/* global CodeMirror semverCompare closeCurrentTab messageBox download $ $$ $create $createLink t prefs API */ 'use strict'; (() => { // TODO: remove .replace(/^\?/, '') when minimum_chrome_version >= 52 (https://crbug.com/601425) const params = new URLSearchParams(location.search.replace(/^\?/, '')); const tabId = params.has('tabId') ? Number(params.get('tabId')) : -1; const initialUrl = params.get('updateUrl'); let installed = null; let installedDup = null; const liveReload = initLiveReload(); liveReload.ready.then(initSourceCode, error => messageBox.alert(error, 'pre')); const theme = prefs.get('editor.theme'); const cm = CodeMirror($('.main'), { readOnly: true, colorpicker: true, theme, }); if (theme !== 'default') { document.head.appendChild($create('link', { rel: 'stylesheet', href: `vendor/codemirror/theme/${theme}.css` })); } window.addEventListener('resize', adjustCodeHeight); // "History back" in Firefox (for now) restores the old DOM including the messagebox, // which stays after installing since we don't want to wait for the fadeout animation before resolving. document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', () => { if (messageBox.element) messageBox.element.remove(); if (installed) liveReload.onToggled(); }); setTimeout(() => { if (!installed) { $('#header').appendChild($create('.lds-spinner', new Array(12).fill($create('div')).map(e => e.cloneNode()))); } }, 200); function updateMeta(style, dup = installedDup) { installedDup = dup; const data = style.usercssData; const dupData = dup && dup.usercssData; const versionTest = dup && semverCompare(data.version, dupData.version); cm.setPreprocessor(data.preprocessor); const installButtonLabel = t( installed ? 'installButtonInstalled' : !dup ? 'installButton' : versionTest > 0 ? 'installButtonUpdate' : 'installButtonReinstall' ); document.title = `${installButtonLabel} ${data.name}`; $('.install').textContent = installButtonLabel; $('.install').classList.add( installed ? 'installed' : !dup ? 'install' : versionTest > 0 ? 'update' : 'reinstall'); $('.set-update-url').title = dup && dup.updateUrl && t('installUpdateFrom', dup.updateUrl) || ''; $('.meta-name').textContent = data.name; $('.meta-version').textContent = data.version; $('.meta-description').textContent = data.description; if (data.author) { $('.meta-author').parentNode.style.display = ''; $('.meta-author').textContent = ''; $('.meta-author').appendChild(makeAuthor(data.author)); } else { $('.meta-author').parentNode.style.display = 'none'; } $('.meta-license').parentNode.style.display = data.license ? '' : 'none'; $('.meta-license').textContent = data.license; $('.applies-to').textContent = ''; getAppliesTo(style).forEach(pattern => $('.applies-to').appendChild($create('li', pattern))); $('.external-link').textContent = ''; const externalLink = makeExternalLink(); if (externalLink) { $('.external-link').appendChild(externalLink); } $('#header').classList.add('meta-init'); $('#header').classList.remove('meta-init-error'); setTimeout(() => $.remove('.lds-spinner'), 1000); showError(''); requestAnimationFrame(adjustCodeHeight); function makeAuthor(text) { const match = text.match(/^(.+?)(?:\s+<(.+?)>)?(?:\s+\((.+?)\))?$/); if (!match) { return document.createTextNode(text); } const [, name, email, url] = match; const frag = document.createDocumentFragment(); if (email) { frag.appendChild($createLink(`mailto:${email}`, name)); } else { frag.appendChild($create('span', name)); } if (url) { frag.appendChild($createLink(url, $create('SVG:svg.svg-icon', {viewBox: '0 0 20 20'}, $create('SVG:path', { d: 'M4,4h5v2H6v8h8v-3h2v5H4V4z M11,3h6v6l-2-2l-4,4L9,9l4-4L11,3z' })) )); } return frag; } function makeExternalLink() { const urls = [ data.homepageURL && [data.homepageURL, t('externalHomepage')], data.supportURL && [data.supportURL, t('externalSupport')], ]; return (data.homepageURL || data.supportURL) && ( $create('div', [ $create('h3', t('externalLink')), $create('ul', urls.map(args => args && $create('li', $createLink(...args) ) )) ])); } } function showError(err) { $('.warnings').textContent = ''; if (err) { $('.warnings').appendChild(buildWarning(err)); } $('.warnings').classList.toggle('visible', Boolean(err)); $('.container').classList.toggle('has-warnings', Boolean(err)); adjustCodeHeight(); } function install(style) { installed = style; $$.remove('.warning'); $('button.install').disabled = true; $('button.install').classList.add('installed'); $('#live-reload-install-hint').classList.toggle('hidden', !liveReload.enabled); $('h2.installed').classList.add('active'); $('.set-update-url input[type=checkbox]').disabled = true; $('.set-update-url').title = style.updateUrl ? t('installUpdateFrom', style.updateUrl) : ''; updateMeta(style); if (!liveReload.enabled && !prefs.get('openEditInWindow')) { location.href = '/edit.html?id=' + style.id; } else { API.openEditor({id: style.id}); if (!liveReload.enabled) { if (tabId < 0 && history.length > 1) { history.back(); } else { closeCurrentTab(); } } } } function initSourceCode(sourceCode) { cm.setValue(sourceCode); cm.refresh(); API.buildUsercss({sourceCode, checkDup: true}) .then(init) .catch(err => { $('#header').classList.add('meta-init-error'); console.error(err); showError(err); }); } function buildWarning(err) { const contents = Array.isArray(err) ? [$create('pre', err.join('\n'))] : [err && err.message && $create('pre', err.message) || err || 'Unknown error']; if (Number.isInteger(err.index) && typeof contents[0] === 'string') { const pos = cm.posFromIndex(err.index); contents[0] = `${pos.line + 1}:${pos.ch + 1} ` + contents[0]; contents.push($create('pre', drawLinePointer(pos))); setTimeout(() => { cm.scrollIntoView({line: pos.line + 1, ch: pos.ch}, window.innerHeight / 4); cm.setCursor(pos.line, pos.ch + 1); cm.focus(); }); } return $create('.warning', [ t('parseUsercssError'), '\n', ...contents, ]); } function drawLinePointer(pos) { const SIZE = 60; const line = cm.getLine(pos.line); const numTabs = pos.ch + 1 - line.slice(0, pos.ch + 1).replace(/\t/g, '').length; const pointer = ' '.repeat(pos.ch) + '^'; const start = Math.max(Math.min(pos.ch - SIZE / 2, line.length - SIZE), 0); const end = Math.min(Math.max(pos.ch + SIZE / 2, SIZE), line.length); const leftPad = start !== 0 ? '...' : ''; const rightPad = end !== line.length ? '...' : ''; return ( leftPad + line.slice(start, end).replace(/\t/g, ' '.repeat(cm.options.tabSize)) + rightPad + '\n' + ' '.repeat(leftPad.length + numTabs * cm.options.tabSize) + pointer.slice(start, end) ); } function init({style, dup}) { const data = style.usercssData; const dupData = dup && dup.usercssData; const versionTest = dup && semverCompare(data.version, dupData.version); updateMeta(style, dup); // update UI if (versionTest < 0) { $('.actions').parentNode.insertBefore( $create('.warning', t('versionInvalidOlder')), $('.actions') ); } $('button.install').onclick = () => { (!dup ? Promise.resolve(true) : messageBox.confirm(t('styleInstallOverwrite', [ data.name, dupData.version, data.version, ])) ).then(ok => ok && API.installUsercss(style) .then(install) .catch(err => messageBox.alert(t('styleInstallFailed', err), 'pre')) ); }; // set updateUrl const checker = $('.set-update-url input[type=checkbox]'); const updateUrl = new URL(style.updateUrl || initialUrl); if (dup && dup.updateUrl === updateUrl.href) { checker.checked = true; // there is no way to "unset" updateUrl, you can only overwrite it. checker.disabled = true; } else if (updateUrl.protocol !== 'file:') { checker.checked = true; style.updateUrl = updateUrl.href; } checker.onchange = () => { style.updateUrl = checker.checked ? updateUrl.href : null; }; checker.onchange(); $('.set-update-url p').textContent = updateUrl.href.length < 300 ? updateUrl.href : updateUrl.href.slice(0, 300) + '...'; if (initialUrl.startsWith('file:')) { $('.live-reload input').onchange = liveReload.onToggled; } else { $('.live-reload').remove(); } } function getAppliesTo(style) { function *_gen() { for (const section of style.sections) { for (const type of ['urls', 'urlPrefixes', 'domains', 'regexps']) { if (section[type]) { yield *section[type]; } } } } const result = [..._gen()]; if (!result.length) { result.push(chrome.i18n.getMessage('appliesToEverything')); } return result; } function adjustCodeHeight() { // Chrome-only bug (apparently): it doesn't limit the scroller element height const scroller = cm.display.scroller; const prevWindowHeight = adjustCodeHeight.prevWindowHeight; if (scroller.scrollHeight === scroller.clientHeight || prevWindowHeight && window.innerHeight !== prevWindowHeight) { adjustCodeHeight.prevWindowHeight = window.innerHeight; cm.setSize(null, $('.main').offsetHeight - $('.warnings').offsetHeight); } } function initLiveReload() { const DELAY = 500; let isEnabled = false; let timer = 0; /** @type function(?options):Promise */ let getData = null; /** @type Promise */ let sequence = null; if (tabId < 0) { getData = DirectDownloader(); sequence = API.getUsercssInstallCode(initialUrl) .then(code => code || getData()) .catch(getData); } else { getData = PortDownloader(); sequence = getData({timer: false}); } return { get enabled() { return isEnabled; }, ready: sequence, onToggled(e) { if (e) isEnabled = e.target.checked; if (installed || installedDup) { if (isEnabled) { check({force: true}); } else { stop(); } $('.install').disabled = isEnabled; Object.assign($('#live-reload-install-hint'), { hidden: !isEnabled, textContent: t(`liveReloadInstallHint${tabId >= 0 ? 'FF' : ''}`), }); } }, }; function check(opts) { getData(opts) .then(update, logError) .then(() => { timer = 0; start(); }); } function logError(error) { console.warn(t('liveReloadError', error)); } function start() { timer = timer || setTimeout(check, DELAY); } function stop() { clearTimeout(timer); timer = 0; } function update(code) { if (code == null) return; sequence = sequence.catch(console.error).then(() => { const {id} = installed || installedDup; const scrollInfo = cm.getScrollInfo(); const cursor = cm.getCursor(); cm.setValue(code); cm.setCursor(cursor); cm.scrollTo(scrollInfo.left, scrollInfo.top); return API.installUsercss({id, sourceCode: code}) .then(updateMeta) .catch(showError); }); } function DirectDownloader() { let oldCode = null; const passChangedCode = code => { const isSame = code === oldCode; oldCode = code; return isSame ? null : code; }; return () => download(initialUrl).then(passChangedCode); } function PortDownloader() { const resolvers = new Map(); const port = chrome.tabs.connect(tabId, {name: 'downloadSelf'}); port.onMessage.addListener(({id, code, error}) => { const r = resolvers.get(id); resolvers.delete(id); if (error) { r.reject(error); } else { r.resolve(code); } }); port.onDisconnect.addListener(() => { chrome.tabs.get(tabId, tab => !chrome.runtime.lastError && tab.url === initialUrl ? location.reload() : closeCurrentTab()); }); return (opts = {}) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const id = performance.now(); resolvers.set(id, {resolve, reject}); opts.id = id; port.postMessage(opts); }); } } })();