'use strict'; /** * @param {Style} a - first style object * @param {Style} b - second style object * @param {Object} options * @param {Boolean=} options.ignoreCode - * true used by invalidateCache to determine if cached filters should be cleared * @param {Boolean=} options.checkSource - * true used by update check to compare the server response * instead of sections that depend on @preprocessor * @returns {Boolean|undefined} */ function styleSectionsEqual(a, b, {ignoreCode, checkSource} = {}) { if (checkSource && typeof a.sourceCode === 'string' && typeof b.sourceCode === 'string') { return a.sourceCode === b.sourceCode; } a = a.sections; b = b.sections; if (!a || !b) { return undefined; } if (a.length !== b.length) { return false; } // order of sections should be identical to account for the case of multiple // sections matching the same URL because the order of rules is part of cascading return a.every((sectionA, index) => propertiesEqual(sectionA, b[index])); function propertiesEqual(secA, secB) { for (const name of ['urlPrefixes', 'urls', 'domains', 'regexps']) { if (!equalOrEmpty(secA[name], secB[name], 'every', arrayMirrors)) { return false; } } return ignoreCode || equalOrEmpty(secA.code, secB.code, 'substr', (a, b) => a === b); } function equalOrEmpty(a, b, telltale, comparator) { const typeA = a && typeof a[telltale] === 'function'; const typeB = b && typeof b[telltale] === 'function'; return ( (a === null || a === undefined || (typeA && !a.length)) && (b === null || b === undefined || (typeB && !b.length)) ) || typeA && typeB && a.length === b.length && comparator(a, b); } function arrayMirrors(array1, array2) { return ( array1.every(el => array2.includes(el)) && array2.every(el => array1.includes(el)) ); } }