/* global $ $$remove $create $isTextInput messageBoxProxy */// dom.js /* global API */// msg.js /* global CodeMirror */ /* global MozDocMapper */// util.js /* global MozSectionFinder */ /* global MozSectionWidget */ /* global RX_META debounce sessionStore */// toolbox.js /* global chromeSync */// storage-util.js /* global cmFactory */ /* global editor */ /* global linterMan */ /* global prefs */ /* global t */// localization.js 'use strict'; /* exported SourceEditor */ function SourceEditor() { const {style, /** @type DirtyReporter */dirty} = editor; let savedGeneration; let placeholderName = ''; let prevMode = NaN; $$remove('.sectioned-only'); $('#header').on('wheel', headerOnScroll); $('#sections').textContent = ''; $('#sections').appendChild($create('.single-editor')); if (!style.id) setupNewStyle(style); const cm = cmFactory.create($('.single-editor')); const sectionFinder = MozSectionFinder(cm); const sectionWidget = MozSectionWidget(cm, sectionFinder); editor.livePreview.init(preprocess); createMetaCompiler(meta => { style.usercssData = meta; style.name = meta.name; style.url = meta.homepageURL || style.installationUrl; updateMeta(); }); updateMeta(); cm.setValue(style.sourceCode); /** @namespace Editor */ Object.assign(editor, { sections: sectionFinder.sections, replaceStyle, updateLivePreview, closestVisible: () => cm, getEditors: () => [cm], getEditorTitle: () => '', getValue: () => cm.getValue(), getSearchableInputs: () => [], prevEditor: nextPrevSection.bind(null, -1), nextEditor: nextPrevSection.bind(null, 1), jumpToEditor(i) { const sec = sectionFinder.sections[i]; if (sec) { sectionFinder.updatePositions(sec); cm.jumpToPos(sec.start); } }, async save() { if (!dirty.isDirty()) return; const sourceCode = cm.getValue(); try { const {customName, enabled, id} = style; let res = !id && await API.usercss.build({sourceCode, checkDup: true, metaOnly: true}); if (res && res.dup) { messageBoxProxy.alert(t('usercssAvoidOverwriting'), 'danger', t('genericError')); } else { res = await API.usercss.editSave({customName, enabled, id, sourceCode}); await replaceStyle(res.style); } showLog(res); } catch (err) { const i = err.index; const isNameEmpty = i > 0 && err.code === 'missingValue' && sourceCode.slice(sourceCode.lastIndexOf('\n', i - 1), i).trim().endsWith('@name'); return isNameEmpty ? saveTemplate(sourceCode) : showSaveError(err); } }, scrollToEditor: () => {}, }); prefs.subscribeMany({ 'editor.linter': updateLinterSwitch, 'editor.appliesToLineWidget': (k, val) => sectionWidget.toggle(val), 'editor.toc.expanded': (k, val) => sectionFinder.onOff(editor.updateToc, val), }, {runNow: true}); editor.applyScrollInfo(cm); cm.clearHistory(); cm.markClean(); savedGeneration = cm.changeGeneration(); cm.on('changes', () => { dirty.modify('sourceGeneration', savedGeneration, cm.changeGeneration()); debounce(updateLivePreview, editor.previewDelay); }); cm.on('optionChange', (cm, option) => { if (option !== 'mode') return; const mode = getModeName(); if (mode === prevMode) return; prevMode = mode; linterMan.run(); updateLinterSwitch(); }); setTimeout(linterMan.enableForEditor, 0, cm); if (!$isTextInput(document.activeElement)) { cm.focus(); } async function preprocess(style) { const res = await API.usercss.build({ styleId: style.id, sourceCode: style.sourceCode, assignVars: true, }); showLog(res); delete res.style.enabled; return Object.assign(style, res.style); } /** Shows the console.log output from the background worker stored in `log` property */ function showLog(data) { if (data.log) data.log.forEach(args => console.log(...args)); return data; } function updateLivePreview() { if (!style.id) { return; } editor.livePreview.update(Object.assign({}, style, {sourceCode: cm.getValue()})); } function updateLinterSwitch() { const el = $('#editor.linter'); el.value = getCurrentLinter(); const cssLintOption = $('[value="csslint"]', el); const mode = getModeName(); if (mode !== 'css') { cssLintOption.disabled = true; cssLintOption.title = t('linterCSSLintIncompatible', mode); } else { cssLintOption.disabled = false; cssLintOption.title = ''; } } function getCurrentLinter() { const name = prefs.get('editor.linter'); if (cm.getOption('mode') !== 'css' && name === 'csslint') { return 'stylelint'; } return name; } async function setupNewStyle(style) { style.sections[0].code = ' '.repeat(prefs.get('editor.tabSize')) + `/* ${t('usercssReplaceTemplateSectionBody')} */`; let section = MozDocMapper.styleToCss(style); if (!section.includes('@-moz-document')) { style.sections[0].domains = ['example.com']; section = MozDocMapper.styleToCss(style); } const DEFAULT_CODE = ` /* ==UserStyle== @name ${''/* a trick to preserve the trailing spaces */} @namespace github.com/openstyles/stylus @version 1.0.0 @description A new userstyle @author Me ==/UserStyle== */ `.replace(/^\s+/gm, ''); dirty.clear('sourceGeneration'); style.sourceCode = ''; placeholderName = `${style.name || t('usercssReplaceTemplateName')} - ${new Date().toLocaleString()}`; let code = await chromeSync.getLZValue(chromeSync.LZ_KEY.usercssTemplate); code = code || DEFAULT_CODE; code = code.replace(/@name(\s*)(?=[\r\n])/, (str, space) => `${str}${space ? '' : ' '}${placeholderName}`); // strip the last dummy section if any, add an empty line followed by the section style.sourceCode = code.replace(/\s*@-moz-document[^{]*{[^}]*}\s*$|\s+$/g, '') + '\n\n' + section; cm.startOperation(); cm.setValue(style.sourceCode); cm.clearHistory(); cm.markClean(); cm.endOperation(); dirty.clear('sourceGeneration'); savedGeneration = cm.changeGeneration(); } function updateMeta() { const name = style.customName || style.name; if (name !== placeholderName) { $('#name').value = name; } $('#enabled').checked = style.enabled; $('#url').href = style.url; editor.updateName(); cm.setPreprocessor((style.usercssData || {}).preprocessor); } function replaceStyle(newStyle, codeIsUpdated) { dirty.clear('name'); const sameCode = newStyle.sourceCode === cm.getValue(); if (sameCode) { savedGeneration = cm.changeGeneration(); dirty.clear('sourceGeneration'); } if (codeIsUpdated === false || sameCode) { updateEnvironment(); dirty.clear('enabled'); updateLivePreview(); return; } Promise.resolve(messageBoxProxy.confirm(t('styleUpdateDiscardChanges'))).then(ok => { if (!ok) return; updateEnvironment(); if (!sameCode) { const cursor = cm.getCursor(); cm.setValue(style.sourceCode); cm.setCursor(cursor); savedGeneration = cm.changeGeneration(); } if (sameCode) { // the code is same but the environment is changed updateLivePreview(); } dirty.clear(); }); function updateEnvironment() { if (style.id !== newStyle.id) { history.replaceState({}, '', `?id=${newStyle.id}`); } sessionStore.justEditedStyleId = newStyle.id; Object.assign(style, newStyle); editor.onStyleUpdated(); updateMeta(); } } async function saveTemplate(code) { if (await messageBoxProxy.confirm(t('usercssReplaceTemplateConfirmation'))) { const key = chromeSync.LZ_KEY.usercssTemplate; await chromeSync.setLZValue(key, code); if (await chromeSync.getLZValue(key) !== code) { messageBoxProxy.alert(t('syncStorageErrorSaving')); } } } function showSaveError(err) { err = Array.isArray(err) ? err : [err]; const text = err.map(e => e.message || e).join('\n'); const points = err.map(e => e.index >= 0 && cm.posFromIndex(e.index) || // usercss meta parser e.offset >= 0 && {line: e.line - 1, ch: e.col - 1} // csslint code parser ).filter(Boolean); cm.setSelections(points.map(p => ({anchor: p, head: p}))); messageBoxProxy.alert($create('pre', text), 'pre'); } function nextPrevSection(dir) { // ensure the data is ready in case the user wants to jump around a lot in a large style sectionFinder.keepAliveFor(nextPrevSection, 10e3); sectionFinder.updatePositions(); const {sections} = sectionFinder; const num = sections.length; if (!num) return; dir = dir < 0 ? -1 : 0; const pos = cm.getCursor(); let i = sections.findIndex(sec => CodeMirror.cmpPos(sec.start, pos) > Math.min(dir, 0)); if (i < 0 && (!dir || CodeMirror.cmpPos(sections[num - 1].start, pos) < 0)) { i = 0; } cm.jumpToPos(sections[(i + dir + num) % num].start); } function headerOnScroll({target, deltaY, deltaMode, shiftKey}) { while ((target = target.parentElement)) { if (deltaY < 0 && target.scrollTop || deltaY > 0 && target.scrollTop + target.clientHeight < target.scrollHeight) { return; } } cm.display.scroller.scrollTop += // WheelEvent.DOM_DELTA_LINE deltaMode === 1 ? deltaY * cm.defaultTextHeight() : // WheelEvent.DOM_DELTA_PAGE deltaMode === 2 || shiftKey ? Math.sign(deltaY) * cm.display.scroller.clientHeight : // WheelEvent.DOM_DELTA_PIXEL deltaY; } function getModeName() { const mode = cm.doc.mode; if (!mode) return ''; return (mode.name || mode || '') + (mode.helperType || ''); } function createMetaCompiler(onUpdated) { let meta = null; let metaIndex = null; let cache = []; linterMan.register(async (text, options, _cm) => { if (_cm !== cm) { return; } const match = text.match(RX_META); if (!match) { return []; } if (match[0] === meta && match.index === metaIndex) { return cache; } const {metadata, errors} = await linterMan.worker.metalint(match[0]); if (errors.every(err => err.code === 'unknownMeta')) { onUpdated(metadata); } cache = errors.map(({code, index, args, message}) => { const isUnknownMeta = code === 'unknownMeta'; const typo = isUnknownMeta && args.length === 2 ? 'Typo' : ''; return ({ from: cm.posFromIndex((index || 0) + match.index), to: cm.posFromIndex((index || 0) + match.index), message: code && t(`meta_${code}${typo}`, args, false) || message, severity: isUnknownMeta ? 'warning' : 'error', rule: code, }); }); meta = match[0]; metaIndex = match.index; return cache; }); } }