/* global $ $$ $create API clipString CodeMirror createLivePreview createSection debounce editor FIREFOX ignoreChromeError linter messageBox prefs rerouteHotkeys sectionsToMozFormat sessionStore showCodeMirrorPopup showHelp t */ 'use strict'; /* exported SectionsEditor */ function SectionsEditor() { const {style, dirty} = editor; const container = $('#sections'); /** @type {EditorSection[]} */ const sections = []; const xo = window.IntersectionObserver && new IntersectionObserver(refreshOnViewListener, {rootMargin: '100%'}); const livePreview = createLivePreview(null, style.id); let INC_ID = 0; // an increment id that is used by various object to track the order let sectionOrder = ''; let headerOffset; // in compact mode the header is at the top so it reduces the available height container.classList.add('section-editor'); updateHeader(); $('#to-mozilla').on('click', showMozillaFormat); $('#to-mozilla-help').on('click', showToMozillaHelp); $('#from-mozilla').on('click', () => showMozillaFormatImport()); document.on('wheel', scrollEntirePageOnCtrlShift, {passive: false}); CodeMirror.defaults.extraKeys['Shift-Ctrl-Wheel'] = 'scrollWindow'; if (!FIREFOX) { $$('input:not([type]), input[type=text], input[type=search], input[type=number]') .forEach(e => e.on('mousedown', toggleContextMenuDelete)); } /** @namespace SectionsEditor */ Object.assign(editor, { sections, closestVisible, updateLivePreview, getEditors() { return sections.filter(s => !s.removed).map(s => s.cm); }, getEditorTitle(cm) { const index = editor.getEditors().indexOf(cm); return `${t('sectionCode')} ${index + 1}`; }, getSearchableInputs(cm) { return sections.find(s => s.cm === cm).appliesTo.map(a => a.valueEl).filter(Boolean); }, jumpToEditor(i) { const {cm} = sections[i] || {}; if (cm) { editor.scrollToEditor(cm); cm.focus(); } }, nextEditor(cm, cycle = true) { return cycle || cm !== findLast(sections, s => !s.removed).cm ? nextPrevEditor(cm, 1) : null; }, prevEditor(cm, cycle = true) { return cycle || cm !== sections.find(s => !s.removed).cm ? nextPrevEditor(cm, -1) : null; }, async replaceStyle(newStyle, codeIsUpdated) { dirty.clear('name'); // FIXME: avoid recreating all editors? if (codeIsUpdated !== false) { await initSections(newStyle.sections, {replace: true, pristine: true}); } Object.assign(style, newStyle); updateHeader(); dirty.clear(); // Go from new style URL to edit style URL if (location.href.indexOf('id=') === -1 && style.id) { history.replaceState({}, document.title, 'edit.html?id=' + style.id); $('#heading').textContent = t('editStyleHeading'); } livePreview.show(Boolean(style.id)); updateLivePreview(); }, async save() { if (!dirty.isDirty()) { return; } let newStyle = getModel(); if (!validate(newStyle)) { return; } newStyle = await API.editSave(newStyle); destroyRemovedSections(); sessionStore.justEditedStyleId = newStyle.id; editor.replaceStyle(newStyle, false); }, scrollToEditor(cm) { const section = sections.find(s => s.cm === cm).el; const bounds = section.getBoundingClientRect(); if ( (bounds.bottom > window.innerHeight && bounds.top > 0) || (bounds.top < 0 && bounds.bottom < window.innerHeight) ) { if (bounds.top < 0) { window.scrollBy(0, bounds.top - 1); } else { window.scrollBy(0, bounds.bottom - window.innerHeight + 1); } } }, }); editor.ready = initSections(style.sections, {pristine: true}); /** @param {EditorSection} section */ function fitToContent(section) { const {cm, cm: {display: {wrapper, sizer}}} = section; if (cm.display.renderedView) { resize(); } else { cm.on('update', resize); } function resize() { let contentHeight = sizer.offsetHeight; if (contentHeight < cm.defaultTextHeight()) { return; } if (headerOffset == null) { headerOffset = container.getBoundingClientRect().top; } contentHeight += 9; // border & resize grip cm.off('update', resize); const cmHeight = wrapper.offsetHeight; const appliesToHeight = Math.min(section.el.offsetHeight - cmHeight, window.innerHeight / 2); const maxHeight = (window.innerHeight - headerOffset) - appliesToHeight; const fit = Math.min(contentHeight, maxHeight); if (Math.abs(fit - cmHeight) > 1) { cm.setSize(null, fit); } } } function fitToAvailableSpace() { const lastSectionBottom = sections[sections.length - 1].el.getBoundingClientRect().bottom; const delta = Math.floor((window.innerHeight - lastSectionBottom) / sections.length); if (delta > 1) { sections.forEach(({cm}) => { cm.setSize(null, cm.display.lastWrapHeight + delta); }); } } function genId() { return INC_ID++; } function setGlobalProgress(done, total) { const progressElement = $('#global-progress') || total && document.body.appendChild($create('#global-progress')); if (total) { const progress = (done / Math.max(done, total) * 100).toFixed(1); progressElement.style.borderLeftWidth = progress + 'vw'; setTimeout(() => { progressElement.title = progress + '%'; }); } else { $.remove(progressElement); } } function showToMozillaHelp(event) { event.preventDefault(); showHelp(t('styleMozillaFormatHeading'), t('styleToMozillaFormatHelp')); } /** priority: 1. associated CM for applies-to element 2. last active if visible 3. first visible */ function closestVisible(nearbyElement) { const cm = nearbyElement instanceof CodeMirror ? nearbyElement : nearbyElement instanceof Node && getAssociatedEditor(nearbyElement) || getLastActivatedEditor(); if (nearbyElement instanceof Node && cm) { const {left, top} = nearbyElement.getBoundingClientRect(); const bounds = cm.display.wrapper.getBoundingClientRect(); if (top >= 0 && top >= bounds.top && left >= 0 && left >= bounds.left) { return cm; } } // closest editor should have at least 2 lines visible const lineHeight = sections[0].cm.defaultTextHeight(); const scrollY = window.scrollY; const windowBottom = scrollY + window.innerHeight - 2 * lineHeight; const allSectionsContainerTop = scrollY + $('#sections').getBoundingClientRect().top; const distances = []; const alreadyInView = cm && offscreenDistance(null, cm) === 0; return alreadyInView ? cm : findClosest(); function offscreenDistance(index, cm) { if (index >= 0 && distances[index] !== undefined) { return distances[index]; } const section = cm && cm.display.wrapper.closest('.section'); if (!section) { return 1e9; } const top = allSectionsContainerTop + section.offsetTop; if (top < scrollY + lineHeight) { return Math.max(0, scrollY - top - lineHeight); } if (top < windowBottom) { return 0; } const distance = top - windowBottom + section.offsetHeight; if (index >= 0) { distances[index] = distance; } return distance; } function findClosest() { const editors = editor.getEditors(); const last = editors.length - 1; let a = 0; let b = last; let c; let distance; while (a < b - 1) { c = (a + b) / 2 | 0; distance = offscreenDistance(c); if (!distance || !c) { break; } const distancePrev = offscreenDistance(c - 1); const distanceNext = c < last ? offscreenDistance(c + 1) : 1e20; if (distancePrev <= distance && distance <= distanceNext) { b = c; } else { a = c; } } while (b && offscreenDistance(b - 1) <= offscreenDistance(b)) { b--; } const cm = editors[b]; if (distances[b] > 0) { editor.scrollToEditor(cm); } return cm; } } function getAssociatedEditor(nearbyElement) { for (let el = nearbyElement; el; el = el.parentElement) { // added by createSection if (el.CodeMirror) { return el.CodeMirror; } } } function findLast(arr, match) { for (let i = arr.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (match(arr[i])) { return arr[i]; } } } function nextPrevEditor(cm, direction) { const editors = editor.getEditors(); cm = editors[(editors.indexOf(cm) + direction + editors.length) % editors.length]; editor.scrollToEditor(cm); cm.focus(); return cm; } function getLastActivatedEditor() { let result; for (const section of sections) { if (section.removed) { continue; } // .lastActive is initiated by codemirror-factory if (!result || section.cm.lastActive > result.lastActive) { result = section.cm; } } return result; } function scrollEntirePageOnCtrlShift(event) { // make Shift-Ctrl-Wheel scroll entire page even when mouse is over a code editor if (event.shiftKey && event.ctrlKey && !event.altKey && !event.metaKey) { // Chrome scrolls horizontally when Shift is pressed but on some PCs this might be different window.scrollBy(0, event.deltaX || event.deltaY); event.preventDefault(); } } function showMozillaFormat() { const popup = showCodeMirrorPopup(t('styleToMozillaFormatTitle'), '', {readOnly: true}); popup.codebox.setValue(sectionsToMozFormat(getModel())); popup.codebox.execCommand('selectAll'); } function showMozillaFormatImport(text = '') { const popup = showCodeMirrorPopup(t('styleFromMozillaFormatPrompt'), $create('.buttons', [ $create('button', { name: 'import-replace', textContent: t('importReplaceLabel'), title: 'Ctrl-Shift-Enter:\n' + t('importReplaceTooltip'), onclick: () => doImport({replaceOldStyle: true}), }), $create('button', { name: 'import-append', textContent: t('importAppendLabel'), title: 'Ctrl-Enter:\n' + t('importAppendTooltip'), onclick: doImport, }), ])); const contents = $('.contents', popup); contents.insertBefore(popup.codebox.display.wrapper, contents.firstElementChild); popup.codebox.focus(); popup.codebox.on('changes', cm => { popup.classList.toggle('ready', !cm.isBlank()); cm.markClean(); }); if (text) { popup.codebox.setValue(text); popup.codebox.clearHistory(); popup.codebox.markClean(); } // overwrite default extraKeys as those are inapplicable in popup context popup.codebox.options.extraKeys = { 'Ctrl-Enter': doImport, 'Shift-Ctrl-Enter': () => doImport({replaceOldStyle: true}), }; async function doImport({replaceOldStyle = false}) { lockPageUI(true); try { const code = popup.codebox.getValue().trim(); if (!/==userstyle==/i.test(code) || !await getPreprocessor(code) || await messageBox.confirm( t('importPreprocessor'), 'pre-line', t('importPreprocessorTitle')) ) { const {sections, errors} = await API.parseCss({code}); // shouldn't happen but just in case if (!sections.length || errors.length) { throw errors; } await initSections(sections, { replace: replaceOldStyle, focusOn: replaceOldStyle ? 0 : false, }); $('.dismiss').dispatchEvent(new Event('click')); } } catch (err) { showError(err); } lockPageUI(false); } async function getPreprocessor(code) { try { return (await API.buildUsercssMeta({sourceCode: code})).usercssData.preprocessor; } catch (e) {} } function lockPageUI(locked) { document.documentElement.style.pointerEvents = locked ? 'none' : ''; if (popup.codebox) { popup.classList.toggle('ready', locked ? false : !popup.codebox.isBlank()); popup.codebox.options.readOnly = locked; popup.codebox.display.wrapper.style.opacity = locked ? '.5' : ''; } } function showError(errors) { messageBox({ className: 'center danger', title: t('styleFromMozillaFormatError'), contents: $create('pre', Array.isArray(errors) ? errors.join('\n') : errors), buttons: [t('confirmClose')], }); } } function updateSectionOrder() { const oldOrder = sectionOrder; const validSections = sections.filter(s => !s.removed); sectionOrder = validSections.map(s => s.id).join(','); dirty.modify('sectionOrder', oldOrder, sectionOrder); container.dataset.sectionCount = validSections.length; linter.refreshReport(); editor.updateToc(); } /** @returns {Style} */ function getModel() { return Object.assign({}, style, { sections: sections.filter(s => !s.removed).map(s => s.getModel()), }); } function validate() { if (!$('#name').reportValidity()) { messageBox.alert(t('styleMissingName')); return false; } for (const section of sections) { for (const apply of section.appliesTo) { if (apply.type !== 'regexp') { continue; } if (!apply.valueEl.reportValidity()) { messageBox.alert(t('styleBadRegexp')); return false; } } } return true; } function destroyRemovedSections() { for (let i = 0; i < sections.length;) { if (!sections[i].removed) { i++; continue; } sections[i].destroy(); sections[i].el.remove(); sections.splice(i, 1); } } function updateHeader() { $('#name').value = style.customName || style.name || ''; $('#enabled').checked = style.enabled !== false; $('#url').href = style.url || ''; editor.updateName(); } function updateLivePreview() { debounce(updateLivePreviewNow, editor.previewDelay); } function updateLivePreviewNow() { livePreview.update(getModel()); } async function initSections(src, { focusOn = 0, replace = false, pristine = false, } = {}) { if (replace) { sections.forEach(s => s.remove(true)); sections.length = 0; container.textContent = ''; } let si = editor.scrollInfo; if (si && si.cms && si.cms.length === src.length) { si.scrollY2 = si.scrollY + window.innerHeight; container.style.height = si.scrollY2 + 'px'; scrollTo(0, si.scrollY); rerouteHotkeys(true); } else { si = null; } let forceRefresh = true; let y = 0; let tPrev; for (let i = 0; i < src.length; i++) { const t = performance.now(); if (!tPrev) { tPrev = t; } else if (t - tPrev > 100) { tPrev = 0; forceRefresh = false; await new Promise(setTimeout); } if (si) forceRefresh = y < si.scrollY2 && (y += si.cms[i].parentHeight) > si.scrollY; insertSectionAfter(src[i], null, forceRefresh, si && si.cms[i]); setGlobalProgress(i, src.length); if (pristine) dirty.clear(); if (i === focusOn && !si) sections[i].cm.focus(); } if (!si) requestAnimationFrame(fitToAvailableSpace); container.style.removeProperty('height'); setGlobalProgress(); } /** @param {EditorSection} section */ function removeSection(section) { if (sections.every(s => s.removed || s === section)) { // TODO: hide remove button when `#sections[data-section-count=1]` throw new Error('Cannot remove last section'); } if (section.cm.isBlank()) { const index = sections.indexOf(section); sections.splice(index, 1); section.el.remove(); section.remove(); section.destroy(); } else { const lines = []; const MAX_LINES = 10; section.cm.doc.iter(0, MAX_LINES + 1, ({text}) => lines.push(text) && false); const title = t('sectionCode') + '\n' + '-'.repeat(20) + '\n' + lines.slice(0, MAX_LINES).map(s => clipString(s, 100)).join('\n') + (lines.length > MAX_LINES ? '\n...' : ''); $('.deleted-section', section.el).title = title; section.remove(); } dirty.remove(section, section); updateSectionOrder(); section.off(updateLivePreview); updateLivePreview(); } /** @param {EditorSection} section */ function restoreSection(section) { section.restore(); updateSectionOrder(); section.onChange(updateLivePreview); updateLivePreview(); } /** * @param {StyleSection} [init] * @param {EditorSection} [base] * @param {boolean} [forceRefresh] * @param {EditorScrollInfo} [si] */ function insertSectionAfter(init, base, forceRefresh, si) { if (!init) { init = {code: '', urlPrefixes: ['http://example.com']}; } const section = createSection(init, genId, si); const {cm} = section; const {code} = init; const index = base ? sections.indexOf(base) + 1 : sections.length; sections.splice(index, 0, section); container.insertBefore(section.el, base ? base.el.nextSibling : null); refreshOnView(cm, {code, force: base || forceRefresh}); registerEvents(section); if ((!si || !si.height) && (!base || code)) { // Fit a) during startup or b) when the clone button is clicked on a section with some code fitToContent(section); } if (base) { cm.focus(); editor.scrollToEditor(cm); } updateSectionOrder(); updateLivePreview(); section.onChange(updateLivePreview); } /** @param {EditorSection} section */ function moveSectionUp(section) { const index = sections.indexOf(section); if (index === 0) { return; } container.insertBefore(section.el, sections[index - 1].el); sections[index] = sections[index - 1]; sections[index - 1] = section; updateSectionOrder(); } /** @param {EditorSection} section */ function moveSectionDown(section) { const index = sections.indexOf(section); if (index === sections.length - 1) { return; } container.insertBefore(sections[index + 1].el, section.el); sections[index] = sections[index + 1]; sections[index + 1] = section; updateSectionOrder(); } /** @param {EditorSection} section */ function registerEvents(section) { const {el, cm} = section; $('.applies-to-help', el).onclick = () => showHelp(t('appliesLabel'), t('appliesHelp')); $('.remove-section', el).onclick = () => removeSection(section); $('.add-section', el).onclick = () => insertSectionAfter(undefined, section); $('.clone-section', el).onclick = () => insertSectionAfter(section.getModel(), section); $('.move-section-up', el).onclick = () => moveSectionUp(section); $('.move-section-down', el).onclick = () => moveSectionDown(section); $('.restore-section', el).onclick = () => restoreSection(section); cm.on('paste', maybeImportOnPaste); if (!FIREFOX) { cm.on('mousedown', (cm, event) => toggleContextMenuDelete.call(cm, event)); } } function maybeImportOnPaste(cm, event) { const text = event.clipboardData.getData('text') || ''; if (/@-moz-document/i.test(text) && /@-moz-document\s+(url|url-prefix|domain|regexp)\(/i .test(text.replace(/\/\*([^*]|\*(?!\/))*(\*\/|$)/g, '')) ) { event.preventDefault(); showMozillaFormatImport(text); } } function refreshOnView(cm, {code, force} = {}) { if (force || !xo) { refreshOnViewNow(cm, code); } else { xo.observe(cm.display.wrapper); } } /** @param {IntersectionObserverEntry[]} entries */ function refreshOnViewListener(entries) { for (const e of entries) { const r = e.isIntersecting && e.intersectionRect; if (r) { xo.unobserve(e.target); const cm = e.target.CodeMirror; if (r.bottom > 0 && r.top < window.innerHeight) { refreshOnViewNow(cm); } else { setTimeout(refreshOnViewNow, 0, cm); } } } } async function refreshOnViewNow(cm, code) { cm.refresh(); linter.enableForEditor(cm, code); } function toggleContextMenuDelete(event) { if (chrome.contextMenus && event.button === 2 && prefs.get('editor.contextDelete')) { chrome.contextMenus.update('editor.contextDelete', { enabled: Boolean( this.selectionStart !== this.selectionEnd || this.somethingSelected && this.somethingSelected() ), }, ignoreChromeError); } } }