/* global CodeMirror dirtyReporter initLint beautify showKeyMapHelp */ /* global showToggleStyleHelp goBackToManage updateLintReportIfEnabled */ /* global hotkeyRerouter setupAutocomplete */ /* global editors linterConfig updateLinter regExpTester mozParser */ /* global makeLink createAppliesToLineWidget messageBox */ 'use strict'; function createSourceEditor(style) { // a flag for isTouched() let hadBeenSaved = false; $('#name').disabled = true; $('#mozilla-format-container').remove(); $('#sections').textContent = ''; $('#sections').appendChild( $element({className: 'single-editor'}) ); const dirty = dirtyReporter(); dirty.onChange(() => { const DIRTY = dirty.isDirty(); document.body.classList.toggle('dirty', DIRTY); $('#save-button').disabled = !DIRTY; updateTitle(); }); // normalize style if (!style.id) { setupNewStyle(style); } else { // style might be an object reference to background page style = deepCopy(style); } const cm = CodeMirror($('.single-editor')); editors.push(cm); updateMeta().then(() => { initLint(); initLinterSwitch(); cm.setValue(style.sourceCode); cm.clearHistory(); cm.markClean(); initHooks(); initAppliesToLineWidget(); // focus must be the last action, otherwise the style is duplicated on saving cm.focus(); }); function initAppliesToLineWidget() { const PREF_NAME = 'editor.appliesToLineWidget'; const widget = createAppliesToLineWidget(cm); widget.toggle(prefs.get(PREF_NAME)); prefs.subscribe([PREF_NAME], (key, value) => widget.toggle(value)); } function initLinterSwitch() { const linterEl = $('#editor.linter'); cm.on('optionChange', (cm, option) => { if (option !== 'mode') { return; } updateLinter(); update(); }); linterEl.addEventListener('change', update); update(); function update() { linterEl.value = linterConfig.getDefault(); const cssLintOption = linterEl.querySelector('[value="csslint"]'); if (cm.getOption('mode') !== 'css') { cssLintOption.disabled = true; cssLintOption.title = t('linterCSSLintIncompatible', cm.getOption('mode')); } else { cssLintOption.disabled = false; cssLintOption.title = ''; } } } function setupNewStyle(style) { style.sections[0].code = ' '.repeat(prefs.get('editor.tabSize')) + '/* Insert code here... */'; let section = mozParser.format(style); if (!section.includes('@-moz-document')) { style.sections[0].domains = ['example.com']; section = mozParser.format(style); } const DEFAULT_CODE = ` /* ==UserStyle== @name ${t('usercssReplaceTemplateName') + ' - ' + new Date().toLocaleString()} @namespace github.com/openstyles/stylus @version 0.1.0 @description A new userstyle @author Me ==/UserStyle== */ ${section} `.replace(/^\s+/gm, ''); dirty.clear('source'); style.sourceCode = ''; BG.chromeSync.getLZValue('usercssTemplate').then(code => { style.sourceCode = code || DEFAULT_CODE; cm.startOperation(); cm.setValue(style.sourceCode); cm.clearHistory(); cm.markClean(); cm.endOperation(); }); } function initHooks() { // sidebar commands $('#save-button').onclick = save; $('#beautify').onclick = beautify; $('#keyMap-help').onclick = showKeyMapHelp; $('#toggle-style-help').onclick = showToggleStyleHelp; $('#cancel-button').onclick = goBackToManage; // enable $('#enabled').onchange = e => { const value = e.target.checked; dirty.modify('enabled', style.enabled, value); style.enabled = value; }; // source cm.on('change', () => { const value = cm.getValue(); dirty.modify('source', style.sourceCode, value); style.sourceCode = value; updateLintReportIfEnabled(cm); }); // hotkeyRerouter cm.on('focus', () => { hotkeyRerouter.setState(false); }); cm.on('blur', () => { hotkeyRerouter.setState(true); }); // autocomplete if (prefs.get('editor.autocompleteOnTyping')) { setupAutocomplete(cm); } } function updateMeta() { $('#name').value = style.name; $('#enabled').checked = style.enabled; $('#url').href = style.url; const {usercssData: {preprocessor} = {}} = style; // beautify only works with regular CSS $('#beautify').disabled = cm.getOption('mode') !== 'css'; updateTitle(); return cm.setPreprocessor(preprocessor); } function updateTitle() { const newTitle = (dirty.isDirty() ? '* ' : '') + (style.id ? t('editStyleTitle', [style.name]) : t('addStyleTitle')); if (document.title !== newTitle) { document.title = newTitle; } } function replaceStyle(newStyle) { if (!style.id && newStyle.id) { history.replaceState({}, '', `?id=${newStyle.id}`); } style = deepCopy(newStyle); updateMeta(); if (style.sourceCode !== cm.getValue()) { const cursor = cm.getCursor(); cm.setValue(style.sourceCode); cm.setCursor(cursor); } dirty.clear(); hadBeenSaved = false; } function setStyleDirty(newStyle) { dirty.clear(); dirty.modify('source', newStyle.sourceCode, style.sourceCode); dirty.modify('enabled', newStyle.enabled, style.enabled); } function toggleStyle() { const value = !style.enabled; dirty.modify('enabled', style.enabled, value); style.enabled = value; updateMeta(); // save when toggle enable state? save(); } function save() { if (!dirty.isDirty()) { return; } return onBackgroundReady() .then(() => BG.usercssHelper.save({ reason: 'editSave', id: style.id, enabled: style.enabled, sourceCode: style.sourceCode })) .then(replaceStyle) .then(() => { hadBeenSaved = true; }) .catch(err => { if (err.message === t('styleMissingMeta', 'name')) { messageBox.confirm(t('usercssReplaceTemplateConfirmation')).then(ok => ok && BG.chromeSync.setLZValue('usercssTemplate', style.sourceCode) .then(() => BG.chromeSync.getLZValue('usercssTemplate')) .then(saved => { if (saved !== style.sourceCode) { messageBox.alert(t('syncStorageErrorSaving')); } })); return; } const contents = [String(err)]; if (Number.isInteger(err.index)) { const pos = cm.posFromIndex(err.index); contents[0] += ` (line ${pos.line + 1} col ${pos.ch + 1})`; contents.push($element({ tag: 'pre', textContent: drawLinePointer(pos) })); } messageBox.alert(contents); }); function drawLinePointer(pos) { const SIZE = 60; const line = cm.getLine(pos.line); const pointer = ' '.repeat(pos.ch) + '^'; const start = Math.max(Math.min(pos.ch - SIZE / 2, line.length - SIZE), 0); const end = Math.min(Math.max(pos.ch + SIZE / 2, SIZE), line.length); const leftPad = start !== 0 ? '...' : ''; const rightPad = end !== line.length ? '...' : ''; return leftPad + line.slice(start, end) + rightPad + '\n' + ' '.repeat(leftPad.length) + pointer.slice(start, end); } } function isTouched() { // indicate that the editor had been touched by the user return dirty.isDirty() || hadBeenSaved; } function replaceMeta(newStyle) { style.enabled = newStyle.enabled; dirty.clear('enabled'); updateMeta(); } return { replaceStyle, replaceMeta, setStyleDirty, save, toggleStyle, isDirty: dirty.isDirty, getStyle: () => style, isTouched }; }