/* global t, schedule, $, $$ */ 'use strict'; schedule.ui = {}; /* get start and end inputs */ schedule.ui.inputs = (parent) => $$('input[type=time]', parent); /* updating schedule section of a single style */ schedule.ui.update = (request) => { const parent = $(`[id="style-${request.id}"] .schedule`); if (parent) { parent.dataset.active = true; $('input[type=button]', parent).value = t('scheduleButtonActive'); const [start, end] = schedule.ui.inputs(parent); start.value = request.start; end.value = request.end; } }; /* display schedule panel and hide it when user selects outside area */ document.addEventListener('click', e => { const target = e.target; let parent; // hide schedule panel function observe (e) { if (!parent.contains(e.target)) { const [start, end] = schedule.ui.inputs(parent); const id = target.closest('.entry').id.replace('style-', ''); switch ([start.value, end.value].filter(v => v).length) { case 0: chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ method: 'schedule', enabled: false, id }); break; case 1: // when only start or end value is set; display an alert window.alert(t('scheduleOneEntry')); [start, end].filter(o => !o.value).forEach(o => o.focus()); return; default: if (start.value === end.value) { window.alert(t('scheduleEqualEntries')); return start.focus(); } chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ method: 'schedule', enabled: true, id, start: start.value, end: end.value }); } document.removeEventListener('click', observe); parent.dataset.edit = false; } } // display schedule panel if (target.dataset.cmd === 'schedule') { parent = target.closest('div'); parent.dataset.edit = true; document.addEventListener('click', observe); } }); /* update schedule section on styles ready */ document.addEventListener('styles-ready', () => { console.log('"styles-ready" is called'); schedule.prefs.getAll(prefs => { prefs.forEach(([name, pref]) => schedule.ui.update(pref)); }); }); /* update schedule section on style change */ document.addEventListener('style-edited', e => { console.log('"style-edited" is called'); const id = e.detail.id; const name = schedule.prefs.name(id); schedule.prefs.get(name, prefs => { const pref = prefs[name]; if (pref) { schedule.ui.update(pref); } }); });