var styleId = null; var dirty = false; var appliesToTemplate = document.createElement("li"); appliesToTemplate.innerHTML = ''; var appliesToEverythingTemplate = document.createElement("li"); appliesToEverythingTemplate.className = "applies-to-everything"; appliesToEverythingTemplate.innerHTML = t("appliesToEverything") + ' ' var sectionTemplate = document.createElement("div"); sectionTemplate.innerHTML = '
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FROM sections ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1;", [m[0], m[1]]); }); }); } dirty = false; }, reportError, saveComplete); }, reportError); } function getSections() { var sections = [];"#sections > div"), function(div) { var code = div.querySelector(".code").value; if (/^\s*$/.test(code)) { return; } sections.push({code: code, meta: getMeta(div)}); }); return sections; } function getMeta(e) { var meta = [];".applies-to-list").childNodes, function(li) { if (li.className == appliesToEverythingTemplate.className) { return; } var a = li.querySelector("[name=applies-type]").value; var b = li.querySelector("[name=applies-value]").value; if (a && b) { meta.push([a, b]); } }); return meta; } function saveComplete() { if (styleId == null) { // Load the style id getDatabase(function(db) { db.readTransaction(function (t) { t.executeSql('SELECT id FROM styles ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1', [], function(t, r) { styleId = r.rows.item(0).id; notifySave(true); }, reportError) }, reportError) }); return; } notifySave(false); } function showMozillaFormat() { var w ="data:text/plain;charset=UTF-8," + encodeURIComponent(toMozillaFormat())); } function toMozillaFormat() { return getSections().map(function(section) { if (section.meta.length == 0) { return section.code; } var mf = "@-moz-document "; mf += { // escape the meta according to css rules return meta[0] + "(\"" + meta[1].replace(/\\/g, "\\\\") + "\")"; }).join(", "); return mf + " {\n" + section.code + "\n}"; }).join("\n\n"); } function notifySave(newStyle) { chrome.extension.sendRequest({name: "styleChanged"}); getStyles({id: styleId}, function(styles) { if (newStyle) { notifyAllTabs({name:"styleAdded", style: styles[0]}); // give the code above a moment before we kill the page setTimeout(function() {location.href = "edit.html?id=" + styleId;}, 200); } else { initTitle(styles[0]); notifyAllTabs({name:"styleUpdated", style: styles[0]}); } }); } function showSectionHelp() { showHelp(t("sectionHelp")); } function showAppliesToHelp() { showHelp(t("appliesHelp")); } function showToMozillaHelp() { showHelp(t("styleToMozillaFormatHelp")); } function showHelp(text) { alert(text); } chrome.extension.onRequest.addListener(function(request, sender, sendResponse) { var installed = document.getElementById("installed"); switch( { case "styleUpdated": initWithStyle(; break; case "styleDeleted": if (styleId == { window.close(); break; } } });