/* global $ $$ */// dom.js /* global API */// msg.js /* exported StyleSettings */ 'use strict'; function StyleSettings(editor) { let {style} = editor; const inputs = [ createInput('.style-update-url input', () => style.updateUrl || '', e => API.styles.config(style.id, 'updateUrl', e.target.value)), createRadio('.style-prefer-scheme input', () => style.preferScheme || 'none', e => API.styles.config(style.id, 'preferScheme', e.target.value)), ...[ ['.style-include', 'inclusions'], ['.style-exclude', 'exclusions'], ].map(createArea), ]; update(style); editor.on('styleChange', update); function textToList(text) { const list = text.split(/\s*\r?\n\s*/g); return list.filter(Boolean); } function update(newStyle, reason) { if (!newStyle.id) return; if (reason === 'editSave') return; style = newStyle; $('.style-settings').disabled = false; inputs.forEach(i => i.update()); } function createArea([parentSel, type]) { const sel = parentSel + ' textarea'; const el = $(sel); el.on('input', () => { const val = el.value; el.rows = val.match(/^/gm).length + !val.endsWith('\n'); }); return createInput(sel, () => { const list = style[type] || []; const text = list.join('\n'); el.rows = (list.length || 1) + 1; return text; }, () => API.styles.config(style.id, type, textToList(el.value)) ); } function createRadio(selector, getter, setter) { const els = $$(selector); for (const el of els) { el.addEventListener('change', e => { if (el.checked) { setter(e); } }); } return { update() { for (const el of els) { if (el.value === getter()) { el.checked = true; } } }, }; } function createInput(selector, getter, setter) { const el = $(selector); el.addEventListener('change', setter); return { update() { el.value = getter(); }, }; } }