/* global loadScript semverCompare colorConverter styleCodeEmpty */ 'use strict'; // eslint-disable-next-line no-var var usercss = (() => { // true = global // false or 0 = private // = global key name // = (style, newValue) const KNOWN_META = new Map([ ['author', true], ['advanced', 0], ['description', true], ['homepageURL', 'url'], ['icon', 0], ['license', 0], ['name', true], ['namespace', 0], //['noframes', 0], ['preprocessor', 0], ['supportURL', 0], ['updateURL', (style, newValue) => { // always preserve locally installed style's updateUrl if (!/^file:/.test(style.updateUrl)) { style.updateUrl = newValue; } }], ['var', 0], ['version', 0], ]); const MANDATORY_META = ['name', 'namespace', 'version']; const META_VARS = ['text', 'color', 'checkbox', 'select', 'dropdown', 'image', 'number', 'range']; const META_URLS = [...KNOWN_META.keys()].filter(k => k.endsWith('URL')); const BUILDER = { default: { postprocess(sections, vars) { let varDef = Object.keys(vars).map(k => ` --${k}: ${vars[k].value};\n`).join(''); if (!varDef) return; varDef = ':root {\n' + varDef + '}\n'; for (const section of sections) { if (!styleCodeEmpty(section.code)) { section.code = varDef + section.code; } } } }, stylus: { preprocess(source, vars) { return loadScript('/vendor/stylus-lang-bundle/stylus.min.js').then(() => ( new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const varDef = Object.keys(vars).map(key => `${key} = ${vars[key].value};\n`).join(''); if (!Error.captureStackTrace) Error.captureStackTrace = () => {}; window.stylus(varDef + source).render((err, output) => { if (err) { reject(err); } else { resolve(output); } }); }) )); } }, less: { preprocess(source, vars) { window.less = window.less || { logLevel: 0, useFileCache: false, }; const varDefs = Object.keys(vars).map(key => `@${key}:${vars[key].value};\n`).join(''); return loadScript('/vendor/less/less.min.js') .then(() => window.less.render(varDefs + source)) .then(({css}) => css); } }, uso: { preprocess(source, vars) { const pool = new Map(); return Promise.resolve(doReplace(source)); function getValue(name, rgb) { if (!vars.hasOwnProperty(name)) { if (name.endsWith('-rgb')) { return getValue(name.slice(0, -4), true); } return null; } if (rgb) { if (vars[name].type === 'color') { const color = colorConverter.parse(vars[name].value); if (!color) return null; const {r, g, b} = color; return `${r}, ${g}, ${b}`; } return null; } if (vars[name].type === 'dropdown' || vars[name].type === 'select') { // prevent infinite recursion pool.set(name, ''); return doReplace(vars[name].value); } return vars[name].value; } function doReplace(text) { return text.replace(/\/\*\[\[([\w-]+)\]\]\*\//g, (match, name) => { if (!pool.has(name)) { const value = getValue(name); pool.set(name, value === null ? match : value); } return pool.get(name); }); } } } }; const RX_NUMBER = /-?\d+(\.\d+)?\s*/y; const RX_WHITESPACE = /\s*/y; const RX_WORD = /([\w-]+)\s*/y; const RX_STRING_BACKTICK = /(`(?:\\`|[\s\S])*?`)\s*/y; const RX_STRING_QUOTED = /((['"])(?:\\\2|[^\n])*?\2|\w+)\s*/y; const worker = {}; function getMetaSource(source) { const commentRe = /\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\//g; const metaRe = /==userstyle==[\s\S]*?==\/userstyle==/i; let m; // iterate through each comment while ((m = commentRe.exec(source))) { const commentSource = source.slice(m.index, m.index + m[0].length); const n = commentSource.match(metaRe); if (n) { return { index: m.index + n.index, text: n[0] }; } } return {text: '', index: 0}; } function parseWord(state, error = 'invalid word') { RX_WORD.lastIndex = state.re.lastIndex; const match = RX_WORD.exec(state.text); if (!match) { throw new Error((state.errorPrefix || '') + error); } state.value = match[1]; state.re.lastIndex += match[0].length; } function parseVar(state) { const result = { type: null, label: null, name: null, value: null, default: null, options: null }; parseWord(state, 'missing type'); result.type = state.type = state.value; if (!META_VARS.includes(state.type)) { throw new Error(`unknown type: ${state.type}`); } parseWord(state, 'missing name'); result.name = state.value; parseString(state); result.label = state.value; const {re, type, text} = state; switch (type === 'image' && state.key === 'var' ? '@image@var' : type) { case 'checkbox': { const match = text.slice(re.lastIndex).match(/([01])\s+/); if (!match) { throw new Error('value must be 0 or 1'); } re.lastIndex += match[0].length; result.default = match[1]; break; } case 'select': case '@image@var': { state.errorPrefix = 'Invalid JSON: '; parseJSONValue(state); state.errorPrefix = ''; const extractDefaultOption = (key, value) => { if (key.endsWith('*')) { const option = createOption(key.slice(0, -1), value); result.default = option.name; return option; } return createOption(key, value); }; if (Array.isArray(state.value)) { result.options = state.value.map(k => extractDefaultOption(k)); } else { result.options = Object.keys(state.value).map(k => extractDefaultOption(k, state.value[k])); } if (result.default === null) { result.default = (result.options[0] || {}).name || ''; } break; } case 'number': case 'range': { state.errorPrefix = 'Invalid JSON: '; parseJSONValue(state); state.errorPrefix = ''; // [default, start, end, step, units] (start, end, step & units are optional) if (Array.isArray(state.value) && state.value.length) { // label may be placed anywhere result.units = (state.value.find(i => typeof i === 'string') || '').replace(/[\d.+-]/g, ''); const range = state.value.filter(i => typeof i === 'number' || i == null); result.default = range[0]; result.min = range[1]; result.max = range[2]; result.step = range[3] == 0 ? 1 : range[3]; } break; } case 'dropdown': case 'image': { if (text[re.lastIndex] !== '{') { throw new Error('no open {'); } result.options = []; re.lastIndex++; while (text[re.lastIndex] !== '}') { const option = {}; parseStringUnquoted(state); option.name = state.value; parseString(state); option.label = state.value; if (type === 'dropdown') { parseEOT(state); } else { parseString(state); } option.value = state.value; result.options.push(option); } re.lastIndex++; eatWhitespace(state); result.default = result.options[0].name; break; } default: { // text, color, number parseStringToEnd(state); result.default = state.value; } } state.usercssData.vars[result.name] = result; validateVar(result); } function createOption(label, value) { let name; const match = label.match(/^(\w+):(.*)/); if (match) { ([, name, label] = match); } if (!name) { name = label; } if (!value) { value = name; } return {name, label, value}; } function parseEOT(state) { const re = /<< { if (s[1] === q) { return q; } return JSON.parse(`"${s}"`); } ); } return s; } function posOrEnd(haystack, needle, start) { const pos = haystack.indexOf(needle, start); return pos < 0 ? haystack.length : pos; } function buildMeta(sourceCode) { sourceCode = sourceCode.replace(/\r\n?/g, '\n'); const usercssData = { vars: {} }; const style = { reason: 'install', enabled: true, sourceCode, sections: [], usercssData }; const {text, index: metaIndex} = getMetaSource(sourceCode); const re = /@(\w+)[ \t\xA0]*/mg; const state = {style, re, text, usercssData}; function doParse() { let match; while ((match = re.exec(text))) { const key = state.key = match[1]; const route = KNOWN_META.get(key); if (route === undefined) { continue; } if (key === 'var' || key === 'advanced') { if (key === 'advanced') { state.maybeUSO = true; } parseVar(state); } else { parseStringToEnd(state); usercssData[key] = state.value; } let value = state.value; if (key === 'version') { value = usercssData[key] = normalizeVersion(value); validateVersion(value); } if (META_URLS.includes(key)) { validateUrl(key, value); } switch (typeof route) { case 'function': route(style, value); break; case 'string': style[route] = value; break; default: if (route) { style[key] = value; } } } } try { doParse(); } catch (e) { // the source code string offset e.index = metaIndex + state.re.lastIndex; throw e; } if (state.maybeUSO && !usercssData.preprocessor) { usercssData.preprocessor = 'uso'; } validateStyle(style); return style; } function normalizeVersion(version) { // https://docs.npmjs.com/misc/semver#versions if (version[0] === 'v' || version[0] === '=') { return version.slice(1); } return version; } /** * @param {Object} style * @param {Boolean} [allowErrors=false] * @returns {(Style | {style: Style, errors: (false|String[])})} - style object * when allowErrors is falsy or {style, errors} object when allowErrors is truthy */ function buildCode(style, allowErrors) { const {usercssData: {preprocessor, vars}, sourceCode} = style; let builder; if (preprocessor) { if (!BUILDER[preprocessor]) { return Promise.reject(chrome.i18n.getMessage('styleMetaErrorPreprocessor', preprocessor)); } builder = BUILDER[preprocessor]; } else { builder = BUILDER.default; } const sVars = simpleVars(vars); return ( Promise.resolve( builder.preprocess && builder.preprocess(sourceCode, sVars) || sourceCode) .then(mozStyle => invokeWorker({ action: 'parse', styleId: style.id, code: mozStyle, })) .then(({sections, errors}) => { if (!errors.length) errors = false; if (!sections.length || errors && !allowErrors) { return Promise.reject(errors); } style.sections = sections; if (builder.postprocess) builder.postprocess(style.sections, sVars); return allowErrors ? {style, errors} : style; })); } function simpleVars(vars) { // simplify vars by merging `va.default` to `va.value`, so BUILDER don't // need to test each va's default value. return Object.keys(vars).reduce((output, key) => { const va = vars[key]; output[key] = Object.assign({}, va, { value: va.value === null || va.value === undefined ? getVarValue(va, 'default') : getVarValue(va, 'value') }); return output; }, {}); } function getVarValue(va, prop) { if (va.type === 'select' || va.type === 'dropdown' || va.type === 'image') { // TODO: handle customized image return va.options.find(o => o.name === va[prop]).value; } if ((va.type === 'number' || va.type === 'range') && va.units) { return va[prop] + va.units; } return va[prop]; } function validateStyle({usercssData: data}) { for (const prop of MANDATORY_META) { if (!data[prop]) { throw new Error(chrome.i18n.getMessage('styleMissingMeta', prop)); } } validateVersion(data.version); META_URLS.forEach(k => validateUrl(k, data[k])); Object.keys(data.vars).forEach(k => validateVar(data.vars[k])); } function validateVersion(version) { semverCompare(version, '0.0.0'); } function validateUrl(key, url) { if (!url) { return; } url = new URL(url); if (!/^https?:/.test(url.protocol)) { throw new Error(`${url.protocol} is not a valid protocol in ${key}`); } } function validateVar(va, value = 'default') { if (va.type === 'select' || va.type === 'dropdown') { if (va.options.every(o => o.name !== va[value])) { throw new Error(chrome.i18n.getMessage('styleMetaErrorSelectValueMismatch')); } } else if (va.type === 'checkbox' && !/^[01]$/.test(va[value])) { throw new Error(chrome.i18n.getMessage('styleMetaErrorCheckbox')); } else if (va.type === 'color') { va[value] = colorConverter.format(colorConverter.parse(va[value]), 'rgb'); } else if ((va.type === 'number' || va.type === 'range') && typeof va[value] !== 'number') { throw new Error(chrome.i18n.getMessage('styleMetaErrorRangeOrNumber', va.type)); } } function assignVars(style, oldStyle) { const {usercssData: {vars}} = style; const {usercssData: {vars: oldVars}} = oldStyle; // The type of var might be changed during the update. Set value to null if the value is invalid. for (const key of Object.keys(vars)) { if (oldVars[key] && oldVars[key].value) { vars[key].value = oldVars[key].value; try { validateVar(vars[key], 'value'); } catch (e) { vars[key].value = null; } } } } function invokeWorker(message) { if (!worker.queue) { worker.instance = new Worker('/edit/csslint-loader.js'); worker.queue = []; worker.instance.onmessage = ({data}) => { worker.queue.shift().resolve(data.__ERROR__ ? Promise.reject(data.__ERROR__) : data); if (worker.queue.length) { worker.instance.postMessage(worker.queue[0].message); } }; } return new Promise(resolve => { worker.queue.push({message, resolve}); if (worker.queue.length === 1) { worker.instance.postMessage(message); } }); } return {buildMeta, buildCode, assignVars, invokeWorker}; })();