/* global dbExec getStyles saveStyle deleteStyle global handleCssTransitionBug detectSloppyRegexps global openEditor global styleViaAPI global loadScript global usercss */ 'use strict'; window.API_METHODS = Object.assign(window.API_METHODS || {}, { getStyles, saveStyle, deleteStyle, download(msg) { delete msg.method; return download(msg.url, msg); }, parseCss({code}) { return usercss.invokeWorker({action: 'parse', code}); }, getPrefs: prefs.getAll, healthCheck: () => dbExec().then(() => true), detectSloppyRegexps, openEditor, updateIcon, // exposed for stuff that requires followup sendMessage() like popup::openSettings // that would fail otherwise if another extension forced the tab to open // in the foreground thus auto-closing the popup (in Chrome) openURL, closeTab: (msg, sender, respond) => { chrome.tabs.remove(msg.tabId || sender.tab.id, () => { if (chrome.runtime.lastError && msg.tabId !== sender.tab.id) { respond(new Error(chrome.runtime.lastError.message)); } }); return KEEP_CHANNEL_OPEN; }, optionsCustomizeHotkeys() { return browser.runtime.openOptionsPage() .then(() => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100))) .then(() => sendMessage({method: 'optionsCustomizeHotkeys'})); }, }); // eslint-disable-next-line no-var var browserCommands, contextMenus; // ************************************************************************* // register all listeners chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(onRuntimeMessage); if (FIREFOX) { // see notes in apply.js for getStylesFallback const MSG_GET_STYLES = 'getStyles:'; const MSG_GET_STYLES_LEN = MSG_GET_STYLES.length; chrome.runtime.onConnect.addListener(port => { if (!port.name.startsWith(MSG_GET_STYLES)) return; const tabId = port.sender.tab.id; const frameId = port.sender.frameId; const options = tryJSONparse(port.name.slice(MSG_GET_STYLES_LEN)); port.disconnect(); getStyles(options).then(styles => { if (!styles.length) return; chrome.tabs.executeScript(tabId, { code: ` applyOnMessage({ method: 'styleApply', styles: ${JSON.stringify(styles)}, }) `, runAt: 'document_start', frameId, }); }); }); } { const listener = URLS.chromeProtectsNTP ? webNavigationListenerChrome : webNavigationListener; chrome.webNavigation.onBeforeNavigate.addListener(data => listener(null, data)); chrome.webNavigation.onCommitted.addListener(data => listener('styleApply', data)); chrome.webNavigation.onHistoryStateUpdated.addListener(data => listener('styleReplaceAll', data)); chrome.webNavigation.onReferenceFragmentUpdated.addListener(data => listener('styleReplaceAll', data)); if (FIREFOX) { // FF applies page CSP even to content scripts, https://bugzil.la/1267027 chrome.webNavigation.onCommitted.addListener(webNavUsercssInstallerFF, { url: [ {hostSuffix: '.githubusercontent.com', urlSuffix: '.user.css'}, {hostSuffix: '.githubusercontent.com', urlSuffix: '.user.styl'}, ] }); // FF misses some about:blank iframes so we inject our content script explicitly chrome.webNavigation.onDOMContentLoaded.addListener(webNavIframeHelperFF, { url: [ {urlEquals: 'about:blank'}, ] }); } } if (chrome.contextMenus) { chrome.contextMenus.onClicked.addListener((info, tab) => contextMenus[info.menuItemId].click(info, tab)); } if (chrome.commands) { // Not available in Firefox - https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1240350 chrome.commands.onCommand.addListener(command => browserCommands[command]()); } if (!chrome.browserAction || !['setIcon', 'setBadgeBackgroundColor', 'setBadgeText'].every(name => chrome.browserAction[name])) { window.updateIcon = () => {}; } const tabIcons = new Map(); chrome.tabs.onRemoved.addListener(tabId => tabIcons.delete(tabId)); chrome.tabs.onReplaced.addListener((added, removed) => tabIcons.delete(removed)); // ************************************************************************* // set the default icon displayed after a tab is created until webNavigation kicks in prefs.subscribe(['iconset'], () => updateIcon({ tab: {id: undefined}, styles: {}, })); // ************************************************************************* chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(({reason}) => { if (reason !== 'update') return; // translations may change localStorage.L10N = JSON.stringify({ browserUIlanguage: chrome.i18n.getUILanguage(), }); // themes may change delete localStorage.codeMirrorThemes; }); // ************************************************************************* // browser commands browserCommands = { openManage() { openURL({url: 'manage.html'}); }, styleDisableAll(info) { prefs.set('disableAll', info ? info.checked : !prefs.get('disableAll')); }, }; // ************************************************************************* // context menus contextMenus = { 'show-badge': { title: 'menuShowBadge', click: info => prefs.set(info.menuItemId, info.checked), }, 'disableAll': { title: 'disableAllStyles', click: browserCommands.styleDisableAll, }, 'open-manager': { title: 'openStylesManager', click: browserCommands.openManage, }, 'editor.contextDelete': { presentIf: () => !FIREFOX && prefs.get('editor.contextDelete'), title: 'editDeleteText', type: 'normal', contexts: ['editable'], documentUrlPatterns: [URLS.ownOrigin + 'edit*'], click: (info, tab) => { sendMessage({tabId: tab.id, method: 'editDeleteText'}); }, } }; if (chrome.contextMenus) { const createContextMenus = ids => { for (const id of ids) { let item = contextMenus[id]; if (item.presentIf && !item.presentIf()) { continue; } item = Object.assign({id}, item); delete item.presentIf; const prefValue = prefs.get(id); item.title = chrome.i18n.getMessage(item.title); if (!item.type && typeof prefValue === 'boolean') { item.type = 'checkbox'; item.checked = prefValue; } if (!item.contexts) { item.contexts = ['browser_action']; } delete item.click; chrome.contextMenus.create(item, ignoreChromeError); } }; // circumvent the bug with disabling check marks in Chrome 62-64 const toggleCheckmark = CHROME >= 3172 && CHROME <= 3288 ? (id => chrome.contextMenus.remove(id, () => createContextMenus([id]) + ignoreChromeError())) : ((id, checked) => chrome.contextMenus.update(id, {checked}, ignoreChromeError)); const togglePresence = (id, checked) => { if (checked) { createContextMenus([id]); } else { chrome.contextMenus.remove(id, ignoreChromeError); } }; const keys = Object.keys(contextMenus); prefs.subscribe(keys.filter(id => typeof prefs.get(id) === 'boolean'), toggleCheckmark); prefs.subscribe(keys.filter(id => contextMenus[id].presentIf), togglePresence); createContextMenus(keys); } // ************************************************************************* // [re]inject content scripts window.addEventListener('storageReady', function _() { window.removeEventListener('storageReady', _); updateIcon({ tab: {id: undefined}, styles: {}, }); // Firefox injects content script automatically if (FIREFOX) return; const NTP = 'chrome://newtab/'; const ALL_URLS = ''; const contentScripts = chrome.runtime.getManifest().content_scripts; // expand * as .*? const wildcardAsRegExp = (s, flags) => new RegExp( s.replace(/[{}()[\]/\\.+?^$:=!|]/g, '\\$&') .replace(/\*/g, '.*?'), flags); for (const cs of contentScripts) { cs.matches = cs.matches.map(m => ( m === ALL_URLS ? m : wildcardAsRegExp(m) )); } const injectCS = (cs, tabId) => { ignoreChromeError(); chrome.tabs.executeScript(tabId, { file: cs.js[0], runAt: cs.run_at, allFrames: cs.all_frames, matchAboutBlank: cs.match_about_blank, }, ignoreChromeError); }; const pingCS = (cs, {id, url}) => { const maybeInject = pong => !pong && injectCS(cs, id); cs.matches.some(match => { if ((match === ALL_URLS || url.match(match)) && (!url.startsWith('chrome') || url === NTP)) { sendMessage({method: 'ping', tabId: id}, maybeInject); return true; } }); }; queryTabs().then(tabs => tabs.forEach(tab => { // skip lazy-loaded aka unloaded tabs that seem to start loading on message in FF if (tab.width) { contentScripts.forEach(cs => setTimeout(pingCS, 0, cs, tab)); } })); }); // ************************************************************************* { const getStylesForFrame = (msg, sender) => { const stylesTask = getStyles(msg); if (!sender || !sender.frameId) return stylesTask; return Promise.all([ stylesTask, getTab(sender.tab.id), ]).then(([styles, tab]) => { if (tab) styles.exposeIframes = tab.url.replace(/(\/\/[^/]*).*/, '$1'); return styles; }); }; const updateAPI = (_, enabled) => { window.API_METHODS.getStylesForFrame = enabled ? getStylesForFrame : getStyles; }; prefs.subscribe(['exposeIframes'], updateAPI); updateAPI(null, prefs.get('exposeIframes')); } // register hotkeys if (FIREFOX && browser.commands && browser.commands.update) { const hotkeyPrefs = Object.keys(prefs.defaults).filter(k => k.startsWith('hotkey.')); this.subscribe(hotkeyPrefs, (name, value) => { try { name = name.split('.')[1]; if (value.trim()) { browser.commands.update({name, shortcut: value}).catch(ignoreChromeError); } else { browser.commands.reset(name).catch(ignoreChromeError); } } catch (e) {} }); } // ************************************************************************* function webNavigationListener(method, {url, tabId, frameId}) { Promise.all([ getStyles({matchUrl: url, asHash: true}), frameId && prefs.get('exposeIframes') && getTab(tabId), ]).then(([styles, tab]) => { if (method && URLS.supported(url) && tabId >= 0) { if (method === 'styleApply') { handleCssTransitionBug({tabId, frameId, url, styles}); } if (tab) styles.exposeIframes = tab.url.replace(/(\/\/[^/]*).*/, '$1'); sendMessage({ tabId, frameId, method, // ping own page so it retrieves the styles directly styles: url.startsWith(URLS.ownOrigin) ? 'DIY' : styles, }); } // main page frame id is 0 if (frameId === 0) { tabIcons.delete(tabId); updateIcon({tab: {id: tabId, url}, styles}); } }); } function webNavigationListenerChrome(method, data) { // Chrome 61.0.3161+ doesn't run content scripts on NTP if ( !data.url.startsWith('https://www.google.') || !data.url.includes('/_/chrome/newtab?') ) { webNavigationListener(method, data); return; } getTab(data.tabId).then(tab => { if (tab.url === 'chrome://newtab/') { data.url = tab.url; } webNavigationListener(method, data); }); } function webNavUsercssInstallerFF(data) { const {tabId} = data; Promise.all([ sendMessage({tabId, method: 'ping'}), // we need tab index to open the installer next to the original one // and also to skip the double-invocation in FF which assigns tab url later getTab(tabId), ]).then(([pong, tab]) => { if (pong !== true && tab.url !== 'about:blank') { window.API_METHODS.installUsercss({direct: true}, {tab}); } }); } function webNavIframeHelperFF({tabId, frameId}) { if (!frameId) return; sendMessage({method: 'ping', tabId, frameId}, pong => { ignoreChromeError(); if (pong) return; chrome.tabs.executeScript(tabId, { frameId, file: '/content/apply.js', matchAboutBlank: true, }, ignoreChromeError); }); } function updateIcon({tab, styles}) { if (tab.id < 0) { return; } if (URLS.chromeProtectsNTP && tab.url === 'chrome://newtab/') { styles = {}; } if (styles) { stylesReceived(styles); return; } getTabRealURL(tab) .then(url => getStyles({matchUrl: url, asHash: true})) .then(stylesReceived); function stylesReceived(styles) { const disableAll = 'disableAll' in styles ? styles.disableAll : prefs.get('disableAll'); const postfix = disableAll ? 'x' : !styles.length ? 'w' : ''; const color = prefs.get(disableAll ? 'badgeDisabled' : 'badgeNormal'); const text = prefs.get('show-badge') && styles.length ? String(styles.length) : ''; const iconset = ['', 'light/'][prefs.get('iconset')] || ''; let tabIcon = tabIcons.get(tab.id); if (!tabIcon) tabIcons.set(tab.id, (tabIcon = {})); if (tabIcon.iconType !== iconset + postfix) { tabIcon.iconType = iconset + postfix; const sizes = FIREFOX || CHROME >= 2883 && !VIVALDI ? [16, 32] : [19, 38]; const usePath = tabIcons.get('usePath'); Promise.all(sizes.map(size => { const src = `/images/icon/${iconset}${size}${postfix}.png`; return usePath ? src : tabIcons.get(src) || loadIcon(src); })).then(data => { const imageKey = typeof data[0] === 'string' ? 'path' : 'imageData'; const imageData = {}; sizes.forEach((size, i) => (imageData[size] = data[i])); chrome.browserAction.setIcon({ tabId: tab.id, [imageKey]: imageData, }, ignoreChromeError); }); } if (tab.id === undefined) return; let defaultIcon = tabIcons.get(undefined); if (!defaultIcon) tabIcons.set(undefined, (defaultIcon = {})); if (defaultIcon.color !== color) { defaultIcon.color = color; chrome.browserAction.setBadgeBackgroundColor({color}); } if (tabIcon.text === text) return; tabIcon.text = text; try { // Chrome supports the callback since 67.0.3381.0, see https://crbug.com/451320 chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText({text, tabId: tab.id}, ignoreChromeError); } catch (e) { setTimeout(() => { getTab(tab.id).then(realTab => { // skip pre-rendered tabs if (realTab.index >= 0) { chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText({text, tabId: tab.id}); } }); }); } } function loadIcon(src, resolve) { if (!resolve) return new Promise(resolve => loadIcon(src, resolve)); const canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); const img = new Image(); img.src = src; img.onload = () => { const w = canvas.width = img.width; const h = canvas.height = img.height; ctx.clearRect(0, 0, w, h); ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, w, h); const data = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, w, h); // Firefox breaks Canvas when privacy.resistFingerprinting=true, https://bugzil.la/1412961 let usePath = tabIcons.get('usePath'); if (usePath === undefined) { usePath = data.data.every(b => b === 255); tabIcons.set('usePath', usePath); } if (usePath) { resolve(src); return; } tabIcons.set(src, data); resolve(data); }; } } function onRuntimeMessage(msg, sender, sendResponse) { const fn = window.API_METHODS[msg.method]; if (!fn) return; // wrap 'Error' object instance as {__ERROR__: message}, // which will be unwrapped by sendMessage, // and prevent exceptions on sending to a closed tab const respond = data => tryCatch(sendResponse, data instanceof Error ? {__ERROR__: data.message} : data); const result = fn(msg, sender, respond); if (result instanceof Promise) { result .catch(e => ({__ERROR__: e instanceof Error ? e.message : e})) .then(respond); return KEEP_CHANNEL_OPEN; } else if (result === KEEP_CHANNEL_OPEN) { return KEEP_CHANNEL_OPEN; } else if (result !== undefined) { respond(result); } }