/* global CodeMirror */ 'use strict'; (() => { const HL_APPROVED = 'cm-matchhighlight-approved'; const originalAddOverlay = CodeMirror.prototype.addOverlay; const originalRemoveOverlay = CodeMirror.prototype.removeOverlay; CodeMirror.prototype.addOverlay = addOverlay; CodeMirror.prototype.removeOverlay = removeOverlay; return; function shouldIntercept(overlay) { const hlState = this.state.matchHighlighter || {}; return overlay === hlState.overlay && (hlState.options || {}).showToken; } function addOverlay() { return shouldIntercept.apply(this, arguments) && addOverlayForHighlighter.apply(this, arguments) || originalAddOverlay.apply(this, arguments); } function removeOverlay() { return shouldIntercept.apply(this, arguments) && removeOverlayForHighlighter.apply(this, arguments) || originalRemoveOverlay.apply(this, arguments); } function addOverlayForHighlighter(overlay) { const state = this.state.matchHighlighter || {}; const helper = state.stylusMHLHelper || {}; if (helper.matchesonscroll) { // restore the original addon's unwanted removeOverlay effects // (in case the token under cursor hasn't changed) state.matchesonscroll = helper.matchesonscroll; state.overlay = helper.overlay; helper.matchesonscroll = null; helper.overlay = null; return true; } if (overlay.token !== tokenHook) { overlay.stylusMHLHelper = { token: overlay.token, occurrences: 0, }; overlay.token = tokenHook; } clearTimeout(helper.hookTimer); } function tokenHook(stream) { const style = this.stylusMHLHelper.token.call(this, stream); if (style !== 'matchhighlight') { return style; } const num = ++this.stylusMHLHelper.occurrences; if (num === 1) { stream.lineOracle.doc.cm.display.wrapper.classList.remove(HL_APPROVED); } else if (num === 2) { stream.lineOracle.doc.cm.display.wrapper.classList.add(HL_APPROVED); } return style; } function removeOverlayForHighlighter() { const state = this.state.matchHighlighter || {}; const {query} = state.matchesonscroll || {}; if (!query) { return; } const {line, ch} = this.getCursor(); const rx = query instanceof RegExp ? query : new RegExp(`\\b${query}\\b`); const start = Math.max(0, ch - rx.source.length + 4 + 1); const end = ch + rx.source.length - 4; const area = this.getLine(line).substring(start, end); const startInArea = (area.match(rx) || {}).index; if (start + startInArea <= ch) { // same token on cursor => prevent the highlighter from rerunning state.stylusMHLHelper = { overlay: state.overlay, matchesonscroll: state.matchesonscroll, hookTimer: setTimeout(removeOverlayIfExpired, 0, this, state), }; state.matchesonscroll = null; return true; } } function removeOverlayIfExpired(self, state) { const {overlay, matchesonscroll} = state.stylusMHLHelper || {}; if (overlay) { originalRemoveOverlay.call(self, overlay); } if (matchesonscroll) { matchesonscroll.clear(); } state.stylusMHLHelper = null; } })();