/* global API_METHODS debounce stringAsRegExp styleManager tryRegExp usercss */ 'use strict'; (() => { // toLocaleLowerCase cache, autocleared after 1 minute const cache = new Map(); const METAKEYS = ['customName', 'name', 'url', 'installationUrl', 'updateUrl']; const extractMeta = style => style.usercssData ? (style.sourceCode.match(usercss.RX_META) || [''])[0] : null; const stripMeta = style => style.usercssData ? style.sourceCode.replace(usercss.RX_META, '') : null; const MODES = Object.assign(Object.create(null), { code: (style, test) => style.usercssData ? test(stripMeta(style)) : searchSections(style, test, 'code'), meta: (style, test, part) => METAKEYS.some(key => test(style[key])) || test(part === 'all' ? style.sourceCode : extractMeta(style)) || searchSections(style, test, 'funcs'), name: (style, test) => test(style.customName) || test(style.name), all: (style, test) => MODES.meta(style, test, 'all') || !style.usercssData && MODES.code(style, test), }); /** * @param params * @param {string} params.query - 1. url:someurl 2. text (may contain quoted parts like "qUot Ed") * @param {'name'|'meta'|'code'|'all'|'url'} [params.mode=all] * @param {number[]} [params.ids] - if not specified, all styles are searched * @returns {number[]} - array of matched styles ids */ API_METHODS.searchDB = async ({query, mode = 'all', ids}) => { let res = []; if (mode === 'url' && query) { res = (await styleManager.getStylesByUrl(query)).map(r => r.data.id); } else if (mode in MODES) { const modeHandler = MODES[mode]; const m = /^\/(.+?)\/([gimsuy]*)$/.exec(query); const rx = m && tryRegExp(m[1], m[2]); const test = rx ? rx.test.bind(rx) : makeTester(query); res = (await styleManager.getAllStyles()) .filter(style => (!ids || ids.includes(style.id)) && (!query || modeHandler(style, test))) .map(style => style.id); if (cache.size) debounce(clearCache, 60e3); } return res; }; function makeTester(query) { const flags = `u${lower(query) === query ? 'i' : ''}`; const words = query .split(/(".*?")|\s+/) .filter(Boolean) .map(w => w.startsWith('"') && w.endsWith('"') ? w.slice(1, -1) : w) .filter(w => w.length > 1); const rxs = (words.length ? words : [query]) .map(w => stringAsRegExp(w, flags)); return text => rxs.every(rx => rx.test(text)); } function searchSections({sections}, test, part) { const inCode = part === 'code' || part === 'all'; const inFuncs = part === 'funcs' || part === 'all'; for (const section of sections) { for (const prop in section) { const value = section[prop]; if (inCode && prop === 'code' && test(value) || inFuncs && Array.isArray(value) && value.some(str => test(str))) { return true; } } } } function lower(text) { let result = cache.get(text); if (!result) cache.set(text, result = text.toLocaleLowerCase()); return result; } function clearCache() { cache.clear(); } })();