'use strict'; /** @type {function(opts):StyleInjector} */ window.StyleInjector = window.INJECTED === 1 ? window.StyleInjector : ({ compare, onUpdate = () => {}, }) => { const PREFIX = 'stylus-'; const PATCH_ID = 'transition-patch'; // styles are out of order if any of these elements is injected between them const ORDERED_TAGS = new Set(['head', 'body', 'frameset', 'style', 'link']); const docRewriteObserver = RewriteObserver(sort); const docRootObserver = RootObserver(sortIfNeeded); const toSafeChar = c => String.fromCharCode(0xFF00 + c.charCodeAt(0) - 0x20); const list = []; const table = new Map(); let isEnabled = true; let isTransitionPatched; let exposeStyleName; // will store the original method refs because the page can override them let creationDoc, createElement, createElementNS; return /** @namespace StyleInjector */ { list, async apply(styleMap) { const styles = styleMapToArray(styleMap); const value = !styles.length ? [] : await docRootObserver.evade(() => { if (!isTransitionPatched && isEnabled) { applyTransitionPatch(styles); } return styles.map(addUpdate); }); emitUpdate(); return value; }, clear() { addRemoveElements(false); list.length = 0; table.clear(); emitUpdate(); }, clearOrphans() { for (const el of document.querySelectorAll(`style[id^="${PREFIX}"].stylus`)) { const id = el.id.slice(PREFIX.length); if (/^\d+$/.test(id) || id === PATCH_ID) { el.remove(); } } }, remove(id) { remove(id); emitUpdate(); }, replace(styleMap) { const styles = styleMapToArray(styleMap); const added = new Set(styles.map(s => s.id)); const removed = []; for (const style of list) { if (!added.has(style.id)) { removed.push(style.id); } } styles.forEach(addUpdate); removed.forEach(remove); emitUpdate(); }, toggle(enable) { if (isEnabled === enable) return; isEnabled = enable; if (!enable) toggleObservers(false); addRemoveElements(enable); if (enable) toggleObservers(true); }, sort: sort, }; function add(style) { const el = style.el = createStyle(style); const i = list.findIndex(item => compare(item, style) > 0); table.set(style.id, style); if (isEnabled) { document.documentElement.insertBefore(el, i < 0 ? null : list[i].el); } list.splice(i < 0 ? list.length : i, 0, style); return el; } function addRemoveElements(add) { for (const {el} of list) { if (add) { document.documentElement.appendChild(el); } else { el.remove(); } } } function addUpdate(style) { return table.has(style.id) ? update(style) : add(style); } function applyTransitionPatch(styles) { isTransitionPatched = true; // CSS transition bug workaround: since we insert styles asynchronously, // the browsers, especially Firefox, may apply all transitions on page load if (document.readyState === 'complete' || document.visibilityState === 'hidden' || !styles.some(s => s.code.includes('transition'))) { return; } const el = createStyle({id: PATCH_ID, code: ` :root:not(#\\0):not(#\\0) * { transition: none !important; } `}); document.documentElement.appendChild(el); // wait for the next paint to complete // note: requestAnimationFrame won't fire in inactive tabs requestAnimationFrame(() => setTimeout(() => el.remove())); } function createStyle(style = {}) { const {id} = style; if (!creationDoc) initCreationDoc(); let el; if (document.documentElement instanceof SVGSVGElement) { // SVG document style el = createElementNS.call(creationDoc, 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'style'); } else if (document instanceof XMLDocument) { // XML document style el = createElementNS.call(creationDoc, 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml', 'style'); } else { // HTML document style; also works on HTML-embedded SVG el = createElement.call(creationDoc, 'style'); } if (id) { el.id = `${PREFIX}${id}`; const oldEl = document.getElementById(el.id); if (oldEl) oldEl.id += '-superseded-by-Stylus'; } el.type = 'text/css'; // SVG className is not a string, but an instance of SVGAnimatedString el.classList.add('stylus'); setTextAndName(el, style); return el; } function setTextAndName(el, {id, code = '', name}) { if (exposeStyleName && name) { el.dataset.name = name; name = encodeURIComponent(name.replace(/[#%/@:']/g, toSafeChar)); code += `\n/*# sourceURL=${chrome.runtime.getURL(name)}.user.css#${id} */`; } el.textContent = code; } function toggleObservers(shouldStart) { const onOff = shouldStart && isEnabled ? 'start' : 'stop'; docRewriteObserver[onOff](); docRootObserver[onOff](); } function emitUpdate() { toggleObservers(list.length); onUpdate(); } /* FF59+ workaround: allow the page to read our sheets, https://github.com/openstyles/stylus/issues/461 First we're trying the page context document where inline styles may be forbidden by CSP https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1579345#c3 and since userAgent.navigator can be spoofed via about:config or devtools, we're checking for getPreventDefault that was removed in FF59 */ function initCreationDoc() { creationDoc = !Event.prototype.getPreventDefault && document.wrappedJSObject; if (creationDoc) { ({createElement, createElementNS} = creationDoc); const el = document.documentElement.appendChild(createStyle()); const isApplied = el.sheet; el.remove(); if (isApplied) return; } creationDoc = document; ({createElement, createElementNS} = document); } function remove(id) { const style = table.get(id); if (!style) return; table.delete(id); list.splice(list.indexOf(style), 1); style.el.remove(); } function sort() { docRootObserver.evade(() => { list.sort(compare); addRemoveElements(true); }); } function sortIfNeeded() { let needsSort; let el = list.length && list[0].el; if (!el) { needsSort = false; } else if (el.parentNode !== creationDoc.documentElement) { needsSort = true; } else { let i = 0; while (el) { if (i < list.length && el === list[i].el) { i++; } else if (ORDERED_TAGS.has(el.localName)) { needsSort = true; break; } el = el.nextElementSibling; } // some styles are not injected to the document if (i < list.length) needsSort = true; } if (needsSort) sort(); return needsSort; } function styleMapToArray(styleMap) { if (styleMap.cfg) { ({exposeStyleName} = styleMap.cfg); delete styleMap.cfg; } return Object.values(styleMap).map(({id, code, name}) => ({ id, name, code: code.join(''), })); } function update(newStyle) { const {id, code} = newStyle; const style = table.get(id); if (style.code !== code || style.name !== newStyle.name && exposeStyleName) { style.code = code; setTextAndName(style.el, newStyle); } } function RewriteObserver(onChange) { // detect documentElement being rewritten from inside the script let root; let observing = false; let timer; const observer = new MutationObserver(check); return {start, stop}; function start() { if (observing) return; // detect dynamic iframes rewritten after creation by the embedder i.e. externally root = document.documentElement; timer = setTimeout(check); observer.observe(document, {childList: true}); observing = true; } function stop() { if (!observing) return; clearTimeout(timer); observer.disconnect(); observing = false; } function check() { if (root !== document.documentElement) { root = document.documentElement; onChange(); } } } function RootObserver(onChange) { let digest = 0; let lastCalledTime = NaN; let observing = false; const observer = new MutationObserver(() => { if (digest) { if (performance.now() - lastCalledTime > 1000) { digest = 0; } else if (digest > 5) { throw new Error('The page keeps generating mutations. Skip the event.'); } } if (onChange()) { digest++; lastCalledTime = performance.now(); } }); return {evade, start, stop}; function evade(fn) { const restore = observing && start; stop(); return new Promise(resolve => run(fn, resolve, waitForRoot)) .then(restore); } function start() { if (observing) return; observer.observe(document.documentElement, {childList: true}); observing = true; } function stop() { if (!observing) return; // FIXME: do we need this? observer.takeRecords(); observer.disconnect(); observing = false; } function run(fn, resolve, wait) { if (document.documentElement) { resolve(fn()); return true; } if (wait) wait(fn, resolve); } function waitForRoot(...args) { new MutationObserver((_, observer) => run(...args) && observer.disconnect()) .observe(document, {childList: true}); } } };