt.length - 1][0] === ';') tt.pop(); }; for (const pass of opts.mode === 'stylus' ? [sugarss, !sugarss] : [-1]) { /* We try sugarss (for indented stylus-lang), then css mode, switching them on failure, * so that the succeeding syntax will be used next time first. */ opts.config.customSyntax = !pass ? 'sugarss' : ''; try { const res = await stylelint.createLinter(opts)._lintSource(opts); if (pass !== -1) sugarss = pass; return collectStylelintResults(res, opts); } catch (e) { const fatal = pass === -1 || !pass && !/^CssSyntaxError:.+?Unnecessary curly bracket/.test(e.stack) || pass && !/^CssSyntaxError:.+?Unknown word[\s\S]*?\.decl\s/.test(e.stack); if (fatal) { return [{ from: {line: e.line - 1, ch: e.column - 1}, to: {line: e.line - 1, ch: e.column - 1}, message: e.reason, severity: 'error', rule: e.name, }]; } } } }, }); const ruleRetriever = { csslint() { require(['/js/csslint/csslint']); return CSSLint.getRuleList().map(rule => { const output = {}; for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(rule)) { if (typeof value !== 'function') { output[key] = value; } } return output; }); }, stylelint() { require(['/vendor/stylelint-bundle/stylelint-bundle.min']); const options = {}; const rxPossible = /\bpossible:("(?:[^"]*?)"|\[(?:[^\]]*?)\]|\{(?:[^}]*?)\})/g; const rxString = /"([-\w\s]{3,}?)"/g; for (const [id, rule] of Object.entries(stylelint.rules)) { const ruleCode = `${rule()}`; const sets = []; let m, mStr; while ((m = rxPossible.exec(ruleCode))) { const possible = m[1]; const set = []; while ((mStr = rxString.exec(possible))) { const s = mStr[1]; if (s.includes(' ')) { set.push(...s.split(/\s+/)); } else { set.push(s); } } if (possible.includes('ignoreAtRules')) { set.push('ignoreAtRules'); } if (possible.includes('ignoreShorthands')) { set.push('ignoreShorthands'); } if (set.length) { sets.push(set); } } options[id] = sets; } return options; }, }; function collectStylelintResults({messages}, {mode}) { /* We hide nonfatal "//" warnings since we lint with sugarss without applying @preprocessor. * We can't easily pre-remove "//" comments which may be inside strings, comments, url(), etc. * And even if we did, it'd be wrong to hide potential bugs in stylus-lang like #1460 */ const isLess = mode === 'text/x-less'; const slashCommentAllowed = isLess || mode === 'stylus'; const res = []; for (const m of messages) { if (/deprecation|invalidOption/.test(m.stylelintType)) { continue; } const {rule} = m; const msg = m.text.replace(/^Unexpected\s+/, '').replace(` (${rule})`, ''); if (slashCommentAllowed && ( rule === 'no-invalid-double-slash-comments' || rule === 'property-no-unknown' && msg.includes('"//"') ) || isLess && /^unknown at-rule "@[-\w]+:"/.test(msg) /* LESS variables */) { continue; } res.push({ from: {line: m.line - 1, ch: m.column - 1}, to: {line: m.endLine - 1, ch: m.endColumn - 1}, message: msg[0].toUpperCase() + msg.slice(1), severity: m.severity, rule, }); } return res; } })();