/* global CodeMirror messageBox */ /* global editors makeSectionVisible showCodeMirrorPopup showHelp */ /* global onDOMscripted injectCSS require CSSLint stylelint */ 'use strict'; loadLinterAssets(); // eslint-disable-next-line no-var var linterConfig = { csslint: {}, stylelint: {}, defaults: { // set in lint-defaults-csslint.js csslint: {}, // set in lint-defaults-stylelint.js stylelint: {}, }, storageName: { csslint: 'editorCSSLintConfig', stylelint: 'editorStylelintConfig', }, getCurrent(linter = prefs.get('editor.linter')) { return this.fallbackToDefaults(this[linter] || {}); }, getForCodeMirror(linter = prefs.get('editor.linter')) { return CodeMirror.lint && CodeMirror.lint[linter] ? { getAnnotations: CodeMirror.lint[linter], delay: prefs.get('editor.lintDelay'), } : false; }, fallbackToDefaults(config, linter = prefs.get('editor.linter')) { if (config && Object.keys(config).length) { if (linter === 'stylelint') { // always use default syntax because we don't expose it in config UI config.syntax = this.defaults.stylelint.syntax; } return config; } else { return deepCopy(this.defaults[linter] || {}); } }, setLinter(linter = prefs.get('editor.linter')) { linter = linter.toLowerCase(); linter = linter === 'csslint' || linter === 'stylelint' ? linter : ''; if (prefs.get('editor.linter') !== linter) { prefs.set('editor.linter', linter); } return linter; }, findInvalidRules(config, linter = prefs.get('editor.linter')) { const rules = linter === 'stylelint' ? config.rules : config; const allRules = new Set( linter === 'stylelint' ? Object.keys(stylelint.rules) : CSSLint.getRules().map(rule => rule.id) ); return Object.keys(rules).filter(rule => !allRules.has(rule)); }, stringify(config = this.getCurrent()) { if (prefs.get('editor.linter') === 'stylelint') { config.syntax = undefined; } return JSON.stringify(config, null, 2) .replace(/,\n\s+\{\n\s+("severity":\s"\w+")\n\s+\}/g, ', {$1}'); }, save(config) { config = this.fallbackToDefaults(config); const linter = prefs.get('editor.linter'); this[linter] = config; BG.chromeSync.setLZValue(this.storageName[linter], config); return config; }, loadAll() { return BG.chromeSync.getLZValues([ 'editorCSSLintConfig', 'editorStylelintConfig', ]).then(data => { this.csslint = this.fallbackToDefaults(data.editorCSSLintConfig, 'csslint'); this.stylelint = this.fallbackToDefaults(data.editorStylelintConfig, 'stylelint'); }); }, watchStorage() { chrome.storage.onChanged.addListener((changes, area) => { if (area === 'sync') { for (const name of ['editorCSSLintConfig', 'editorStylelintConfig']) { if (name in changes && changes[name].newValue !== changes[name].oldValue) { this.loadAll().then(updateLinter); break; } } } }); }, // this is an event listener so it can't refer to self via 'this' openOnClick() { setupLinterPopup(linterConfig.stringify()); }, showSavedMessage() { $('#help-popup .saved-message').classList.add('show'); clearTimeout($('#help-popup .contents').timer); $('#help-popup .contents').timer = setTimeout(() => { // popup may be closed at this point const msg = $('#help-popup .saved-message'); if (msg) { msg.classList.remove('show'); } }, 2000); }, }; function initLint() { $('#lint-help').addEventListener('click', showLintHelp); $('#lint').addEventListener('click', gotoLintIssue); $('#linter-settings').addEventListener('click', linterConfig.openOnClick); window.addEventListener('resize', resizeLintReport); // touch devices don't have onHover events so the element we'll be toggled via clicking (touching) if ('ontouchstart' in document.body) { $('#lint h2').addEventListener('click', toggleLintReport); } linterConfig.loadAll(); linterConfig.watchStorage(); prefs.subscribe(updateLinter, ['editor.linter']); updateLinter(); } function updateLinter({immediately} = {}) { if (!immediately) { debounce(updateLinter, 0, {immediately: true}); return; } const linter = prefs.get('editor.linter'); const GUTTERS_CLASS = 'CodeMirror-lint-markers'; function updateEditors() { CodeMirror.defaults.lint = linterConfig.getForCodeMirror(linter); const guttersOption = prepareGuttersOption(); editors.forEach(cm => { cm.setOption('lint', CodeMirror.defaults.lint); if (guttersOption) { cm.setOption('guttersOption', guttersOption); updateGutters(cm, guttersOption); cm.refresh(); } setTimeout(updateLintReport, 0, cm); }); } function prepareGuttersOption() { const gutters = CodeMirror.defaults.gutters; const needRefresh = Boolean(linter) !== gutters.includes(GUTTERS_CLASS); if (needRefresh) { if (linter) { gutters.push(GUTTERS_CLASS); } else { gutters.splice(gutters.indexOf(GUTTERS_CLASS), 1); } } return needRefresh && gutters; } function updateGutters(cm, guttersOption) { cm.options.gutters = guttersOption; const el = $('.' + GUTTERS_CLASS, cm.display.gutters); if (linter && !el) { cm.display.gutters.appendChild($element({ className: 'CodeMirror-gutter ' + GUTTERS_CLASS })); } else if (!linter && el) { el.remove(); } } // load scripts loadLinterAssets(linter).then(() => { updateEditors(); }); $('#linter-settings').style.display = !linter ? 'none' : 'inline-block'; if (!linter) { $('#lint > div').textContent = ''; } } function updateLintReport(cm, delay) { if (cm && !cm.options.lint) { // add 'lint' option back to the freshly created section setTimeout(() => { if (!cm.options.lint) { cm.setOption('lint', linterConfig.getForCodeMirror()); } }); } const state = cm && cm.state && cm.state.lint || {}; if (delay === 0) { // immediately show pending csslint/stylelint messages in onbeforeunload and save clearTimeout(state.lintTimeout); updateLintReportInternal(cm); return; } if (delay > 0) { clearTimeout(state.lintTimeout); state.lintTimeout = setTimeout(cm => { if (cm.performLint) { cm.performLint(); updateLintReportInternal(cm); } }, delay, cm); return; } if (state.options) { clearTimeout(state.reportTimeout); const delay = cm && cm.state.renderLintReportNow ? 0 : state.options.delay + 100; state.reportTimeout = setTimeout(updateLintReportInternal, delay, cm, { postponeNewIssues: delay === undefined || delay === null }); } } function updateLintReportInternal(scope, {postponeNewIssues} = {}) { scope = scope ? [scope] : editors; let changed = false; let fixedOldIssues = false; const clipString = (str, limit) => str.length <= limit ? str : str.substr(0, limit) + '...'; scope.forEach(cm => { const lintState = cm.state.lint || {}; const oldMarkers = lintState.markedLast || new Map(); const newMarkers = lintState.markedLast = new Map(); const marked = lintState.marked || {}; const activeLine = cm.getCursor().line; if (marked.length) { const body = $element({tag: 'tbody', appendChild: marked.map(mark => { const info = mark.__annotation; const {line, ch} = info.from; const isActiveLine = line === activeLine; const pos = isActiveLine ? 'cursor' : (line + ',' + ch); const title = clipString(info.message, 1000) + `\n(${info.rule})`; const message = clipString(info.message, 100); if (isActiveLine || oldMarkers[pos] === message) { oldMarkers.delete(pos); } newMarkers.set(pos, message); return $element({tag: 'tr', className: info.severity, appendChild: [ $element({tag: 'td', attributes: {role: 'severity'}, dataset: {rule: info.rule}, appendChild: $element({ className: 'CodeMirror-lint-marker-' + info.severity, textContent: info.severity, }), }), $element({tag: 'td', attributes: {role: 'line'}, textContent: line + 1}), $element({tag: 'td', attributes: {role: 'sep'}, textContent: ':'}), $element({tag: 'td', attributes: {role: 'col'}, textContent: ch + 1}), $element({tag: 'td', attributes: {role: 'message'}, textContent: message, title}), ], }); }) }); const text = body.textContentCached = body.textContent; if (text !== ((lintState.body || {}).textContentCached || '')) { lintState.body = body; changed = true; } } fixedOldIssues |= lintState.reportDisplayed && oldMarkers.size; }); if (changed) { if (!postponeNewIssues || fixedOldIssues || editors.last.state.renderLintReportNow) { editors.last.state.renderLintReportNow = false; renderLintReport(true); } else { debounce(renderLintReport, CodeMirror.defaults.lintReportDelay, true); } } } function renderLintReport(someBlockChanged) { const container = $('#lint'); const content = container.children[1]; const label = t('sectionCode'); const newContent = content.cloneNode(false); let issueCount = 0; editors.forEach((cm, index) => { const lintState = cm.state.lint || {}; const body = lintState.body; if (!body) { return; } const newBlock = $element({ tag: 'table', appendChild: [ $element({tag: 'caption', textContent: label + ' ' + (index + 1)}), body, ], cm, }); newContent.appendChild(newBlock); issueCount += newBlock.rows.length; const block = content.children[newContent.children.length - 1]; const blockChanged = !block || block.cm !== cm || body.textContentCached !== block.textContentCached; someBlockChanged |= blockChanged; lintState.reportDisplayed = blockChanged; }); if (someBlockChanged || newContent.children.length !== content.children.length) { $('#issue-count').textContent = issueCount; container.replaceChild(newContent, content); container.style.display = newContent.children.length ? 'block' : 'none'; resizeLintReport(); } } function resizeLintReport() { // subtracted value to prevent scrollbar const magicBuffer = 20; const content = $('#lint table'); if (content) { const bounds = content.getBoundingClientRect(); const newMaxHeight = bounds.bottom <= window.innerHeight ? '' : // subtract out a bit of padding or the vertical scrollbar extends beyond the viewport (window.innerHeight - bounds.top - magicBuffer) + 'px'; if (newMaxHeight !== content.style.maxHeight) { content.parentNode.style.maxHeight = newMaxHeight; } } } function gotoLintIssue(event) { const issue = event.target.closest('tr'); if (!issue) { return; } const block = issue.closest('table'); makeSectionVisible(block.cm); block.cm.focus(); block.cm.setSelection({ line: parseInt($('td[role="line"]', issue).textContent) - 1, ch: parseInt($('td[role="col"]', issue).textContent) - 1 }); } function toggleLintReport() { $('#lint').classList.toggle('collapsed'); } function showLintHelp() { const makeLink = (href, textContent) => $element({ tag: 'a', target: '_blank', href, textContent, }); const linter = prefs.get('editor.linter'); const baseUrl = linter === 'stylelint' ? 'https://stylelint.io/user-guide/rules/' // some CSSLint rules do not have a url : 'https://github.com/CSSLint/csslint/issues/535'; let headerLink, template; if (linter === 'csslint') { const CSSLintRules = CSSLint.getRules(); headerLink = makeLink('https://github.com/CSSLint/csslint/wiki/Rules-by-ID', 'CSSLint'); template = ruleID => { const rule = CSSLintRules.find(rule => rule.id === ruleID); return rule && $element({tag: 'li', appendChild: [ $element({tag: 'b', appendChild: makeLink(rule.url || baseUrl, rule.name)}), $element({tag: 'br'}), rule.desc, ]}); }; } else { headerLink = makeLink(baseUrl, 'stylelint'); template = rule => $element({ tag: 'li', appendChild: makeLink(baseUrl + rule, rule), }); } const header = t('linterIssuesHelp', '\x01').split('\x01'); const activeRules = new Set($$('#lint td[role="severity"]').map(el => el.dataset.rule)); return showHelp(t('linterIssues'), $element({appendChild: [ header[0], headerLink, header[1], $element({ tag: 'ul', className: 'rules', appendChild: [...activeRules.values()].map(template), }), ]}) ); } function showLinterErrorMessage(title, contents) { messageBox({ title, contents, className: 'danger center lint-config', buttons: [t('confirmOK')], }); } function setupLinterSettingsEvents(popup) { $('.save', popup).addEventListener('click', event => { event.preventDefault(); const linter = linterConfig.setLinter(event.target.dataset.linter); const json = tryJSONparse(popup.codebox.getValue()); if (json) { const invalid = linterConfig.findInvalidRules(json, linter); if (invalid.length) { showLinterErrorMessage(linter, [ t('linterInvalidConfigError'), $element({ tag: 'ul', appendChild: invalid.map(name => $element({tag: 'li', textContent: name})), }), ]); return; } linterConfig.save(json); linterConfig.showSavedMessage(); popup.codebox.markClean(); } else { showLinterErrorMessage(linter, t('linterJSONError')); } popup.codebox.focus(); }); $('.reset', popup).addEventListener('click', event => { event.preventDefault(); const linter = linterConfig.setLinter(event.target.dataset.linter); popup.codebox.setValue(linterConfig.stringify(linterConfig.defaults[linter] || {})); popup.codebox.focus(); }); $('.cancel', popup).addEventListener('click', event => { event.preventDefault(); $('.dismiss').dispatchEvent(new Event('click')); }); } function setupLinterPopup(config) { const linter = prefs.get('editor.linter'); const linterTitle = linter === 'stylelint' ? 'Stylelint' : 'CSSLint'; function makeButton(className, text, options = {}) { return $element(Object.assign(options, { tag: 'button', className, type: 'button', textContent: t(text), dataset: {linter} })); } function makeLink(url, textContent) { return $element({tag: 'a', target: '_blank', href: url, textContent}); } const title = t('linterConfigPopupTitle', linterTitle); const contents = $element({ appendChild: [ $element({ tag: 'p', appendChild: [ t('linterRulesLink') + ' ', makeLink( linter === 'stylelint' ? 'https://stylelint.io/user-guide/rules/' : 'https://github.com/CSSLint/csslint/wiki/Rules-by-ID', linterTitle ), linter === 'csslint' ? ' ' + t('linterCSSLintSettings') : '' ] }), makeButton('save', 'styleSaveLabel', {disabled: true}), makeButton('cancel', 'confirmCancel'), makeButton('reset', 'genericResetLabel', {title: t('linterResetMessage')}), $element({ tag: 'span', className: 'saved-message', textContent: t('genericSavedMessage') }) ] }); const popup = showCodeMirrorPopup(title, contents, {lint: false}); contents.parentNode.appendChild(contents); popup.codebox.focus(); popup.codebox.setValue(config); popup.codebox.clearHistory(); popup.codebox.markClean(); popup.codebox.on('change', cm => { $('.save', popup).disabled = cm.isClean(); }); setupLinterSettingsEvents(popup); onDOMscripted([ 'vendor/codemirror/mode/javascript/javascript.js', 'vendor/codemirror/addon/lint/json-lint.js', 'vendor/jsonlint/jsonlint.js' ]).then(() => { popup.codebox.setOption('mode', 'application/json'); popup.codebox.setOption('lint', 'json'); }); } function loadLinterAssets(name = prefs.get('editor.linter')) { if (loadLinterAssets.loadingName === name) { return onDOMscripted(); } loadLinterAssets.loadingName = name; const scripts = []; if (name === 'csslint' && !window.CSSLint) { scripts.push( 'vendor-overwrites/csslint/csslint-worker.js', 'edit/lint-defaults-csslint.js' ); } else if (name === 'stylelint' && !window.stylelint) { scripts.push( 'vendor-overwrites/stylelint/stylelint-bundle.min.js', () => (window.stylelint = require('stylelint')), 'edit/lint-defaults-stylelint.js' ); } if (name && !$('script[src$="vendor/codemirror/addon/lint/lint.js"]')) { injectCSS('vendor/codemirror/addon/lint/lint.css'); injectCSS('msgbox/msgbox.css'); scripts.push( 'vendor/codemirror/addon/lint/lint.js', 'edit/lint-codemirror-helper.js', 'msgbox/msgbox.js' ); } return onDOMscripted(scripts) .then(() => (loadLinterAssets.loadingName = null)); }