{ "addStyleLabel": { "message": "Писане на нов стил", "description": "Label for the button to go to the add style page" }, "addStyleTitle": { "message": "Добавяне на стил", "description": "Title of the page for adding styles" }, "appliesAdd": { "message": "Добавяне", "description": "Label for the button to add an 'applies' entry" }, "appliesDisplay": { "message": "Приложимо за: $applies$", "description": "Text on the manage screen to describe what the style applies to", "placeholders": { "applies": { "content": "$1" } } }, "appliesDisplayTruncatedSuffix": { "message": "и още", "description": "Text added to appliesDisplay when there are more sites for the style than are displayed" }, "appliesDomainOption": { "description": "Option to make the style apply to the entered string as a domain" }, "appliesHelp": { "description": "Help text for 'applies to' section" }, "appliesLabel": { "message": "Приложимо за", "description": "Label for 'applies to' fields on the edit/add screen" }, "appliesRegexpOption": { "description": "Option to make the style apply to the entered string as a regular expression" }, "appliesRemove": { "message": "Премахване", "description": "Label for the button to remove an 'applies' entry" }, "appliesSpecify": { "description": "Label for the button to make a style apply only to specific sites" }, "appliesToEverything": { "description": "Text displayed for styles that apply to all sites" }, "appliesUrlOption": { "description": "Option to make the style apply to the entered string as a URL" }, "appliesUrlPrefixOption": { "description": "Option to make the style apply to the entered string as a URL prefix" }, "applyAllUpdates": { "description": "Label for the button to apply all detected updates" }, "backupButtons": { "description": "Heading for backup" }, "backupMessage": { "description": "Message for backup" }, "checkAllUpdates": { "description": "Label for the button to check all styles for updates" }, "checkAllUpdatesForce": { "description": "Label for the button to apply all detected updates" }, "updateCheckHistory": { }, "checkForUpdate": { "message": "Проверка за обновления", "description": "Label for the button to check a single style for an update" }, "checkingForUpdate": { "message": "Проверяване...", "description": "Text to display when checking a style for an update" }, "cm_autocompleteOnTyping": { "description": "Label for the checkbox in the style editor." }, "cm_indentWithTabs": { "description": "Label for the checkbox controlling tabs with smart indentation option for the style editor." }, "cm_keyMap": { "description": "Label for the drop-down list controlling the keymap for the style editor." }, "cm_lineWrapping": { "description": "Label for the checkbox controlling word wrap option for the style editor." }, "cm_smartIndent": { "description": "Label for the checkbox controlling smart indentation option for the style editor." }, "cm_tabSize": { "description": "Label for the text box controlling tab size option for the style editor." }, "cm_theme": { "description": "Label for the style editor's CSS theme." }, "cm_matchHighlight": { "description": "Label for the drop-down list controlling the automatic highlighting of current word/selection occurrences in the style editor." }, "cm_matchHighlightToken": { "description": "Style editor's 'highglight' drop-down list option: highlight the occurrences of of the word/token under cursor even if nothing is selected" }, "cm_matchHighlightSelection": { "description": "Style editor's 'highglight' drop-down list option: highlight the occurrences of currently selected text" }, "cm_resizeGripHint": { "description": "Tooltip for the resize grip in style editor" }, "genericDisabledLabel": { "description": "Used in various lists/options to indicate that something is disabled" }, "genericHistoryLabel": { "message": "Хронология", "description": "Used in various places to show a history log of something" }, "confirmNo": { "message": "Не", "description": "'No' button in a confirm dialog" }, "confirmStop": { "description": "'Stop' button in a confirm dialog" }, "confirmYes": { "message": "Да", "description": "'Yes' button in a confirm dialog" }, "dbError": { "description": "Prompt when a DB error is encountered" }, "defaultTheme": { "description": "Default CodeMirror CSS theme option on the edit style page" }, "deleteStyleLabel": { "message": "Изтриване", "description": "Label for the button to delete a style" }, "deleteStyleConfirm": { "description": "Confirmation before deleting a style" }, "dragDropMessage": { "description": "Drag'n'drop message" }, "confirmOK": { "message": "Добре" }, "confirmDelete": { "message": "Изтриване" }, "confirmCancel": { "message": "Отказ" }, "description": { "description": "Extension description" }, "openStylesManager": { "description": "Label for the style maanger opener in the browser action context menu." }, "disableAllStyles": { "description": "Label for the checkbox that turns all enabled styles off." }, "disableStyleLabel": { "message": "Изключване", "description": "Label for the button to disable a style" }, "editGotoLine": { "description": "Go to line or line:column on Ctrl-G in style code editor" }, "editorStylesButton": { "description": "Find styles for the editor" }, "editStyleHeading": { "description": "Title of the page for editing styles" }, "editStyleLabel": { "message": "Редактиране", "description": "Label for the button to go to the edit style page" }, "editStyleTitle": { "description": "Title of the page for editing styles", "placeholders": { "stylename": { "content": "$1" } } }, "enableStyleLabel": { "message": "Включване", "description": "Label for the button to enable a style" }, "editDeleteText": { "message": "Изтриване", "description": "Label for the context menu item in the editor to delete selected text" }, "exportLabel": { "message": "Изнасяне", "description": "Label for the button to export a style ('edit' page) or all styles ('manage' page)" }, "findStylesForSite": { "description": "Text for a link that gets a list of styles for the current site" }, "helpAlt": { "message": "Помощ", "description": "Alternate text for help buttons" }, "helpKeyMapHotkey": { "description": "Placeholder text of inputbox in keymap help popup on the edit style page. Must be very short" }, "helpKeyMapCommand": { "description": "Placeholder text of inputbox in keymap help popup on the edit style page. Must be very short" }, "importReportLegendAdded": { "description": "Text after the number of styles added in the report shown after importing styles" }, "importReportLegendIdentical": { "description": "Text after the number of styles skipped due to being identical to the already installed ones in the report shown after importing styles" }, "importReportLegendInvalid": { "description": "Text after the number of styles skipped due to being invalid (not a Stylus/Stylish backup file probably) in the report shown after importing styles" }, "importReportLegendUpdatedBoth": { "description": "Text after the number of styles updated entirely in the report shown after importing styles" }, "importReportLegendUpdatedCode": { "description": "Text after the number of styles with updated code (meta info is unchanged) in the report shown after importing styles" }, "importReportLegendUpdatedMeta": { "description": "Text after the number of styles with updated meta info like name/url in the report shown after importing styles" }, "importReportTitle": { "description": "Title of the report shown after importing styles" }, "importReportUnchanged": { "description": "Message in the report shown after importing styles" }, "importReportUndoneTitle": { "description": "Title of the message box shown after undoing the import of styles" }, "importReportUndone": { "description": "Text after the number of styles reverted in the message box shown after undoing the import of styles" }, "importLabel": { "message": "Внасяне", "description": "Label for the button to import a style ('edit' page) or all styles ('manage' page)" }, "importAppendLabel": { "description": "Label for the button to import a style and append to the existing sections" }, "importAppendTooltip": { "description": "Tooltip for the button to import a style and append to the existing sections" }, "importReplaceLabel": { "description": "Label for the button to import and overwrite current style" }, "importReplaceTooltip": { "description": "Label for the button to import and overwrite current style" }, "installUpdate": { "description": "Label for the button to install an update for a single style" }, "issues": { "description": "Label for the CSSLint issues block on the style edit page" }, "issuesHelp": { "description": "Help popup message for the CSSLint issues block on the style edit page" }, "manageFilters": { "description": "Label for filters container" }, "manageHeading": { "description": "Heading for the manage page" }, "manageOnlyEnabled": { "description": "Checkbox to show only enabled styles" }, "manageOnlyLocal": { "description": "Checkbox to show only locally created styles i.e. non-updatable" }, "manageOnlyLocalTooltip": { "description": "Tooltip for the checkbox to show only locally created styles i.e. non-updatable" }, "manageOnlyUpdates": { "description": "Checkbox to show only styles that have updates after check-all-styles-for-updates was performed" }, "manageNewUI": { "description": "Label for the checkbox that toggles the new UI on manage page" }, "manageFavicons": { "description": "Label for the checkbox that toggles applies-to favicons in the new UI on manage page" }, "manageFaviconsGray": { "description": "Label for the checkbox that toggles grayed out mode of applies-to favicons in the new UI on manage page" }, "manageFaviconsHelp": { "description": "Label for the checkbox that toggles applies-to favicons in the new UI on manage page" }, "manageMaxTargets": { "description": "Label for the numeric input box to limit max number of applies-to targets in the new UI on manage page" }, "manageText": { "description": "Help text on the manage page" }, "manageTitle": { "description": "Title for the manage page" }, "menuShowBadge": { "description": "Label (must be very short) for the checkbox in the toolbar button context menu controlling toolbar badge text." }, "noStylesForSite": { "description": "Text displayed when no styles are installed for the current site" }, "openManage": { "description": "Link to open the manage page." }, "openOptionsManage": { "message": "Прозорец за настройките", "description": "Go to Options UI" }, "openOptionsPopup": { "message": "Настройки", "description": "Go to Options UI" }, "optionsHeading": { "message": "Настройки", "description": "Heading for options section on manage page." }, "optionsSubheading": { "message": "Още настройки", "description": "Subheading for options section on manage page." }, "popupStylesFirst": { "description": "Label for the checkbox controlling section order in the popup." }, "prefShowBadge": { "description": "Label for the checkbox controlling toolbar badge text." }, "replace": { "message": "Заместване", "description": "Label before the replace input field in the editor shown on Ctrl-H" }, "replaceAll": { "description": "Label before the replace input field in the editor shown on 'replaceAll' hotkey" }, "replaceWith": { "description": "Label before the replace-with input field in the editor shown on Ctrl-H etc." }, "search": { "message": "Търсене", "description": "Label before the search input field in the editor shown on Ctrl-F" }, "searchRegexp": { "description": "Label after the search input field in the editor shown on Ctrl-F" }, "searchStyles": { "description": "Label for the search filter textbox on the Manage styles page" }, "sectionAdd": { "description": "Label for the button to add a section" }, "sectionCode": { "description": "Label for the code for a section" }, "sectionHelp": { "description": "Help text for sections" }, "sectionRemove": { "description": "Label for the button to remove a section" }, "shortcuts": { "description": "Go to shortcut configuration" }, "shortcutsNote": { }, "styleBadRegexp": { "description": "Validation message for a bad regexp in a style" }, "styleRegexpTestButton": { "description": "RegExp test button label in the editor shown when applies-to list has a regexp value" }, "styleRegexpTestTitle": { "description": "RegExp test report: title of the report" }, "styleRegexpTestFull": { "description": "RegExp test report: label for the fully matching expressions" }, "styleRegexpTestPartial": { "description": "RegExp test report: label for the partially matching expressions" }, "styleRegexpTestNone": { "description": "RegExp test report: label for expressions that didn't match any tabs" }, "styleRegexpTestInvalid": { "description": "RegExp test report: label for the invalid expressions" }, "styleRegexpPartialExplanation": { }, "styleRegexpInvalidExplanation": { }, "styleNotAppliedRegexpProblemTooltip": { "description": "Tooltip in the popup for styles that were not applied at all" }, "styleRegexpProblemTooltip": { "description": "Tooltip in the popup for styles that were applied only partially" }, "styleBeautify": { "description": "Label for the CSS-beautifier button on the edit style page" }, "styleBeautifyIndentConditional": { "description": "CSS-beautifier option" }, "styleCancelEditLabel": { "description": "Label for cancel button for style editing" }, "styleChangesNotSaved": { "description": "Text for the prompt when changes are made to a style and the user tries to leave without saving" }, "styleEnabledLabel": { "description": "Label for the enabled state of styles" }, "styleEnabledToggleHint": { "description": "Help text for the '[x] enable' checkbox in the editor" }, "styleInstall": { "description": "Confirmation when installing a style", "placeholders": { "stylename": { "content": "$1" } } }, "styleMissingName": { "message": "Въведете име.", "description": "Error displayed when user saves without providing a name" }, "styleSaveLabel": { "message": "Запазване", "description": "Label for save button for style editing" }, "styleSectionsTitle": { "description": "Title for the style sections section" }, "styleMozillaFormatHeading": { "description": "Heading for the section with buttons to import/export Mozilla format of the style" }, "styleFromMozillaFormatPrompt": { "description": "Prompt in the dialog displayed after clicking 'Import from Mozilla format' button" }, "styleToMozillaFormatTitle": { "description": "Title of the popup with the style code in Mozilla format, shown after pressing the Export button on Edit style page" }, "styleToMozillaFormatHelp": { "description": "Help info for the Mozilla format header section that converts the code to/from Mozilla format" }, "styleUpdate": { "description": "Confirmation when updating a style", "placeholders": { "stylename": { "content": "$1" } } }, "stylusUnavailableForURL": { "description": "Note in the toolbar pop-up when on a URL Stylus can't affect" }, "stylusUnavailableForURLdetails": { "description": "Sub-note in the toolbar pop-up when on a URL Stylus can't affect" }, "toggleStyle": { "description": "Label for the checkbox to enable/disable a style" }, "undo": { "description": "Button label" }, "undoGlobal": { "description": "CSS-beautify global Undo button label" }, "unreachableContentScript": { "description": "Note in the toolbar popup usually on file:// URLs after [re]loading Stylus" }, "unreachableFileHint": { "description": "Note in the toolbar popup for file:// URLs" }, "updateCheckFailBadResponseCode": { "description": "Text that displays when an update check failed because the response code indicates an error", "placeholders": { "code": { "content": "$1" } } }, "updateCheckFailServerUnreachable": { "description": "Text that displays when an update check failed because the update server is unreachable" }, "updateCheckSkippedLocallyEdited": { "description": "Text that displays when an update check skipped updating the style to avoid losing local modifications" }, "updateCheckSkippedMaybeLocallyEdited": { "description": "Text that displays when an update check skipped updating the style to avoid losing possible local modifications" }, "updateCheckManualUpdateForce": { "description": "Additional text displayed when an update check skipped updating the style to avoid losing local modifications" }, "updateCheckManualUpdateHint": { "description": "Additional text displayed when an update check skipped updating the style to avoid losing local modifications" }, "updateCheckSucceededNoUpdate": { "description": "Text that displays when an update check completed and no update is available" }, "updateAllCheckSucceededNoUpdate": { "description": "Text that displays when an update all check completed and no updates are available" }, "updateAllCheckSucceededSomeEdited": { "description": "Text that displays when an update all check completed and no updates are available" }, "updateCompleted": { "description": "Text that displays when an update completed" }, "updatesCurrentlyInstalled": { "description": "Text that displays when an update is installed on options page. Followed by the number of currently installed updates." }, "writeStyleFor": { "description": "Label for toolbar pop-up that precedes the links to write a new style" }, "writeStyleForURL": { "description": "Text for link in toolbar pop-up to write a new style for the current URL" }, "bckpInstStyles": { "message": "Изнасяне на стилове" }, "retrieveBckp": { "message": "Внасяне на стилове" }, "optionsBadgeNormal": { "message": "Цвят на фона" }, "optionsBadgeDisabled": { }, "optionsPopupWidth": { }, "optionsUpdateInterval": { }, "optionsUpdateIntervalNote": { }, "optionsUpdateImportNote": { }, "optionsCustomizeIcon": { }, "optionsIconLight": { }, "optionsIconDark": { }, "optionsCustomizeBadge": { }, "optionsCustomizePopup": { }, "optionsCustomizeUpdate": { "message": "Обновления" }, "optionsAdvanced": { "message": "Разширени" }, "optionsAdvancedExposeIframes": { }, "optionsAdvancedExposeIframesNote": { }, "optionsAdvancedContextDelete": { }, "optionsActions": { "message": "Действия" }, "optionsReset": { }, "optionsResetButton": { }, "optionsOpenManager": { }, "optionsCheckUpdate": { }, "optionsOpen": { "message": "Отваряне" }, "optionsCheck": { "message": "Обновяване на стиловете" } }