/* global tabURL handleEvent $ $$ prefs template FIREFOX chromeLocal debounce $create t API tWordBreak formatDate tryCatch tryJSONparse LZString ignoreChromeError */ 'use strict'; window.addEventListener('showStyles:done', function _() { window.removeEventListener('showStyles:done', _); if (!tabURL) { return; } //region Init const BODY_CLASS = 'search-results-shown'; const RESULT_ID_PREFIX = 'search-result-'; const BASE_URL = 'https://userstyles.org'; const UPDATE_URL = 'https://update.userstyles.org/%.md5'; // normal category is just one word like 'github' or 'google' // but for some sites we need a fallback // key: category.tld // value : use as category // value true: fallback to search_terms const CATEGORY_FALLBACK = { 'userstyles.org': 'userstyles.org', 'last.fm': true, 'Stylus': true, }; const RX_CATEGORY = /^(?:.*?)([^.]+)(?:\.com?)?\.(\w+)$/; const DISPLAY_PER_PAGE = 10; // Millisecs to wait before fetching next batch of search results. const DELAY_AFTER_FETCHING_STYLES = 0; // Millisecs to wait before fetching .JSON for next search result. const DELAY_BEFORE_SEARCHING_STYLES = 0; // update USO style install counter // if the style isn't uninstalled in the popup const PINGBACK_DELAY = 60e3; const BLANK_PIXEL_DATA = '' + 'C1HAwCAAAAC0lEQVR42mOcXQ8AAbsBHLLDr5MAAAAASUVORK5CYII='; const CACHE_SIZE = 1e6; const CACHE_PREFIX = 'usoSearchCache/'; const CACHE_DURATION = 24 * 3600e3; const CACHE_CLEANUP_THROTTLE = 10e3; const CACHE_CLEANUP_NEEDED = CACHE_PREFIX + 'clean?'; const CACHE_EXCEPT_PROPS = ['css', 'discussions', 'additional_info']; let searchTotalPages; let searchCurrentPage = 1; let searchExhausted = false; let usoFrame; let usoFrameQueue; const processedResults = []; const unprocessedResults = []; let loading = false; // Category for the active tab's URL. let category; let scrollToFirstResult = true; let displayedPage = 1; let totalPages = 1; let totalResults = 0; // fade-in when the entry took that long to replace its placeholder const FADEIN_THRESHOLD = 50; const dom = {}; Object.assign($('#find-styles-link'), { href: getSearchPageURL(tabURL), onclick(event) { if (!prefs.get('popup.findStylesInline') || dom.container) { handleEvent.openURLandHide.call(this, event); return; } event.preventDefault(); this.textContent = this.title; this.title = ''; init(); load(); }, }); return; function init() { setTimeout(() => document.body.classList.add(BODY_CLASS)); $('#find-styles-inline-group').classList.add('hidden'); dom.container = $('#search-results'); dom.container.dataset.empty = ''; dom.error = $('#search-results-error'); dom.nav = {}; const navOnClick = {prev, next}; for (const place of ['top', 'bottom']) { const nav = $(`.search-results-nav[data-type="${place}"]`); nav.appendChild(template.searchNav.cloneNode(true)); dom.nav[place] = nav; for (const child of $$('[data-type]', nav)) { const type = child.dataset.type; child.onclick = navOnClick[type]; nav['_' + type] = child; } } dom.list = $('#search-results-list'); addEventListener('scroll', loadMoreIfNeeded, {passive: true}); if (FIREFOX) { let lastShift; addEventListener('resize', () => { const scrollbarWidth = window.innerWidth - document.scrollingElement.clientWidth; const shift = document.body.getBoundingClientRect().left; if (!scrollbarWidth || shift === lastShift) return; lastShift = shift; document.body.style.setProperty('padding', `0 ${scrollbarWidth + shift}px 0 ${-shift}px`, 'important'); }, {passive: true}); } addEventListener('styleDeleted', ({detail: {style: {id}}}) => { const result = processedResults.find(r => r.installedStyleId === id); if (result) { result.installed = false; result.installedStyleId = -1; window.clearTimeout(result.pingbackTimer); renderActionButtons($('#' + RESULT_ID_PREFIX + result.id)); } }); addEventListener('styleAdded', ({detail: {style: {id, md5Url}}}) => { const usoId = parseInt(md5Url && md5Url.match(/\d+|$/)[0]); const result = usoId && processedResults.find(r => r.id === usoId); if (result) { result.installed = true; result.installedStyleId = id; renderActionButtons($('#' + RESULT_ID_PREFIX + usoId)); } }); chromeLocal.getValue(CACHE_CLEANUP_NEEDED).then(value => value && debounce(cleanupCache, CACHE_CLEANUP_THROTTLE)); } //endregion //region Loader /** * Sets loading status of search results. * @param {Boolean} isLoading If search results are idle (false) or still loading (true). */ function setLoading(isLoading) { if (loading !== isLoading) { loading = isLoading; // Refresh elements that depend on `loading` state. render(); } } function showSpinner(parent) { parent = parent instanceof Node ? parent : $(parent); parent.appendChild($create('.lds-spinner', new Array(12).fill($create('div')).map(e => e.cloneNode()))); } /** Increments displayedPage and loads results. */ function next() { if (loading) { debounce(next, 100); return; } displayedPage += 1; scrollToFirstResult = true; render(); loadMoreIfNeeded(); } /** Decrements currentPage and loads results. */ function prev() { if (loading) { debounce(next, 100); return; } displayedPage = Math.max(1, displayedPage - 1); scrollToFirstResult = true; render(); } /** * Display error message to user. * @param {string} message Message to display to user. */ function error(reason) { dom.error.textContent = reason === 404 ? t('searchResultNoneFound') : reason; dom.error.classList.remove('hidden'); dom.container.classList.toggle('hidden', !processedResults.length); document.body.classList.toggle('search-results-shown', processedResults.length > 0); if (dom.error.getBoundingClientRect().bottom < 0) { dom.error.scrollIntoView({behavior: 'smooth', block: 'start'}); } } /** * Initializes search results container, starts fetching results. */ function load() { if (searchExhausted) { if (!processedResults.length) { error(404); } return; } setLoading(true); dom.container.classList.remove('hidden'); dom.error.classList.add('hidden'); let pass = category ? 1 : 0; category = category || getCategory(); search({category}) .then(function process(results) { const data = results.data.filter(sameCategory); pass++; if (pass === 1 && !data.length) { category = getCategory({keepTLD: true}); return search({category, restart: true}).then(process); } const numIrrelevant = results.data.length - data.length; totalResults = results.current_page === 1 ? results.total_entries : totalResults; totalResults = Math.max(0, totalResults - numIrrelevant); totalPages = Math.ceil(totalResults / DISPLAY_PER_PAGE); setLoading(false); if (data.length) { unprocessedResults.push(...data); processNextResult(); } else if (numIrrelevant) { load(); } else { return Promise.reject(404); } }) .catch(error); } function loadMoreIfNeeded(event) { let pageToPrefetch = displayedPage; if (event instanceof Event) { if ((loadMoreIfNeeded.prefetchedPage || 0) <= pageToPrefetch && document.scrollingElement.scrollTop > document.scrollingElement.scrollHeight / 2) { loadMoreIfNeeded.prefetchedPage = ++pageToPrefetch; } else { return; } } if (processedResults.length < pageToPrefetch * DISPLAY_PER_PAGE) { setTimeout(load, DELAY_BEFORE_SEARCHING_STYLES); } } /** * Processes the next search result in `unprocessedResults` and adds to `processedResults`. * Skips installed/non-applicable styles. * Fetches more search results if unprocessedResults is empty. * Recurses until shouldLoadMore() is false. */ function processNextResult() { const result = unprocessedResults.shift(); if (!result) { loadMoreIfNeeded(); return; } const md5Url = UPDATE_URL.replace('%', result.id); API.styleExists({md5Url}).then(exist => { if (exist) { totalResults = Math.max(0, totalResults - 1); } else { processedResults.push(result); render(); } setTimeout(processNextResult, !exist && DELAY_AFTER_FETCHING_STYLES); }); } //endregion //region UI function render() { let start = (displayedPage - 1) * DISPLAY_PER_PAGE; const end = displayedPage * DISPLAY_PER_PAGE; let plantAt = 0; let slot = dom.list.children[0]; // keep rendered elements with ids in the range of interest while ( plantAt < DISPLAY_PER_PAGE && slot && slot.id === 'search-result-' + (processedResults[start] || {}).id ) { slot = slot.nextElementSibling; plantAt++; start++; } const plantEntry = entry => { if (slot) { dom.list.replaceChild(entry, slot); slot = entry.nextElementSibling; } else { dom.list.appendChild(entry); } entry.classList.toggle('search-result-fadein', !slot || performance.now() - slot._plantedTime > FADEIN_THRESHOLD); return entry; }; while (start < Math.min(end, processedResults.length)) { plantEntry(createSearchResultNode(processedResults[start++])); plantAt++; } for (const place in dom.nav) { const nav = dom.nav[place]; nav._prev.disabled = displayedPage <= 1; nav._next.disabled = displayedPage >= totalPages; nav._page.textContent = displayedPage; nav._total.textContent = totalPages; } // Fill in remaining search results with blank results + spinners const maxResults = end > totalResults && totalResults % DISPLAY_PER_PAGE || DISPLAY_PER_PAGE; while (plantAt < maxResults) { if (!slot || slot.id.startsWith(RESULT_ID_PREFIX)) { const entry = plantEntry(template.emptySearchResult.cloneNode(true)); entry._plantedTime = performance.now(); showSpinner(entry); } plantAt++; if (!processedResults.length) { break; } } while (dom.list.children.length > maxResults) { dom.list.lastElementChild.remove(); } if (processedResults.length && 'empty' in dom.container.dataset) { delete dom.container.dataset.empty; } if (scrollToFirstResult && (!FIREFOX || FIREFOX >= 55)) { debounce(doScrollToFirstResult); } } function doScrollToFirstResult() { if (dom.container.scrollHeight > window.innerHeight * 2) { scrollToFirstResult = false; dom.container.scrollIntoView({behavior: 'smooth', block: 'start'}); } } /** * Constructs and adds the given search result to the popup's Search Results container. * @param {Object} result The SearchResult object from userstyles.org */ function createSearchResultNode(result) { /* userstyleSearchResult format: { id: 100835, name: "Reddit Flat Dark", screenshot_url: "19339_after.png", description: "...", user: { id: 48470, name: "holloh" }, style_settings: [...] } */ const entry = template.searchResult.cloneNode(true); Object.assign(entry, { _result: result, id: RESULT_ID_PREFIX + result.id, }); Object.assign($('.search-result-title', entry), { onclick: handleEvent.openURLandHide, href: BASE_URL + result.url }); const displayedName = result.name.length < 300 ? result.name : result.name.slice(0, 300) + '...'; $('.search-result-title span', entry).textContent = tWordBreak(displayedName); const screenshot = $('.search-result-screenshot', entry); let url = result.screenshot_url; if (!url) { url = BLANK_PIXEL_DATA; screenshot.classList.add('no-screenshot'); } else if (/^[0-9]*_after.(jpe?g|png|gif)$/i.test(url)) { url = BASE_URL + '/style_screenshot_thumbnails/' + url; } screenshot.src = url; if (url !== BLANK_PIXEL_DATA) { screenshot.classList.add('search-result-fadein'); screenshot.onload = () => { screenshot.classList.remove('search-result-fadein'); }; } const description = result.description .replace(/<[^>]*>/g, ' ') .replace(/([^.][.。?!]|[\s,].{50,70})\s+/g, '$1\n') .replace(/([\r\n]\s*){3,}/g, '\n\n'); Object.assign($('.search-result-description', entry), { textContent: description, title: description, }); Object.assign($('[data-type="author"] a', entry), { textContent: result.user.name, title: result.user.name, href: BASE_URL + '/users/' + result.user.id, onclick: handleEvent.openURLandHide, }); let ratingClass; let ratingValue = result.rating; if (ratingValue === null) { ratingClass = 'none'; ratingValue = ''; } else if (ratingValue >= 2.5) { ratingClass = 'good'; ratingValue = ratingValue.toFixed(1); } else if (ratingValue >= 1.5) { ratingClass = 'okay'; ratingValue = ratingValue.toFixed(1); } else { ratingClass = 'bad'; ratingValue = ratingValue.toFixed(1); } $('[data-type="rating"]', entry).dataset.class = ratingClass; $('[data-type="rating"] dd', entry).textContent = ratingValue; Object.assign($('[data-type="updated"] time', entry), { dateTime: result.updated, textContent: formatDate(result.updated) }); $('[data-type="weekly"] dd', entry).textContent = formatNumber(result.weekly_install_count); $('[data-type="total"] dd', entry).textContent = formatNumber(result.total_install_count); renderActionButtons(entry); return entry; } function formatNumber(num) { return ( num > 1e9 ? (num / 1e9).toFixed(1) + 'B' : num > 10e6 ? (num / 1e6).toFixed(0) + 'M' : num > 1e6 ? (num / 1e6).toFixed(1) + 'M' : num > 10e3 ? (num / 1e3).toFixed(0) + 'k' : num > 1e3 ? (num / 1e3).toFixed(1) + 'k' : num ); } function renderActionButtons(entry) { if (!entry) { return; } const result = entry._result; if (result.installed && !('installed' in entry.dataset)) { entry.dataset.installed = ''; $('.search-result-status', entry).textContent = t('clickToUninstall'); } else if (!result.installed && 'installed' in entry.dataset) { delete entry.dataset.installed; $('.search-result-status', entry).textContent = ''; } const screenshot = $('.search-result-screenshot', entry); screenshot.onclick = result.installed ? onUninstallClicked : onInstallClicked; screenshot.title = result.installed ? '' : t('installButton'); const uninstallButton = $('.search-result-uninstall', entry); uninstallButton.onclick = onUninstallClicked; const installButton = $('.search-result-install', entry); installButton.onclick = onInstallClicked; if ((result.style_settings || []).length > 0) { // Style has customizations installButton.classList.add('customize'); uninstallButton.classList.add('customize'); const customizeButton = $('.search-result-customize', entry); customizeButton.dataset.href = BASE_URL + result.url; customizeButton.dataset.sendMessage = JSON.stringify({method: 'openSettings'}); customizeButton.classList.remove('hidden'); customizeButton.onclick = function (event) { event.stopPropagation(); handleEvent.openURLandHide.call(this, event); }; } } function onUninstallClicked(event) { event.stopPropagation(); const entry = this.closest('.search-result'); saveScrollPosition(entry); API.deleteStyle(entry._result.installedStyleId) .then(restoreScrollPosition); } /** Installs the current userstyleSearchResult into Stylus. */ function onInstallClicked(event) { event.stopPropagation(); const entry = this.closest('.search-result'); const result = entry._result; const installButton = $('.search-result-install', entry); showSpinner(entry); saveScrollPosition(entry); installButton.disabled = true; entry.style.setProperty('pointer-events', 'none', 'important'); // Fetch settings to see if we should display "configure" button Promise.all([ fetchStyleJson(result), fetchStyleSettings(result), API.download({url: UPDATE_URL.replace('%', result.id)}) ]) .then(([style, settings, md5]) => { pingback(result); // show a 'config-on-homepage' icon in the popup style.updateUrl += settings.length ? '?' : ''; style.originalMd5 = md5; return API.installStyle(style); }) .catch(reason => { const usoId = result.id; console.debug('install:saveStyle(usoID:', usoId, ') => [ERROR]: ', reason); error('Error while downloading usoID:' + usoId + '\nReason: ' + reason); }) .then(() => { $.remove('.lds-spinner', entry); installButton.disabled = false; entry.style.pointerEvents = ''; restoreScrollPosition(); }); function fetchStyleSettings(result) { return result.style_settings || fetchStyle(result.id).then(style => { result.style_settings = style.style_settings || []; return result.style_settings; }); } } function pingback(result) { const wnd = window; // FIXME: move this to background page and create an API like installUSOStyle result.pingbackTimer = wnd.setTimeout(wnd.download, PINGBACK_DELAY, BASE_URL + '/styles/install/' + result.id + '?source=stylish-ch'); } function saveScrollPosition(entry) { dom.scrollPosition = entry.getBoundingClientRect().top; dom.scrollPositionElement = entry; } function restoreScrollPosition() { const t0 = performance.now(); new MutationObserver((mutations, observer) => { if (performance.now() - t0 < 1000) { window.scrollBy(0, dom.scrollPositionElement.getBoundingClientRect().top - dom.scrollPosition); } observer.disconnect(); }).observe(document.body, {childList: true, subtree: true, attributes: true}); } //endregion //region USO API wrapper function getSearchPageURL() { const category = getCategory(); return BASE_URL + '/styles/browse/' + (category in CATEGORY_FALLBACK ? '?search_terms=' : '') + category; } /** * Resolves the Userstyles.org "category" for a given URL. */ function getCategory({keepTLD} = {}) { const u = tryCatch(() => new URL(tabURL)); if (!u) { // Invalid URL return ''; } else if (u.protocol === 'file:') { return 'file:'; } else if (u.protocol === location.protocol) { return 'Stylus'; } else { // Website address, strip TLD & subdomain const [, category = u.hostname, tld = ''] = u.hostname.match(RX_CATEGORY) || []; const categoryWithTLD = category + '.' + tld; const fallback = CATEGORY_FALLBACK[categoryWithTLD]; return fallback === true && categoryWithTLD || fallback || category + (keepTLD ? tld : ''); } } function sameCategory(result) { return result.subcategory && ( category === result.subcategory || category === 'Stylus' && /^(chrome|moz)-extension$/.test(result.subcategory) || category.replace('.', '').toLowerCase() === result.subcategory.replace('.', '').toLowerCase() ); } /** * Fetches the JSON style object from userstyles.org (containing code, sections, updateUrl, etc). * Stores (caches) the JSON within the given result, to avoid unnecessary network usage. * Style JSON is fetched from the /styles/chrome/{id}.json endpoint. * @param {Object} result A search result object from userstyles.org * @returns {Promise} Promises the response as a JSON object. */ function fetchStyleJson(result) { return Promise.resolve( result.json || downloadInFrame(BASE_URL + '/styles/chrome/' + result.id + '.json').then(json => { result.json = json; return json; })); } /** * Fetches style information from userstyles.org's /api/v1/styles/{ID} API. * @param {number} userstylesId The internal "ID" for a style on userstyles.org * @returns {Promise} An object containing info about the style, e.g. name, author, etc. */ function fetchStyle(userstylesId) { return readCache(userstylesId).then(json => json || downloadInFrame(BASE_URL + '/api/v1/styles/' + userstylesId).then(writeCache)); } /** * Fetches (and JSON-parses) search results from a userstyles.org search API. * Automatically sets searchCurrentPage and searchTotalPages. * @param {string} category The usrestyles.org "category" (subcategory) OR a any search string. * @return {Object} Response object from userstyles.org */ function search({category, restart}) { if (restart) { searchCurrentPage = 1; searchTotalPages = undefined; } if (searchTotalPages !== undefined && searchCurrentPage > searchTotalPages) { return Promise.resolve({'data':[]}); } const searchURL = BASE_URL + '/api/v1/styles/subcategory' + '?search=' + encodeURIComponent(category) + '&page=' + searchCurrentPage + '&per_page=10' + '&country=NA'; const cacheKey = category + '/' + searchCurrentPage; return readCache(cacheKey) .then(json => json || downloadInFrame(searchURL).then(writeCache)) .then(json => { searchCurrentPage = json.current_page + 1; searchTotalPages = json.total_pages; searchExhausted = (searchCurrentPage > searchTotalPages); return json; }).catch(reason => { searchExhausted = true; return Promise.reject(reason); }); } //endregion //region Cache function readCache(id) { const key = CACHE_PREFIX + id; return chromeLocal.getValue(key).then(item => { if (!cacheItemExpired(item)) { return chromeLocal.loadLZStringScript().then(() => tryJSONparse(LZString.decompressFromUTF16(item.payload))); } else if (item) { chrome.storage.local.remove(key); } }); } function writeCache(data, debounced) { data.id = data.id || category + '/' + data.current_page; for (const prop of CACHE_EXCEPT_PROPS) { delete data[prop]; } if (!debounced) { // using plain setTimeout because debounce() replaces previous parameters setTimeout(writeCache, 100, data, true); return data; } else { chromeLocal.setValue(CACHE_CLEANUP_NEEDED, true); debounce(cleanupCache, CACHE_CLEANUP_THROTTLE); return chromeLocal.loadLZStringScript().then(() => chromeLocal.setValue(CACHE_PREFIX + data.id, { payload: LZString.compressToUTF16(JSON.stringify(data)), date: Date.now(), })).then(() => data); } } function cacheItemExpired(item) { return !item || !item.date || Date.now() - item.date > CACHE_DURATION; } function cleanupCache() { chromeLocal.remove(CACHE_CLEANUP_NEEDED); if (chrome.storage.local.getBytesInUse) { chrome.storage.local.getBytesInUse(null, size => { if (size > CACHE_SIZE) { chrome.storage.local.get(null, cleanupCacheInternal); } ignoreChromeError(); }); } else { chrome.storage.local.get(null, cleanupCacheInternal); } } function cleanupCacheInternal(storage) { const sortedByTime = Object.keys(storage) .filter(key => key.startsWith(CACHE_PREFIX)) .map(key => Object.assign(storage[key], {key})) .sort((a, b) => a.date - b.date); const someExpired = cacheItemExpired(sortedByTime[0]); const expired = someExpired ? sortedByTime.filter(cacheItemExpired) : sortedByTime.slice(0, sortedByTime.length / 2); const toRemove = expired.length ? expired : sortedByTime; if (toRemove.length) { chrome.storage.local.remove(toRemove.map(item => item.key), ignoreChromeError); } ignoreChromeError(); } //endregion //region USO referrer spoofing via iframe function downloadInFrame(url) { return usoFrame ? new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const id = performance.now(); const timeout = setTimeout(() => { const {reject} = usoFrameQueue.get(id) || {}; usoFrameQueue.delete(id); if (reject) reject(); }, 10e3); const data = {url, resolve, reject, timeout}; usoFrameQueue.set(id, data); usoFrame.contentWindow.postMessage({xhr: {id, url}}, '*'); }) : setupFrame().then(() => downloadInFrame(url)); } function setupFrame() { usoFrame = $create('iframe', {src: BASE_URL}); usoFrameQueue = new Map(); const stripHeaders = info => ({ responseHeaders: info.responseHeaders.filter(({name}) => !/^X-Frame-Options$/i.test(name)), }); chrome.webRequest.onHeadersReceived.addListener(stripHeaders, { urls: [BASE_URL + '/'], types: ['sub_frame'], }, [ 'blocking', 'responseHeaders', ]); let frameId; const stripResources = info => { if (!frameId && info.frameId && info.type === 'sub_frame' && (info.initiator === location.origin || !info.initiator) && // Chrome 63+ (info.originUrl === location.href || !info.originUrl) && // FF 48+ info.url === BASE_URL + '/') { frameId = info.frameId; } else if (frameId === info.frameId && info.type !== 'xmlhttprequest') { return {redirectUrl: 'data:,'}; } }; chrome.webRequest.onBeforeRequest.addListener(stripResources, { urls: [''], }, [ 'blocking', ]); setTimeout(() => { chrome.webRequest.onBeforeRequest.removeListener(stripResources); }, 10e3); window.addEventListener('message', ({data, origin}) => { if (!data || origin !== BASE_URL) return; const {resolve, reject, timeout} = usoFrameQueue.get(data.id) || {}; if (!resolve) return; chrome.webRequest.onBeforeRequest.removeListener(stripResources); usoFrameQueue.delete(data.id); clearTimeout(timeout); // [being overcautious] a string response is used instead of relying on responseType=json // because it was invoked in a web page context so another extension may have incorrectly spoofed it const json = tryJSONparse(data.response); if (json && data.status < 400) { resolve(json); } else { reject(data.status); } }); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const done = event => { chrome.webRequest.onHeadersReceived.removeListener(stripHeaders); (event.type === 'load' ? resolve : reject)(); usoFrameQueue.forEach(({url}, id) => { usoFrame.contentWindow.postMessage({xhr: {id, url}}, '*'); }); }; usoFrame.addEventListener('load', done, {once: true}); usoFrame.addEventListener('error', done, {once: true}); usoFrame.style.setProperty('display', 'none', 'important'); document.body.appendChild(usoFrame); }); } //endregion });