/* global CodeMirror prefs loadScript editor editors */ 'use strict'; (function () { // CodeMirror miserably fails on keyMap='' so let's ensure it's not if (!prefs.get('editor.keyMap')) { prefs.reset('editor.keyMap'); } const defaults = { mode: 'css', lineNumbers: true, lineWrapping: prefs.get('editor.lineWrapping'), foldGutter: true, gutters: [ 'CodeMirror-linenumbers', 'CodeMirror-foldgutter', ...(prefs.get('editor.linter') ? ['CodeMirror-lint-markers'] : []), ], matchBrackets: true, highlightSelectionMatches: {showToken: /[#.\-\w]/, annotateScrollbar: true}, hintOptions: {}, lintReportDelay: prefs.get('editor.lintReportDelay'), styleActiveLine: true, theme: 'default', keyMap: prefs.get('editor.keyMap'), extraKeys: Object.assign(CodeMirror.defaults.extraKeys || {}, { // independent of current keyMap 'Alt-Enter': 'toggleStyle', 'Alt-PageDown': 'nextEditor', 'Alt-PageUp': 'prevEditor', 'Ctrl-Pause': 'toggleEditorFocus', }), maxHighlightLength: 100e3, configureMouse: (cm, repeat) => repeat === 'double' ? {unit: selectTokenOnDoubleclick} : {}, }; Object.assign(CodeMirror.defaults, defaults, prefs.get('editor.options')); // 'basic' keymap only has basic keys by design, so we skip it const extraKeysCommands = {}; Object.keys(CodeMirror.defaults.extraKeys).forEach(key => { extraKeysCommands[CodeMirror.defaults.extraKeys[key]] = true; }); if (!extraKeysCommands.jumpToLine) { CodeMirror.keyMap.sublime['Ctrl-G'] = 'jumpToLine'; CodeMirror.keyMap.emacsy['Ctrl-G'] = 'jumpToLine'; CodeMirror.keyMap.pcDefault['Ctrl-J'] = 'jumpToLine'; CodeMirror.keyMap.macDefault['Cmd-J'] = 'jumpToLine'; } if (!extraKeysCommands.autocomplete) { // will be used by 'sublime' on PC via fallthrough CodeMirror.keyMap.pcDefault['Ctrl-Space'] = 'autocomplete'; // OSX uses Ctrl-Space and Cmd-Space for something else CodeMirror.keyMap.macDefault['Alt-Space'] = 'autocomplete'; // copied from 'emacs' keymap CodeMirror.keyMap.emacsy['Alt-/'] = 'autocomplete'; // 'vim' and 'emacs' define their own autocomplete hotkeys } if (!extraKeysCommands.blockComment) { CodeMirror.keyMap.sublime['Shift-Ctrl-/'] = 'commentSelection'; } if (navigator.appVersion.includes('Windows')) { // 'pcDefault' keymap on Windows should have F3/Shift-F3/Ctrl-R if (!extraKeysCommands.findNext) { CodeMirror.keyMap.pcDefault['F3'] = 'findNext'; } if (!extraKeysCommands.findPrev) { CodeMirror.keyMap.pcDefault['Shift-F3'] = 'findPrev'; } if (!extraKeysCommands.replace) { CodeMirror.keyMap.pcDefault['Ctrl-R'] = 'replace'; } // try to remap non-interceptable Ctrl-(Shift-)N/T/W hotkeys ['N', 'T', 'W'].forEach(char => { [ {from: 'Ctrl-', to: ['Alt-', 'Ctrl-Alt-']}, // Note: modifier order in CodeMirror is S-C-A {from: 'Shift-Ctrl-', to: ['Ctrl-Alt-', 'Shift-Ctrl-Alt-']} ].forEach(remap => { const oldKey = remap.from + char; Object.keys(CodeMirror.keyMap).forEach(keyMapName => { const keyMap = CodeMirror.keyMap[keyMapName]; const command = keyMap[oldKey]; if (!command) { return; } remap.to.some(newMod => { const newKey = newMod + char; if (!(newKey in keyMap)) { delete keyMap[oldKey]; keyMap[newKey] = command; return true; } }); }); }); }); } Object.assign(CodeMirror.mimeModes['text/css'].propertyKeywords, { 'mix-blend-mode': true, 'isolation': true, // nonstandard https://compat.spec.whatwg.org/ 'box-reflect': true, 'text-fill-color': true, 'text-stroke': true, 'text-stroke-color': true, 'text-stroke-width': true, // end }); Object.assign(CodeMirror.mimeModes['text/css'].valueKeywords, { 'isolate': true, }); Object.assign(CodeMirror.mimeModes['text/css'].colorKeywords, { 'darkgrey': true, 'darkslategrey': true, 'dimgrey': true, 'grey': true, 'lightgrey': true, 'lightslategrey': true, 'slategrey': true, }); const MODE = { stylus: 'stylus', uso: 'css' }; CodeMirror.defineExtension('setPreprocessor', function (preprocessor, force = false) { const mode = MODE[preprocessor] || 'css'; if ((this.doc.mode || {}).name === mode && !force) { return Promise.resolve(); } if (mode === 'css') { this.setOption('mode', mode); return Promise.resolve(); } return loadScript(`/vendor/codemirror/mode/${mode}/${mode}.js`).then(() => { this.setOption('mode', mode); }); }); CodeMirror.defineExtension('isBlank', function () { // superfast checking as it runs only until the first non-blank line let isBlank = true; this.doc.eachLine(line => { if (line.text && line.text.trim()) { isBlank = false; return true; } }); return isBlank; }); function selectTokenOnDoubleclick(cm, pos) { let {ch} = pos; const {line, sticky} = pos; const {text, styles} = cm.getLineHandle(line); const execAt = (rx, i) => (rx.lastIndex = i) && null || rx.exec(text); const at = (rx, i) => (rx.lastIndex = i) && null || rx.test(text); const atWord = ch => at(/\w/y, ch); const atSpace = ch => at(/\s/y, ch); const atTokenEnd = styles.indexOf(ch, 1); ch += atTokenEnd < 0 ? 0 : sticky === 'before' && atWord(ch - 1) ? 0 : atSpace(ch + 1) ? 0 : 1; ch = Math.min(text.length, ch); const type = cm.getTokenTypeAt({line, ch: ch + (sticky === 'after' ? 1 : 0)}); if (atTokenEnd > 0) ch--; const isCss = type && !/^(comment|string)/.test(type); const isNumber = type === 'number'; const isSpace = atSpace(ch); let wordChars = isNumber ? /[-+\w.%]/y : isCss ? /[-\w@]/y : isSpace ? /\s/y : atWord(ch) ? /\w/y : /[^\w\s]/y; let a = ch; while (a && at(wordChars, a)) a--; a += !a && at(wordChars, a) || isCss && at(/[.!#@]/y, a) ? 0 : at(wordChars, a + 1); let b, found; if (isNumber) { b = a + execAt(/[+-]?[\d.]+(e\d+)?|$/yi, a)[0].length; found = b >= ch; if (!found) { a = b; ch = a; } } if (!found) { wordChars = isCss ? /[-\w]*/y : new RegExp(wordChars.source + '*', 'uy'); b = ch + execAt(wordChars, ch)[0].length; } return { from: {line, ch: a}, to: {line, ch: b}, }; } })(); // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-expressions CodeMirror.hint && (() => { const USO_VAR = 'uso-variable'; const USO_VALID_VAR = 'variable-3 ' + USO_VAR; const USO_INVALID_VAR = 'error ' + USO_VAR; const RX_IMPORTANT = /(i(m(p(o(r(t(a(nt?)?)?)?)?)?)?)?)?(?=\b|\W|$)/iy; const originalHelper = CodeMirror.hint.css || (() => {}); CodeMirror.registerHelper('hint', 'css', function (cm) { const pos = cm.getCursor(); const {line, ch} = pos; const {styles, text} = cm.getLineHandle(line); if (!styles) return originalHelper(cm); const {style, index} = cm.getStyleAtPos({styles, pos: ch}) || {}; if (style && (style.startsWith('comment') || style.startsWith('string'))) { return originalHelper(cm); } if (text[ch - 1] === '!' && /i|\W|^$/i.test(text[ch] || '')) { RX_IMPORTANT.lastIndex = ch; return { list: ['important'], from: pos, to: {line, ch: ch + RX_IMPORTANT.exec(text)[0].length}, }; } let prev = index > 2 ? styles[index - 2] : 0; let end = styles[index]; if (text[prev] === '#') { return {list: [], from: pos, to: pos}; } if (!editor || !style || !style.includes(USO_VAR)) { return originalHelper(cm); } const adjust = text[prev] === '/' ? 4 : 0; prev += adjust; end -= adjust; const leftPart = text.slice(prev, ch); const list = Object.keys(editor.getStyle().usercssData.vars) .filter(name => name.startsWith(leftPart)); return { list, from: {line, ch: prev}, to: {line, ch: end}, }; }); const hooks = CodeMirror.mimeModes['text/css'].tokenHooks; const originalCommentHook = hooks['/']; hooks['/'] = tokenizeUsoVariables; function tokenizeUsoVariables(stream) { const token = originalCommentHook.apply(this, arguments); if (token[1] !== 'comment') { return token; } const {string, start, pos} = stream; // /*[[install-key]]*/ // 01234 43210 if (string[start + 2] === '[' && string[start + 3] === '[' && string[pos - 3] === ']' && string[pos - 4] === ']') { const vars = typeof editor !== 'undefined' && (editor.getStyle().usercssData || {}).vars; const name = vars && string.slice(start + 4, pos - 4); if (vars && Object.hasOwnProperty.call(vars, name.endsWith('-rgb') ? name.slice(0, -4) : name)) { token[0] = USO_VALID_VAR; } else { token[0] = USO_INVALID_VAR; } } return token; } })();