/* global API msg */// msg.js
/* global debounce deepMerge */// toolbox.js - not used in content scripts
'use strict';

(() => {
  if (window.INJECTED === 1) return;

  const STORAGE_KEY = 'settings';
  const clone = typeof deepMerge === 'function'
    ? deepMerge
    : val =>
      typeof val === 'object' && val
        ? JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(val))
        : val;
   * @type PrefsValues
   * @namespace PrefsValues
  const defaults = {
    // TODO: sort everything aphabetically
    'openEditInWindow': false,      // new editor opens in a own browser window
    'openEditInWindow.popup': false, // new editor opens in a simplified browser window without omnibox
    'windowPosition': {},           // detached window position
    'show-badge': true,             // display text on popup menu icon
    'disableAll': false,            // boss key
    'exposeIframes': false,         // Add 'stylus-iframe' attribute to HTML element in all iframes
    'newStyleAsUsercss': false,     // create new style in usercss format
    'styleViaXhr': false,           // early style injection to avoid FOUC
    'patchCsp': false,              // add data: and popular image hosting sites to strict CSP

    // checkbox in style config dialog
    'config.autosave': true,

    'schemeSwitcher.enabled': 'never',
    'schemeSwitcher.nightStart': '18:00',
    'schemeSwitcher.nightEnd': '06:00',

    'popup.breadcrumbs': true,      // display 'New style' links as URL breadcrumbs
    'popup.breadcrumbs.usePath': false, // use URL path for 'this URL'
    'popup.enabledFirst': true,     // display enabled styles before disabled styles
    'popup.stylesFirst': true,      // display enabled styles before disabled styles
    'popup.autoResort': false,      // auto resort styles after toggling
    'popup.borders': false,         // add white borders on the sides
    'popup.findStylesInline': true, // use the inline style search
    /** @type {'n' | 'u' | 't' | 'w' | 'r'} see IndexEntry */
    'popup.findSort': 'u',          // the inline style search sort order

    'manage.onlyEnabled': false,    // display only enabled styles
    'manage.onlyLocal': false,      // display only styles created locally
    'manage.onlyUsercss': false,    // display only usercss styles
    'manage.onlyEnabled.invert': false, // display only disabled styles
    'manage.onlyLocal.invert': false,   // display only externally installed styles
    'manage.onlyUsercss.invert': false, // display only non-usercss (standard) styles
    // UI element state: expanded/collapsed
    'manage.actions.expanded': true,
    'manage.backup.expanded': true,
    'manage.filters.expanded': true,
    // the new compact layout doesn't look good on Android yet
    'manage.newUI': true,
    'manage.newUI.favicons': false, // show favicons for the sites in applies-to
    'manage.newUI.faviconsGray': true, // gray out favicons
    'manage.newUI.targets': 3,      // max number of applies-to targets visible: 0 = none
    'manage.newUI.sort': 'title,asc',

    'editor.options': {},           // CodeMirror.defaults.*
    'editor.toc.expanded': true,    // UI element state: expanded/collapsed
    'editor.options.expanded': true, // UI element state: expanded/collapsed
    'editor.lint.expanded': true,   // UI element state: expanded/collapsed
    'editor.publish.expanded': true, // UI element state expanded/collapsed
    'editor.lineWrapping': true,    // word wrap
    'editor.smartIndent': true,     // 'smart' indent
    'editor.indentWithTabs': false, // smart indent with tabs
    'editor.tabSize': 4,            // tab width, in spaces
    'editor.keyMap': 'default',
    'editor.theme': 'default',      // CSS theme
    // CSS beautifier
    'editor.beautify': {
      selector_separator_newline: true,
      newline_before_open_brace: false,
      newline_after_open_brace: true,
      newline_between_properties: true,
      newline_before_close_brace: true,
      newline_between_rules: false,
      preserve_newlines: true,
      end_with_newline: false,
      indent_conditional: true,
    'editor.beautify.hotkey': '',
    'editor.lintDelay': 300,        // lint gutter marker update delay, ms
    'editor.linter': 'csslint',     // 'csslint' or 'stylelint' or ''
    'editor.lintReportDelay': 500,  // lint report update delay, ms
    'editor.matchHighlight': 'token', // token = token/word under cursor even if nothing is selected
                                      // selection = only when something is selected
                                      // '' (empty string) = disabled
    'editor.autoCloseBrackets': true,    // auto-add a closing pair when typing an opening one of ()[]{}''""
    'editor.autocompleteOnTyping': false, // show autocomplete dropdown on typing a word token
    // "Delete" item in context menu for browsers that don't have it
    'editor.contextDelete': null,
    'editor.selectByTokens': true,

    'editor.appliesToLineWidget': true, // show applies-to line widget on the editor
    'editor.autosaveDraft': 10, // seconds
    'editor.livePreview': true,

    // show CSS colors as clickable colored rectangles
    'editor.colorpicker': true,
    // #DEAD or #beef
    'editor.colorpicker.hexUppercase': false,
    // default hotkey
    'editor.colorpicker.hotkey': '',
    // last color
    'editor.colorpicker.color': '',
    'editor.colorpicker.maxHeight': 300,

    // Firefox-only chrome.commands.update
    'hotkey._execute_browser_action': '',
    'hotkey.openManage': '',
    'hotkey.styleDisableAll': '',

    'sync.enabled': 'none',

    'iconset': 0,                   // 0 = dark-themed icon
                                    // 1 = light-themed icon

    'badgeDisabled': '#8B0000',     // badge background color when disabled
    'badgeNormal': '#006666',       // badge background color

    /* Using separate values instead of a single {} to ensure type control.
     * Sub-key is the first word in the html's file name. */
    'headerWidth.edit': 280,
    'headerWidth.install': 280,
    'headerWidth.manage': 280,

    'popupWidth': 246,              // popup width in pixels

    'updateInterval': 24,           // user-style automatic update interval, hours (0 = disable)
  const knownKeys = Object.keys(defaults);
  /** @type {PrefsValues} */
  const values = clone(defaults);
  const onChange = {
    any: new Set(),
    specific: {},
  // API fails in the active tab during Chrome startup as it loads the tab before bg
  /** @type {Promise|boolean} will be `true` to avoid wasting a microtask tick on each `await` */
  let ready = (msg.isBg ? readStorage() : API.prefs.getValues().catch(readStorage))
    .then(data => {
      ready = true;

  chrome.storage.onChanged.addListener(async (changes, area) => {
    const data = area === 'sync' && changes[STORAGE_KEY];
    if (data) {
      if (ready.then) await ready;

  const prefs = window.prefs = {

    /** @type {PrefsValues} */
    defaults: new Proxy({}, {
      get: (_, key) => clone(defaults[key]),
    /** @type {PrefsValues} */
    get values() {
      return clone(values);

    __defaults: defaults, // direct reference, be careful!
    __values: values, // direct reference, be careful!

    get(key) {
      const res = values[key];
      if (res !== undefined || isKnown(key)) {
        return clone(res);

    set(key, val, isSynced) {
      if (!isKnown(key)) return;
      const oldValue = values[key];
      const type = typeof defaults[key];
      if (type !== typeof val) {
        if (type === 'string') val = String(val);
        if (type === 'number') val = Number(val) || 0;
        if (type === 'boolean') val = val === 'true' || val !== 'false' && Boolean(val);
      if (val !== oldValue && !simpleDeepEqual(val, oldValue)) {
        values[key] = val;
        emitChange(key, val, isSynced);

    reset(key) {
      prefs.set(key, clone(defaults[key]));

     * @param {?string|string[]} keys - pref ids or a falsy value to subscribe to everything
     * @param {function(key:string?, value:any?)} fn
     * @param {Object} [opts]
     * @param {boolean} [opts.runNow] - when truthy, the listener is called immediately:
     *   1) if `keys` is an array of keys, each `key` will be fired separately with a real `value`
     *   2) if `keys` is falsy, no key/value will be provided
    async subscribe(keys, fn, {runNow} = {}) {
      const toRun = [];
      if (keys) {
        const uniqKeys = new Set(Array.isArray(keys) ? keys : [keys]);
        for (const key of uniqKeys) {
          if (!isKnown(key)) continue;
          const listeners = onChange.specific[key] ||
            (onChange.specific[key] = new Set());
          if (runNow) toRun.push({fn, key});
      } else {
        if (runNow) toRun.push({fn});
      if (toRun.length) {
        if (ready.then) await ready;
        toRun.forEach(({fn, key}) => fn(key, values[key]));

    subscribeMany(data, opts) {
      for (const [k, fn] of Object.entries(data)) {
        prefs.subscribe(k, fn, opts);

    unsubscribe(keys, fn) {
      if (keys) {
        for (const key of keys) {
          const listeners = onChange.specific[key];
          if (listeners) {
            if (!listeners.size) {
              delete onChange.specific[key];
      } else {

  function isKnown(key) {
    const res = knownKeys.includes(key);
    if (!res) console.warn('Unknown preference "%s"', key);
    return res;

  function setAll(settings) {
    for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(settings || {})) {
      prefs.set(key, value, true);

  function emitChange(key, value, isSynced) {
    for (const fn of onChange.specific[key] || []) {
      fn(key, value);
    for (const fn of onChange.any) {
      fn(key, value);
    if (!isSynced) {
      /* browser.storage is slow and can randomly lose values if the tab was closed immediately
       so we're sending the value to the background script which will save it to the storage;
       the extra bonus is that invokeAPI is immediate in extension tabs */
      if (msg.isBg) {
      } else {
        API.prefs.set(key, value);

  async function readStorage() {
    return (await browser.storage.sync.get(STORAGE_KEY))[STORAGE_KEY];

  function updateStorage() {
    return browser.storage.sync.set({[STORAGE_KEY]: values});

  function simpleDeepEqual(a, b) {
    return !a || !b || typeof a !== 'object' || typeof b !== 'object' ? a === b :
      Object.keys(a).length === Object.keys(b).length &&
      Object.keys(a).every(key => b.hasOwnProperty(key) && simpleDeepEqual(a[key], b[key]));