/* eslint-env node */ 'use strict'; const path = require('path'); const endent = require('endent'); const fetch = require('make-fetch-happen'); const fse = require('fs-extra'); const glob = require('tiny-glob'); const files = { 'codemirror': [ 'addon/comment/comment.js', 'addon/dialog', 'addon/edit/closebrackets.js', 'addon/edit/matchbrackets.js', 'addon/fold/brace-fold.js', 'addon/fold/comment-fold.js', 'addon/fold/foldcode.js', 'addon/fold/foldgutter.*', 'addon/fold/indent-fold.js', 'addon/hint/css-hint.js', 'addon/hint/show-hint.*', 'addon/lint/css-lint.js', 'addon/lint/json-lint.js', 'addon/lint/lint.*', 'addon/scroll/annotatescrollbar.js', 'addon/search/matchesonscrollbar.*', 'addon/search/searchcursor.js', 'addon/selection/active-line.js', 'keymap/*', 'lib/*', 'mode/css', 'mode/javascript', 'mode/stylus', 'theme/*' ], 'jsonlint': [ 'lib/jsonlint.js → jsonlint.js', 'README.md → LICENSE' ], 'less-bundle': [ 'dist/less.min.js → less.min.js' ], 'lz-string-unsafe': [ 'lz-string-unsafe.min.js' ], 'semver-bundle': [ 'dist/semver.js → semver.js' ], 'stylelint-bundle': [ 'stylelint-bundle.min.js', 'https://github.com/stylelint/stylelint/raw/{VERSION}/LICENSE → LICENSE' ], 'stylus-lang-bundle': [ 'stylus.min.js' ], 'usercss-meta': [ 'dist/usercss-meta.min.js → usercss-meta.min.js' ], 'db-to-cloud': [ 'dist/db-to-cloud.min.js → db-to-cloud.min.js' ], 'uuid': [ 'https://bundle.run/uuid@{VERSION}/v4.js → uuid.min.js' ] }; main().catch(console.error); async function main() { for (const pkg in files) { console.log('\x1b[32m%s\x1b[0m', `Building ${pkg}...`); // other files const [fetched, copied] = await buildFiles(pkg, files[pkg]); // README await fse.outputFile(`vendor/${pkg}/README.md`, generateReadme(pkg, fetched, copied)); // LICENSE await copyLicense(pkg); } console.log('\x1b[32m%s\x1b[0m', 'updating codemirror themes list...'); await fse.outputFile('edit/codemirror-themes.js', await generateThemeList()); } async function generateThemeList() { const themes = (await fse.readdir('vendor/codemirror/theme')) .filter(name => name.endsWith('.css')) .map(name => name.replace('.css', '')) .sort(); return endent` /* exported CODEMIRROR_THEMES */ // this file is generated by update-codemirror-themes.js 'use strict'; const CODEMIRROR_THEMES = ${JSON.stringify(themes, null, 2)}; `.replace(/"/g, "'") + '\n'; } async function copyLicense(pkg) { try { await fse.access(`vendor/${pkg}/LICENSE`); return; } catch (err) { // pass } for (const file of await glob(`node_modules/${pkg}/LICEN[SC]E*`)) { await fse.copy(file, `vendor/${pkg}/LICENSE`); return; } throw new Error(`cannot find license file for ${pkg}`); } async function buildFiles(pkg, patterns) { const fetchedFiles = []; const copiedFiles = []; for (let pattern of patterns) { pattern = pattern.replace('{VERSION}', require(`${pkg}/package.json`).version); const [src, dest] = pattern.split(/\s*→\s*/); if (src.startsWith('http')) { const content = await (await fetch(src)).text(); await fse.outputFile(`vendor/${pkg}/${dest}`, content); fetchedFiles.push([src, dest]); } else { for (const file of await glob(`node_modules/${pkg}/${src}`)) { if (dest) { await fse.copy(file, `vendor/${pkg}/${dest}`); } else { await fse.copy(file, path.join('vendor', path.relative('node_modules', file))); } copiedFiles.push([path.relative(`node_modules/${pkg}`, file), dest]); } } } return [fetchedFiles, copiedFiles]; } function generateReadme(lib, fetched, copied) { const pkg = require(`${lib}/package.json`); let txt = `## ${pkg.name} v${pkg.version}\n\n`; if (fetched.length) { txt += `Following files are downloaded from HTTP:\n\n${generateList(fetched)}\n\n`; } if (copied.length) { txt += `Following files are copied from npm (node_modules):\n\n${generateList(copied)}\n`; } return txt; } function generateList(list) { return list.map(([src, dest]) => { if (dest) { return `* ${dest}: ${src}`; } return `* ${src}`; }).join('\n'); } // Rename CodeMirror$1 -> CodeMirror for development purposes // FIXME: is this a workaround for old version of codemirror? // function renameCodeMirrorVariable(filePath) { // const file = fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf8'); // fs.writeFileSync(filePath, file.replace(/CodeMirror\$1/g, 'CodeMirror')); // }