/* global backgroundWorker */ /* exported usercss */ 'use strict'; const usercss = (() => { const GLOBAL_METAS = { author: undefined, description: undefined, homepageURL: 'url', updateURL: 'updateUrl', name: undefined, }; const RX_META = /\/\*!?\s*==userstyle==[\s\S]*?==\/userstyle==\s*\*\//i; const ERR_ARGS_IS_LIST = new Set(['missingMandatory', 'missingChar']); return {buildMeta, buildCode, assignVars}; function buildMeta(sourceCode) { sourceCode = sourceCode.replace(/\r\n?/g, '\n'); const style = { enabled: true, sourceCode, sections: [] }; const match = sourceCode.match(RX_META); if (!match) { throw new Error('can not find metadata'); } return backgroundWorker.parseUsercssMeta(match[0], match.index) .catch(err => { if (err.code) { const args = ERR_ARGS_IS_LIST.has(err.code) ? drawList(err.args) : err.args; const message = chrome.i18n.getMessage(`meta_${err.code}`, args); if (message) { err.message = message; } } throw err; }) .then(({metadata}) => { style.usercssData = metadata; // https://github.com/openstyles/stylus/issues/560#issuecomment-440561196 for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(GLOBAL_METAS)) { if (metadata[key] !== undefined) { style[value || key] = metadata[key]; } } return style; }); } function drawList(items) { return items.map(i => i.length === 1 ? JSON.stringify(i) : i).join(', '); } /** * @param {Object} style * @param {Boolean} [allowErrors=false] * @returns {(Style | {style: Style, errors: (false|String[])})} - style object * when allowErrors is falsy or {style, errors} object when allowErrors is truthy */ function buildCode(style, allowErrors) { const match = style.sourceCode.match(RX_META); return backgroundWorker.compileUsercss( style.usercssData.preprocessor, style.sourceCode.slice(0, match.index) + style.sourceCode.slice(match.index + match[0].length), style.usercssData.vars ) .then(({sections, errors}) => { if (!errors.length) errors = false; if (!sections.length || errors && !allowErrors) { throw errors || 'Style does not contain any actual CSS to apply.'; } style.sections = sections; return allowErrors ? {style, errors} : style; }); } function assignVars(style, oldStyle) { const {usercssData: {vars}} = style; const {usercssData: {vars: oldVars}} = oldStyle; if (!vars || !oldVars) { return Promise.resolve(); } // The type of var might be changed during the update. Set value to null if the value is invalid. for (const key of Object.keys(vars)) { if (oldVars[key] && oldVars[key].value) { vars[key].value = oldVars[key].value; } } return backgroundWorker.nullifyInvalidVars(vars) .then(vars => { style.usercssData.vars = vars; }); } })();