/* global showHelp */ 'use strict'; // eslint-disable-next-line no-var var regExpTester = (() => { const GET_FAVICON_URL = 'https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain='; const OWN_ICON = chrome.runtime.getManifest().icons['16']; const cachedRegexps = new Map(); let currentRegexps = []; let isInit = false; function init() { isInit = true; chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(onTabUpdate); } function uninit() { chrome.tabs.onUpdated.removeListener(onTabUpdate); isInit = false; } function onTabUpdate(tabId, info) { if (info.url) { update(); } } function isShown() { return Boolean($('.regexp-report')); } function toggle(state = !isShown()) { if (state && !isShown()) { if (!isInit) { init(); } showHelp('', $element({className: 'regexp-report'})); } else if (!state && isShown()) { if (isInit) { uninit(); } // TODO: need a closeHelp function $('#help-popup .dismiss').onclick(); } } function update(newRegexps) { if (!isShown()) { if (isInit) { uninit(); } return; } if (newRegexps) { currentRegexps = newRegexps; } const regexps = currentRegexps.map(text => { const rxData = Object.assign({text}, cachedRegexps.get(text)); if (!rxData.urls) { cachedRegexps.set(text, Object.assign(rxData, { // imitate buggy Stylish-for-chrome, see detectSloppyRegexps() rx: tryRegExp('^' + text + '$'), urls: new Map(), })); } return rxData; }); const getMatchInfo = m => m && {text: m[0], pos: m.index}; queryTabs().then(tabs => { const supported = tabs.map(tab => tab.url) .filter(url => URLS.supported(url)); const unique = [...new Set(supported).values()]; for (const rxData of regexps) { const {rx, urls} = rxData; if (rx) { const urlsNow = new Map(); for (const url of unique) { const match = urls.get(url) || getMatchInfo(url.match(rx)); if (match) { urlsNow.set(url, match); } } rxData.urls = urlsNow; } } const stats = { full: {data: [], label: t('styleRegexpTestFull')}, partial: {data: [], label: [ t('styleRegexpTestPartial'), template.regexpTestPartial.cloneNode(true), ]}, none: {data: [], label: t('styleRegexpTestNone')}, invalid: {data: [], label: t('styleRegexpTestInvalid')}, }; // collect stats for (const {text, rx, urls} of regexps) { if (!rx) { stats.invalid.data.push({text}); continue; } if (!urls.size) { stats.none.data.push({text}); continue; } const full = []; const partial = []; for (const [url, match] of urls.entries()) { const faviconUrl = url.startsWith(URLS.ownOrigin) ? OWN_ICON : GET_FAVICON_URL + new URL(url).hostname; const icon = $element({tag: 'img', src: faviconUrl}); if (match.text.length === url.length) { full.push($element({appendChild: [ icon, url, ]})); } else { partial.push($element({appendChild: [ icon, url.substr(0, match.pos), $element({tag: 'mark', textContent: match.text}), url.substr(match.pos + match.text.length), ]})); } } if (full.length) { stats.full.data.push({text, urls: full}); } if (partial.length) { stats.partial.data.push({text, urls: partial}); } } // render stats const report = $element({className: 'regexp-report'}); const br = $element({tag: 'br'}); for (const type in stats) { // top level groups: full, partial, none, invalid const {label, data} = stats[type]; if (!data.length) { continue; } const block = report.appendChild($element({ tag: 'details', open: true, dataset: {type}, appendChild: $element({tag: 'summary', appendChild: label}), })); // 2nd level: regexp text for (const {text, urls} of data) { if (urls) { // type is partial or full block.appendChild($element({ tag: 'details', open: true, appendChild: [ $element({tag: 'summary', textContent: text}), // 3rd level: tab urls ...urls, ], })); } else { // type is none or invalid block.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text)); block.appendChild(br.cloneNode()); } } } showHelp(t('styleRegexpTestTitle'), report); $('.regexp-report').onclick = event => { const target = event.target.closest('a, .regexp-report div'); if (target) { openURL({ url: target.href || target.textContent, currentWindow: null, }); event.preventDefault(); } }; }); } return {toggle, update}; })();