/* global $ $$ $create $remove */// dom.js /* global $entry tabURL */// popup.js /* global API */// msg.js /* global Events */ /* global FIREFOX URLS debounce download tryCatch */// toolbox.js /* global prefs */ /* global t */// localization.js 'use strict'; (() => { require(['/popup/search.css']); const RESULT_ID_PREFIX = 'search-result-'; const INDEX_URL = URLS.usoArchiveRaw + 'search-index.json'; const STYLUS_CATEGORY = 'chrome-extension'; const PAGE_LENGTH = 10; // update USO style install counter if the style isn't uninstalled immediately const PINGBACK_DELAY = 5e3; const BUSY_DELAY = .5e3; const USO_AUTO_PIC_SUFFIX = '-after.png'; const BLANK_PIXEL = ''; const dom = {}; /** * @typedef IndexEntry * @prop {'uso' | 'uso-android'} f - format * @prop {Number} i - id * @prop {string} n - name * @prop {string} c - category * @prop {Number} u - updatedTime * @prop {Number} t - totalInstalls * @prop {Number} w - weeklyInstalls * @prop {Number} r - rating * @prop {Number} ai - authorId * @prop {string} an - authorName * @prop {string} sn - screenshotName * @prop {boolean} sa - screenshotArchived */ /** @type IndexEntry[] */ let results; /** @type IndexEntry[] */ let index; let category = ''; let searchGlobals = $('#search-globals').checked; /** @type string[] */ let query = []; /** @type 'n' | 'u' | 't' | 'w' | 'r' */ let order = 't'; let scrollToFirstResult = true; let displayedPage = 1; let totalPages = 1; let ready; const $class = sel => (sel instanceof Node ? sel : $(sel)).classList; const show = sel => $class(sel).remove('hidden'); const hide = sel => $class(sel).add('hidden'); Object.assign(Events, { /** * @param {HTMLAnchorElement} a * @param {Event} event */ searchOnClick(a, event) { if (!prefs.get('popup.findStylesInline') || dom.container) { // use a less specific category if the inline search wasn't used yet if (!category) calcCategory({retry: 1}); a.search = new URLSearchParams({category, search: $('#search-query').value}); Events.openURLandHide.call(a, event); return; } a.textContent = a.title; a.title = ''; init(); calcCategory(); ready = start(); }, }); function init() { setTimeout(() => document.body.classList.add('search-results-shown')); hide('#find-styles-inline-group'); $('#search-globals').onchange = function () { searchGlobals = this.checked; ready = ready.then(start); }; $('#search-query').oninput = function () { query = []; const text = this.value.trim().toLocaleLowerCase(); const thisYear = new Date().getFullYear(); for (let re = /"(.+?)"|(\S+)/g, m; (m = re.exec(text));) { const n = Number(m[2]); query.push(n >= 2000 && n <= thisYear ? n : m[1] || m[2]); } if (category === STYLUS_CATEGORY && !query.includes('stylus')) { query.push('stylus'); } ready = ready.then(start); }; $('#search-order').value = order; $('#search-order').onchange = function () { order = this.value; results.sort(comparator); render(); }; dom.list = $('#search-results-list'); dom.container = $('#search-results'); dom.container.dataset.empty = ''; dom.error = $('#search-results-error'); dom.nav = {}; const navOnClick = {prev, next}; for (const place of ['top', 'bottom']) { const nav = $(`.search-results-nav[data-type="${place}"]`); nav.appendChild(t.template.searchNav.cloneNode(true)); dom.nav[place] = nav; for (const child of $$('[data-type]', nav)) { const type = child.dataset.type; child.onclick = navOnClick[type]; nav['_' + type] = child; } } if (FIREFOX) { let lastShift; window.on('resize', () => { const scrollbarWidth = window.innerWidth - document.scrollingElement.clientWidth; const shift = document.body.getBoundingClientRect().left; if (!scrollbarWidth || shift === lastShift) return; lastShift = shift; document.body.style.setProperty('padding', `0 ${scrollbarWidth + shift}px 0 ${-shift}px`, 'important'); }, {passive: true}); } window.on('styleDeleted', ({detail: {style: {id}}}) => { restoreScrollPosition(); const result = results.find(r => r.installedStyleId === id); if (result) { clearTimeout(result.pingbackTimer); renderActionButtons(result.i, -1); } }); window.on('styleAdded', async ({detail: {style}}) => { restoreScrollPosition(); const usoId = calcUsoId(style) || calcUsoId(await API.styles.get(style.id)); if (usoId && results.find(r => r.i === usoId)) { renderActionButtons(usoId, style.id); } }); } function showSpinner(parent) { parent = parent instanceof Node ? parent : $(parent); parent.appendChild($create('.lds-spinner', new Array(12).fill($create('div')).map(e => e.cloneNode()))); } function next() { displayedPage = Math.min(totalPages, displayedPage + 1); scrollToFirstResult = true; render(); } function prev() { displayedPage = Math.max(1, displayedPage - 1); scrollToFirstResult = true; render(); } function error(reason) { dom.error.textContent = reason; show(dom.error); hide(dom.list); if (dom.error.getBoundingClientRect().bottom < 0) { dom.error.scrollIntoView({behavior: 'smooth', block: 'start'}); } } async function start() { show(dom.container); show(dom.list); hide(dom.error); results = []; try { for (let retry = 0; !results.length && retry <= 2; retry++) { results = await search({retry}); } if (results.length) { const installedStyles = await API.styles.getAll(); const allUsoIds = new Set(installedStyles.map(calcUsoId)); results = results.filter(r => !allUsoIds.has(r.i)); } render(); (results.length ? show : hide)(dom.list); if (!results.length && !$('#search-query').value) { error(t('searchResultNoneFound')); } } catch (reason) { error(reason); } } function render() { totalPages = Math.ceil(results.length / PAGE_LENGTH); displayedPage = Math.min(displayedPage, totalPages) || 1; let start = (displayedPage - 1) * PAGE_LENGTH; const end = displayedPage * PAGE_LENGTH; let plantAt = 0; let slot = dom.list.children[0]; // keep rendered elements with ids in the range of interest while ( plantAt < PAGE_LENGTH && slot && slot.id === 'search-result-' + (results[start] || {}).i ) { slot = slot.nextElementSibling; plantAt++; start++; } // add new elements while (start < Math.min(end, results.length)) { const entry = createSearchResultNode(results[start++]); if (slot) { dom.list.replaceChild(entry, slot); slot = entry.nextElementSibling; } else { dom.list.appendChild(entry); } plantAt++; } // remove extraneous elements const pageLen = end > results.length && results.length % PAGE_LENGTH || Math.min(results.length, PAGE_LENGTH); while (dom.list.children.length > pageLen) { dom.list.lastElementChild.remove(); } if (results.length && 'empty' in dom.container.dataset) { delete dom.container.dataset.empty; } if (scrollToFirstResult && (!FIREFOX || FIREFOX >= 55)) { debounce(doScrollToFirstResult); } // navigation for (const place in dom.nav) { const nav = dom.nav[place]; nav._prev.disabled = displayedPage <= 1; nav._next.disabled = displayedPage >= totalPages; nav._page.textContent = displayedPage; nav._total.textContent = totalPages; } } function doScrollToFirstResult() { if (dom.container.scrollHeight > window.innerHeight * 2) { scrollToFirstResult = false; dom.container.scrollIntoView({behavior: 'smooth', block: 'start'}); } } /** * @param {IndexEntry} result * @returns {Node} */ function createSearchResultNode(result) { const entry = t.template.searchResult.cloneNode(true); const { i: id, n: name, r: rating, u: updateTime, w: weeklyInstalls, t: totalInstalls, an: author, sa: shotArchived, sn: shotName, } = entry._result = result; entry.id = RESULT_ID_PREFIX + id; // title Object.assign($('.search-result-title', entry), { onclick: Events.openURLandHide, href: URLS.usoArchive + `?category=${category}&style=${id}`, }); $('.search-result-title span', entry).textContent = t.breakWord(name.length < 300 ? name : name.slice(0, 300) + '...'); // screenshot const auto = URLS.uso + `auto_style_screenshots/${id}${USO_AUTO_PIC_SUFFIX}`; Object.assign($('.search-result-screenshot', entry), { src: shotName && !shotName.endsWith(USO_AUTO_PIC_SUFFIX) ? `${shotArchived ? URLS.usoArchiveRaw : URLS.uso + 'style_'}screenshots/${shotName}` : auto, _src: auto, onerror: fixScreenshot, }); // author Object.assign($('[data-type="author"] a', entry), { textContent: author, title: author, href: URLS.usoArchive + '?author=' + encodeURIComponent(author).replace(/%20/g, '+'), onclick: Events.openURLandHide, }); // rating $('[data-type="rating"]', entry).dataset.class = !rating ? 'none' : rating >= 2.5 ? 'good' : rating >= 1.5 ? 'okay' : 'bad'; $('[data-type="rating"] dd', entry).textContent = rating && rating.toFixed(1) || ''; // time Object.assign($('[data-type="updated"] time', entry), { dateTime: updateTime * 1000, textContent: t.formatDate(updateTime * 1000), }); // totals $('[data-type="weekly"] dd', entry).textContent = formatNumber(weeklyInstalls); $('[data-type="total"] dd', entry).textContent = formatNumber(totalInstalls); renderActionButtons(entry); return entry; } function formatNumber(num) { return ( num > 1e9 ? (num / 1e9).toFixed(1) + 'B' : num > 10e6 ? (num / 1e6).toFixed(0) + 'M' : num > 1e6 ? (num / 1e6).toFixed(1) + 'M' : num > 10e3 ? (num / 1e3).toFixed(0) + 'k' : num > 1e3 ? (num / 1e3).toFixed(1) + 'k' : num ); } function fixScreenshot() { const {_src} = this; if (_src && _src !== this.src) { this.src = _src; delete this._src; } else { this.src = BLANK_PIXEL; this.onerror = null; } } function renderActionButtons(entry, installedId) { if (Number(entry)) { entry = $('#' + RESULT_ID_PREFIX + entry); } if (!entry) return; const result = entry._result; if (typeof installedId === 'number') { result.installed = installedId > 0; result.installedStyleId = installedId; } const isInstalled = result.installed; if (isInstalled && !('installed' in entry.dataset)) { entry.dataset.installed = ''; $('.search-result-status', entry).textContent = t('clickToUninstall'); } else if (!isInstalled && 'installed' in entry.dataset) { delete entry.dataset.installed; $('.search-result-status', entry).textContent = ''; hide('.search-result-customize', entry); } const notMatching = installedId > 0 && !$entry(installedId); if (notMatching !== entry.classList.contains('not-matching')) { entry.classList.toggle('not-matching'); if (notMatching) { entry.prepend(t.template.searchResultNotMatching.cloneNode(true)); } else { entry.firstElementChild.remove(); } } Object.assign($('.search-result-screenshot', entry), { onclick: isInstalled ? uninstall : install, title: isInstalled ? '' : t('installButton'), }); $('.search-result-uninstall', entry).onclick = uninstall; $('.search-result-install', entry).onclick = install; } function renderFullInfo(entry, style) { let {description, vars} = style.usercssData; // description description = (description || '') .replace(/<[^>]*>/g, ' ') .replace(/([^.][.。?!]|[\s,].{50,70})\s+/g, '$1\n') .replace(/([\r\n]\s*){3,}/g, '\n\n'); Object.assign($('.search-result-description', entry), { textContent: description, title: description, }); // config button if (vars) { const btn = $('.search-result-customize', entry); btn.onclick = () => $('.configure', $entry(style)).click(); show(btn); } } async function install() { const entry = this.closest('.search-result'); const result = /** @type IndexEntry */ entry._result; const {i: id} = result; const installButton = $('.search-result-install', entry); showSpinner(entry); saveScrollPosition(entry); installButton.disabled = true; entry.style.setProperty('pointer-events', 'none', 'important'); // FIXME: move this to background page and create an API like installUSOStyle result.pingbackTimer = setTimeout(download, PINGBACK_DELAY, `${URLS.uso}styles/install/${id}?source=stylish-ch`); const updateUrl = URLS.makeUsoArchiveCodeUrl(id); try { const sourceCode = await download(updateUrl); const style = await API.usercss.install({sourceCode, updateUrl}); renderFullInfo(entry, style); } catch (reason) { error(`Error while downloading usoID:${id}\nReason: ${reason}`); } $remove('.lds-spinner', entry); installButton.disabled = false; entry.style.pointerEvents = ''; } function uninstall() { const entry = this.closest('.search-result'); saveScrollPosition(entry); API.styles.delete(entry._result.installedStyleId); } function saveScrollPosition(entry) { dom.scrollPos = entry.getBoundingClientRect().top; dom.scrollPosElement = entry; } function restoreScrollPosition() { window.scrollBy(0, dom.scrollPosElement.getBoundingClientRect().top - dom.scrollPos); } /** * Resolves the Userstyles.org "category" for a given URL. * @returns {boolean} true if the category has actually changed */ function calcCategory({retry} = {}) { const u = tryCatch(() => new URL(tabURL)); const old = category; if (!u) { // Invalid URL category = ''; } else if (u.protocol === 'file:') { category = 'file:'; } else if (u.protocol === location.protocol) { category = STYLUS_CATEGORY; } else { const parts = u.hostname.replace(/\.(?:com?|org)(\.\w{2,3})$/, '$1').split('.'); const [tld, main = u.hostname, third, fourth] = parts.reverse(); const keepTld = retry !== 1 && !( tld === 'com' || tld === 'org' && main !== 'userstyles' ); const keepThird = !retry && ( fourth || third && third !== 'www' && third !== 'm' ); category = (keepThird && `${third}.` || '') + main + (keepTld || keepThird ? `.${tld}` : ''); } return category !== old; } async function fetchIndex() { const timer = setTimeout(showSpinner, BUSY_DELAY, dom.list); index = (await download(INDEX_URL, {responseType: 'json'})) .filter(res => res.f === 'uso'); clearTimeout(timer); $remove(':scope > .lds-spinner', dom.list); return index; } async function search({retry} = {}) { return retry && !calcCategory({retry}) ? [] : (index || await fetchIndex()).filter(isResultMatching).sort(comparator); } function isResultMatching(res) { // We're trying to call calcHaystack only when needed, not on all 100K items const {c} = res; return ( c === category || category !== STYLUS_CATEGORY && ( searchGlobals && c === 'global' && (query.length || calcHaystack(res)._nLC.includes(category)) ) ) && ( !query.length || // to skip calling calcHaystack query.every(isInHaystack, calcHaystack(res)) ); } /** @this {IndexEntry} haystack */ function isInHaystack(needle) { return this._year === needle && this.c !== 'global' || this._nLC.includes(needle); } /** * @param {IndexEntry} a * @param {IndexEntry} b */ function comparator(a, b) { return ( order === 'n' ? a.n < b.n ? -1 : a.n > b.n : b[order] - a[order] ) || b.t - a.t; } function calcUsoId({md5Url: m, updateUrl}) { return parseInt(m && m.match(/\d+|$/)[0]) || URLS.extractUsoArchiveId(updateUrl); } function calcHaystack(res) { if (!res._nLC) res._nLC = res.n.toLocaleLowerCase(); if (!res._year) res._year = new Date(res.u * 1000).getFullYear(); return res; } })();