/* global API_METHODS styleManager CHROME prefs iconManager */ 'use strict'; API_METHODS.styleViaAPI = !CHROME && (() => { const ACTIONS = { styleApply, styleDeleted, styleUpdated, styleAdded, styleReplaceAll, prefChanged, updateCount, }; const NOP = Promise.resolve(new Error('NOP')); const onError = () => {}; /* : Object : Object url: String, non-enumerable : Array of strings section code */ const cache = new Map(); let observingTabs = false; return function (request) { const action = ACTIONS[request.method]; return !action ? NOP : action(request, this.sender) .catch(onError) .then(maybeToggleObserver); }; function updateCount(request, {tab, frameId}) { if (frameId) { throw new Error('we do not count styles for frames'); } const {frameStyles} = getCachedData(tab.id, frameId); iconManager.updateIconBadge(tab.id, Object.keys(frameStyles).length); } function styleApply({id = null, ignoreUrlCheck = false}, {tab, frameId, url}) { if (prefs.get('disableAll')) { return NOP; } const {tabFrames, frameStyles} = getCachedData(tab.id, frameId); if (id === null && !ignoreUrlCheck && frameStyles.url === url) { return NOP; } return styleManager.getSectionsByUrl(url, id).then(sections => { const tasks = []; for (const section of Object.values(sections)) { const styleId = section.id; const code = section.code.join('\n'); if (code === (frameStyles[styleId] || []).join('\n')) { continue; } frameStyles[styleId] = section.code; tasks.push( browser.tabs.insertCSS(tab.id, { code, frameId, runAt: 'document_start', matchAboutBlank: true, }).catch(onError)); } if (!removeFrameIfEmpty(tab.id, frameId, tabFrames, frameStyles)) { Object.defineProperty(frameStyles, 'url', {value: url, configurable: true}); tabFrames[frameId] = frameStyles; cache.set(tab.id, tabFrames); } return Promise.all(tasks); }) .then(() => updateCount(null, {tab, frameId})); } function styleDeleted({style: {id}}, {tab, frameId}) { const {tabFrames, frameStyles, styleSections} = getCachedData(tab.id, frameId, id); const code = styleSections.join('\n'); if (code && !duplicateCodeExists({frameStyles, id, code})) { delete frameStyles[id]; removeFrameIfEmpty(tab.id, frameId, tabFrames, frameStyles); return removeCSS(tab.id, frameId, code) .then(() => updateCount(null, {tab, frameId})); } else { return NOP; } } function styleUpdated({style}, sender) { if (!style.enabled) { return styleDeleted({style}, sender); } const {tab, frameId} = sender; const {frameStyles, styleSections} = getCachedData(tab.id, frameId, style.id); const code = styleSections.join('\n'); return styleApply(style, sender).then(code && (() => { if (!duplicateCodeExists({frameStyles, code, id: null})) { return removeCSS(tab.id, frameId, code); } })); } function styleAdded({style}, sender) { return style.enabled ? styleApply(style, sender) : NOP; } function styleReplaceAll(request, sender) { const {tab, frameId} = sender; const oldStylesCode = getFrameStylesJoined(sender); return styleApply({ignoreUrlCheck: true}, sender).then(() => { const newStylesCode = getFrameStylesJoined(sender); const tasks = oldStylesCode .filter(code => !newStylesCode.includes(code)) .map(code => removeCSS(tab.id, frameId, code)); return Promise.all(tasks); }); } function prefChanged({prefs}, sender) { if ('disableAll' in prefs) { if (!prefs.disableAll) { return styleApply({}, sender); } const {tab, frameId} = sender; const {tabFrames, frameStyles} = getCachedData(tab.id, frameId); if (isEmpty(frameStyles)) { return NOP; } removeFrameIfEmpty(tab.id, frameId, tabFrames, {}); const tasks = Object.keys(frameStyles) .map(id => removeCSS(tab.id, frameId, frameStyles[id].join('\n'))); return Promise.all(tasks); } else { return NOP; } } /* utilities */ function maybeToggleObserver() { let method; if (!observingTabs && cache.size) { method = 'addListener'; } else if (observingTabs && !cache.size) { method = 'removeListener'; } else { return; } observingTabs = !observingTabs; chrome.webNavigation.onCommitted[method](onNavigationCommitted); chrome.tabs.onRemoved[method](onTabRemoved); chrome.tabs.onReplaced[method](onTabReplaced); } function onNavigationCommitted({tabId, frameId}) { if (frameId === 0) { onTabRemoved(tabId); return; } const tabFrames = cache.get(tabId); if (tabFrames && frameId in tabFrames) { delete tabFrames[frameId]; if (isEmpty(tabFrames)) { onTabRemoved(tabId); } } } function onTabRemoved(tabId) { cache.delete(tabId); maybeToggleObserver(); } function onTabReplaced(addedTabId, removedTabId) { onTabRemoved(removedTabId); } function removeFrameIfEmpty(tabId, frameId, tabFrames, frameStyles) { if (isEmpty(frameStyles)) { delete tabFrames[frameId]; if (isEmpty(tabFrames)) { cache.delete(tabId); } return true; } } function getCachedData(tabId, frameId, styleId) { const tabFrames = cache.get(tabId) || {}; const frameStyles = tabFrames[frameId] || {}; const styleSections = styleId && frameStyles[styleId] || []; return {tabFrames, frameStyles, styleSections}; } function getFrameStylesJoined({ tab, frameId, frameStyles = getCachedData(tab.id, frameId).frameStyles, }) { return Object.keys(frameStyles).map(id => frameStyles[id].join('\n')); } function duplicateCodeExists({ tab, frameId, frameStyles = getCachedData(tab.id, frameId).frameStyles, frameStylesCode = {}, id, code = frameStylesCode[id] || frameStyles[id].join('\n'), }) { id = String(id); for (const styleId in frameStyles) { if (id !== styleId && code === (frameStylesCode[styleId] || frameStyles[styleId].join('\n'))) { return true; } } } function removeCSS(tabId, frameId, code) { return browser.tabs.removeCSS(tabId, {frameId, code, matchAboutBlank: true}) .catch(onError); } function isEmpty(obj) { for (const k in obj) { return false; } return true; } })();