/* global CodeMirror onDOMready prefs setupLivePrefs $ $$ $create t tHTML createSourceEditor queryTabs sessionStorageHash getOwnTab FIREFOX API tryCatch closeCurrentTab messageBox debounce workerUtil beautify ignoreChromeError moveFocus msg createSectionsEditor rerouteHotkeys */ /* exported showCodeMirrorPopup editorWorker toggleContextMenuDelete */ 'use strict'; const editorWorker = workerUtil.createWorker({ url: '/edit/editor-worker.js' }); let saveSizeOnClose; // direct & reverse mapping of @-moz-document keywords and internal property names const propertyToCss = {urls: 'url', urlPrefixes: 'url-prefix', domains: 'domain', regexps: 'regexp'}; const CssToProperty = Object.entries(propertyToCss) .reduce((o, v) => { o[v[1]] = v[0]; return o; }, {}); let editor; document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', beforeUnload); window.addEventListener('beforeunload', beforeUnload); msg.onExtension(onRuntimeMessage); preinit(); (() => { onDOMready().then(() => { prefs.subscribe(['editor.keyMap'], showHotkeyInTooltip); addEventListener('showHotkeyInTooltip', showHotkeyInTooltip); showHotkeyInTooltip(); buildThemeElement(); buildKeymapElement(); setupLivePrefs(); }); initEditor(); function getCodeMirrorThemes() { if (!chrome.runtime.getPackageDirectoryEntry) { const themes = [ chrome.i18n.getMessage('defaultTheme'), /* populate-theme-start */ '3024-day', '3024-night', 'abcdef', 'ambiance', 'ambiance-mobile', 'base16-dark', 'base16-light', 'bespin', 'blackboard', 'cobalt', 'colorforth', 'darcula', 'dracula', 'duotone-dark', 'duotone-light', 'eclipse', 'elegant', 'erlang-dark', 'gruvbox-dark', 'hopscotch', 'icecoder', 'idea', 'isotope', 'lesser-dark', 'liquibyte', 'lucario', 'material', 'mbo', 'mdn-like', 'midnight', 'monokai', 'neat', 'neo', 'night', 'oceanic-next', 'panda-syntax', 'paraiso-dark', 'paraiso-light', 'pastel-on-dark', 'railscasts', 'rubyblue', 'seti', 'shadowfox', 'solarized', 'ssms', 'the-matrix', 'tomorrow-night-bright', 'tomorrow-night-eighties', 'ttcn', 'twilight', 'vibrant-ink', 'xq-dark', 'xq-light', 'yeti', 'zenburn', /* populate-theme-end */ ]; localStorage.codeMirrorThemes = themes.join(' '); return Promise.resolve(themes); } return new Promise(resolve => { chrome.runtime.getPackageDirectoryEntry(rootDir => { rootDir.getDirectory('vendor/codemirror/theme', {create: false}, themeDir => { themeDir.createReader().readEntries(entries => { const themes = [ chrome.i18n.getMessage('defaultTheme') ].concat( entries.filter(entry => entry.isFile) .sort((a, b) => (a.name < b.name ? -1 : 1)) .map(entry => entry.name.replace(/\.css$/, '')) ); localStorage.codeMirrorThemes = themes.join(' '); resolve(themes); }); }); }); }); } function findKeyForCommand(command, map) { if (typeof map === 'string') map = CodeMirror.keyMap[map]; let key = Object.keys(map).find(k => map[k] === command); if (key) { return key; } for (const ft of Array.isArray(map.fallthrough) ? map.fallthrough : [map.fallthrough]) { key = ft && findKeyForCommand(command, ft); if (key) { return key; } } return ''; } function buildThemeElement() { const themeElement = $('#editor.theme'); const themeList = localStorage.codeMirrorThemes; const optionsFromArray = options => { const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); options.forEach(opt => fragment.appendChild($create('option', opt))); themeElement.appendChild(fragment); }; if (themeList) { optionsFromArray(themeList.split(/\s+/)); } else { // Chrome is starting up and shows our edit.html, but the background page isn't loaded yet const theme = prefs.get('editor.theme'); optionsFromArray([theme === 'default' ? t('defaultTheme') : theme]); getCodeMirrorThemes().then(() => { const themes = (localStorage.codeMirrorThemes || '').split(/\s+/); optionsFromArray(themes); themeElement.selectedIndex = Math.max(0, themes.indexOf(theme)); }); } } function buildKeymapElement() { // move 'pc' or 'mac' prefix to the end of the displayed label const maps = Object.keys(CodeMirror.keyMap) .map(name => ({ value: name, name: name.replace(/^(pc|mac)(.+)/, (s, arch, baseName) => baseName.toLowerCase() + '-' + (arch === 'mac' ? 'Mac' : 'PC')), })) .sort((a, b) => a.name < b.name && -1 || a.name > b.name && 1); const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); let bin = fragment; let groupName; // group suffixed maps in maps.forEach(({value, name}, i) => { groupName = !name.includes('-') ? name : groupName; const groupWithNext = maps[i + 1] && maps[i + 1].name.startsWith(groupName); if (groupWithNext) { if (bin === fragment) { bin = fragment.appendChild($create('optgroup', {label: name.split('-')[0]})); } } const el = bin.appendChild($create('option', {value}, name)); if (value === prefs.defaults['editor.keyMap']) { el.dataset.default = ''; el.title = t('defaultTheme'); } if (!groupWithNext) bin = fragment; }); $('#editor.keyMap').appendChild(fragment); } function showHotkeyInTooltip(_, mapName = prefs.get('editor.keyMap')) { const extraKeys = CodeMirror.defaults.extraKeys; for (const el of $$('[data-hotkey-tooltip]')) { if (el._hotkeyTooltipKeyMap !== mapName) { el._hotkeyTooltipKeyMap = mapName; const title = el._hotkeyTooltipTitle = el._hotkeyTooltipTitle || el.title; const cmd = el.dataset.hotkeyTooltip; const key = cmd[0] === '=' ? cmd.slice(1) : findKeyForCommand(cmd, mapName) || extraKeys && findKeyForCommand(cmd, extraKeys); const newTitle = title + (title && key ? '\n' : '') + (key || ''); if (el.title !== newTitle) el.title = newTitle; } } } function initEditor() { return Promise.all([ initStyleData(), onDOMready(), prefs.initializing, ]) .then(([style]) => { const usercss = isUsercss(style); $('#heading').textContent = t(style.id ? 'editStyleHeading' : 'addStyleTitle'); $('#name').placeholder = t(usercss ? 'usercssEditorNamePlaceholder' : 'styleMissingName'); $('#name').title = usercss ? t('usercssReplaceTemplateName') : ''; $('#preview-label').classList.toggle('hidden', !style.id); $('#beautify').onclick = () => beautify(editor.getEditors()); $('#lint').addEventListener('scroll', hideLintHeaderOnScroll, {passive: true}); window.addEventListener('resize', () => debounce(rememberWindowSize, 100)); editor = usercss ? createSourceEditor(style) : createSectionsEditor(style); if (editor.ready) { return editor.ready(); } }); } })(); function preinit() { // preload the theme so that CodeMirror can calculate its metrics in DOMContentLoaded->setupLivePrefs() new MutationObserver((mutations, observer) => { const themeElement = $('#cm-theme'); if (themeElement) { themeElement.href = prefs.get('editor.theme') === 'default' ? '' : 'vendor/codemirror/theme/' + prefs.get('editor.theme') + '.css'; observer.disconnect(); } }).observe(document, {subtree: true, childList: true}); if (chrome.windows) { queryTabs({currentWindow: true}).then(tabs => { const windowId = tabs[0].windowId; if (prefs.get('openEditInWindow')) { if ( /true/.test(sessionStorage.saveSizeOnClose) && 'left' in prefs.get('windowPosition', {}) && !isWindowMaximized() ) { // window was reopened via Ctrl-Shift-T etc. chrome.windows.update(windowId, prefs.get('windowPosition')); } if (tabs.length === 1 && window.history.length === 1) { chrome.windows.getAll(windows => { if (windows.length > 1) { sessionStorageHash('saveSizeOnClose').set(windowId, true); saveSizeOnClose = true; } }); } else { saveSizeOnClose = sessionStorageHash('saveSizeOnClose').value[windowId]; } } }); } getOwnTab().then(tab => { const ownTabId = tab.id; // use browser history back when 'back to manage' is clicked if (sessionStorageHash('manageStylesHistory').value[ownTabId] === location.href) { onDOMready().then(() => { $('#cancel-button').onclick = event => { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); history.back(); }; }); } // no windows on android if (!chrome.windows) { return; } // When an edit page gets attached or detached, remember its state // so we can do the same to the next one to open. chrome.tabs.onAttached.addListener((tabId, info) => { if (tabId !== ownTabId) { return; } if (info.newPosition !== 0) { prefs.set('openEditInWindow', false); return; } chrome.windows.get(info.newWindowId, {populate: true}, win => { // If there's only one tab in this window, it's been dragged to new window const openEditInWindow = win.tabs.length === 1; if (openEditInWindow && FIREFOX) { // FF-only because Chrome retardedly resets the size during dragging chrome.windows.update(info.newWindowId, prefs.get('windowPosition')); } prefs.set('openEditInWindow', openEditInWindow); }); }); }); } function onRuntimeMessage(request) { switch (request.method) { case 'styleUpdated': if ( editor.getStyleId() === request.style.id && !['editPreview', 'editPreviewEnd', 'editSave', 'config'] .includes(request.reason) ) { Promise.resolve( request.codeIsUpdated === false ? request.style : API.getStyle(request.style.id) ) .then(newStyle => { editor.replaceStyle(newStyle, request.codeIsUpdated); }); } break; case 'styleDeleted': if (editor.getStyleId() === request.style.id) { document.removeEventListener('visibilitychange', beforeUnload); document.removeEventListener('beforeunload', beforeUnload); closeCurrentTab(); break; } break; case 'editDeleteText': document.execCommand('delete'); break; } } /** * Invoked for 'visibilitychange' event by default. * Invoked for 'beforeunload' event when the style is modified and unsaved. * See https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2018/07/page-lifecycle-api#legacy-lifecycle-apis-to-avoid * > Never add a beforeunload listener unconditionally or use it as an end-of-session signal. * > Only add it when a user has unsaved work, and remove it as soon as that work has been saved. */ function beforeUnload(e) { if (saveSizeOnClose) rememberWindowSize(); const activeElement = document.activeElement; if (activeElement) { // blurring triggers 'change' or 'input' event if needed activeElement.blur(); // refocus if unloading was canceled setTimeout(() => activeElement.focus()); } if (editor && editor.isDirty()) { // neither confirm() nor custom messages work in modern browsers but just in case e.returnValue = t('styleChangesNotSaved'); } } function isUsercss(style) { return ( style.usercssData || !style.id && prefs.get('newStyleAsUsercss') ); } function initStyleData() { // TODO: remove .replace(/^\?/, '') when minimum_chrome_version >= 52 (https://crbug.com/601425) const params = new URLSearchParams(location.search.replace(/^\?/, '')); const id = Number(params.get('id')); const createEmptyStyle = () => ({ name: params.get('domain') || tryCatch(() => new URL(params.get('url-prefix')).hostname) || '', enabled: true, sections: [ Object.assign({code: ''}, ...Object.keys(CssToProperty) .map(name => ({ [CssToProperty[name]]: params.get(name) && [params.get(name)] || [] })) ) ], }); return fetchStyle() .then(style => { if (style.id) sessionStorage.justEditedStyleId = style.id; // we set "usercss" class on when is empty // so there'll be no flickering of the elements that depend on it if (isUsercss(style)) { document.documentElement.classList.add('usercss'); } // strip URL parameters when invoked for a non-existent id if (!style.id) { history.replaceState({}, document.title, location.pathname); // FIXME: add style -> edit style } return style; }); function fetchStyle() { if (id) { return API.getStyle(id); } return Promise.resolve(createEmptyStyle()); } } function showHelp(title = '', body) { const div = $('#help-popup'); div.className = ''; const contents = $('.contents', div); contents.textContent = ''; if (body) { contents.appendChild(typeof body === 'string' ? tHTML(body) : body); } $('.title', div).textContent = title; showHelp.close = showHelp.close || (event => { const canClose = !event || event.type === 'click' || ( event.which === 27 && !event.altKey && !event.ctrlKey && !event.shiftKey && !event.metaKey && !$('.CodeMirror-hints, #message-box') && ( !document.activeElement || !document.activeElement.closest('#search-replace-dialog') && document.activeElement.matches(':not(input), .can-close-on-esc') ) ); if (!canClose) { return; } if (event && div.codebox && !div.codebox.options.readOnly && !div.codebox.isClean()) { setTimeout(() => { messageBox.confirm(t('confirmDiscardChanges')) .then(ok => ok && showHelp.close()); }); return; } if (div.contains(document.activeElement) && showHelp.originalFocus) { showHelp.originalFocus.focus(); } div.style.display = ''; contents.textContent = ''; clearTimeout(contents.timer); window.removeEventListener('keydown', showHelp.close, true); window.dispatchEvent(new Event('closeHelp')); }); window.addEventListener('keydown', showHelp.close, true); $('.dismiss', div).onclick = showHelp.close; // reset any inline styles div.style = 'display: block'; showHelp.originalFocus = document.activeElement; return div; } function showCodeMirrorPopup(title, html, options) { const popup = showHelp(title, html); popup.classList.add('big'); let cm = popup.codebox = CodeMirror($('.contents', popup), Object.assign({ mode: 'css', lineNumbers: true, lineWrapping: prefs.get('editor.lineWrapping'), foldGutter: true, gutters: ['CodeMirror-linenumbers', 'CodeMirror-foldgutter', 'CodeMirror-lint-markers'], matchBrackets: true, styleActiveLine: true, theme: prefs.get('editor.theme'), keyMap: prefs.get('editor.keyMap') }, options)); cm.focus(); rerouteHotkeys(false); document.documentElement.style.pointerEvents = 'none'; popup.style.pointerEvents = 'auto'; const onKeyDown = event => { if (event.which === 9 && !event.ctrlKey && !event.altKey && !event.metaKey) { const search = $('#search-replace-dialog'); const area = search && search.contains(document.activeElement) ? search : popup; moveFocus(area, event.shiftKey ? -1 : 1); event.preventDefault(); } }; window.addEventListener('keydown', onKeyDown, true); window.addEventListener('closeHelp', function _() { window.removeEventListener('closeHelp', _); window.removeEventListener('keydown', onKeyDown, true); document.documentElement.style.removeProperty('pointer-events'); rerouteHotkeys(true); cm = popup.codebox = null; }); return popup; } function hideLintHeaderOnScroll() { // workaround part2 for the
not showing its toggle icon: hide on scroll const newOpacity = this.scrollTop === 0 ? '' : '0'; const style = this.firstElementChild.style; if (style.opacity !== newOpacity) { style.opacity = newOpacity; } } function rememberWindowSize() { if ( document.visibilityState === 'visible' && prefs.get('openEditInWindow') && !isWindowMaximized() ) { prefs.set('windowPosition', { left: window.screenX, top: window.screenY, width: window.outerWidth, height: window.outerHeight, }); } } function isWindowMaximized() { return ( window.screenX <= 0 && window.screenY <= 0 && window.outerWidth >= screen.availWidth && window.outerHeight >= screen.availHeight && window.screenX > -10 && window.screenY > -10 && window.outerWidth < screen.availWidth + 10 && window.outerHeight < screen.availHeight + 10 ); } function toggleContextMenuDelete(event) { if (chrome.contextMenus && event.button === 2 && prefs.get('editor.contextDelete')) { chrome.contextMenus.update('editor.contextDelete', { enabled: Boolean( this.selectionStart !== this.selectionEnd || this.somethingSelected && this.somethingSelected() ), }, ignoreChromeError); } }