/* global $$ $ $create focusAccessibility getEventKeyName moveFocus */// dom.js /* global debounce */// toolbox.js /* global t */// localization.js 'use strict'; /** DOM housekeeping after a page finished loading */ (() => { const SPLIT_BTN_MENU = '.split-btn-menu'; splitLongTooltips(); addTooltipsToEllipsized(); window.on('mousedown', suppressFocusRingOnClick, {passive: true}); window.on('keydown', keepFocusRingOnTabbing, {passive: true}); window.on('keypress', clickDummyLinkOnEnter); window.on('wheel', changeFocusedInputOnWheel, {capture: true, passive: false}); window.on('click', e => splitMenu(e) || showTooltipNote(e)); window.on('resize', () => debounce(addTooltipsToEllipsized, 100)); // Removing transition-suppressor rule const {sheet} = $('link[href$="global.css"]'); for (let i = 0, rule; (rule = sheet.cssRules[i]); i++) { if (/#\\1\s?transition-suppressor/.test(rule.selectorText)) { sheet.deleteRule(i); break; } } function changeFocusedInputOnWheel(event) { const el = document.activeElement; if (!el || el !== event.target && !el.contains(event.target)) { return; } const isSelect = el.tagName === 'SELECT'; if (isSelect || el.tagName === 'INPUT' && el.type === 'range') { const key = isSelect ? 'selectedIndex' : 'valueAsNumber'; const old = el[key]; const rawVal = old + Math.sign(event.deltaY) * (el.step || 1); el[key] = Math.max(el.min || 0, Math.min(el.max || el.length - 1, rawVal)); if (el[key] !== old) { el.dispatchEvent(new Event('change', {bubbles: true})); } event.preventDefault(); } event.stopImmediatePropagation(); } /** Displays a full text tooltip on buttons with ellipsis overflow and no inherent title */ function addTooltipsToEllipsized() { for (const btn of document.getElementsByTagName('button')) { if (btn.title && !btn.titleIsForEllipsis) { continue; } const width = btn.offsetWidth; if (!width || btn.preresizeClientWidth === width) { continue; } btn.preresizeClientWidth = width; if (btn.scrollWidth > width) { const text = btn.textContent; btn.title = text.includes('\u00AD') ? text.replace(/\u00AD/g, '') : text; btn.titleIsForEllipsis = true; } else if (btn.title) { btn.title = ''; } } } function clickDummyLinkOnEnter(e) { if (getEventKeyName(e) === 'Enter') { const a = e.target.closest('a'); const isDummy = a && !a.href && a.tabIndex === 0; if (isDummy) a.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click', {bubbles: true})); } } function keepFocusRingOnTabbing(event) { if (event.key === 'Tab' && !event.ctrlKey && !event.altKey && !event.metaKey) { focusAccessibility.lastFocusedViaClick = false; setTimeout(() => { let el = document.activeElement; if (el) { el = el.closest('[data-focused-via-click]'); focusAccessibility.toggle(el, false); } }); } } /** * @param {PointerEvent} [event] - absent when self-invoked to hide the menu */ function splitMenu(event) { const prevMenu = $(SPLIT_BTN_MENU); const prevPedal = (prevMenu || {}).previousElementSibling; const pedal = event && event.target.closest('.split-btn-pedal'); const entry = event && prevMenu && event.target.closest(SPLIT_BTN_MENU + '>*'); if (prevMenu) { prevMenu.remove(); prevPedal.classList.remove('active'); window.off('keydown', splitMenuEscape); } if (pedal) { const menu = $create(SPLIT_BTN_MENU, Array.from(pedal.attributes, ({name, value}) => name.startsWith('menu-') && $create('a', {tabIndex: 0, __cmd: name.split('-').pop()}, value) )); window.on('keydown', splitMenuEscape); menu.on('focusout', e => { if (!menu.contains(e.relatedTarget)) { setTimeout(splitMenu); } }); pedal.on('mousedown', e => e.preventDefault()); pedal.classList.toggle('active'); pedal.after(menu); moveFocus(menu, 0); focusAccessibility.toggle(menu.firstChild, focusAccessibility.get(pedal)); } if (entry) { prevPedal.previousElementSibling.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('split-btn', { detail: entry.__cmd, bubbles: true, })); } } function splitMenuEscape(e) { if (getEventKeyName(e) === 'Escape') { e.preventDefault(); splitMenu(); } } function suppressFocusRingOnClick({target}) { const el = focusAccessibility.closest(target); if (el) { focusAccessibility.lastFocusedViaClick = true; focusAccessibility.toggle(el, true); } } function showTooltipNote(event) { const el = event.target.closest('[data-cmd=note]'); if (el) { event.preventDefault(); window.messageBoxProxy.show({ className: 'note center-dialog', contents: el.dataset.title || el.title, buttons: [t('confirmClose')], }); } } function splitLongTooltips() { for (const el of $$('[title]')) { el.dataset.title = el.title; el.title = el.title.replace(/<\/?\w+>/g, ''); // strip html tags if (el.title.length < 50) { continue; } const newTitle = el.title .split('\n') .map(s => s.replace(/([^.][.。?!]|.{50,60},)\s+/g, '$1\n')) .map(s => s.replace(/(.{50,80}(?=.{40,}))\s+/g, '$1\n')) .join('\n'); if (newTitle !== el.title) el.title = newTitle; } } })();