/* global $ $$ $remove animateElement getEventKeyName moveFocus */// dom.js /* global API */// msg.js /* global getActiveTab */// toolbox.js /* global resortEntries tabURL */// popup.js /* global t */// localization.js 'use strict'; const MODAL_SHOWN = 'data-display'; // attribute name const Events = { async configure(event) { const {styleId, styleIsUsercss} = getClickedStyleElement(event); if (styleIsUsercss) { const [style] = await Promise.all([ API.styles.get(styleId), require(['/popup/hotkeys']), /* global hotkeys */ require(['/js/dlg/config-dialog']), /* global configDialog */ ]); hotkeys.setState(false); await configDialog(style); hotkeys.setState(true); } else { Events.openURLandHide.call(this, event); } }, copyContent(event) { event.preventDefault(); const target = document.activeElement; const message = $('.copy-message'); navigator.clipboard.writeText(target.textContent); target.classList.add('copied'); message.classList.add('show-message'); setTimeout(() => { target.classList.remove('copied'); message.classList.remove('show-message'); }, 1000); }, delete(event) { const entry = getClickedStyleElement(event); const box = $('#confirm'); box.dataset.id = entry.styleId; $('b', box).textContent = $('.style-name', entry).textContent; Events.showModal(box, '[data-cmd=cancel]'); }, getExcludeRule(type) { const u = new URL(tabURL); return type === 'domain' ? u.origin + '/*' : escapeGlob(u.origin + u.pathname); // current page }, async hideModal(box, {animate} = {}) { window.off('keydown', box._onkeydown); box._onkeydown = null; if (animate) { box.style.animationName = ''; await animateElement(box, 'lights-on'); } box.removeAttribute(MODAL_SHOWN); }, indicator(event) { const entry = getClickedStyleElement(event); const info = t.template.regexpProblemExplanation.cloneNode(true); $remove('#' + info.id); $$('a', info).forEach(el => (el.onclick = Events.openURLandHide)); $$('button', info).forEach(el => (el.onclick = closeExplanation)); entry.appendChild(info); }, isStyleExcluded({exclusions}, type) { if (!exclusions) { return false; } const rule = Events.getExcludeRule(type); return exclusions.includes(rule); }, maybeEdit(event) { if (!( event.button === 0 && (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) || event.button === 1 || event.button === 2)) { return; } // open an editor on middleclick const el = event.target; if (el.matches('.entry, .style-edit-link') || el.closest('.style-name')) { this.onmouseup = () => $('.style-edit-link', this).click(); this.oncontextmenu = event => event.preventDefault(); event.preventDefault(); return; } }, name(event) { $('input', this).dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click')); event.preventDefault(); }, async openEditor(event, options) { event.preventDefault(); await API.openEditor(options); window.close(); }, async openManager(event) { event.preventDefault(); const isSearch = tabURL && (event.shiftKey || event.button === 2); await API.openManage(isSearch ? {search: tabURL, searchMode: 'url'} : {}); window.close(); }, async openURLandHide(event) { event.preventDefault(); await API.openURL({ url: this.href || this.dataset.href, index: (await getActiveTab()).index + 1, message: this._sendMessage, }); window.close(); }, showModal(box, cancelButtonSelector) { const oldBox = $(`[${MODAL_SHOWN}]`); if (oldBox) box.style.animationName = 'none'; // '' would be fine but 'true' is backward-compatible with the existing userstyles box.setAttribute(MODAL_SHOWN, 'true'); box._onkeydown = e => { const key = getEventKeyName(e); switch (key) { case 'Tab': case 'Shift-Tab': e.preventDefault(); moveFocus(box, e.shiftKey ? -1 : 1); break; case 'Escape': { e.preventDefault(); window.onkeydown = null; $(cancelButtonSelector, box).click(); break; } } }; window.on('keydown', box._onkeydown); moveFocus(box, 0); if (oldBox) Events.hideModal(oldBox); }, async toggleState(event) { // when fired on checkbox, prevent the parent label from seeing the event, see #501 event.stopPropagation(); await API.styles.toggle((getClickedStyleElement(event) || {}).styleId, this.checked); resortEntries(); }, toggleExclude(event, type) { const entry = getClickedStyleElement(event); if (event.target.checked) { API.styles.addExclusion(entry.styleMeta.id, Events.getExcludeRule(type)); } else { API.styles.removeExclusion(entry.styleMeta.id, Events.getExcludeRule(type)); } }, toggleMenu(event) { const entry = getClickedStyleElement(event); const menu = $('.menu', entry); if (menu.hasAttribute(MODAL_SHOWN)) { Events.hideModal(menu, {animate: true}); } else { $('.menu-title', entry).textContent = $('.style-name', entry).textContent; Events.showModal(menu, '.menu-close'); } }, }; function closeExplanation() { $('#regexp-explanation').remove(); } function escapeGlob(text) { return text.replace(/\*/g, '\\*'); } function getClickedStyleElement(event) { return event.target.closest('.entry'); }