"use strict"; var styleId = null; var dirty = {}; // only the actually dirty items here var editors = []; // array of all CodeMirror instances var lockScroll; // temporary focus-jump-on-click fix, TODO: revert c084ea3 once CM is updated var isSeparateWindow; // used currrently to determine if the window size/pos should be remembered // direct & reverse mapping of @-moz-document keywords and internal property names var propertyToCss = {urls: "url", urlPrefixes: "url-prefix", domains: "domain", regexps: "regexp"}; var CssToProperty = {"url": "urls", "url-prefix": "urlPrefixes", "domain": "domains", "regexp": "regexps"}; // templates var appliesToTemplate = document.createElement("li"); appliesToTemplate.innerHTML = ''; var appliesToEverythingTemplate = document.createElement("li"); appliesToEverythingTemplate.className = "applies-to-everything"; appliesToEverythingTemplate.innerHTML = t("appliesToEverything") + ' '; var sectionTemplate = document.createElement("div"); sectionTemplate.innerHTML = '
'; // make querySelectorAll enumeration code readable ["forEach", "some", "indexOf"].forEach(function(method) { NodeList.prototype[method]= Array.prototype[method]; }); function onChange(event) { var node = event.target; if ("savedValue" in node) { var currentValue = "checkbox" === node.type ? node.checked : node.value; setCleanItem(node, node.savedValue === currentValue); } else { // the manually added section's applies-to is dirty only when the value is non-empty setCleanItem(node, node.localName != "input" || !node.value.trim()); delete node.savedValue; // only valid when actually saved } updateTitle(); } // Set .dirty on stylesheet contributors that have changed function setDirtyClass(node, isDirty) { node.classList.toggle("dirty", isDirty); } function setCleanItem(node, isClean) { if (!node.id) { node.id = Date.now().toString(32).substr(-6); } if (isClean) { delete dirty[node.id]; node.savedValue = "checkbox" === node.type ? node.checked : node.value; } else { dirty[node.id] = true; } setDirtyClass(node, !isClean); } function isCleanGlobal() { var clean = Object.keys(dirty).length == 0; setDirtyClass(document.body, !clean); return clean; } function setCleanGlobal() { document.querySelectorAll("#header, #sections > div").forEach(setCleanSection); dirty = {}; // forget the dirty applies-to ids from a deleted section after the style was saved } function setCleanSection(section) { section.querySelectorAll(".style-contributor").forEach(function(node) { setCleanItem(node, true) }); // #header section has no codemirror var wrapper = section.querySelector(".CodeMirror"); if (wrapper) { var cm = wrapper.CodeMirror; section.savedValue = cm.changeGeneration(); indicateCodeChange(cm); } } function initCodeMirror() { var CM = CodeMirror; // default option values var userOptions = prefs.getPref("editor.options"); var stylishOptions = { mode: 'css', lineNumbers: true, lineWrapping: true, foldGutter: true, gutters: ["CodeMirror-linenumbers", "CodeMirror-foldgutter", "CodeMirror-lint-markers"], matchBrackets: true, lint: CodeMirror.lint.css, keyMap: "sublime", extraKeys: {"Ctrl-Space": "autocomplete"} } mergeOptions(stylishOptions, CM.defaults); mergeOptions(userOptions, CM.defaults); function mergeOptions(source, target) { for (var key in source) target[key] = source[key]; return target; } // additional commands var cc = CM.commands; cc.jumpToLine = jumpToLine; cc.nextBuffer = function(cm) { nextPrevBuffer(cm, 1) }; cc.prevBuffer = function(cm) { nextPrevBuffer(cm, -1) }; var cssHintHandler = CM.hint.css; CM.hint.css = function(cm) { var cursor = cm.getCursor(); var token = cm.getTokenAt(cursor); if (token.state.state === "prop" && "!important".indexOf(token.string) === 0) { return { from: CM.Pos(cursor.line, token.start), to: CM.Pos(cursor.line, token.end), list: ["!important"] } } return cssHintHandler(cm); } // user option values CM.getOption = function (o) { return CodeMirror.defaults[o]; } CM.setOption = function (o, v) { CodeMirror.defaults[o] = v; editors.forEach(function(editor) { editor.setOption(o, v); }); } // initialize global editor controls document.getElementById("options").addEventListener("change", acmeEventListener, false); var keymapControl = document.getElementById("editor.keyMap"); Object.keys(CodeMirror.keyMap).sort().forEach(function(map) { keymapControl.appendChild(document.createElement("option")).textContent = map; }); var controlPrefs = {}, controlOptions = ["smartIndent", "indentWithTabs", "tabSize", "keyMap", "lineWrapping"]; controlOptions.forEach(function(option) { controlPrefs["editor." + option] = CM.defaults[option]; tE(option + "-label", "cm_" + option); }); loadPrefs(controlPrefs); } initCodeMirror(); function acmeEventListener(event) { var option = event.target.dataset.option; console.log("acmeEventListener heard %s on %s", event.type, event.target.id); if (!option) console.error("acmeEventListener: no 'cm_option' %O", event.target); else CodeMirror.setOption(option, event.target[isCheckbox(event.target) ? "checked" : "value"]); if ("tabSize" === option) CodeMirror.setOption("indentUnit", CodeMirror.getOption("tabSize")); } // replace given textarea with the CodeMirror editor function setupCodeMirror(textarea, index) { var cm = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(textarea); cm.addKeyMap({ "Ctrl-G": "jumpToLine", "Alt-PageDown": "nextBuffer", "Alt-PageUp": "prevBuffer" }); cm.lastChange = cm.changeGeneration(); cm.on("change", indicateCodeChange); // ensure the section doesn't jump when clicking selected text cm.on("cursorActivity", function(cm) { editors.lastActive = cm; setTimeout(function() { lockScroll = { windowScrollY: window.scrollY, editor: cm, editorScrollInfo: cm.getScrollInfo() } }, 0); }); var resizeGrip = cm.display.wrapper.appendChild(document.createElement("div")); resizeGrip.className = "resize-grip"; resizeGrip.addEventListener("mousedown", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var cm = e.target.parentNode.CodeMirror; var minHeight = cm.defaultTextHeight() + cm.display.lineDiv.offsetParent.offsetTop /* .CodeMirror-lines padding */ + cm.display.wrapper.offsetHeight - cm.display.wrapper.scrollHeight /* borders */; function resize(e) { cm.setSize(null, Math.max(minHeight, cm.display.wrapper.scrollHeight + e.movementY)); } document.addEventListener("mousemove", resize); document.addEventListener("mouseup", function resizeStop() { document.removeEventListener("mouseup", resizeStop); document.removeEventListener("mousemove", resize); }); }); editors.splice(index || editors.length, 0, cm); return cm; } function indicateCodeChange(cm) { var section = cm.getTextArea().parentNode; setCleanItem(section, cm.isClean(section.savedValue)); updateTitle(); } // ensure the section doesn't jump when clicking selected text document.addEventListener("scroll", function(e) { if (lockScroll && lockScroll.windowScrollY != window.scrollY) { window.scrollTo(0, lockScroll.windowScrollY); lockScroll.editor.scrollTo(lockScroll.editorScrollInfo.left, lockScroll.editorScrollInfo.top); lockScroll = null; } }); document.addEventListener("keydown", function(e) { if (!e.altKey && e.keyCode >= 70 && e.keyCode <= 114) { if (e.keyCode == 83 && (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) && !e.shiftKey) { // Ctrl-S, Cmd-S e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); save(); } else if (e.target.localName != "textarea") { // textareas are handled by CodeMirror if (e.keyCode == 70 && (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) && !e.shiftKey) { /* Ctrl-F, Cmd-F */ document.browserSearchHandler(e, "find"); } else if (e.keyCode == 71 && (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey)) { /*Ctrl-G, Ctrl-Shift-G, Cmd-G, Cmd-Shift-G*/ document.browserSearchHandler(e, e.shiftKey ? "findPrev" : "findNext"); } else if (e.keyCode == 114 && !e.ctrlKey && !e.metaKey) { /*F3, Shift-F3*/ document.browserSearchHandler(e, e.shiftKey ? "findPrev" : "findNext"); } } } }); chrome.tabs.query({currentWindow: true}, function(tabs) { isSeparateWindow = tabs.length == 1; }); window.onbeforeunload = function() { if (isSeparateWindow) { prefs.setPref('windowPosition', { left: screenLeft, top: screenTop, width: outerWidth, height: outerHeight }); } document.activeElement.blur(); return !isCleanGlobal() ? t('styleChangesNotSaved') : null; } function addAppliesTo(list, name, value) { var showingEverything = list.querySelector(".applies-to-everything") != null; // blow away "Everything" if it's there if (showingEverything) { list.removeChild(list.firstChild); } var e; if (name && value) { e = appliesToTemplate.cloneNode(true); e.querySelector("[name=applies-type]").value = name; e.querySelector("[name=applies-value]").value = value; e.querySelector(".remove-applies-to").addEventListener("click", removeAppliesTo, false); } else if (showingEverything || list.hasChildNodes()) { e = appliesToTemplate.cloneNode(true); if (list.hasChildNodes()) { e.querySelector("[name=applies-type]").value = list.querySelector("li:last-child [name='applies-type']").value; } e.querySelector(".remove-applies-to").addEventListener("click", removeAppliesTo, false); } else { e = appliesToEverythingTemplate.cloneNode(true); } e.querySelector(".add-applies-to").addEventListener("click", function() {addAppliesTo(this.parentNode.parentNode)}, false); list.appendChild(e); } function addSection(event, section) { var div = sectionTemplate.cloneNode(true); div.querySelector(".applies-to-help").addEventListener("click", showAppliesToHelp, false); div.querySelector(".remove-section").addEventListener("click", removeSection, false); div.querySelector(".add-section").addEventListener("click", addSection, false); var codeElement = div.querySelector(".code"); var appliesTo = div.querySelector(".applies-to-list"); var appliesToAdded = false; if (section) { codeElement.value = section.code; for (var i in propertyToCss) { if (section[i]) { section[i].forEach(function(url) { addAppliesTo(appliesTo, propertyToCss[i], url); appliesToAdded = true; }); } } } if (!appliesToAdded) { addAppliesTo(appliesTo); } appliesTo.addEventListener("change", onChange); appliesTo.addEventListener("input", onChange); var sections = document.getElementById("sections"); if (event) { var clickedSection = event.target.parentNode; sections.insertBefore(div, clickedSection.nextElementSibling); var newIndex = document.querySelectorAll("#sections > div").indexOf(clickedSection) + 1; setupCodeMirror(codeElement, newIndex).focus(); } else { sections.appendChild(div); setupCodeMirror(codeElement); } setCleanSection(div); } function removeAppliesTo(event) { var appliesTo = event.target.parentNode, appliesToList = appliesTo.parentNode; removeAreaAndSetDirty(appliesTo); if (!appliesToList.hasChildNodes()) { addAppliesTo(appliesToList); } } function removeSection(event) { var section = event.target.parentNode; var cm = section.querySelector(".CodeMirror").CodeMirror; removeAreaAndSetDirty(section); editors.splice(editors.indexOf(cm), 1); } function removeAreaAndSetDirty(area) { area.querySelectorAll('.style-contributor').some(function(node) { if (node.savedValue) { // it's a saved section, so make it dirty and stop the enumeration setCleanItem(area, false); return true; } else { // it's an empty section, so undirty the applies-to items, // otherwise orphaned ids would keep the style dirty setCleanItem(node, true); } }); updateTitle(); area.parentNode.removeChild(area); } function makeSectionVisible(cm) { var section = cm.display.wrapper.parentNode; var bounds = section.getBoundingClientRect(); if ((bounds.bottom > window.innerHeight && bounds.top > 0) || (bounds.top < 0 && bounds.bottom < window.innerHeight)) { lockScroll = null; if (bounds.top < 0) { window.scrollBy(0, bounds.top - 1); } else { window.scrollBy(0, bounds.bottom - window.innerHeight + 1); } } } function setupGlobalSearch() { var originalCommand = { find: CodeMirror.commands.find, findNext: CodeMirror.commands.findNext, findPrev: CodeMirror.commands.findPrev } function shouldIgnoreCase(query) { // treat all-lowercase non-regexp queries as case-insensitive return typeof query == "string" && query == query.toLowerCase(); } function find(activeCM) { var originalOpenDialog = activeCM.openDialog; activeCM.openDialog = function(template, callback, options) { originalOpenDialog.call(activeCM, template, function(query) { activeCM.openDialog = originalOpenDialog; callback(query); var state = activeCM.state.search; if (editors.length == 1 || !state.query) { return; } for (var i=0; i < editors.length; i++) { var cm = editors[i]; if (cm == activeCM) { continue; } cm.execCommand("clearSearch"); cm.state.search = { query: state.query, overlay: state.overlay, annotate: cm.showMatchesOnScrollbar(state.query, shouldIgnoreCase(state.query)) } cm.addOverlay(state.overlay); } if (CodeMirror.cmpPos(activeCM.state.search.posFrom, activeCM.state.search.posTo) == 0) { findNext(activeCM); } }, options); } originalCommand.find(activeCM); } function findNext(activeCM, reverse) { if (!activeCM.state.search || !activeCM.state.search.query) { find(activeCM); return; } var pos = activeCM.getCursor(); // check if the search term is currently selected in the editor var m = activeCM.getSelection().match(activeCM.state.search.query); if (m && m[0].length == activeCM.getSelection().length) { pos = activeCM.getCursor(reverse ? "from" : "to"); activeCM.setSelection(activeCM.getCursor()); } for (var i=0, cm=activeCM; i < editors.length; i++) { var state = cm.state.search; if (cm != activeCM) { pos = reverse ? CodeMirror.Pos(cm.lastLine()) : CodeMirror.Pos(0, 0); } var searchCursor = cm.getSearchCursor(state.query, pos, shouldIgnoreCase(state.query)); if (searchCursor.find(reverse)) { if (editors.length > 1) { makeSectionVisible(cm); cm.focus(); } // speedup the original findNext state.posFrom = reverse ? searchCursor.to() : searchCursor.from(); state.posTo = CodeMirror.Pos(state.posFrom.line, state.posFrom.ch); originalCommand[reverse ? "findPrev" : "findNext"](cm); return; } cm = editors[(editors.indexOf(cm) + (reverse ? -1 + editors.length : 1)) % editors.length]; } // nothing found so far, so call the original search with wrap-around originalCommand[reverse ? "findPrev" : "findNext"](activeCM); } function findPrev(cm) { findNext(cm, true); } function getVisibleEditor() { var linesVisible = 2; // closest editor should have at least # lines visible function getScrollDistance(cm) { var bounds = cm.display.wrapper.parentNode.getBoundingClientRect(); if (bounds.top < 0) { return -bounds.top; } else if (bounds.top < window.innerHeight - cm.defaultTextHeight() * linesVisible) { return 0; } else { return bounds.top - bounds.height; } } if (editors.lastActive && getScrollDistance(editors.lastActive) == 0) { return editors.lastActive; } var sorted = editors .map(function(cm, index) { return {cm: cm, distance: getScrollDistance(cm), index: index} }) .sort(function(a, b) { return Math.sign(a.distance - b.distance) || Math.sign(a.index - b.index)}); var cm = sorted[0].cm; if (sorted[0].distance > 0) { makeSectionVisible(cm) } cm.focus(); return cm; } document.browserSearchHandler = function(event, command) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); if (!event.target.classList.contains("CodeMirror-search-field")) { CodeMirror.commands[command](getVisibleEditor()); } } CodeMirror.commands.find = find; CodeMirror.commands.findNext = findNext; CodeMirror.commands.findPrev = findPrev; } function jumpToLine(cm) { var cur = cm.getCursor(); cm.openDialog(t('editGotoLine') + ': ', function(str) { var m = str.match(/^\s*(\d+)(?:\s*:\s*(\d+))?\s*$/); if (m) { cm.setCursor(m[1] - 1, m[2] ? m[2] - 1 : cur.ch); } }, {value: cur.line+1}); } function nextPrevBuffer(cm, direction) { cm = editors[(editors.indexOf(cm) + direction + editors.length) % editors.length]; makeSectionVisible(cm); cm.focus(); } window.addEventListener("load", init, false); function init() { tE("sections-help", "helpAlt", "alt"); var params = getParams(); if (!params.id) { // match should be 2 - one for the whole thing, one for the parentheses // This is an add var section = {code: ""} for (var i in CssToProperty) { if (params[i]) { section[CssToProperty[i]] = [params[i]]; } } addSection(null, section); // default to enabled document.getElementById("enabled").checked = true tE("heading", "addStyleTitle"); initHooks(); return; } // This is an edit chrome.extension.sendMessage({method: "getStyles", id: params.id}, function(styles) { var style = styles[0]; styleId = style.id; initWithStyle(style); }); } function initWithStyle(style) { document.getElementById("name").value = style.name; document.getElementById("enabled").checked = style.enabled == "true"; document.getElementById("heading").innerHTML = t("editStyleHeading"); // if this was done in response to an update, we need to clear existing sections document.querySelectorAll("#sections > div").forEach(function(div) { div.parentNode.removeChild(div); }); style.sections.forEach(function(section) { setTimeout(function() { addSection(null, section) }, 0); }); initHooks(); } function initHooks() { document.querySelectorAll("#header .style-contributor").forEach(function(node) { node.addEventListener("change", onChange); node.addEventListener("input", onChange); }); setupGlobalSearch(); setCleanGlobal(); updateTitle(); } function updateTitle() { const DIRTY_TITLE = "* $"; var name = document.getElementById("name").savedValue; var clean = isCleanGlobal(); var title = styleId === null ? t("addStyleTitle") : t('editStyleTitle', [name]); document.title = clean ? title : DIRTY_TITLE.replace("$", title); } function validate() { var name = document.getElementById("name").value; if (name == "") { return t("styleMissingName"); } // validate the regexps if (document.querySelectorAll(".applies-to-list").some(function(list) { return list.childNodes.some(function(li) { if (li.className == appliesToEverythingTemplate.className) { return false; } var valueElement = li.querySelector("[name=applies-value]"); var type = li.querySelector("[name=applies-type]").value; var value = valueElement.value; if (type && value) { if (type == "regexp") { try { new RegExp(value); } catch (ex) { valueElement.focus(); return true; } } } return false; }); })) { return t("styleBadRegexp"); } return null; } function save() { // save the contents of the CodeMirror editors back into the textareas for (var i=0; i < editors.length; i++) { editors[i].save(); } var error = validate(); if (error) { alert(error); return; } var name = document.getElementById("name").value; var enabled = document.getElementById("enabled").checked; var request = { method: "saveStyle", id: styleId, name: name, enabled: enabled, sections: getSections() }; chrome.extension.sendMessage(request, saveComplete); } function getSections() { var sections = []; document.querySelectorAll("#sections > div").forEach(function(div) { var meta = getMeta(div); var code = div.querySelector(".CodeMirror").CodeMirror.getValue(); if (/^\s*$/.test(code) && Object.keys(meta).length == 0) { return; } meta.code = code; sections.push(meta); }); return sections; } function getMeta(e) { var meta = {}; e.querySelector(".applies-to-list").childNodes.forEach(function(li) { if (li.className == appliesToEverythingTemplate.className) { return; } var type = li.querySelector("[name=applies-type]").value; var value = li.querySelector("[name=applies-value]").value; if (type && value) { var property = CssToProperty[type]; meta[property] ? meta[property].push(value) : meta[property] = [value]; } }); return meta; } function saveComplete(style) { styleId = style.id; setCleanGlobal(); // Go from new style URL to edit style URL if (location.href.indexOf("id=") == -1) { // give the code above a moment before we kill the page setTimeout(function() {location.href = "edit.html?id=" + style.id;}, 200); } else { updateTitle(); } } function showMozillaFormat() { window.open("data:text/plain;charset=UTF-8," + encodeURIComponent(toMozillaFormat())); } function toMozillaFormat() { return getSections().map(function(section) { var cssMds = []; for (var i in propertyToCss) { if (section[i]) { cssMds = cssMds.concat(section[i].map(function (v){ return propertyToCss[i] + "(\"" + v.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\") + "\")"; })); } } return cssMds.length ? "@-moz-document " + cssMds.join(", ") + " {\n" + section.code + "\n}" : section.code; }).join("\n\n"); } function showSectionHelp() { showHelp(t("sectionHelp")); } function showAppliesToHelp() { showHelp(t("appliesHelp")); } function showToMozillaHelp() { showHelp(t("styleToMozillaFormatHelp")); } function showHelp(text) { alert(text); } function getParams() { var params = {}; var urlParts = location.href.split("?", 2); if (urlParts.length == 1) { return params; } urlParts[1].split("&").forEach(function(keyValue) { var splitKeyValue = keyValue.split("=", 2); params[decodeURIComponent(splitKeyValue[0])] = decodeURIComponent(splitKeyValue[1]); }); return params; } chrome.extension.onMessage.addListener(function(request, sender, sendResponse) { var installed = document.getElementById("installed"); switch (request.method) { case "styleUpdated": if (styleId == request.id) { initWithStyle(request.style); } break; case "styleDeleted": if (styleId == request.id) { window.close(); break; } break; case "prefChanged": if (request.prefName == "editor.smartIndent") { CodeMirror.setOption("smartIndent", request.value); } } }); tE("name", "styleMissingName", "placeholder"); tE("enabled-label", "styleEnabledLabel"); tE("to-mozilla", "styleToMozillaFormat"); tE("save-button", "styleSaveLabel"); tE("cancel-button", "styleCancelEditLabel"); tE("sections-heading", "styleSectionsTitle"); tE("options-heading", "optionsHeading"); document.getElementById("to-mozilla").addEventListener("click", showMozillaFormat, false); document.getElementById("to-mozilla-help").addEventListener("click", showToMozillaHelp, false); document.getElementById("save-button").addEventListener("click", save, false); document.getElementById("sections-help").addEventListener("click", showSectionHelp, false);