/* global messageBox Dropbox createZipFileFromText readZipFileFromBlob launchWebAuthFlow getRedirectUrlAuthFlow importFromString resolve $ $create t chromeLocal API getOwnTab */ 'use strict'; const DROPBOX_API_KEY = 'zg52vphuapvpng9'; const FILENAME_ZIP_FILE = 'stylus.json'; const DROPBOX_FILE = 'stylus.zip'; const API_ERROR_STATUS_FILE_NOT_FOUND = 409; const HTTP_STATUS_CANCEL = 499; function messageProgressBar(data) { return messageBox({ title: `${data.title}`, className: 'config-dialog', contents: [ $create('p', data.text) ], buttons: [{ textContent: t('confirmClose'), dataset: {cmd: 'close'}, }], }).then(() => { document.body.style.minWidth = ''; document.body.style.minHeight = ''; }); } function hasDropboxAccessToken() { return chromeLocal.getValue('dropbox_access_token'); } function requestDropboxAccessToken() { const client = new Dropbox.Dropbox({clientId: DROPBOX_API_KEY}); const authUrl = client.getAuthenticationUrl(getRedirectUrlAuthFlow()); return launchWebAuthFlow({url: authUrl, interactive: true}) .then(urlReturned => { const params = new URLSearchParams(new URL(urlReturned).hash.replace('#', '')); chromeLocal.setValue('dropbox_access_token', params.get('access_token')); return params.get('access_token'); }); } function uploadFileDropbox(client, stylesText) { return client.filesUpload({path: '/' + DROPBOX_FILE, contents: stylesText}); } $('#sync-dropbox-export').onclick = () => { const title = t('syncDropboxStyles'); messageProgressBar({title: title, text: t('connectingDropbox')}); hasDropboxAccessToken() .then(token => token || requestDropboxAccessToken()) .then(token => { const client = new Dropbox.Dropbox({ clientId: DROPBOX_API_KEY, accessToken: token }); return client.filesDownload({path: '/' + DROPBOX_FILE}) .then(() => messageBox.confirm(t('overwriteFileExport'))) .then(ok => { // deletes file if user want to if (!ok) { return Promise.reject({status: HTTP_STATUS_CANCEL}); } return client.filesDelete({path: '/' + DROPBOX_FILE}); }) // file deleted with success, get styles and create a file .then(() => { messageProgressBar({title: title, text: t('gettingStyles')}); return API.getAllStyles().then(styles => JSON.stringify(styles, null, '\t')); }) // create zip file .then(stylesText => { messageProgressBar({title: title, text: t('zipStyles')}); return createZipFileFromText(FILENAME_ZIP_FILE, stylesText); }) // create file dropbox .then(zipedText => { messageProgressBar({title: title, text: t('uploadingFile')}); return uploadFileDropbox(client, zipedText); }) // gives feedback to user .then(() => messageProgressBar({title: title, text: t('exportSavedSuccess')})) // handle not found cases and cancel action .catch(error => { console.log(error); // saving file first time if (error.status === API_ERROR_STATUS_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { API.getAllStyles() .then(styles => { messageProgressBar({title: title, text: t('gettingStyles')}); return JSON.stringify(styles, null, '\t'); }) .then(stylesText => { messageProgressBar({title: title, text: t('zipStyles')}); return createZipFileFromText(FILENAME_ZIP_FILE, stylesText); }) .then(zipedText => { messageProgressBar({title: title, text: t('uploadingFile')}); return uploadFileDropbox(client, zipedText); }) .then(() => messageProgressBar({title: title, text: t('exportSavedSuccess')})) .catch(err => messageBox.alert(err)); return; } // user cancelled the flow if (error.status === HTTP_STATUS_CANCEL) { return; } console.error(error); }); }); }; $('#sync-dropbox-import').onclick = () => { const title = t('retrieveDropboxSync'); messageProgressBar({title: title, text: t('connectingDropbox')}); hasDropboxAccessToken() .then(token => token || requestDropboxAccessToken()) .then(token => { const client = new Dropbox.Dropbox({ clientId: DROPBOX_API_KEY, accessToken: token }); return client.filesDownload({path: '/' + DROPBOX_FILE}) .then(response => { messageProgressBar({title: title, text: t('unzipStyles')}); return readZipFileFromBlob(response.fileBlob); }) .then(zipedFileBlob => { messageProgressBar({title: title, text: t('readingStyles')}); document.body.style.cursor = 'wait'; const fReader = new FileReader(); fReader.onloadend = event => { const text = event.target.result; const maybeUsercss = !/^[\s\r\n]*\[/.test(text) && (text.includes('==UserStyle==') || /==UserStyle==/i.test(text)); (!maybeUsercss ? importFromString(text) : getOwnTab().then(tab => { tab.url = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([text], {type: 'text/css'})); return API.openUsercssInstallPage({direct: true, tab}) .then(() => URL.revokeObjectURL(tab.url)); }) ).then(numStyles => { document.body.style.cursor = ''; resolve(numStyles); }); }; fReader.readAsText(zipedFileBlob, 'utf-8'); }) .catch(error => { // no file if (error.status === API_ERROR_STATUS_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { messageBox.alert(t('noFileToImport')); return; } messageBox.alert(error); }); }); };