	"appliesToEverything": {
		"message": "Todos los sitios",
		"description": "Text displayed for styles that apply to all sites"
	"linterIssues": {
		"message": "Problemas",
		"description": "Label for the CSS linter issues block on the style edit page"
	"defaultTheme": {
		"message": "predeterminado",
		"description": "Default CodeMirror CSS theme option on the edit style page"
	"styleRegexpTestTitle": {
		"message": "Lista de pestañas coincidentes abiertas (pulse en el URL para poner el foco en esa pestaña)",
		"description": "RegExp test report: title of the report"
	"bckpInstStyles": {
		"message": "Exportar estilos",
		"description": ""
	"optionsUpdateInterval": {
		"message": "Buscar e instalar automáticamente todas las actualizaciones disponibles de estilos de usuario (en horas)",
		"description": ""
	"styleEnabledToggleHint": {
		"message": "Pulse Alt-Intro para accionar el estado habilitado/deshabilitado y guardar el estilo",
		"description": "Help text for the '[x] enable' checkbox in the editor"
	"exportLabel": {
		"message": "Exportar",
		"description": "Label for the button to export a style ('edit' page) or all styles ('manage' page)"
	"linterJSONError": {
		"message": "Formato JSON no válido",
		"description": "Setting linter config with invalid JSON"
	"optionsBadgeNormal": {
		"message": "Color de fondo",
		"description": ""
	"updateCheckHistory": {
		"message": "Historial de búsqueda de actualizaciones",
		"description": ""
	"cm_tabSize": {
		"message": "Tamaño de la pestaña",
		"description": "Label for the text box controlling tab size option for the style editor."
	"enableStyleLabel": {
		"message": "Activar",
		"description": "Label for the button to enable a style"
	"styleMissingName": {
		"message": "Introduzca un nombre",
		"description": "Error displayed when user saves without providing a name"
	"genericHistoryLabel": {
		"message": "Historial",
		"description": "Used in various places to show a history log of something"
	"shortcutsNote": {
		"message": "Defina atajos de teclado",
		"description": ""
	"appliesDomainOption": {
		"message": "URLs en el dominio",
		"description": "Option to make the style apply to the entered string as a domain"
	"checkForUpdate": {
		"message": "Buscar actualización",
		"description": "Label for the button to check a single style for an update"
	"styleNotAppliedRegexpProblemTooltip": {
		"message": "El estilo no se aplicó debido a su uso incorrecto de 'regexp()'",
		"description": "Tooltip in the popup for styles that were not applied at all"
	"styleRegexpInvalidExplanation": {
		"message": "Algunas reglas «regexp()» que no se pudieron compilar en absoluto.",
		"description": ""
	"optionsIconDark": {
		"message": "Temas de navegador oscuros",
		"description": ""
	"importAppendLabel": {
		"message": "Agregar al estilo",
		"description": "Label for the button to import a style and append to the existing sections"
	"optionsOpenManager": {
		"message": "Administrar estilos",
		"description": ""
	"updateAllCheckSucceededNoUpdate": {
		"message": "No se encontraron actualizaciones.",
		"description": "Text that displays when an update all check completed and no updates are available"
	"importReportLegendAdded": {
		"message": "añadidos",
		"description": "Text after the number of styles added in the report shown after importing styles"
	"styleFromMozillaFormatPrompt": {
		"message": "Pegue el código de formato Mozilla",
		"description": "Prompt in the dialog displayed after clicking 'Import from Mozilla format' button"
	"dragDropMessage": {
		"message": "Suelte su fichero de copia de seguridad en cualquier lugar de esta página para importarlo.",
		"description": "Drag'n'drop message"
	"helpAlt": {
		"message": "Ayuda",
		"description": "Alternate text for help buttons"
	"confirmOK": {
		"message": "Aceptar",
		"description": ""
	"search": {
		"message": "Buscar",
		"description": "Label before the search input field in the editor shown on Ctrl-F"
	"manageFaviconsGray": {
		"message": "Atenuado",
		"description": "Label for the checkbox that toggles grayed out mode of applies-to favicons in the new UI on manage page"
	"confirmYes": {
		"message": "Sí",
		"description": "'Yes' button in a confirm dialog"
	"findStylesForSite": {
		"message": "Encontrar más estilos para este sitio",
		"description": "Text for a link that gets a list of styles for the current site"
	"manageHeading": {
		"message": "Estilos instalados",
		"description": "Heading for the manage page"
	"styleBeautify": {
		"message": "Embellecer",
		"description": "Label for the CSS-beautifier button on the edit style page"
	"styleRegexpProblemTooltip": {
		"message": "Número de secciones no aplicadas debido a un uso incorrecto de 'regexp()'",
		"description": "Tooltip in the popup for styles that were applied only partially"
	"styleEnabledLabel": {
		"message": "Activado",
		"description": "Label for the enabled state of styles"
	"linterConfigTooltip": {
		"message": "Pulse para configurar este deshilvanador (linter)",
		"description": "Icon tooltip to indicate that it opens a popup with the selected linter configuration"
	"styleToMozillaFormatHelp": {
		"message": "El formato Mozilla del código se puede enviar a userstyles.org y usarse con el Stylish para Firefox clásico.",
		"description": "Help info for the Mozilla format header section that converts the code to/from Mozilla format"
	"sectionAdd": {
		"message": "Añadir otra sección",
		"description": "Label for the button to add a section"
	"styleRegexpTestPartial": {
		"message": "No completamente coincidentes, por tanto omitidos",
		"description": "RegExp test report: label for the partially matching expressions"
	"styleSaveLabel": {
		"message": "Guardar",
		"description": "Label for save button for style editing"
	"genericSavedMessage": {
		"message": "Guardado",
		"description": "Used in various parts of the UI to indicate that something was saved"
	"confirmDelete": {
		"message": "Eliminar",
		"description": ""
	"confirmCancel": {
		"message": "Cancelar",
		"description": ""
	"retrieveBckp": {
		"message": "Importar estilos",
		"description": ""
	"confirmStop": {
		"message": "Detener",
		"description": "'Stop' button in a confirm dialog"
	"writeStyleForURL": {
		"message": "este URL",
		"description": "Text for link in toolbar pop-up to write a new style for the current URL"
	"optionsSubheading": {
		"message": "Más opciones",
		"description": "Subheading for options section on manage page."
	"appliesAdd": {
		"message": "Añadir",
		"description": "Label for the button to add an 'applies' entry"
	"appliesRegexpOption": {
		"message": "URLs coincidentes con la regexp",
		"description": "Option to make the style apply to the entered string as a regular expression"
	"optionsAdvancedExposeIframesNote": {
		"message": "Activa la escritura de CSS específico-para-iframe como «html[stylus-iframe] h1 { display:none }»",
		"description": ""
	"importReportLegendUpdatedCode": {
		"message": "código actualizado",
		"description": "Text after the number of styles with updated code (meta info is unchanged) in the report shown after importing styles"
	"styleInstall": {
		"message": "¿Quiere instalar «$stylename$» en Stylus?",
		"description": "Confirmation when installing a style",
		"placeholders": {
			"stylename": {
				"content": "$1"
	"optionsBadgeDisabled": {
		"message": "Color de fondo cuando está desactivado",
		"description": ""
	"optionsCheck": {
		"message": "Actualizar estilos",
		"description": ""
	"manageText": {
		"message": "<a href='https://userstyles.org'>Obtener estilos en userstyles.org</a> | <a href='http://add0n.com/stylus.html'>Obtener ayuda</a>",
		"description": "Help text on the manage page"
	"manageOnlyLocal": {
		"message": "Sólo estilos creados localmente",
		"description": "Checkbox to show only locally created styles i.e. non-updatable"
	"linterIssuesHelp": {
		"message": "Estos problemas fueron encontrados por $link$:",
		"description": "Help popup message for the selected CSS linter issues block on the style edit page",
		"placeholders": {
			"link": {
				"content": "$1"
	"searchStyles": {
		"message": "Buscar contenidos",
		"description": "Label for the search filter textbox on the Manage styles page"
	"optionsUpdateImportNote": {
		"message": "Al importar copias de seguridad de estilos desde una versión antigua o desde Stylish, realice una única búsqueda manual de actualizaciones en el administrador de estilos para asegurarse de que todos los estilos están actualizados.",
		"description": ""
	"checkAllUpdatesForce": {
		"message": "Comprobar de nuevo, ¡no he editado ningún estilo!",
		"description": "Label for the button to apply all detected updates"
	"unreachableFileHint": {
		"message": "Stylus puede acceder a URL file:// solo si activa la casilla correspondiente para la extensión Stylus en la página chrome://extensions.",
		"description": "Note in the toolbar popup for file:// URLs"
	"disableStyleLabel": {
		"message": "Desactivar",
		"description": "Label for the button to disable a style"
	"prefShowBadge": {
		"message": "Número de estilos activos en el sitio actual",
		"description": "Label for the checkbox controlling toolbar badge text."
	"manageFavicons": {
		"message": "Favicons en la columna se-aplica-a",
		"description": "Label for the checkbox that toggles applies-to favicons in the new UI on manage page"
	"menuShowBadge": {
		"message": "Mostrar número de estilos activos",
		"description": "Label (must be very short) for the checkbox in the toolbar button context menu controlling toolbar badge text."
	"cm_lineWrapping": {
		"message": "Ajuste de línea",
		"description": "Label for the checkbox controlling word wrap option for the style editor."
	"styleCancelEditLabel": {
		"message": "Volver al administrador",
		"description": "Label for cancel button for style editing"
	"styleChangesNotSaved": {
		"message": "Ha realizado cambios en este estilo sin guardarlos.",
		"description": "Text for the prompt when changes are made to a style and the user tries to leave without saving"
	"importLabel": {
		"message": "Importar",
		"description": "Label for the button to import a style ('edit' page) or all styles ('manage' page)"
	"shortcuts": {
		"message": "Atajos",
		"description": "Go to shortcut configuration"
	"updateCheckFailServerUnreachable": {
		"message": "Error de actualización: no se pudo contactar con el servidor.",
		"description": "Text that displays when an update check failed because the update server is unreachable"
	"manageFilters": {
		"message": "Filtros",
		"description": "Label for filters container"
	"applyAllUpdates": {
		"message": "Aplicar todas las actualizaciones",
		"description": "Label for the button to apply all detected updates"
	"optionsReset": {
		"message": "Restablecer las opciones a sus valores predeterminados.",
		"description": ""
	"optionsCustomizeUpdate": {
		"message": "Actualizaciones",
		"description": ""
	"deleteStyleConfirm": {
		"message": "¿Confirma que quiere eliminar este estilo?",
		"description": "Confirmation before deleting a style"
	"optionsCustomizePopup": {
		"message": "Cuadro emergente",
		"description": ""
	"styleBadRegexp": {
		"message": "La expresión regular proporcionada no es válida.",
		"description": "Validation message for a bad regexp in a style"
	"optionsHeading": {
		"message": "Opciones",
		"description": "Heading for options section on manage page."
	"appliesDisplay": {
		"message": "Se aplica a: $applies$",
		"description": "Text on the manage screen to describe what the style applies to",
		"placeholders": {
			"applies": {
				"content": "$1"
	"optionsIconLight": {
		"message": "Temas de navegador claros",
		"description": ""
	"openStylesManager": {
		"message": "Abrir administrador de estilos",
		"description": "Label for the style maanger opener in the browser action context menu."
	"styleUpdate": {
		"message": "¿Confirma que quiere actualizar «$stylename$»?",
		"description": "Confirmation when updating a style",
		"placeholders": {
			"stylename": {
				"content": "$1"
	"dysfunctional": {
		"message": "Stylus no puede funcionar en ventanas privadas porque Firefox no permite conexión directa al contexto de la página de entorno interna de la extensión.",
		"description": "Displayed in Firefox when its settings make Stylus dysfunctional"
	"styleSectionsTitle": {
		"message": "Secciones",
		"description": "Title for the style sections section"
	"importReportLegendInvalid": {
		"message": "no válidos omitidos",
		"description": "Text after the number of styles skipped due to being invalid (not a Stylus/Stylish backup file probably) in the report shown after importing styles"
	"genericResetLabel": {
		"message": "Restablecer",
		"description": "Used in various parts of UI to indicate that something may be reset to its original state"
	"editStyleTitle": {
		"message": "Editar estilo $stylename$",
		"description": "Title of the page for editing styles",
		"placeholders": {
			"stylename": {
				"content": "$1"
	"updateCheckSucceededNoUpdate": {
		"message": "El estilo está actualizado.",
		"description": "Text that displays when an update check completed and no update is available"
	"appliesUrlPrefixOption": {
		"message": "URLs que empiezan con",
		"description": "Option to make the style apply to the entered string as a URL prefix"
	"cm_matchHighlightToken": {
		"message": "Resaltado de palabra señalada",
		"description": "Style editor's 'highglight' drop-down list option: highlight the occurrences of of the word/token under cursor even if nothing is selected"
	"searchRegexp": {
		"message": "Use la sintaxis /re/ para búsquedas con expresiones regulares",
		"description": "Label after the search input field in the editor shown on Ctrl-F"
	"updateCheckManualUpdateHint": {
		"message": "Forzar una actualización sobrescribirá cualquier edición local.",
		"description": "Additional text displayed when an update check skipped updating the style to avoid losing local modifications"
	"toggleStyle": {
		"message": "Conmutar estilo",
		"description": "Label for the checkbox to enable/disable a style"
	"importReplaceTooltip": {
		"message": "Descarta contenidos del estilo actual y los sobrescribe con el estilo importado",
		"description": "Label for the button to import and overwrite current style"
	"cm_resizeGripHint": {
		"message": "Doble-clic para maximizar/restaurar la altura",
		"description": "Tooltip for the resize grip in style editor"
	"popupStylesFirst": {
		"message": "Estilos antes que las órdenes",
		"description": "Label for the checkbox controlling section order in the popup."
	"sectionHelp": {
		"message": "Las secciones le permiten definir distintos fragmentos de código en el mismo estilo para aplicarlos a diferentes conjuntos de URLs. Por ejemplo, un único estilo puede cambiar la página de inicio de un sitio de una forma y modificar el resto del sitio de otra.",
		"description": "Help text for sections"
	"noStylesForSite": {
		"message": "No hay estilos instalados para este sitio.",
		"description": "Text displayed when no styles are installed for the current site"
	"appliesDisplayTruncatedSuffix": {
		"message": "y más sitios",
		"description": "Text added to appliesDisplay when there are more sites for the style than are displayed"
	"appliesRemove": {
		"message": "Eliminar",
		"description": "Label for the button to remove an 'applies' entry"
	"updatesCurrentlyInstalled": {
		"message": "Actualizaciones instaladas:",
		"description": "Text that displays when an update is installed on options page. Followed by the number of currently installed updates."
	"styleToMozillaFormatTitle": {
		"message": "Estilo en formato Mozilla",
		"description": "Title of the popup with the style code in Mozilla format, shown after pressing the Export button on Edit style page"
	"writeStyleFor": {
		"message": "Escribir estilo para:",
		"description": "Label for toolbar pop-up that precedes the links to write a new style"
	"replace": {
		"message": "Reemplazar",
		"description": "Label before the replace input field in the editor shown on Ctrl-H"
	"styleRegexpTestNone": {
		"message": "No hay pestañas coincidentes",
		"description": "RegExp test report: label for expressions that didn't match any tabs"
	"importReportLegendUpdatedMeta": {
		"message": "actualizaron la meta información",
		"description": "Text after the number of styles with updated meta info like name/url in the report shown after importing styles"
	"appliesLabel": {
		"message": "Se aplica a",
		"description": "Label for 'applies to' fields on the edit/add screen"
	"openOptionsPopup": {
		"message": "Opciones",
		"description": "Go to Options UI"
	"openManage": {
		"message": "Administrar",
		"description": "Link to open the manage page."
	"updateCheckFailBadResponseCode": {
		"message": "Error de actualización: el servidor ha respondido con el código $code$.",
		"description": "Text that displays when an update check failed because the response code indicates an error",
		"placeholders": {
			"code": {
				"content": "$1"
	"appliesSpecify": {
		"message": "Especificar",
		"description": "Label for the button to make a style apply only to specific sites"
	"installUpdate": {
		"message": "Instalar actualización",
		"description": "Label for the button to install an update for a single style"
	"optionsCheckUpdate": {
		"message": "Buscar e instalar todas las actualizaciones disponibles",
		"description": ""
	"filteredStyles": {
		"message": "$numShown$ mostrados de $numTotal$ en total",
		"description": "TL note - make this message short",
		"placeholders": {
			"numTotal": {
				"content": "$2"
			"numShown": {
				"content": "$1"
	"importReportTitle": {
		"message": "Se completó la importación de estilos",
		"description": "Title of the report shown after importing styles"
	"styleMozillaFormatHeading": {
		"message": "Formato Mozilla",
		"description": "Heading for the section with buttons to import/export Mozilla format of the style"
	"cm_matchHighlight": {
		"message": "Resaltar",
		"description": "Label for the drop-down list controlling the automatic highlighting of current word/selection occurrences in the style editor."
	"styleRegexpPartialExplanation": {
		"message": "Este estilo utiliza expresiones regulares (regexps) parcialmente coincidentes violando así la <a href='https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/CSS/@document'>especificación @document de CSS4</a> que requiere una coincidencia completa de URL. Las secciones CSS afectadas no se aplicaron a la página. Probablemente este estilo fue creado con Stylish-para-Chrome, que evalúa de modo incorrecto las reglas 'regexp()' desde la primera versión (un fallo conocido).",
		"description": ""
	"linterCSSLintSettings": {
		"message": "(Establezca la regla como: 0 = deshabilitada; 1 = advertencia; 2 = error)",
		"description": "CSSLint rule config values"
	"styleBeautifyIndentConditional": {
		"message": "Sangrar @media, @supports",
		"description": "CSS-beautifier option"
	"unreachableContentScript": {
		"message": "No se pudo comunicar con la página. Pruebe a recargar la pestaña.",
		"description": "Note in the toolbar popup usually on file:// URLs after [re]loading Stylus"
	"sectionRemove": {
		"message": "Eliminar sección",
		"description": "Label for the button to remove a section"
	"searchStylesTooltip": {
		"message": "Para mostrar estilos para una URL, precédala con 'url:'\nPor ejemplo, url:https://github.com/openstyles/stylus",
		"description": "Label for the search filter textbox on the Manage styles page"
	"disableAllStyles": {
		"message": "Desactivar todos los estilos",
		"description": "Label for the checkbox that turns all enabled styles off."
	"updateCheckSkippedMaybeLocallyEdited": {
		"message": "Este estilo podría haberse editado localmente.",
		"description": "Text that displays when an update check skipped updating the style to avoid losing possible local modifications"
	"undoGlobal": {
		"message": "Deshacer en todas las secciones",
		"description": "CSS-beautify global Undo button label"
	"optionsCustomizeIcon": {
		"message": "Icono de barra de herramientas",
		"description": ""
	"updateCompleted": {
		"message": "Actualización completada.",
		"description": "Text that displays when an update completed"
	"dysfunctionalBackgroundConnection": {
		"message": "No puede funcionar adecuadamente a causa de un fallo conocido en esta versión de Firefox: chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage() no devuelve un resultado válido.",
		"description": "Displayed in style manager when unable to connect to the background page"
	"checkingForUpdate": {
		"message": "Buscando...",
		"description": "Text to display when checking a style for an update"
	"styleRegexpTestFull": {
		"message": "Pestañas coincidentes",
		"description": "RegExp test report: label for the fully matching expressions"
	"manageMaxTargets": {
		"message": "Número de elementos se-aplica-a",
		"description": "Label for the numeric input box to limit max number of applies-to targets in the new UI on manage page"
	"popupManageTooltip": {
		"message": "Mayús+clic o clic secundario abre el administrador con estilos aplicables para el sitio actual.",
		"description": "Tooltip for the 'Manage' button in the popup."
	"manageFaviconsHelp": {
		"message": "Stylus usa un servicio externo https://www.google.com/s2/favicons",
		"description": "Label for the checkbox that toggles applies-to favicons in the new UI on manage page"
	"updateCheckSkippedLocallyEdited": {
		"message": "Este estilo se editó localmente.",
		"description": "Text that displays when an update check skipped updating the style to avoid losing local modifications"
	"linterRulesLink": {
		"message": "Vea una lista completa de reglas",
		"description": "Stylelint or CSSLint rules label added immediately before a link"
	"optionsResetButton": {
		"message": "Restablecer opciones",
		"description": ""
	"sectionCode": {
		"message": "Código",
		"description": "Label for the code for a section"
	"optionsAdvancedContextDelete": {
		"message": "Añadir 'Eliminar' al menú contextual del editor",
		"description": ""
	"linterConfigPopupTitle": {
		"message": "Establezcer configuración de $linter$ reglas",
		"description": "Stylelint or CSSLint popup header",
		"placeholders": {
			"linter": {
				"content": "$1"
	"importReportLegendUpdatedBoth": {
		"message": "actualizarón tanto meta información como código",
		"description": "Text after the number of styles updated entirely in the report shown after importing styles"
	"cm_smartIndent": {
		"message": "Usar sangría inteligente",
		"description": "Label for the checkbox controlling smart indentation option for the style editor."
	"styleRegexpTestButton": {
		"message": "Prueba de regexp",
		"description": "RegExp test button label in the editor shown when applies-to list has a regexp value"
	"appliesHelp": {
		"message": "Utilice los controles 'Se aplica a' para limitar a qué URLs se aplica el código de esta sección.",
		"description": "Help text for 'applies to' section"
	"editStyleHeading": {
		"message": "Editar estilo",
		"description": "Title of the page for editing styles"
	"editDeleteText": {
		"message": "Eliminar",
		"description": "Label for the context menu item in the editor to delete selected text"
	"cm_autocompleteOnTyping": {
		"message": "Autocompletar al escribir",
		"description": "Label for the checkbox in the style editor."
	"manageOnlyDisabled": {
		"message": "Sólo estilos deshabilitados",
		"description": "Checkbox to show only disabled styles"
	"stylusUnavailableForURLdetails": {
		"message": "Como precaución de seguridad, el navegador prohíbe que las extensiones afecten a sus páginas integradas (como chrome://version, o la página estándar de nueva pestaña desde Chrome 61, o about:addons, y demás) así como las páginas de otras extensiones. Cada navegador también restringe el acceso a su propia galería de extensiones (como Chrome Web Store o AMO).",
		"description": "Sub-note in the toolbar pop-up when on a URL Stylus can't affect"
	"cm_matchHighlightSelection": {
		"message": "Sólo selección",
		"description": "Style editor's 'highglight' drop-down list option: highlight the occurrences of currently selected text"
	"updateAllCheckSucceededSomeEdited": {
		"message": "No se buscaron actualizaciones de algunos estilos actualizables para evitar la pérdida de posibles ediciones locales. Se puede forzar la búsqueda de actualizaciones mediante comprobación individual, o ejecutando otra búsqueda para todos los estilos (las ediciones locales se sobrescribirán).",
		"description": "Text that displays when an update all check completed and no updates are available"
	"stylusUnavailableForURL": {
		"message": "Stylus no funciona en páginas como esta.",
		"description": "Note in the toolbar pop-up when on a URL Stylus can't affect"
	"manageOnlyUpdates": {
		"message": "Sólo con actualizaciones o problemas",
		"description": "Checkbox to show only styles that have updates after check-all-styles-for-updates was performed"
	"addStyleTitle": {
		"message": "Añadir estilo",
		"description": "Title of the page for adding styles"
	"importReplaceLabel": {
		"message": "Sobrescribir estilo",
		"description": "Label for the button to import and overwrite current style"
	"popupOpenEditInWindowTooltip": {
		"message": "También se habilita al desacoplar la pestaña del editor de una ventana de navegador,\ny se deshabilita al acoplar una única pestaña de editor en otra ventana.",
		"description": "Label for the checkbox controlling 'edit' action behavior in the popup."
	"dbError": {
		"message": "Ocurrió un error con la base de datos de Stylus. ¿Desea visitar una página web con posibles soluciones?",
		"description": "Prompt when a DB error is encountered"
	"optionsAdvanced": {
		"message": "Avanzadas",
		"description": ""
	"importAppendTooltip": {
		"message": "Agrega el estilo importado al estilo actual",
		"description": "Tooltip for the button to import a style and append to the existing sections"
	"editorStylesButton": {
		"message": "Buscar estilos del editor",
		"description": "Find styles for the editor"
	"optionsOpen": {
		"message": "Abrir",
		"description": ""
	"helpKeyMapHotkey": {
		"message": "Pulse un atajo",
		"description": "Placeholder text of inputbox in keymap help popup on the edit style page. Must be very short"
	"styleRegexpTestInvalid": {
		"message": "Expresiones regulares no válidas omitidas",
		"description": "RegExp test report: label for the invalid expressions"
	"manageOnlyExternal": {
		"message": "Sólo estilos externos",
		"description": "Checkbox to show only externally installed styles i.e. updatable"
	"replaceAll": {
		"message": "Reemplazar todo",
		"description": "Label before the replace input field in the editor shown on 'replaceAll' hotkey"
	"importReportUnchanged": {
		"message": "No se cambió nada.",
		"description": "Message in the report shown after importing styles"
	"optionsActions": {
		"message": "Acciones",
		"description": ""
	"editGotoLine": {
		"message": "Ir a la línea (o a línea:col)",
		"description": "Go to line or line:column on Ctrl-G in style code editor"
	"manageOnlyLocalTooltip": {
		"message": "(los estilos no instalados mediante una página de userstyles.org)",
		"description": "Tooltip for the checkbox to show only locally created styles i.e. non-updatable"
	"checkAllUpdates": {
		"message": "Buscar actualizaciones para todos los estilos",
		"description": "Label for the button to check all styles for updates"
	"openOptionsManage": {
		"message": "Interfaz de opciones",
		"description": "Go to Options UI"
	"optionsCustomizeBadge": {
		"message": "Distintivo en el icono de barra de herramientas",
		"description": ""
	"importReportLegendIdentical": {
		"message": "idénticos omitidos",
		"description": "Text after the number of styles skipped due to being identical to the already installed ones in the report shown after importing styles"
	"optionsPopupWidth": {
		"message": "Anchura del diálogo emergente (en píxeles)",
		"description": ""
	"linterInvalidConfigError": {
		"message": "No se guardó debido a estos ajustes de configuración no válidos:",
		"description": "Invalid linter config will show a message followed by a list of invalid entries"
	"undo": {
		"message": "Deshacer",
		"description": "Button label"
	"cm_keyMap": {
		"message": "Mapa de teclado",
		"description": "Label for the drop-down list controlling the keymap for the style editor."
	"manageNewUI": {
		"message": "Nuevo diseño de interfaz de gestión",
		"description": "Label for the checkbox that toggles the new UI on manage page"
	"importReportUndoneTitle": {
		"message": "La importación ha sido revertida",
		"description": "Title of the message box shown after undoing the import of styles"
	"genericDisabledLabel": {
		"message": "Desactivado",
		"description": "Used in various lists/options to indicate that something is disabled"
	"cm_indentWithTabs": {
		"message": "Usar pestañas con sangría inteligente",
		"description": "Label for the checkbox controlling tabs with smart indentation option for the style editor."
	"replaceWith": {
		"message": "Reemplazar con",
		"description": "Label before the replace-with input field in the editor shown on Ctrl-H etc."
	"deleteStyleLabel": {
		"message": "Eliminar",
		"description": "Label for the button to delete a style"
	"updateCheckManualUpdateForce": {
		"message": "Instalar actualización (se sobrescribirán las ediciones locales)",
		"description": "Additional text displayed when an update check skipped updating the style to avoid losing local modifications"
	"optionsAdvancedExposeIframes": {
		"message": "Exponer marcos integrados (iframes) vía HTML[stylus-iframe]",
		"description": ""
	"addStyleLabel": {
		"message": "Escribir un estilo nuevo",
		"description": "Label for the button to go to the add style page"
	"optionsUpdateIntervalNote": {
		"message": "Para desactivar las búsquedas automáticas de actualizaciones, establezca el intervalo a 0",
		"description": ""
	"backupButtons": {
		"message": "Copia de seguridad",
		"description": "Heading for backup"
	"manageOnlyEnabled": {
		"message": "Sólo estilos activos",
		"description": "Checkbox to show only enabled styles"
	"editStyleLabel": {
		"message": "Editar",
		"description": "Label for the button to go to the edit style page"
	"cm_theme": {
		"message": "Temas",
		"description": "Label for the style editor's CSS theme."
	"popupOpenEditInWindow": {
		"message": "Abrir editor en una nueva ventana",
		"description": "Label for the checkbox controlling 'edit' action behavior in the popup."
	"backupMessage": {
		"message": "Seleccione un fichero o arrástrelo y suéltelo en esta página.",
		"description": "Message for backup"
	"importReportUndone": {
		"message": "estilos fueron revertidos",
		"description": "Text after the number of styles reverted in the message box shown after undoing the import of styles"
	"helpKeyMapCommand": {
		"message": "Nombre del comando",
		"description": "Placeholder text of inputbox in keymap help popup on the edit style page. Must be very short"
	"linterResetMessage": {
		"message": "Para deshacer este restablecimiento accidental, pulse Ctrl+Z (o Cmd+Z) en el cuadro de texto",
		"description": "Reset button tooltip to inform user on how to undo an accidental reset"
	"description": {
		"message": "Rediseñe la web con Stylus, un administrador de estilos de usuario. Stylus le permite instalar fácilmente temas y coberturas para muchos sitios populares.",
		"description": "Extension description"