/* global messageBox, handleUpdate, applyOnMessage */ 'use strict'; const STYLISH_DUMP_FILE_EXT = '.txt'; const STYLUS_BACKUP_FILE_EXT = '.json'; function importFromFile({fileTypeFilter, file} = {}) { return new Promise(resolve => { const fileInput = document.createElement('input'); if (file) { readFile(); return; } fileInput.style.display = 'none'; fileInput.type = 'file'; fileInput.accept = fileTypeFilter || STYLISH_DUMP_FILE_EXT; fileInput.acceptCharset = 'utf-8'; document.body.appendChild(fileInput); fileInput.initialValue = fileInput.value; fileInput.onchange = readFile; fileInput.click(); function readFile() { if (file || fileInput.value !== fileInput.initialValue) { file = file || fileInput.files[0]; if (file.size > 100e6) { console.warn("100MB backup? I don't believe you."); importFromString('').then(resolve); return; } document.body.style.cursor = 'wait'; const fReader = new FileReader(); fReader.onloadend = event => { fileInput.remove(); importFromString(event.target.result).then(numStyles => { document.body.style.cursor = ''; resolve(numStyles); }); }; fReader.readAsText(file, 'utf-8'); } } }); } function importFromString(jsonString) { if (!BG) { onBackgroundReady().then(() => importFromString(jsonString)); return; } // create objects in background context const json = BG.tryJSONparse(jsonString) || []; if (typeof json.slice != 'function') { json.length = 0; } const oldStyles = json.length && BG.deepCopy(BG.cachedStyles.list || []); const oldStylesByName = json.length && new Map( oldStyles.map(style => [style.name.trim(), style])); const stats = { added: {names: [], ids: [], legend: 'importReportLegendAdded'}, unchanged: {names: [], ids: [], legend: 'importReportLegendIdentical'}, metaAndCode: {names: [], ids: [], legend: 'importReportLegendUpdatedBoth'}, metaOnly: {names: [], ids: [], legend: 'importReportLegendUpdatedMeta'}, codeOnly: {names: [], ids: [], legend: 'importReportLegendUpdatedCode'}, invalid: {names: [], legend: 'importReportLegendInvalid'}, }; let index = 0; let lastRenderTime = performance.now(); const renderQueue = []; const RENDER_NAP_TIME_MAX = 1000; // ms const RENDER_QUEUE_MAX = 50; // number of styles const SAVE_OPTIONS = {reason: 'import', notify: false}; return new Promise(proceed); function proceed(resolve) { while (index < json.length) { const item = json[index++]; const info = analyze(item); if (info) { // using saveStyle directly since json was parsed in background page context return BG.saveStyle(Object.assign(item, SAVE_OPTIONS)) .then(style => account({style, info, resolve})); } } renderQueue.forEach(style => handleUpdate(style, {reason: 'import'})); renderQueue.length = 0; done(resolve); } function analyze(item) { if (!item || !item.name || !item.name.trim() || typeof item != 'object' || (item.sections && typeof item.sections.slice != 'function')) { stats.invalid.names.push(`#${index}: ${limitString(item && item.name || '')}`); return; } item.name = item.name.trim(); const byId = BG.cachedStyles.byId.get(item.id); const byName = oldStylesByName.get(item.name); const oldStyle = byId && byId.name.trim() == item.name || !byName ? byId : byName; if (oldStyle == byName && byName) { item.id = byName.id; } const oldStyleKeys = oldStyle && Object.keys(oldStyle); const metaEqual = oldStyleKeys && oldStyleKeys.length == Object.keys(item).length && oldStyleKeys.every(k => k == 'sections' || oldStyle[k] === item[k]); const codeEqual = oldStyle && BG.styleSectionsEqual(oldStyle, item); if (metaEqual && codeEqual) { stats.unchanged.names.push(oldStyle.name); stats.unchanged.ids.push(oldStyle.id); return; } return {oldStyle, metaEqual, codeEqual}; } function account({style, info, resolve}) { renderQueue.push(style); if (performance.now() - lastRenderTime > RENDER_NAP_TIME_MAX || renderQueue.length > RENDER_QUEUE_MAX) { renderQueue.forEach(style => handleUpdate(style, {reason: 'import'})); setTimeout(scrollElementIntoView, 0, $('#style-' + renderQueue.pop().id)); renderQueue.length = 0; lastRenderTime = performance.now(); } setTimeout(proceed, 0, resolve); const {oldStyle, metaEqual, codeEqual} = info; if (!oldStyle) { stats.added.names.push(style.name); stats.added.ids.push(style.id); return; } if (!metaEqual && !codeEqual) { stats.metaAndCode.names.push(reportNameChange(oldStyle, style)); stats.metaAndCode.ids.push(style.id); return; } if (!codeEqual) { stats.codeOnly.names.push(style.name); stats.codeOnly.ids.push(style.id); return; } stats.metaOnly.names.push(reportNameChange(oldStyle, style)); stats.metaOnly.ids.push(style.id); } function done(resolve) { const numChanged = stats.metaAndCode.names.length + stats.metaOnly.names.length + stats.codeOnly.names.length + stats.added.names.length; Promise.resolve(numChanged && refreshAllTabs()).then(() => { const report = Object.keys(stats) .filter(kind => stats[kind].names.length) .map(kind => { const {ids, names, legend} = stats[kind]; const listItemsWithId = (name, i) => $element({dataset: {id: ids[i]}, textContent: name}); const listItems = name => $element({textContent: name}); const block = $element({tag: 'details', dataset: {id: kind}, appendChild: [ $element({tag: 'summary', appendChild: $element({tag: 'b', textContent: names.length + ' ' + t(legend)}) }), $element({tag: 'small', appendChild: names.map(ids ? listItemsWithId : listItems) }), ]}); return block; }); scrollTo(0, 0); messageBox({ title: t('importReportTitle'), contents: report.length ? report : t('importReportUnchanged'), buttons: [t('confirmOK'), numChanged && t('undo')], onshow: bindClick, }).then(({button, enter, esc}) => { if (button == 1) { undo(); } }); resolve(numChanged); }); } function undo() { const oldStylesById = new Map(oldStyles.map(style => [style.id, style])); const newIds = [ ...stats.metaAndCode.ids, ...stats.metaOnly.ids, ...stats.codeOnly.ids, ...stats.added.ids, ]; let resolve; index = 0; return new Promise(resolve_ => { resolve = resolve_; undoNextId(); }).then(BG.refreshAllTabs) .then(() => messageBox({ title: t('importReportUndoneTitle'), contents: newIds.length + ' ' + t('importReportUndone'), buttons: [t('confirmOK')], })); function undoNextId() { if (index == newIds.length) { resolve(); return; } const id = newIds[index++]; deleteStyleSafe({id, notify: false}).then(id => { const oldStyle = oldStylesById.get(id); if (oldStyle) { saveStyleSafe(Object.assign(oldStyle, SAVE_OPTIONS)) .then(undoNextId); } else { undoNextId(); } }); } } function bindClick(box) { const highlightElement = event => { const styleElement = $('#style-' + event.target.dataset.id); if (styleElement) { scrollElementIntoView(styleElement); animateElement(styleElement, {className: 'highlight'}); } }; for (const block of $$('details')) { if (block.dataset.id != 'invalid') { block.style.cursor = 'pointer'; block.onclick = highlightElement; } } } function limitString(s, limit = 100) { return s.length <= limit ? s : s.substr(0, limit) + '...'; } function reportNameChange(oldStyle, newStyle) { return newStyle.name != oldStyle.name ? oldStyle.name + ' —> ' + newStyle.name : oldStyle.name; } function refreshAllTabs() { return getActiveTab().then(activeTab => new Promise(resolve => { // list all tabs including chrome-extension:// which can be ours chrome.tabs.query({}, tabs => { const lastTab = tabs[tabs.length - 1]; for (const tab of tabs) { getStylesSafe({matchUrl: tab.url, enabled: true, asHash: true}).then(styles => { const message = {method: 'styleReplaceAll', styles}; if (tab.id == activeTab.id) { applyOnMessage(message); } else { chrome.tabs.sendMessage(tab.id, message); } BG.updateIcon(tab, styles); if (tab == lastTab) { resolve(); } }); } }); })); } } $('#file-all-styles').onclick = () => { getStylesSafe().then(styles => { const text = JSON.stringify(styles, null, '\t'); const fileName = generateFileName(); const url = 'data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(text); // for long URLs; https://github.com/schomery/stylish-chrome/issues/13#issuecomment-284582600 fetch(url) .then(res => res.blob()) .then(blob => { const objectURL = URL.createObjectURL(blob); Object.assign(document.createElement('a'), { download: fileName, href: objectURL, type: 'application/json', }).dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click')); setTimeout(() => URL.revokeObjectURL(objectURL)); }); }); function generateFileName() { const today = new Date(); const dd = ('0' + today.getDate()).substr(-2); const mm = ('0' + (today.getMonth() + 1)).substr(-2); const yyyy = today.getFullYear(); return `stylus-${mm}-${dd}-${yyyy}${STYLUS_BACKUP_FILE_EXT}`; } }; $('#unfile-all-styles').onclick = () => { importFromFile({fileTypeFilter: STYLUS_BACKUP_FILE_EXT}); }; Object.assign(document.body, { ondragover(event) { const hasFiles = event.dataTransfer.types.includes('Files'); event.dataTransfer.dropEffect = hasFiles || event.target.type == 'search' ? 'copy' : 'none'; this.classList.toggle('dropzone', hasFiles); if (hasFiles) { event.preventDefault(); clearTimeout(this.fadeoutTimer); this.classList.remove('fadeout'); } }, ondragend(event) { animateElement(this, {className: 'fadeout'}).then(() => { this.style.animationDuration = ''; this.classList.remove('dropzone'); }); }, ondragleave(event) { // Chrome sets screen coords to 0 on Escape key pressed or mouse out of document bounds if (!event.screenX && !event.screenX) { this.ondragend(); } }, ondrop(event) { this.ondragend(); if (event.dataTransfer.files.length) { event.preventDefault(); if ($('#onlyUpdates input').checked) { $('#onlyUpdates input').click(); } importFromFile({file: event.dataTransfer.files[0]}); } }, });