/* global LZString */ 'use strict'; const RX_NAMESPACE = new RegExp([/[\s\r\n]*/, /(@namespace[\s\r\n]+(?:[^\s\r\n]+[\s\r\n]+)?url\(http:\/\/.*?\);)/, /[\s\r\n]*/].map(rx => rx.source).join(''), 'g'); const RX_CSS_COMMENTS = /\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\//g; // eslint-disable-next-line no-var var SLOPPY_REGEXP_PREFIX = '\0'; // CSS transition bug workaround: since we insert styles asynchronously, // the browsers, especially Firefox, may apply all transitions on page load const CSS_TRANSITION_SUPPRESSOR = '* { transition: none !important; }'; const RX_CSS_TRANSITION_DETECTOR = /([\s\n;/{]|-webkit-|-moz-)transition[\s\n]*:[\s\n]*(?!none)/; // Note, only 'var'-declared variables are visible from another extension page // eslint-disable-next-line no-var var cachedStyles = { list: null, // array of all styles byId: new Map(), // all styles indexed by id filters: new Map(), // filterStyles() parameters mapped to the returned results, 10k max regexps: new Map(), // compiled style regexps urlDomains: new Map(), // getDomain() results for 100 last checked urls needTransitionPatch: new Map(), // FF bug workaround mutex: { inProgress: false, // while getStyles() is reading IndexedDB all subsequent calls onDone: [], // to getStyles() are queued and resolved when the first one finishes }, }; // eslint-disable-next-line no-var var chromeLocal = { get(options) { return new Promise(resolve => { chrome.storage.local.get(options, data => resolve(data)); }); }, set(data) { return new Promise(resolve => { chrome.storage.local.set(data, () => resolve(data)); }); }, remove(keyOrKeys) { return new Promise(resolve => { chrome.storage.local.remove(keyOrKeys, resolve); }); }, getValue(key) { return chromeLocal.get(key).then(data => data[key]); }, setValue(key, value) { return chromeLocal.set({[key]: value}); }, }; // eslint-disable-next-line no-var var chromeSync = { get(options) { return new Promise(resolve => { chrome.storage.sync.get(options, resolve); }); }, set(data) { return new Promise(resolve => { chrome.storage.sync.set(data, () => resolve(data)); }); }, getLZValue(key) { return chromeSync.getLZValues([key]).then(data => data[key]); }, getLZValues(keys) { return chromeSync.get(keys).then((data = {}) => { for (const key of keys) { const value = data[key]; data[key] = value && tryJSONparse(LZString.decompressFromUTF16(value)); } return data; }); }, setLZValue(key, value) { return chromeSync.set({[key]: LZString.compressToUTF16(JSON.stringify(value))}); } }; // eslint-disable-next-line no-var var dbExec = dbExecIndexedDB; // we use chrome.storage.local fallback if IndexedDB doesn't save data, // which, once detected on the first run, is remembered in chrome.storage.local // for reliablility and in localStorage for fast synchronous access // (FF may block localStorage depending on its privacy options) do { const fallback = () => { dbExec = dbExecChromeStorage; chromeLocal.set({dbInChromeStorage: true}); localStorage.dbInChromeStorage = 'true'; ignoreChromeError(); getStyles(); }; const fallbackSet = localStorage.dbInChromeStorage; if (fallbackSet === 'true' || !tryCatch(() => indexedDB)) { fallback(); break; } else if (fallbackSet === 'false') { getStyles(); break; } chromeLocal.get('dbInChromeStorage') .then(data => data && data.dbInChromeStorage && Promise.reject()) .then(() => dbExecIndexedDB('getAllKeys', IDBKeyRange.lowerBound(1), 1)) .then(({target}) => ( (target.result || [])[0] ? Promise.reject('ok') : dbExecIndexedDB('get', -1))) .then(({target}) => ( (target.result || {}).id === -1 ? dbExecIndexedDB('delete', -1).then(() => 'ok') : Promise.reject())) .catch(result => { if (result === 'ok') { chromeLocal.set({dbInChromeStorage: false}); localStorage.dbInChromeStorage = 'false'; getStyles(); } else { fallback(); } }); } while (0); function dbExecIndexedDB(method, ...args) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { Object.assign(indexedDB.open('stylish', 2), { onsuccess(event) { const database = event.target.result; if (!method) { resolve(database); } else { const transaction = database.transaction(['styles'], 'readwrite'); const store = transaction.objectStore('styles'); Object.assign(store[method](...args), { onsuccess: event => resolve(event, store, transaction, database), onerror: reject, }); } }, onerror(event) { console.warn(event.target.error || event.target.errorCode); reject(event); }, onupgradeneeded(event) { if (event.oldVersion === 0) { event.target.result.createObjectStore('styles', { keyPath: 'id', autoIncrement: true, }); } }, }); }); } function dbExecChromeStorage(method, data) { const STYLE_KEY_PREFIX = 'style-'; switch (method) { case 'get': return chromeLocal.getValue(STYLE_KEY_PREFIX + data) .then(result => ({target: {result}})); case 'put': if (!data.id) { return getStyles().then(() => { data.id = 1; for (const style of cachedStyles.list) { data.id = Math.max(data.id, style.id + 1); } return dbExecChromeStorage('put', data); }); } return chromeLocal.setValue(STYLE_KEY_PREFIX + data.id, data) .then(() => (chrome.runtime.lastError ? Promise.reject() : data.id)); case 'delete': return chromeLocal.remove(STYLE_KEY_PREFIX + data); case 'getAll': return chromeLocal.get(null).then(storage => { const styles = []; for (const key in storage) { if (key.startsWith(STYLE_KEY_PREFIX) && Number(key.substr(STYLE_KEY_PREFIX.length))) { styles.push(storage[key]); } } return {target: {result: styles}}; }); } return Promise.reject(); } function getStyles(options) { if (cachedStyles.list) { return Promise.resolve(filterStyles(options)); } if (cachedStyles.mutex.inProgress) { return new Promise(resolve => { cachedStyles.mutex.onDone.push({options, resolve}); }); } cachedStyles.mutex.inProgress = true; return dbExec('getAll').then(event => { cachedStyles.list = event.target.result || []; cachedStyles.byId.clear(); for (const style of cachedStyles.list) { cachedStyles.byId.set(style.id, style); } cachedStyles.mutex.inProgress = false; for (const {options, resolve} of cachedStyles.mutex.onDone) { resolve(filterStyles(options)); } cachedStyles.mutex.onDone = []; return filterStyles(options); }); } function filterStyles({ enabled = null, url = null, id = null, matchUrl = null, asHash = null, strictRegexp = true, // used by the popup to detect bad regexps } = {}) { enabled = enabled === null || typeof enabled === 'boolean' ? enabled : typeof enabled === 'string' ? enabled === 'true' : null; id = id === null ? null : Number(id); if ( enabled === null && url === null && id === null && matchUrl === null && asHash !== true ) { return cachedStyles.list; } if (matchUrl && !URLS.supported(matchUrl)) { return asHash ? {} : []; } const blankHash = asHash && { disableAll: prefs.get('disableAll'), exposeIframes: prefs.get('exposeIframes'), }; // add \t after url to prevent collisions (not sure it can actually happen though) const cacheKey = ' ' + enabled + url + '\t' + id + matchUrl + '\t' + asHash + strictRegexp; const cached = cachedStyles.filters.get(cacheKey); if (cached) { cached.hits++; cached.lastHit = Date.now(); return asHash ? Object.assign(blankHash, cached.styles) : cached.styles; } return filterStylesInternal({ enabled, url, id, matchUrl, asHash, strictRegexp, blankHash, cacheKey, }); } function filterStylesInternal({ // js engines don't like big functions (V8 often deoptimized the original filterStyles) // it also makes sense to extract the less frequently executed code enabled, url, id, matchUrl, asHash, strictRegexp, blankHash, cacheKey, }) { if (matchUrl && !cachedStyles.urlDomains.has(matchUrl)) { cachedStyles.urlDomains.set(matchUrl, getDomains(matchUrl)); for (let i = cachedStyles.urlDomains.size - 100; i > 0; i--) { const firstKey = cachedStyles.urlDomains.keys().next().value; cachedStyles.urlDomains.delete(firstKey); } } const styles = id === null ? cachedStyles.list : [cachedStyles.byId.get(id)]; const filtered = asHash ? blankHash : []; if (!styles[0]) { // may happen when users [accidentally] reopen an old URL // of edit.html with a non-existent style id parameter return filtered; } const needSections = asHash || matchUrl !== null; const matchUrlBase = matchUrl && matchUrl.includes('#') && matchUrl.split('#', 1)[0]; let style; for (let i = 0; (style = styles[i]); i++) { if ((enabled === null || style.enabled === enabled) && (url === null || style.url === url) && (id === null || style.id === id)) { const sections = needSections && getApplicableSections({ style, matchUrl, strictRegexp, stopOnFirst: !asHash, skipUrlCheck: true, matchUrlBase, }); if (asHash) { if (sections.length) { filtered[style.id] = sections; } } else if (matchUrl === null || sections.length) { filtered.push(style); } } } cachedStyles.filters.set(cacheKey, { styles: filtered, lastHit: Date.now(), hits: 1, }); if (cachedStyles.filters.size > 10000) { cleanupCachedFilters(); } return filtered; } function saveStyle(style) { const id = Number(style.id) || null; const reason = style.reason; const notify = style.notify !== false; delete style.method; delete style.reason; delete style.notify; if (!style.name) { delete style.name; } let existed; let codeIsUpdated; if (reason === 'update' || reason === 'update-digest') { return calcStyleDigest(style).then(digest => { style.originalDigest = digest; return decide(); }); } if (reason === 'import') { style.originalDigest = style.originalDigest || style.styleDigest; // TODO: remove in the future delete style.styleDigest; // TODO: remove in the future if (typeof style.originalDigest !== 'string' || style.originalDigest.length !== 40) { delete style.originalDigest; } } return decide(); function decide() { if (id !== null) { // Update or create style.id = id; return dbExec('get', id).then((event, store) => { const oldStyle = event.target.result; existed = Boolean(oldStyle); if (reason === 'update-digest' && oldStyle.originalDigest === style.originalDigest) { return style; } codeIsUpdated = !existed || 'sections' in style && !styleSectionsEqual(style, oldStyle); style = Object.assign({}, oldStyle, style); return write(style, store); }); } else { // Create delete style.id; style = Object.assign({ // Set optional things if they're undefined enabled: true, updateUrl: null, md5Url: null, url: null, originalMd5: null, }, style); return write(style); } } function write(style, store) { style.sections = normalizeStyleSections(style); if (store) { return new Promise(resolve => { store.put(style).onsuccess = event => resolve(done(event)); }); } else { return dbExec('put', style).then(done); } } function done(event) { if (reason === 'update-digest') { return style; } style.id = style.id || event.target.result; invalidateCache(existed ? {updated: style} : {added: style}); if (notify) { notifyAllTabs({ method: existed ? 'styleUpdated' : 'styleAdded', style, codeIsUpdated, reason, }); } return style; } } function deleteStyle({id, notify = true}) { id = Number(id); return dbExec('delete', id).then(() => { invalidateCache({deletedId: id}); if (notify) { notifyAllTabs({method: 'styleDeleted', id}); } return id; }); } function getApplicableSections({ style, matchUrl, strictRegexp = true, // filterStylesInternal() sets the following to avoid recalc on each style: stopOnFirst, skipUrlCheck, matchUrlBase = matchUrl.includes('#') && matchUrl.split('#', 1)[0], // as per spec the fragment portion is ignored in @-moz-document: // https://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-css3-conditional-20120911/#url-of-doc // but the spec is outdated and doesn't account for SPA sites // so we only respect it in case of url("http://exact.url/without/hash") }) { if (!skipUrlCheck && !URLS.supported(matchUrl)) { return []; } const sections = []; for (const section of style.sections) { const {urls, domains, urlPrefixes, regexps, code} = section; const isGlobal = !urls.length && !urlPrefixes.length && !domains.length && !regexps.length; const isMatching = !isGlobal && ( urls.length && (urls.includes(matchUrl) || matchUrlBase && urls.includes(matchUrlBase)) || urlPrefixes.length && arraySomeIsPrefix(urlPrefixes, matchUrl) || domains.length && arraySomeIn(cachedStyles.urlDomains.get(matchUrl) || getDomains(matchUrl), domains) || regexps.length && arraySomeMatches(regexps, matchUrl, strictRegexp)); if (isGlobal && !styleCodeEmpty(code) || isMatching) { sections.push(section); if (stopOnFirst) { break; } } } return sections; function arraySomeIsPrefix(array, string) { for (const prefix of array) { if (string.startsWith(prefix)) { return true; } } return false; } function arraySomeIn(array, haystack) { for (const el of array) { if (haystack.indexOf(el) >= 0) { return true; } } return false; } function arraySomeMatches(array, matchUrl, strictRegexp) { for (const regexp of array) { for (let pass = 1; pass <= (strictRegexp ? 1 : 2); pass++) { const cacheKey = pass === 1 ? regexp : SLOPPY_REGEXP_PREFIX + regexp; let rx = cachedStyles.regexps.get(cacheKey); if (rx === false) { // invalid regexp break; } if (!rx) { const anchored = pass === 1 ? '^(?:' + regexp + ')$' : '^' + regexp + '$'; rx = tryRegExp(anchored); cachedStyles.regexps.set(cacheKey, rx || false); if (!rx) { // invalid regexp break; } } if (rx.test(matchUrl)) { return true; } } } return false; } } function styleCodeEmpty(code) { // Collect the global section if it's not empty, not comment-only, not namespace-only. const cmtOpen = code && code.indexOf('/*'); if (cmtOpen >= 0) { const cmtCloseLast = code.lastIndexOf('*/'); if (cmtCloseLast < 0) { code = code.substr(0, cmtOpen); } else { code = code.substr(0, cmtOpen) + code.substring(cmtOpen, cmtCloseLast + 2).replace(RX_CSS_COMMENTS, '') + code.substr(cmtCloseLast + 2); } } return !code || !code.trim() || code.includes('@namespace') && !code.replace(RX_NAMESPACE, '').trim(); } function styleSectionsEqual({sections: a}, {sections: b}) { if (!a || !b) { return undefined; } if (a.length !== b.length) { return false; } const checkedInB = []; return a.every(sectionA => b.some(sectionB => { if (!checkedInB.includes(sectionB) && propertiesEqual(sectionA, sectionB)) { checkedInB.push(sectionB); return true; } })); function propertiesEqual(secA, secB) { for (const name of ['urlPrefixes', 'urls', 'domains', 'regexps']) { if (!equalOrEmpty(secA[name], secB[name], 'every', arrayMirrors)) { return false; } } return equalOrEmpty(secA.code, secB.code, 'substr', (a, b) => a === b); } function equalOrEmpty(a, b, telltale, comparator) { const typeA = a && typeof a[telltale] === 'function'; const typeB = b && typeof b[telltale] === 'function'; return ( (a === null || a === undefined || (typeA && !a.length)) && (b === null || b === undefined || (typeB && !b.length)) ) || typeA && typeB && a.length === b.length && comparator(a, b); } function arrayMirrors(array1, array2) { for (const el of array1) { if (array2.indexOf(el) < 0) { return false; } } for (const el of array2) { if (array1.indexOf(el) < 0) { return false; } } return true; } } function invalidateCache({added, updated, deletedId} = {}) { if (!cachedStyles.list) { return; } const id = added ? added.id : updated ? updated.id : deletedId; const cached = cachedStyles.byId.get(id); if (updated) { if (cached) { Object.assign(cached, updated); cachedStyles.filters.clear(); cachedStyles.needTransitionPatch.delete(id); return; } else { added = updated; } } if (added) { if (!cached) { cachedStyles.list.push(added); cachedStyles.byId.set(added.id, added); cachedStyles.filters.clear(); cachedStyles.needTransitionPatch.delete(id); } return; } if (deletedId !== undefined) { if (cached) { const cachedIndex = cachedStyles.list.indexOf(cached); cachedStyles.list.splice(cachedIndex, 1); cachedStyles.byId.delete(deletedId); cachedStyles.filters.clear(); cachedStyles.needTransitionPatch.delete(id); return; } } cachedStyles.list = null; cachedStyles.filters.clear(); cachedStyles.needTransitionPatch.clear(id); } function cleanupCachedFilters({force = false} = {}) { if (!force) { debounce(cleanupCachedFilters, 1000, {force: true}); return; } const size = cachedStyles.filters.size; const oldestHit = cachedStyles.filters.values().next().value.lastHit; const now = Date.now(); const timeSpan = now - oldestHit; const recencyWeight = 5 / size; const hitWeight = 1 / 4; // we make ~4 hits per URL const lastHitWeight = 10; // delete the oldest 10% [...cachedStyles.filters.entries()] .map(([id, v], index) => ({ id, weight: index * recencyWeight + v.hits * hitWeight + (v.lastHit - oldestHit) / timeSpan * lastHitWeight, })) .sort((a, b) => a.weight - b.weight) .slice(0, size / 10 + 1) .forEach(({id}) => cachedStyles.filters.delete(id)); } function getDomains(url) { let d = /.*?:\/*([^/:]+)|$/.exec(url)[1]; if (!d || url.startsWith('file:')) { return []; } const domains = [d]; while (d.indexOf('.') !== -1) { d = d.substring(d.indexOf('.') + 1); domains.push(d); } return domains; } function normalizeStyleSections({sections}) { // retain known properties in an arbitrarily predefined order return (sections || []).map(section => ({ code: section.code || '', urls: section.urls || [], urlPrefixes: section.urlPrefixes || [], domains: section.domains || [], regexps: section.regexps || [], })); } function calcStyleDigest(style) { const jsonString = JSON.stringify(normalizeStyleSections(style)); const text = new TextEncoder('utf-8').encode(jsonString); return crypto.subtle.digest('SHA-1', text).then(hex); function hex(buffer) { const parts = []; const PAD8 = '00000000'; const view = new DataView(buffer); for (let i = 0; i < view.byteLength; i += 4) { parts.push((PAD8 + view.getUint32(i).toString(16)).slice(-8)); } return parts.join(''); } } function handleCssTransitionBug(tabId, frameId, styles) { for (let id in styles) { id |= 0; if (!id) { continue; } let need = cachedStyles.needTransitionPatch.get(id); if (need === false) { continue; } if (need !== true) { need = styles[id].some(sectionContainsTransitions); cachedStyles.needTransitionPatch.set(id, need); if (!need) { continue; } } if (FIREFOX) { patchFirefox(); } else { styles.needTransitionPatch = true; } break; } function patchFirefox() { browser.tabs.insertCSS(tabId, { frameId, code: CSS_TRANSITION_SUPPRESSOR, cssOrigin: 'user', runAt: 'document_start', matchAboutBlank: true, }).then(() => setTimeout(() => { browser.tabs.removeCSS(tabId, { frameId, code: CSS_TRANSITION_SUPPRESSOR, cssOrigin: 'user', matchAboutBlank: true, }).catch(ignoreChromeError); })).catch(ignoreChromeError); } function sectionContainsTransitions(section) { let code = section.code; const firstTransition = code.indexOf('transition'); if (firstTransition < 0) { return false; } const firstCmt = code.indexOf('/*'); // check the part before the first comment if (firstCmt < 0 || firstTransition < firstCmt) { if (quickCheckAround(code, firstTransition)) { return true; } else if (firstCmt < 0) { return false; } } // check the rest const lastCmt = code.lastIndexOf('*/'); if (lastCmt < firstCmt) { // the comment is unclosed and we already checked the preceding part return false; } let mid = code.slice(firstCmt, lastCmt + 2); mid = mid.indexOf('*/') === mid.length - 2 ? '' : mid.replace(RX_CSS_COMMENTS, ''); code = mid + code.slice(lastCmt + 2); return quickCheckAround(code) || RX_CSS_TRANSITION_DETECTOR.test(code); } function quickCheckAround(code, pos = code.indexOf('transition')) { return RX_CSS_TRANSITION_DETECTOR.test(code.substr(Math.max(0, pos - 10), 50)); } }