/* global API msg */// msg.js /* global CHROME UA debounce */// toolbox.js /* global Events handleBulkChange handleVisibilityChange */// events.js /* global fitSelectBoxesIn switchUI showStyles */// render.js /* global prefs */ /* global router */ /* global sorter */ /* global t */// localization.js /* global $ $$ $create animateElement setupLivePrefs */// dom.js 'use strict'; document.body.appendChild(t.template.body); const installed = $('#installed'); const changeQueue = []; changeQueue.THROTTLE = 100; // ms changeQueue.time = 0; // define pref-mapped ids separately const newUI = { enabled: null, // the global option should come first favicons: null, faviconsGray: null, targets: null, }; // ...add utility functions Object.assign(newUI, { ids: Object.keys(newUI), prefKeyForId: id => `manage.newUI.${id}`.replace(/\.enabled$/, ''), renderClass: () => { $.rootCL.toggle('newUI', newUI.enabled); $.rootCL.toggle('oldUI', !newUI.enabled); }, hasFavs: () => newUI.enabled && newUI.favicons, badFavsKey: 'badFavs', async readBadFavs() { const key = newUI.badFavsKey; const val = await API.prefsDb.get(key); return (newUI[key] = Array.isArray(val) ? val : []); }, }); // ...read the actual values for (const id of newUI.ids) { newUI[id] = prefs.get(newUI.prefKeyForId(id)); } newUI.renderClass(); (async function init() { const query = router.getSearch('search'); const [styles, ids] = await Promise.all([ API.styles.getAll(), query && API.styles.searchDB({query, mode: router.getSearch('searchMode')}), newUI.hasFavs() && newUI.readBadFavs(), prefs.ready, ]); installed.on('click', Events.entryClicked); installed.on('contextmenu', Events.entryClicked); installed.on('mouseover', Events.lazyAddEntryTitle, {passive: true}); installed.on('mouseout', Events.lazyAddEntryTitle, {passive: true}); $('#sync-styles').onclick = $('#manage-options-button').onclick = router.makeToggle('stylus-options', toggleEmbeddedOptions); $('#injection-order-button').onclick = router.makeToggle('injection-order', (...args) => InjectionOrder(...args), [ '/vendor/draggable-list/draggable-list.iife.min.js', '/injection-order/injection-order.css', '/injection-order/injection-order', /* global InjectionOrder */ ]); $('#update-history-button').onclick = router.makeToggle('update-history', (...args) => showUpdateHistory(...args), [ '/manage/updater-ui', /* global showUpdateHistory */ ]); $$('#header a[href^="http"]').forEach(a => (a.onclick = Events.external)); window.on('pageshow', handleVisibilityChange); window.on('pagehide', handleVisibilityChange); setupLivePrefs(); sorter.init(); router.update(); prefs.subscribe(newUI.ids.map(newUI.prefKeyForId), () => switchUI()); prefs.subscribe('manage.actions.expanded', toggleActionTitles, {runNow: true}); switchUI({styleOnly: true}); // translate CSS manually document.styleSheets[0].insertRule( `:root {${[ 'genericDisabledLabel', 'updateAllCheckSucceededSomeEdited', 'filteredStylesAllHidden', ].map(id => `--${id}:"${CSS.escape(t(id))}";`).join('') }}`); if (!UA.vivaldi) { fitSelectBoxesIn($('#filters')); } if (CHROME >= 80 && CHROME <= 88) { // Wrong checkboxes are randomly checked after going back in history, https://crbug.com/1138598 window.on('pagehide', () => { $$('input[type=checkbox]').forEach((el, i) => (el.name = `bug${i}`)); }); } showStyles(styles, ids); setTimeout(require, 0, [ '/manage/import-export', '/manage/incremental-search', '/manage/updater-ui', ]); function toggleActionTitles(_, isOpen) { const from = `${isOpen ? '' : 'data-'}title`; const to = `${isOpen ? 'data-' : ''}title`; for (const el of $$(`#actions [${from}]`)) { el.setAttribute(to, el.getAttribute(from)); el.removeAttribute(from); } } })(); msg.onExtension(onRuntimeMessage); function onRuntimeMessage(msg) { switch (msg.method) { case 'styleUpdated': case 'styleAdded': case 'styleDeleted': changeQueue.push(msg); if (performance.now() - (changeQueue.time || 0) < changeQueue.THROTTLE) { debounce(handleBulkChange, changeQueue.THROTTLE); } else { handleBulkChange(); } break; case 'styleApply': case 'styleReplaceAll': break; default: return; } setTimeout(sorter.updateStripes, 0, {onlyWhenColumnsChanged: true}); } async function toggleEmbeddedOptions(show, el, selector) { if (show) { $.root.appendChild($create('iframe' + selector, {src: '/options.html'})) .focus(); await new Promise(resolve => window.on('closeOptions', resolve, {once: true})); } else { el.contentDocument.body.classList.add('scaleout'); await animateElement(el, 'fadeout'); el.remove(); } }