/* global download prefs openURL FIREFOX CHROME URLS ignoreChromeError usercssHelper styleManager msg navigatorUtil workerUtil contentScripts sync findExistingTab activateTab isTabReplaceable getActiveTab tabManager */ 'use strict'; // eslint-disable-next-line no-var var backgroundWorker = workerUtil.createWorker({ url: '/background/background-worker.js' }); // eslint-disable-next-line no-var var browserCommands, contextMenus; // ************************************************************************* // browser commands browserCommands = { openManage, openOptions: () => openManage({options: true}), styleDisableAll(info) { prefs.set('disableAll', info ? info.checked : !prefs.get('disableAll')); }, reload: () => chrome.runtime.reload(), }; window.API_METHODS = Object.assign(window.API_METHODS || {}, { deleteStyle: styleManager.deleteStyle, editSave: styleManager.editSave, findStyle: styleManager.findStyle, getAllStyles: styleManager.getAllStyles, // used by importer getSectionsByUrl: styleManager.getSectionsByUrl, getStyle: styleManager.get, getStylesByUrl: styleManager.getStylesByUrl, importStyle: styleManager.importStyle, importManyStyles: styleManager.importMany, installStyle: styleManager.installStyle, styleExists: styleManager.styleExists, toggleStyle: styleManager.toggleStyle, addInclusion: styleManager.addInclusion, removeInclusion: styleManager.removeInclusion, addExclusion: styleManager.addExclusion, removeExclusion: styleManager.removeExclusion, getTabUrlPrefix() { const {url} = this.sender.tab; if (url.startsWith(URLS.ownOrigin)) { return 'stylus'; } return url.match(/^([\w-]+:\/+[^/#]+)/)[1]; }, download(msg) { delete msg.method; return download(msg.url, msg); }, parseCss({code}) { return backgroundWorker.parseMozFormat({code}); }, getPrefs: prefs.getAll, openEditor, /* Same as openURL, the only extra prop in `opts` is `message` - it'll be sent when the tab is ready, which is needed in the popup, otherwise another extension could force the tab to open in foreground thus auto-closing the popup (in Chrome at least) and preventing the sendMessage code from running */ openURL(opts) { const {message} = opts; return openURL(opts) // will pass the resolved value untouched when `message` is absent or falsy .then(message && (tab => tab.status === 'complete' ? tab : onTabReady(tab))) .then(message && (tab => msg.sendTab(tab.id, opts.message))); function onTabReady(tab) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(function ping(numTries = 10, delay = 100) { msg.sendTab(tab.id, {method: 'ping'}) .catch(() => false) .then(pong => pong ? resolve(tab) : numTries && setTimeout(ping, delay, numTries - 1, delay * 1.5) || reject('timeout')); })); } }, optionsCustomizeHotkeys() { return browserCommands.openOptions() .then(() => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 500))) .then(() => msg.broadcastExtension({method: 'optionsCustomizeHotkeys'})); }, syncStart: sync.start, syncStop: sync.stop, syncNow: sync.syncNow, getSyncStatus: sync.getStatus, syncLogin: sync.login, openManage }); // ************************************************************************* // register all listeners msg.on(onRuntimeMessage); // tell apply.js to refresh styles for non-committed navigation navigatorUtil.onUrlChange(({tabId, frameId}, type) => { if (type !== 'committed') { msg.sendTab(tabId, {method: 'urlChanged'}, {frameId}) .catch(msg.ignoreError); } }); tabManager.onUpdate(({tabId, url, oldUrl = ''}) => { if (usercssHelper.testUrl(url) && !oldUrl.startsWith(URLS.installUsercss)) { usercssHelper.testContents(tabId, url).then(data => { if (data.code) usercssHelper.openInstallerPage(tabId, url, data); }); } }); if (FIREFOX) { // FF misses some about:blank iframes so we inject our content script explicitly navigatorUtil.onDOMContentLoaded(webNavIframeHelperFF, { url: [ {urlEquals: 'about:blank'}, ] }); } if (chrome.contextMenus) { chrome.contextMenus.onClicked.addListener((info, tab) => contextMenus[info.menuItemId].click(info, tab)); } if (chrome.commands) { // Not available in Firefox - https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1240350 chrome.commands.onCommand.addListener(command => browserCommands[command]()); } // ************************************************************************* chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(({reason}) => { // save install type: "admin", "development", "normal", "sideload" or "other" // "normal" = addon installed from webstore chrome.management.getSelf(info => { localStorage.installType = info.installType; if (reason === 'install' && info.installType === 'development' && chrome.contextMenus) { createContextMenus(['reload']); } }); if (reason !== 'update') return; // translations may change localStorage.L10N = JSON.stringify({ browserUIlanguage: chrome.i18n.getUILanguage(), }); // themes may change delete localStorage.codeMirrorThemes; }); // ************************************************************************* // context menus contextMenus = { 'show-badge': { title: 'menuShowBadge', click: info => prefs.set(info.menuItemId, info.checked), }, 'disableAll': { title: 'disableAllStyles', click: browserCommands.styleDisableAll, }, 'open-manager': { title: 'openStylesManager', click: browserCommands.openManage, }, 'open-options': { title: 'openOptions', click: browserCommands.openOptions, }, 'reload': { presentIf: () => localStorage.installType === 'development', title: 'reload', click: browserCommands.reload, }, 'editor.contextDelete': { presentIf: () => !FIREFOX && prefs.get('editor.contextDelete'), title: 'editDeleteText', type: 'normal', contexts: ['editable'], documentUrlPatterns: [URLS.ownOrigin + 'edit*'], click: (info, tab) => { msg.sendTab(tab.id, {method: 'editDeleteText'}, undefined, 'extension'); }, } }; function createContextMenus(ids) { for (const id of ids) { let item = contextMenus[id]; if (item.presentIf && !item.presentIf()) { continue; } item = Object.assign({id}, item); delete item.presentIf; item.title = chrome.i18n.getMessage(item.title); if (!item.type && typeof prefs.defaults[id] === 'boolean') { item.type = 'checkbox'; item.checked = prefs.get(id); } if (!item.contexts) { item.contexts = ['browser_action']; } delete item.click; chrome.contextMenus.create(item, ignoreChromeError); } } if (chrome.contextMenus) { // circumvent the bug with disabling check marks in Chrome 62-64 const toggleCheckmark = CHROME >= 62 && CHROME <= 64 ? (id => chrome.contextMenus.remove(id, () => createContextMenus([id]) + ignoreChromeError())) : ((id, checked) => chrome.contextMenus.update(id, {checked}, ignoreChromeError)); const togglePresence = (id, checked) => { if (checked) { createContextMenus([id]); } else { chrome.contextMenus.remove(id, ignoreChromeError); } }; const keys = Object.keys(contextMenus); prefs.subscribe(keys.filter(id => typeof prefs.defaults[id] === 'boolean'), toggleCheckmark); prefs.subscribe(keys.filter(id => contextMenus[id].presentIf), togglePresence); createContextMenus(keys); } // reinject content scripts when the extension is reloaded/updated. Firefox // would handle this automatically. if (!FIREFOX) { setTimeout(contentScripts.injectToAllTabs, 0); } // register hotkeys if (FIREFOX && browser.commands && browser.commands.update) { const hotkeyPrefs = Object.keys(prefs.defaults).filter(k => k.startsWith('hotkey.')); prefs.subscribe(hotkeyPrefs, (name, value) => { try { name = name.split('.')[1]; if (value.trim()) { browser.commands.update({name, shortcut: value}); } else { browser.commands.reset(name); } } catch (e) {} }); } msg.broadcastTab({method: 'backgroundReady'}); function webNavIframeHelperFF({tabId, frameId}) { if (!frameId) return; msg.sendTab(tabId, {method: 'ping'}, {frameId}) .catch(() => false) .then(pong => { if (pong) return; // insert apply.js to iframe const files = chrome.runtime.getManifest().content_scripts[0].js; for (const file of files) { chrome.tabs.executeScript(tabId, { frameId, file, matchAboutBlank: true, }, ignoreChromeError); } }); } function onRuntimeMessage(msg, sender) { if (msg.method !== 'invokeAPI') { return; } const fn = window.API_METHODS[msg.name]; if (!fn) { throw new Error(`unknown API: ${msg.name}`); } const context = {msg, sender}; return fn.apply(context, msg.args); } function openEditor(params) { /* Open the editor. Activate if it is already opened params: { id?: Number, domain?: String, 'url-prefix'?: String } */ const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(); for (const key in params) { searchParams.set(key, params[key]); } const search = searchParams.toString(); return openURL({ url: 'edit.html' + (search && `?${search}`), newWindow: prefs.get('openEditInWindow'), windowPosition: prefs.get('windowPosition'), currentWindow: null }); } function openManage({options = false, search} = {}) { let url = chrome.runtime.getURL('manage.html'); if (search) { url += `?search=${encodeURIComponent(search)}`; } if (options) { url += '#stylus-options'; } return findExistingTab({ url, currentWindow: null, ignoreHash: true, ignoreSearch: true }) .then(tab => { if (tab) { return Promise.all([ activateTab(tab), (tab.pendingUrl || tab.url) !== url && msg.sendTab(tab.id, {method: 'pushState', url}) .catch(console.error) ]); } return getActiveTab().then(tab => { if (isTabReplaceable(tab, url)) { return activateTab(tab, {url}); } return browser.tabs.create({url}); }); }); }